Syria: Islamic jihadists exchange kidnapped nuns for Muslim prisoners

Syria: Islamic jihadists exchange kidnapped nuns for Muslim prisoners

NunsKidnapping infidels and releasing them for ransom or killing them, as well as exchanging them for Muslim prisoners if that option is deemed most advantageous for the Muslims, is fully sanctioned in Islamic law: “As for the captives, the amir [ruler] has the choice of taking the most beneficial action of four possibilities: the first to put them to death by cutting their necks; the second, to enslave them and apply the laws of slavery regarding their sale and manumission; the third, to ransom them in exchange for goods or prisoners; and fourth, to show favor to them and pardon them. Allah, may he be exalted, says, ‘When you encounter those [infidels] who deny [the Truth=Islam] then strike [their] necks’ (Qur’an sura 47, verse 4)” — Abu’l-Hasan al-Mawardi, al-Ahkam as-Sultaniyyah (The Laws of Islamic Governance), trans. by Dr. Asadullah Yate, (London), Ta-Ha Publishers Ltd., 1996, p. 192.
“The [Nusra] Front was good to us … but we took off our crosses because we were in the wrong place to wear them.”
“Syria crisis: Kidnapped nuns released in prisoner deal,” from the BBC, March 10:
A group of Greek Orthodox nuns kidnapped by rebels in the Syrian Christian town of Maaloula in December have been released.
The 13 nuns and their three helpers were said to have been freed as part of a prisoner exchange.
The women have been taken to the town of Judaydat Yabus on the Syrian-Lebanon border, Lebanese state media reported.
Rights groups say kidnappings by both rebel groups and government forces have become increasingly common.
The capture of the nuns had raised fears that Christians were becoming a target for the rebels.
Opposition fighters, including members of the al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front, seized the women from the Greek Orthodox convent of Mar Takla when fighters overran Maaloula, about 60km (40 miles) north-east of Damascus, in December, the Associated Press reports.
The nuns, who are believed to be mostly Syrian and Lebanese, worked in the convent’s orphanage, the agency said.
They were reportedly held for at least part of their captivity in the rebel stronghold of Yabroud, now the target of heavy government bombardment.
The women reached the Syrian town of Judaydat Yabus overnight after a nine-hour journey.
“We arrived late, and we arrived tired,” the Associated Press quoted Mother Superior Pelagia Sayaf, the head of the Maaloula convent, as saying.
She said the women were mostly well treated by their captors.
“God did not leave us,” she said. “The [Nusra] Front was good to us … but we took off our crosses because we were in the wrong place to wear them.”
About 150 female prisoners are to be released in exchange for the group’s freedom, Lebanese security chief Gen Abbas Ibrahim told Syrian television….


All the Catholic schools in Dallas,USA are using the false premise in the interpretation of Church documents. They include the Jesuit and Cistercian High Schools.They are making the same error as the diocese of Fort Worth which has prohibited the Traditional Mass at the Fischer More College.
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The traditionalist  FMC allegedly reject Vatican Council II when interpreted with the false premise of human beings being able to see the dead who are now saved in Heaven.These deceased now in Heaven are then assumed to be exceptions in 2014  to all needing to enter the Catholic Church for salvation.  Upon this premise of being able to see the dead, Magisterial documents are interpreted at Fort Worth and the diocese of Dallas in general.
The Catholic schools, colleges and universities, other than FMC, use the premise to break with all Tradition especially the teachings on salvation. So the FMC was looked at critically by Catholics in general in Dallas, for rejecting some parts of Vatican Council II ( in which a false  premise was used).
The FMC held on to the traditional teaching while excluding Vatican Council II. The FMC faculty did not know that they could still maintain that traditional teaching by affirming Vatican Council II without the false premise.
In Dallas Bishop Kevin Farrell and the Catechesis and Education office personell are using this irrationality in the interpretation of Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Teachers of religion at the elementary and secondary level in Dallas must comply with the minimum standards of the Texas Catholic Conference Education Department for teachers of religion and be ministers of the faith in which a new Catholic doctrine, using an irrational premise must be used.
Teachers of religion in elementary schools must obtain a certificate of completion in a faith formation program approved by the Catholic Schools Office which does not seem aware of the error.Completion of the program must be within five years of employment as a teacher of religion.It includes teaching heresy.-Lionel Andrades

From school to university Catholic children are taught the false premise : Fort Worth Diocese

Each of the nineteen schools in the Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth are fully accredited through the Texas Catholic Conference Accreditation Commission. According to the Fort Worth website all high schools hold additional accreditation through the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS).
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The teachers of religion classes are Catholic.They all use a false premise in the interpretation of Church documents.They even interpret Vatican Council II with the dead man walking theory.
The John Paul II Institute School of Lay Ministry of the Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth forms lay Catholics to serve as ecclesial ministers by teaching Scripture and Christian doctrine according to the diocese  website. Since the school teachers assume that we can physically see the dead-saved who are exceptions to all Tradition, they have created new doctrines in the Catholic Church. They alter the Nicene Creed, discard parts of Vatican Council II (AG 7), change the traditional Catechism of the Catholic Church(846).This is usually done innocently.They are not aware of the wrong hypothesis being used.
Catholic students learning
The school teachers of religion have a Bachelor's Degree often from one of the Catholic Universities where the same objective error is made.
In theology they are told that being saved in invincible ignorance (LG 16) is an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. They imply that we can physically see or know the dead on earth, who are exceptions to the need for all to convert into the Catholic Church in 2014 to go to Heaven and avoid Hell.This is the irrationality which is the formation of school teachers. They then pass on this irrationality, the false premise of being able to see the deceased, to the school children at religion classes.
-Lionel Andrades
Letisia PerezAdministrative Associate
817-560-2452, ext. 253
Rev. Carmen Mele, OPDirector of the John Paul II Institute
817-560-2452, ext. 262

Saint Benedict Center where the school children are not taught Catechism with the false premise : donations



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