Saturday, September 13, 2014

It is being implied in Suprema Haec that there are three or more known baptisms: water, desire, blood etc- Cantarella,


Level 4

This letter of 1949 claims that there are known exceptions to the EENS dogma which has been defined by three Church Councils. The known exceptions are supposed to be the souls who die "invincible ignorant" of the True Faith and are saved through subjective and ambiguous "implicit desire via last minute BOD". 

This letter is also a straighforward and blant rejection of the Nicene Creed "I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sin" which refers to water Baptism only, the sacrament that has been revealed by God Himself. It is being implied in Suprema Haec that there are three or more known baptisms: water, desire, blood etc. Unfortunately, Vatican II curia - Novus Ordo, sedevacantists such as CMRI, and even SSPX priests such as Fr.Francois Laisney are guilty of the same faulty reasoning. 

It seems that that the "traditionalists" can only point out to the errors in Vatican II but cannot really provide an alternative since they act unaware of the Cushing Heresy (invincible ignorance -> denial of EENS) which is the cause of those errors. 

Thank be to God, Saint Benedict Center is not closed but far from. The crusade for the defense of the EENS dogma and the conversion of America is most alive and thriving. SBC was granted canonical status by the Church and is in full communion with Eternal Rome.  Suprema Haec

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