Thursday, March 20, 2014

Even Tom Mohniyan's Ave Maria University adhere's fully to Ex Corde Ecclesiae and interprets Vatican Council II with a false premise

Kathy Sinnott, a former member of the European Parliament, is leading efforts to found a new Catholic college in Ireland, according to an Irish media report.
Students at Newman College Ireland “will be encouraged to learn the unity of truth, and to see the goodness, truth and beauty of creation, as well as the inviolable dignity of human life, which is threatened in our time by an eclipse of the sense of God,” according to its website.
The college pledges to “adhere fully” to Ex Corde Ecclesiae, Blessed John Paul II’s apostolic constitution on Catholic universities (1)
Tom Monaghan
Even Tom Mohniyan's Ave Maria University,  USA adhere's fully to Ex Corde Ecclesiae and interprets Vatican Council II with a false premise.So the Council is a break with Tradition.
The other Catholic Universities also do not interpret Vatican Council II without the false premise of being able to see the dead-saved who are known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Tradition.
So Kathy Sinnott's Catholic college will be another liberal, dissenting one.

According to the University of Dallas, a Catholic university:

Our mission is to prepare women and men for pastoral service within the Catholic Church. In accord with Ex Corde Ecclesiae, our programs offer instruction and formation "by which Catholic students can, in fulfillment of their baptism, be prepared for active participation in the life of the Church."

The University of Dallas' Theology Department /School of Ministry and the Catechetical Office of the Catholic Diocese of Dallas, USA are using an irrational premise in the interpretation of magisterial documents. So the teaching is liberal, dissenting and non traditional.

If they are aware of the premise and avoid it then the Ave Maria University and the University of Dallas would be saying all need faith and baptism for salvation (AG 7, Vatican Council II) and being saved in invincible ignorance(LG 16) etc are not exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. So in Heaven there are only Catholics who are there with no mortal sin on their soul and who have Catholic Faith and were baptized with water (AG 7). The majority of people who die in 2014 are oriented to Hell since they have not converted with 'faith and baptism'. This is the teaching of Vatican Council II interpreted without the false premise of there being visible exceptions.
Dr. Michael Dauphinais is the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty, Associate Professor of Theology, at the Ave Maria University Fl.

The faculty at Ave Maria University Fl.,and the University of Dallas have been informed but they are not willing to comment on this issue. Ex Corde Ecclesiae does not oblige them to use an irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church yet they continue with this irrationality.
-Lionel Andrades

Tom Monaghan steps down as CEO at Ave Maria University - VIDEO/PHOTOS


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