Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Ghost busters needed at the Vatican

Strange happenings.

A Cardinal writes that those saved in invincible ignorance are exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. These exceptions must be alive for him to see them. Cardinal Luiz Ladaria S.J is saying that he can see ghoooooooooooooosts!!

Ghostbusters are needed.

Since they can see ghosts cardinals and bishops at the Vatican come to different conclusions.

Cardinal Kurt Koch says Jews do not have to convert in the present times. Since we know of exceptions to the dogma. It means those dead and saved are known to him. Perhaps he sees them during the day and night. At night it could be a typical ghost.

Since they are so sure that there is salvation outside the Church, since they can see the dead saved, they now are saying that infants who die without the baptism of water go to Heaven. If there can be the dead saved who are visible to us then why cannot all babies who die without the baptism of water also be saved they ask. Such an important conclusion is made on the ability of being able to see ghosts who are exceptions to the defined dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

The ghost problem has grown over time. Now even Vatican Council II (LG 16) is interpreted based on the ability of all to see ghosts. Ghosts saved in invincible ignorance and a good conscience are visible to us on earth!

Ask at the Vatican- they will not deny what I am saying here. They have even written about it in theological papers and explainations of Vatican Council II.--Lionel Andrades


It's remarkable how many religions and denominations take swipes at the Catholic Church -- from Muslims in the Middle East and Hindus in India to large cult-like "Christian" religions that go door to door and Evangelicals and those who state themselves as "born again" in the United States (never mind the non-religious).

When a religion is under constant such attack, and yet remains the most visible religious force on earth (and has -- for 2,000 years, as the world's oldest institution), and never retaliates in kind (having only good words for others, and reaching out, ecumenically), you know you are dealing with authenticity.

You also know you are dealing with real things when this Church -- with the special help of the Virgin Mary and the Archangel Michael (whom we celebrate with the other angels Saturday) -- is named as the most powerful and only fully effective weapon against the devil by an ex-satanist.

And so it is that a woman named Deborah Lipsky from Maine who spent years in actual satanic rituals and other forms of the occult grants us sharp insight into the power of the Church, which she witnessed first-hand as she sought escape from a world of incredible, ferocious darkness.

"After I left Satanism I joined a religious cult and spent the next eighteen years denouncing the Catholic faith and proclaiming that the Blessed Mother was nothing more than a demon in disguise," she writes in a new book. "It wasn't until 2011 when Our Lady made herself known to me in a very personal way that I saw her love and compassion. Even for me, someone who had made it a point to ridicule her in the name of Christianity. She delivered me from my personal demons and the hope she gave back to me is to be shared with all who read this book."

When she was a practicing Satanist, says Lipsky:

"I used to take pleasure bringing born-again Christians to their knees if they tried either 'exorcising' my demons or speaking to me of Jesus' love. Protestants of all denominations were also 'sport' as they quickly buckled under my power when they tried to convert me. However even back then I feared the Catholic priest as I knew, as did my demons, that I was no match for the power that came through him from God."

Lipsky, who speaks at churches and also gives presentations on autism (she has a master's degree in education), warns that born-againers who declare themselves immune from evil are deceiving themselves -- and that Mary, so often disparaged by denominations that seek to put down Catholicism (and thereby bolster their enrollment), has indeed been granted extraordinary powers against the evil one.

"In 2009 I started to have these unshakeable feelings to return to the Catholic Church," writes the former occultist, who was born Catholic but left after a horrible, abusive upbringing. "The more I tried to ignore these urges, the more intense this longing became. I didn't know what to do as I didn't believe in the Blessed Mother, so these feelings weren't rational. To make matters more confusing, the demonic torment that had lain dormant for many years resurfaced. The more I entertained the thought of rediscovering Catholicism, the worse the nightly torments became. The torment no doubt was a result of fear on the part of demons. My prior interests in various denominations posed no threat to them so they basically left me alone. The Catholic Church, however, was another story. Demons know the power of Christ that the Church has inherited. In a last ditch effort they employed the same tactics as before in an attempt to derail my fledgling desire to return home to the Church."

At several points, says Lipsky in A Message of Hope (Confessions of an Ex-Satanist), she was deeply disappointed by the reaction of priests who were not familiar with evil or who didn't believe in the devil -- or in the case of one, rejected her because he didn't believe the Satanist had converted. But the Church is the Church (founded not by men but by Jesus) and the Power behind it prevailed. "It took time and lots of patience," says Lipsky, "but the closer I drew to the Blessed Mother in heartfelt prayers for deliverance, the more the demonic attacks lessened. This sparked a reverence deep within my heart for her title, 'Queen of Heaven.'"

