Friday, July 19, 2013

Catholics are now aware- the Magisterium has made a mistake


Sedevacantists and traditionalists must be aware that the Magisterium, the Vatican Curia today has  broken with Tradition because of the Richard Cushing Error, which is a false premise, an irrationality which influences their theology.  Without this Cushing Error, the interpretation of the Curia would be that of the sedevacantists and traditionalists.
So in dialogue with Catholic apologists identify the Richard Cushing error and then ask the apologist to defend his position.

The aim is to get all sides to see that the lack of unity, the divisions in the Church are not there doctrinally and theologically, unless like the Archbishop of Boston, Cardinal Richard Cushing, one mixes up in principle and in fact statements, resulting in a theology which suggests that the dead saved in Heaven are physically visible to us.
The SSPX broke away from the Church over theological differences stemming from the changes it adopted with the Second Vatican Council of some 45 years ago. The Vatican is currently engaged in a process aimed at formally reuniting the group with the Catholic Church.-Gazetta del Sud, online.(1)

There are similar reports on Reuters  nd they could have been referring also to the sedevacantists.
It could read :
The CMRI,MHFM and other sedevacantists broke away from the Church over theological differences stemming from the changes it adopted with the Second Vatican Council of some 45 years ago. The Vatican is currently (not engaged) in a process aimed at formally reuniting the CMRI and MHFM with the Catholic Church. 
For those who understand how the Richard Cushing Error is widespread in the Church it could be said:
The  Vatican Curia broke away from the Church's Magisterium and Tradition which was Sacred and inspired by the Holy Spirit. They did so by using an irrational premise in the interpretation of Church documents from the Letter of the Holy Office 1949, through Vatican Council II and to the Catechism of the Catholic Church.There is no process of formally re uniting the SSPX, CMRI and MHFM with the Vatican, by identifying the Richard Cushing Error.
Without the Richard Cushing Error the Church Magisterium today would have no theological differences with the Society of St.Pius X(SSPX) or the sedevacantists over the traditional interpretation of other religions.

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican assumes there are known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.So they reject the traditional teaching on other religions, they reject the traditional teaching on ecumenism assuming there are known exceptions in Christian  communities in the present time, they could meet these exceptional cases and shake hands with them. They reject the concept of a Catholic State since they assume that there are known, explcit to them,non Catholics  saved in the present times and that these cases are visible and personally known.So the dogma is now obsolete.
For them Collegiality does not consider the literal interpretation of the dogma and the Primacy of the pope is questioned assuming that the Orthodox Christians are saved in general in their religion. This is how  Cardinal Walter Kaspar and other liberals interpret Vatican Council II. For them the Richard Cushing Error creates known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.  
If there are no known exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus, when we cannot see the dead in 2013, then the Catholic teaching on other religions is still traditional, the teaching on ecumenism knows no exceptions, there is a moral obligation to work for a Catholic State, there can only be the Primacy of the pope over the Orthodox Christians and Collegiality must accept the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

The sedevacantists are making the same error as the Vatican Curia, they are using the Richard Cushing Error. For example here is the CMRI: 

The Second Vatican Council’s heretical teachings were primarily in the areas of religious liberty and false ecumenism. These were previously condemned by:
   Pope Gregory XVI in Mirari Vos (1832)
   Pope Pius IX in Quanta Cura and Syllabus of Errors (1864)
   Pope Leo XIII in Immortale Dei (1865) and Libertas Humana (1888)
   Pope Pius XI in Quas Primas (1925) and Mortalium Animos (1928)
   Pope Pius XII in Mystici Corporis (1943)
THEREFORE, the Second Vatican Council is to be rejected as a false council because it has erred in its teachings on faith and morals. 
Quanta Cura, Mystici Corporis and the Syllabus of Errors do not state that there are known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus or that those saved with implicit desire etc are physically visible to us or that these are known cases in the present times.This is all assumed wrongly. This was the original mistake of Cardinal Cushing and the Jesuits in Boston.The baptism of desire etc was never ever  relevant to the literal interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney.The Vatican Curia is making the same mistake as the traditionalists and the sedevacantists.
-Lionel Andrades
Photos: CMRI Conference Banquet (CMRI website)

