Monday, October 22, 2012

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre did not know the reason why Vatican Council II was modernist. It was there before him but he could not see it.

Since he did not know about the false premise he could not see an alternate interpretation to the Council.

Since then the Society of St.pius X (SSPX) bishops condemn the Council and do not see Vatican Council II with the correct premise.

The SSPX uses the interpretation of the left, the present day modernists.

If Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the founder of the SSPX, was aware of the Richard Cushing Heresy he could have presented the Council as traditional and not modernist.

The Council without the Richard Cushing Error of being able to see the dead saved is in agreement with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus , the Syllabus of Errors and the SSPX position on other religions.

Since he did not seem aware of this error, just like the SSPX bishops, they assumed that the Nicene Creed means there is not one (known) baptism for the forgiveness of sins but that there are three known, visible baptisms for the forgivness of sin.Cases of the  baptism of desire  are visible to them. So there are two baptisms. They can also judge who is a martyr saved in 2012. So cases of the baptism of blood are also visible to them. There are now three baptisms for the forgiveness of sin according to an SSPX website report.

There could also be the Vatican Council II 'baptisms' of the 'seeds of the Word' (Ad Gentes), 'impefect communion with the church' (Unitatis Redintigratio) and 'a good conscience' (Lumen Gentium 16).

In all these 'baptisms' the SSPX can see the dead saved on earth and Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre did not point out this error to them. It seemed accepted by the popes and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith too.-Lionel Andrades

1 comment:

  1. Our prayers to God and all those in Heaven encompasses sorrow, needs, hopes, despair, praise, thanksgiving,forgiveness and questions.

    My question to my God who I love with all my mind, heart and soul: Who today will accurately explain, " No salvation Outside the Catholic Church " along with the necessity of Baptism of water along with Baptism of Blood and Desire.