How do demons afflict us? Through negative thoughts, says Lipsky. Through lying. Through anger. Through horror movies. Even a small leak in a boat can eventually sink it, she points out. "Demons 'feed' (figuratively) on negative thoughts which in turn excite them," she says. "Once you produce a negative thought, it has a frequency level that easily connects with a demon because like attracts like. This gives the demon access to your thoughts where he will plant similar thoughts so as to stay in your space. Isn't it amazing how one negative thought 'triggers' another and then another? Demons have an insatiable 'hunger' for negativity."

They also are attracted by "unresolved hurts" that fester over time like ugly wounds and "become like perfume that attracts demons." They love fear and anxiety because it gives them energy, and they hover around youngsters because teens are hormonally charged and prone to demonic lyrics that further rouse energy by evoking anger, defiance, lust, and rebellion.

Also: "The quickest way a demon gains entrance is through occult involvement of any type," she writes. "It doesn't matter whether you practice black magic or just go to the latest three-d horror movie; both are an open invitation to demons that they don't refuse."

This from an educated woman who -- while still very new to real Catholicism -- has the insight of one who conjured various entities and on occasion even saw them physically manifest.

"Love is a powerful emotion, especially pure Godly love, which when demons are exposed to it, causes them to flee writhing in pain," notes Lipsky. "Love torments a demon! Love reminds us that we are children of God and no slaves of the devil."

[resources: A Message of Hope (Confessions of an Ex-Satanist]
[spiritual warfare retreats, Michael Brown: September 29: Chicago, October 13: Northern New Jersey-New York; and November 3, Minneapolis]
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Cardinal Luiz Ladaria contradicts Pope John Paul II and opposes Bishop Raffaelo Martinelli

International Theological Commission (ITC) position paper on Christianity and the World Religions contradicts the Notification on Fr.Jacques Dupuis issued during the pontificate of Pope John Paul II.

Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) in a theological muddle.
Pope Benedict XVI has said that for ' more than twenty years, Bishop Raffaelo Martinelli, ' was a very loyal and capable collaborator of mine in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Working primarily in the field of catechesis and catechism with great silence and discretion he contributed to the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Compendium of the Catechism. His voice is also very present in this great symphony of faith.'
Bishop Rafaello Martineli in one of his pamphlets cites the Notification of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith which states all are oriented to the Catholic Church . This is now  in direct contradiction to the Cardinal-Secretary of the CDF.On the Vatican  ITC website  the former President of the ITC, Cardinal Ladaria S.J says there is salvation outside the church.So he would conclude that all non Catholics are not necessarily oriented into the Church. Implying there could be non Catholics one could meet on the street or telephone at home who are dead and saved in invincible ignorance or implicit desire. Sounds odd?! For the cardinal these cases are exceptions to the  dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and to the Notification issued during the pontificate of Pope John Paul when Bishop Martinelli worked at the CDF as a bureau chief.
Cardinal Ladaria suggests  that because of these 'known ghosts on earth', the Church now teaches that there is salvation outside the church unlike in the past. These ghosts are explicit exceptions to the traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to Fr.Leonard Feeney in recent times and his fellow Jesuit St.Robert Bellarmine of times past. Do we really know explicit exceptions who contradict the Notification?
So the CDF Secretary not only opposes Bishop Martinelli but expects the Society of St.Pius X to say that they can see these ghosts who are exceptions to the dogma on exclusive salvation and the Syllabus of Errors. This would mean that  all Jews in the present times do not have to convert into the Catholic Church for salvation,there could be known exeptions. He mentions these exceptions  in two ITC position papers approved by Pope Benedict XVI.
This is not only a break from Pope John Paul II but a complete break from Tradition with a new doctrine of the visible dead in the present times.
So the Vatican cardinals would  conclude that there is a new interpretation of Vatican Council II which is a break from the past and which is also  based on the  theory of the dead visible on earth.It  has changed  Catholic traditional teaching on other religions, ecumenism and  religious liberty.

We need ghost busters who will say that this is not true.
The SSPX has to accept this new theory of the dead visible on  earth saved in invincible ignorance etc  and so Lumen Gentium 16 etc is a rupture with the past. The SSPX's  canonical status in future, depends on how fast they can except this heresy; this rejection of a defined dogma and making Vatican Council II contradict itself i.e AG 7 against LG 16.
-Lionel Andrades


Bishop Raffaello Martinelli of Frascati supports SSPX on other religions and opposes Cardinal Luiz Ladaria, Cardinal Kurt Koch and Archbishop Augustine Di Noia

Pope John Paul II’s Notification on the Jesuit priest Jacques Dupuis is in accord with the Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) position on other religions including Judaism. Ladaria, Koch and Di Noia have in public opposed the Notification with respect to Judaism.

The Italian diocesan Bishop Mons Raffaelo Martinelli who has worked at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican agrees with the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) position on other religions. He is saying that non Catholics religions are not paths to salvation and their members are objectively oriented into the Catholic Church. This is expressed in his pamphlets available in Rome and on the internet.

Pope John Paul II was in agreement with the SSPX position on other religions. Inter religious dialogue for him was part of Catholic Mission.

