Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Catholic priests do not want to affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus in public.

Fr. Leonard Feeney is irrelevant to the literal interpretation of the dogma since the baptism of desire is not an exception to the dogma.

So whatever was his alleged view it does not contradict the traditional interpretation of outside the church no salvation.

No priest wants to be made a target of the Jewish Left.

If Fr. Leonard Feeney rejected the baptism of desire it is irrelevant to the dogma since the baptism of desire is always implicit, it is never explicit for us. So it does not contradict the dogma as is claimed by the leftist media. Catholic priests go along with this false propaganda and so does the pope and his Curia.

Fr.Leonard Feeney was not excommunicated for heresy or on doctrine as the media reports it. If he was then the Holy Office (CDF) would have made a mistake. Since there are no know exceptions to the dogma. There are no exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

I am thinking of Catholic religious who give others advice on abortion etc, write books and articles for others but are afraid to affirm the defined dogma in public. Some due to the confusion created on this issue. However there are priests who know that the baptism of desire is always implicit. Those who are dead and saved are explicit only for God. Yet they will not endorse extra ecclesiam nulla salus in public.

For instance Mons. Ignazio Barreiro of the Human Life International (HLI) in Rome knows that we do not know any case of the baptism of desire but he will not endorse extra ecclesiam nulla salus in public. He offers the Traditional Latin Mass. He will not say that the Church teaches the literal interpretation of the dogma. Privately he may believe in the dogma. He writes articles on abortion and does radio shows on euthanasia….

Then there is Fr. John George a retired priest in the Archdiocese of Sydney. On his Internet discussion forum, True Catholic he will not admit that the baptism of desire is always implicit and these cases are not known to us. Neither will he name any case saved with the baptism of desire that he knows personally. Yet he will not affirm the literal interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus. He has advice on abortion etc and is often correcting a lay Catholic editor of an Australian website.-Lionel Andrades


Michael Voris says even though  Real Catholic.TV was not in the jurisdiction of the Archdiocese of Detroit they were being harassed. They were asked to change their name. Press Releases were issued against them:A whispering campaign was started, to prevent them from speaking in parishes.

After the Archdiocese asked Michael Voris to remove the name Catholic from Real Catholic Voris did a program on the Jewish Anti Defamation League and it featured a picture of Abraham Foxman.Voris got his message across.

The Archdiocese could come under the anti Semitism, or other laws it is believed. They were warned. So they asked Michael Voris to drop the name Catholic.They wanted to protect them self.The Jewish Left probably objected to an excellent program which Michael Voris did on the Jews.

The Jewish Left is monitoring Catholic newspapers and websites and there is an unofficial censorship being enforced. Internet servers are being harassed.

Everything evil is being allowed under the term freedom of expression.  Catholic teachings however are being blocked and websites and forums threatened.

An Australian forum True Catholic cannot cite Vatican Council II saying Catholics are the new people of God (Nostra Aetate 4,Vatican Council II). They are now the  Chosen People of God and outside the church there is no salvation (Ad Gentes 7).They even had to pull down a report on a New theory of evolution. Evolution is one of the dogmas of the left. Also axed was the Legionaries of Christ Dean of Philosophy affirming extra ecclesiam nulla salus and a politically correct conference on St. Maximillian Kolbe in Rome.

This is not the politically correct and accepted version of Vatican Council II. So it cannot be permitted. So only reports against the ‘lefebvrists’ are accepted by the forum and those which state Vatican Council II supports the SSPX cannot be placed posted on the Catholic forum for discussion or the threats from the Left against the forum will continue.

It seems Catholic priests know that implicit baptism o f desire does not contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus yet they will cite explicit baptism of desire as an exception to the dogma and criticize Fr.Leonard Feeney. They cannot affirm the dogma in public so they will pretend that Fr.Leonard Feeney is at fault.

The baptism of desire is irrelevant to the literal interpretation of the dogma yet they pretend it is an exception.They  do not want to affirm the dogma in public and put  their careers and interests at risk.
No U.S Archbishop will speak the truth about the dogma outside the church there is no salvation. Instead they will refer to Fr.Leonard Feeney and act as if they do not understand the baptism of desire being irrelevant to his literal interpretation.-Lionel Andrades
