Tuesday, June 12, 2012


The Eucharistic Ecclesiology of Communion 50 years after Vatican Council II was the theology seminar at the International  Eucharistic Congress in Dublin even though there is no supporting text in Vatican Council II.

There is no text  which states Protestant communities and Orthodox Churches are equal paths to salvation as the Catholic Church or that these Christians do not have to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation (to avoid Hell).

Yet the liberal administration in the U.K mention an ecclesiology of communion. This is a negation of Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II which says  all need Catholic Faith for salvation . This message is also repeated in Lumen Gentiuim 14,Vatican Council II.

 Vatican Council II is saying outside the church there is no salvation.Vatican Council II is affirming an exclusivist ecclesiocentrism. Lumen Gentiuim 16 (invincible ignorance and a good conscience) are not exceptions to Ad Gentes 7 since we do not know any such explicit case on earth. Similarly the ‘seeds of the Word’(Dei Verbum) are unknown to us for it to be considered an exception to the dogma on salvation and Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes 7).

So there is no text in Vatican Council II which could support an ecclesiology of communion with the Christian communities and deny exclusive salvation being there in only the Catholic Church.
-Lionel Andrades

The Eucharistic Ecclesiology of Communion Fifty Years after Vatican II

6th - 9th June 2012

The year 2012 marks the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council that so strongly underlined the ecclesiology of communion. The theology symposium examines the status questionis fifty years on. Expert contributions from scholars across the disciplines of theology (scripture, systematics, moral theology, liturgy, pastoral studies, missiology and ecumenics) will explore the question: how goes it today with the ecclesiology of communion in aspects?

There will be plenary sessions, seminars and liturgies.The symposium is aimed at participants who have at least a graduate level (or equivalent) of study in theology.

There will be visits to significant places of interest in Ireland.

The morning on Day one will be dedicated to biblical, systematic and moral explorations. In the afternoon there will be a series of more focussed seminars on: Communion and the Word; Communion and Social Justice, Economics, Politics, Communion and Art/Architecture/music, Mission/Evangelisation, Communion and Ecology, the theme of Communion in the Irish tradition. Peace/Violence/Reconciliation/Healing of Memory. It will be a day that will open up many perspectives and avenues for theological reflection.

Day two will be dedicated to Ecumenism. Major figures in ecumenism will deliver papers. There will be round-table discussion and dialogue with the hall.

In the evening there will be a banquet dinner in the Pugin Hall in Maynooth.

Day three will be dedicated to the missionary and pastoral themes, pulling the various strands of the symposium together. A paper will be delivered by the expert missiologist, Rev. Dr. Michael McCabe, SMA, and Cardinal Oscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga. This will be followed by dialogue among the participants on the nature of missionary communion in the face of the challenges of the New Evangelisation.http://www.iec2012.ie/index.jsp?p=108&n=147

1 comment:

  1. If the Catholic Church would simply teach the truth of how Baptism of Blood, Baptism of Desire and Invincible Ignorance could actually happen as a possibility, they would find out that this road would lead directly to God. Think of it as a flow chart. If a person was granted to be in Heaven with God and was not baptized with water only God would have that knowledge and therefore there are no exceptions to teaching anything other than Baptism by Water.

    Someone hopefully will have the wisdom to specifically address this subject in the talks between SSPX and the Vatican.