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican Notification during the pontificate of Pope John Paul II is in accord with the SSPX : other religions are not paths to salvation and their members are oriented to the Catholic Church

Mons. Raffaello Martinelli. the Bishop of Frascati, Italy in an apologetical pamphlet has said that non Catholic religions have deficiencies, errors and superstition (Dominus Iesus) and that non Catholics are objectively oriented towards the Catholic Church (CDF ,Notification on Fr. Jacques Dupuis S.J 2011).

The CDF, Notification says according to Catholic doctrine,' the followers of other religions are oriented to the Church and are all called to become part of her' and 'it must be firmly believed that the Church is sign and instrument of salvation for all people. It is contrary to the Catholic faith to consider the different religions of the world as ways of salvation complementary to the Church.'

The Bishop of Frascati says 'even those who do not actually belong to the visible Church, they are objectively oriented towards her' then he adds that ‘they are part of that wider Church known only by God. '

The Notification on the Jesuit priest was in agreement with Dominus Iesus 20 which indicated that even though Jesus died for all, for salvation it was necessary that all enter the Church. The Church was necessary for salvation. This is the message of Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II that all need faith and baptism.

The Notification is also in harmony with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors.

It is accord with the St.Robert  Bellarmine interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus since invincible ignorance and a good conscience (LG 16) are not exceptions to the dogma. We do not know any such case in the present times.

The baptism of desire is not an exception to the dogma. So contrary to the leftist media propaganda, whether Fr. Leonard Feeney supported or opposed the baptism of desire, it is irrelevant. It is irrelevant  to the literal interpretation of the dogma on exclusive salvation, being there in only the Catholic Church. Similarly those who have not had the Gospel preached to them through no fault of their own (invincible ignorance) are irrelevant to the literal interpretation of the dogma.This was the error of Cardinal Richard Cushing , the Archbishop of Boston.

The influence of the Richard Cushing error however can be seen in the Notification. Though basically the Notification is saying that non Catholic religions are not paths to salvation and their members need to objectively enter the Catholic Church to go to Heaven and avoid Hell (for salvation).

The style and contents of the leaflets  are confusing. There is no new Revelation but the bishop is using the new 'doctrine' of the visible dead. He assumes that we know the dead saved. Since he assumes that the dead saved in invincible ignorance etc are known to us Lumen Gentium 16, for him, could be an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus in its traditional understanding.LG 16 would be a break from tradition and without the hermeneutic of continuity.

Having established the 'new doctrine', the 'new fact' of being able to see the dead on earth, conclusions are made which are not Catholic teachings.

1. Since we can see the dead saved, there is salvation outside the church for them. So the defined dogma on salvation it is concluded, became obsolete.

2. Since there is salvation outside the Church it means those who are not baptised can be saved. So there is salvation outside the Church for infants it is concluded.

3. Since there is salvation outside the church, mission must not depend on saving souls from Hell but in showing them the beautiful face of Jesus.

One can expect contradictions in the bishop’s apologetic material

If you ask two questions (1) they see their whole house of cards crumble. So they don't answer.

The error has been passed on from Boston in the 1940's. The wrong interpretation can also be made of Vatican Council II - and it is being made by the bishop.

So the bishop seems the support the liberals because of the Richard Cushing error but on the issue of other religions opposed the Vatican Curia.

It may be mentioned that Archbishop Augustine Di Noia, Vice President of Ecclesia Dei has been quoted in the leftist media saying that the SSPX has to accept that Jews do not have to convert in the present time. This was also the public position of Cardinal Kurt Koch, the President of the Vatican Council for Christian Unity. They are contradicting Pope John Paul’s Notification on Fr. Jacques Dupuis, Vatican Council II (AG 7), Dominus Iesus 20, the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Syllabus of Errors and the Bible especially the Gospel of St. John. They are also contradicting Bishop Raffaelo Martinelli.

Since Cardinal Luiz Ladaria, S.J the Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican assumes the dead saved in invincible ignorance and with implicit desire are known to us they are exceptions to the traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Since these cases of ghosts are exceptions to the dogma he assumes the Notification is flawed, every non Catholic does not have to be objectively oriented into the Catholic Church. So for him John Paul II made a mistake.

Since there is salvation outside the Church because of the dead visible to him on earth he has formulated a ‘theology of religions’ and an ‘ecclesiology of communion’ as president of the International Theological Commision.So Jews do not have to convert in the present times as the pope and his Curia state, since there is known salvation outside the Catholic Church in the present times. This is irrationality from adults.-Lionel Andrades
It is the responsibility of the CDF to clarify doctrine and the Faith and so they should answer the two questions for all to know

Vatican-SSPX reconciliation is possible just by announcing that the baptism of desire does not contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus

NUMBER OF PRIESTS NOT ANSWERING THE TWO QUESTIONS INCREASES http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2012/07/number-of-priests-not-answering-two.html#links