Monday, November 26, 2012


Tell them common sense tells us we cannot see the dead saved who can be exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

Tell them that the Holy Office does not mention explicit implicit salvation.People imply it.
Vatican Council II (AG 7) says all need faith and baptism for salvation.
We do not know any exceptions and Vatican Council II does not state that LG 16 etc are exceptions.
There is no known salvation outside the church and we do not even know if anyone is saved in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire.
CMRI,MHFM and others assume that implicit salvation mentioned in Vatican Council II is explicit and known to us.So they assume it contradicts the dogma. So they reject Vatican Council II.
Catholic Answers, Catholics United for the Faith and others also assume that these cases are explicit for us and so accept them and believe that the dogma has exceptions.
They all are in a common error for assuming that these cases are known to us.
We can all agree that the dead are not visible to us.
This could be the basis for reconciliation and unity.

Photos from the CMRI website

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