Saturday, September 13, 2014

Boston College used an irrational premise to remove Catholic professors including Dr.Maluf whose daughters are American religious sisters

Br. Francis Maluf, M.I.C.M.
On April 13, 1949, Fr. Keleher (the President of Boston College) fired Dr. Maluf, James R. Walsh and Charles Ewaskio from the faculty at Boston College for accusing the school of heresy against the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation. In his April 14 statement to the press explaining the reason behind their dismissal, Fr. Keleher 


“They continued to speak in class and out of class on matters contrary to the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church, ideas leading to bigotry and intolerance. Their doctrine is erroneous and as such could not be tolerated at Boston College. They were informed that they must cease such teaching or leave the faculty.” 

One cannot help but notice Fr. Keleher’s double-tongue: these men were dismissed for ideas leading to intolerance, which could not be tolerated. If intolerance is the false doctrine here, as Fr. Keleher indicates, then he is condemned by his own mouth. 

Furthermore, one cannot pass over Fr. Keleher’s brazen assertion that “Their doctrine [i.e., the solemnly defined dogma that those who die as non-Catholics cannot be saved] is erroneous.” By this statement Keleher is asserting that the Church’s doctrine (on no salvation outside the Church) is erroneous and in no way his own. 
This was the type of heretical, anti-Catholic character in league with Archbishop Richard Cushing in the quest to crush Fr. Feeney’s preaching of the dogma. 

This was the beginning of the end, so to speak, as can be seen when we one looks at what has resulted in Boston as a result of their selling out of the dogma    Outside the Church There is No Salvation.

Fr. Keleher (the President of Boston College) fired Dr. Maluf, James R. Walsh and Charles Ewaskio from the faculty at Boston College for accusing the school of heresy against the dogma Outside the Church There is No Salvation.
They were fired since they held the traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus while Fr.Keheler and the Jesuits were saying there were exceptions. They were implying that there were known, visible cases for them to be exceptions. So they were fired for not saying that they could see the dead who  were saved with the baptism of desire etc 
This is heresy and irrationality.
Dr.Maluf (Bro.Francis Maluf MICM) expired a few years back and his daughters  are religious sisters in the community the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at the St.Benedict Center ,Richmond, N.H,USA.
Their father lost his job as a professor at Boston College ,which now claims it is an equal opportunity employer.He was removed for his Catholic beliefs by the Jesuits.Fr.Keheler was using an irrational premise in the interpretation of the dogma .He was assuming that the dead-saved are visible to us on earth . Then he concluded that these deceased were exceptions to the dogma according to Bro.Francis.
This was an error of Fr.Keleher the President  of Boston College.It was an objective error. There are no known exceptions.
I wish his daughters could bring make this known to the present Rector of Boston College and the Archbishop of Boston.This was an injustice done to their father based on an irrationality, an un-truth.
-Lionel Andrades

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