Wednesday, April 11, 2012


This is a potential newspaper advertisement. Any Catholic is free to use it. Edit it. Change it. Place your name and remove mine. You have my permission. There is no charge. It is free. Place it in a newspaper or media in which it will get the attention of the Holy Father and hopefully the Vatican will respond.

1 comment:

  1. If the current deadline of April 15th is a line drawn in the sand, we might expect the following: From the perspective of SSPX, they will not agree to a gag order or mortgage their souls as they see the crisis and agree to matters of faith and morals that they hold as not true. By the same token, Holy Mother Church as protected by the Blessed Trinity will not error on matters of defined Doctrine and Church teaching on faith and morals to be held by all as true. So there is reason for great optimism as the deadline draws near, provided another delay does not occur.

    Pray for our Holy Father


    George Brenner