SSPX and the new anti-Semitism

It Italy Bishop Bernard Fellay expelled Fr.Florian Abrahamovich who said he was not sure if there were six million Jews killed in the Holocaust. There could be more or less. He would not know. Then they suspended the priests who now form the SSPX-SO. They also removed material from the Canadian and other  SSPX websites, which were being considered anti-Semitic, it  was reported.
So by  now they must have got a caution notice from the usual censors saying not to accept Vatican Council II in agreement with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.It  would be considered anti Semitic.
So would  Jesus and the Bible be anti Semitic .However for now they will not object to Jesus, as it could trigger a back lash from the dominant Christain populations in many countries.
The SSPX (USA) has been prudent all these years and attacked the 'Feeneyites'. Useful scapegoats. For the SSPX (USA) Vatican Council II is a break with the past.They also deny the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus  and like the liberals  claim there are known exceptions in the present times. So they are appreciated on these points by the Left.The liberals appreciate them here.
Now the preists of the SSPX USA realize in private that :
1. The 'Feeneyites' were expressing the traditonal teaching of the Catholic Church without the irrational statement being used by the SSPX and the liberals.
2. Vatican Council II is a not a break with the past if there is no irrational premise used in the interpretation.
3. They can affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus without claiming there are known exceptions.
4. They can endorse the baptism of desire (implicit ) along with all people needing to convertyinto the Church visibly (explicitly) for salvation. Both are compatible.
5. Similarly they could endorse the literal intepretaion of  extra ecclesiam nulla
salus  along with the possibility of being saved in invincible ignorance, cases  known only to God. It does not contradict the  Principle of Non Contradiction.
So Vatican Council II is not a break with the past on the subject of other  religions and traditional eccclesiology. While, there cannot be a new ecclesiology based on an iirationality i.e known exceptions.

The SSPX(USA)  priests, who undertsand this, do not want to be disobedient to the  three bishops , neither do they want to be considered anti Semitic. So how do they proclaim the truth on this subject?
 They have decided, as over the last few years, not to comment on this issue.
-Lionel Andrades 
Photo from the SSPX USA website:  Communications at Regina Coeli House:
Fr. Pierre Duverger, Scott Quinn, Kathy Rydholm & Louis Tofari.

SSPX (USA/Canada) Communications Office confirms: they will not answer the two questions

I have received a final e-mail from the Communications Office of the SSPX (District USA) .They will not answer the two questions and have asked me not to contact them again.

1) Do we personally know the dead saved in invincible ignorance, a good conscience (LG 16) etc ?(Can we see them physically in 2013?)

2) Since we do not know any of these cases, there are no known exceptions to the literal interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ?
The SSPX priests in Italy however have answered the two questions which indicate that there are no known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus in the present times. Neither are there such cases mentioned in Vatican Council II which would contradict the dogma on exclusive salvation in only the Catholic Church.-Lionel Andrades


The Vatican Curia broke away from the Church's Magisterium and Tradition which was Sacred and inspired by the Holy Spirit.

The SSPX broke away from the Church over theological differences stemming from the changes it adopted with the Second Vatican Council of some 45 years ago. The Vatican is currently engaged in a process aimed at formally reuniting the group with the Catholic Church.-Gazetta del Sud, online.(1)
Discerning observers could disagree with the media. They could also say that the Vatican Curia broke away from the Church's Magisterium and Tradition which was Sacred and inspired by the Holy Spirit. They did so by using an irrational premise in the interpretation of Church documents from the Letter of the Holy Office 1949, through Vatican Council II and to the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Without the Richard Cushing Error the Church Magisterium today would have no theological differences with the Society of St.Pius X(SSPX) over their traditional interpretation of other religions.-Lionel Andrades

Vatican Bank officials are irrational and un-real ?

Inside the Vatican bank photo courtesy John Kelly via Flickr

The Society of St.Pius X (SSPX District Italy) has issued a Press Release saying that the Masons want to create a multi cultural society in Italy and suppress the religion and culture of the Catholics here. They were commenting on the Popes visit to an island where illegal immigrants are housed.(1)
These Italian priests, as rational Catholics, affirm that they cannot see anyone dead on earth - unlike those associated with the Vatican Bank, who claim they can see the dead saved! They can see people in downtown Rome saved  in invincible ignorance and the baptism of desire, who are known and confirmed exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and a contradiction in Vatican Council (AG 7 vs LG 16).
Would want to  keep your money with  bank employees who are unreal and irrational and so may be not be professional ?.Would you keep your money with a person who claims all of us can see the dead on earth and in Heaven? Would you consider it professional if the religious and lay Catholics employed at the Vatican Bank, make this fantastic claim?
The SSPX priests at Albano,Italy who offer Mass at the chapel of St.Catherine of Siena, Rome say they cannot see the dead referred to in Vatican Council II. They cannot physically see those saved in invincible ignorance(LG 16), imperfect communion with the Church(UR 3) or  saved with good and holy things in their non Catholic religion(NA 2), seeds of the Word (AG 11) etc.The Vatican Bank clergy claim they can spot them!

If they couldn't spot them how would there be known exceptions in 2013 to the literal interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus, as known in Tradition ?.
The Italian priests are sure there are no such visible dead cases in 2013.Neither are there exceptions to the dogma. Hoqwever your friendly banker in Rome may not think so.He may be on to something you don't know.It's no secret.In public he will support the dead man walking and visible theory.
How can priests, bishops and cardinals associated with the Vatican Bank interpret Vatican Council II assuming there are known exceptions to all needing faith and baptism for salvation(AG 7)? Known exceptions in 2013? This is not real.
Can a Vatican Bank manager interpret Vatican Council with this irrationality and still be considered practical and realistic ?
Inside the Vatican bank photo courtesy John Kelly via Flickr     Photo of Pope Francis courtesy of the website of the Fraternità Sacerdotale San Pio X.