Saturday, May 3, 2014

Bishop Campbell gives Eucharist to pro same sex marriage politicians, does not affirm exclusive salvation in accord with Vatican Council II and then says Donnelly's are causing division

Bishop Michael Campbell, the bishop of Lancaster England, gives the Eucharist to pro same sex marriage politicians, does not  affirm the dogma on exclusive salvation in accord with Vatican Council II and says the Donnelly's are causing division
In a statement (1)  he has said that he has not closed the  Protect the Pope blog but still does not  permit Deacon Nick Donnelly from posting on the blog.
For political reasons the bishop gives the Eucharist to Catholic politicians in mortal sin and is offended when this issue was discussed on Protect the Pope.No one from the diocese commented.
The bishop who has stayed clear of anti-Semitism and other leftist laws and has supported the agenda of the one world religion people is now faulting Nick and Martina Donnelly  for affirming the Catholic Faith.

According to the Protect the Pope discussions ACTA is active and unchecked in the diocese and Enda Kenny is not corrected. Instead Nick is accused of being divisive ( the political left term for orthodox Catholics).Heresies are proclaimed in courses for Catholic religion teachers in England according to Patrick Lawler, one of the blog contributors.There was no denial from Bishop Campbell on this issue.
Bishop Campbell represents the magisterium's break with traditional Catholic teaching including the Catechism of the Catholic Church of Pope John Paul II (CCC 846) and Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes 7).
This October after a conference on the family at the Vatican, the 'magisterium' is expected to discard major Catholic teachings and it will be said to be the 'magisterium of the people'. Bishop Campbell is already supporting  the principal anti Catholic lobbies, who have created division in the Church.
To support the evil AntiChrist agenda the bishop is depending on the silent obedience of  priests and deacons. He did not expect Nick and Martina to make public, some of his divisive instructions.
Our Lady told the Italian priest Fr.Stefano Gobbi that a time will come when those who are faithful to the teachings of the Church will be handed over to the authorities.
In a message of Maria Divine Mercy we are told that those who are faithful to the teachings of the Church will be excommunicated.
-Lionel Andrades

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