Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Nessuna smentita dal Vescovo Semeraro, Mons.Guido, CDF, Fidenzio Volpi OFM, FSSPX, Padre Serafino Lanzetta, Corrado Gnerre, Legio di Cristo, Maria Guarini, Padre Stefano di Radio Vobiscum... 2

Sono in accordo con il Concilio Vaticano II e extra ecclesiam nulla salus : possono p.Fidenzio Volpi e il Francsescani del Immaculata fare lo stesso?

Papa Francesco ha approvato Concilio Vaticano II che dire in Ad Gentes 7 che tutti bisogna fede e battesimo per andare in cielo e evitare l’inferno

E importante notare che Mystici Corporis non dice che battesimo di desiderio sono fisicamente visibili o una eccezione per extra ecclesiam nulla salus http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2014/08/e-importante-notare-che-mystici.html 

Cristina Siccardi non ha citato il testo di Concilio Vaticano II che e critica di Enzo Bianchi e il Monastero di Bose


Senza questa errore Concilio Vaticano II e tradizionale!


Papa Pio XII commette un errore? : tradizionalisti e progressivisti usano la stessa irrazionalita http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2014/07/papa-pio-xii-commette-un-errore.html

E ‘stato quattro mesi e p.Angelo Geiger FFI non può ancora rispondere se i Frati Francescani dell’Immacolata può accettare il Concilio Vaticano II, come faccio io

Dobbiamo ricordare che noi esseri umani non possiamo vedere i morti che ora sono in paradiso o all'inferno http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2014/07/dobbiamo-ricordare-che-noi-esseri-umani.html

Ufficio Santa 1949 ha fatto un errore: i buoni cattolici stanno trovando questo difficile da accettare http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2014/07/ufficio-santa-1949-ha-fatto-un-errore-i.html

Laici cattolici, tra cui i bloggers, ancora non si rendono conto che il Concilio Vaticano II può essere interpretato con la colonna sinistra or destra

Francescani dell’Immacolata nono sono obbligati ad accettare il Concilio Vaticano II con la COLONNA DELLA MANO DESTRA : l’obbligo di respingere questa versione irrazionale http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2014/07/francescani-dellimmacolata-nono-sono.html

Questa falsa premessa è utilizzato dal Prof. Mattei. E ‘su questa irrazionalità che ha costruito una teologia http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2014/07/questa-falsa-premessa-e-utilizzato-dal.html

P.Fidenzio Volpi OFM Cap, P.Angelo Geiger FI e Prof. Roberto de Mattei per voi utilizzando quale colonna? http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2014/07/pfidenzio-volpi-ofm-cap-pangelo-geiger.html


Aspettare per una risposta da Don Aldo Rossi,Priore della Fraternità Sacerdotale San Pio X, Albano,Italia http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2014/03/aspetto-una-risposta-da-don-aldo.html

Fraternità Sacerdotale di San Pio X ancora vendere libri con l'errore oggettivo


Pace senza dottrine Cattolica : omelia di sinistra a Domenica Santa Messa


Formazione religiosa : 25 anni in errore http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2014/02/formazione-religiosa-25-anni-in-errore.html



Forse la Lettera del Sant'Uffizio 1949 commette un errore filosoficamente ?


Falso propaganda sul Fraternità Sacerdotale di San Pio X sulla La Stampa http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2013/10/false-propaganda-sul-fraternita.html

Due interpretazione di Concilio Vaticano II http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2013/10/due-interpretazione-di-concilio.html

Don Jean Marie Gleize fa un errore dottrinale in un libro pubblicato dalla Fraternità Sacerdotale San Pio X


Fraternità San Pio X Priore dice che Don Jean Marie Gleize's usare del frase 'via eccezionale' sarà chiarito dal Distretto Superiore, Italia


Questo è l'insegnamento ufficiale della Chiesa Cattolica


Battesimo del desiderio conosciuto in tempo presente è l'insegnamento non-ufficiale della Chiesa Cattolica http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2013/08/battesimo-del-desiderio-conosciuto-in.html

Gesuiti in prima classe eresia http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2013/07/gesuiti-in-prima-classe-eresia.html

Non c'e corsi sulla missione e annuncio in luglio-agosto


Il Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica afferma tradizionale teologia di salvezza. "Fuori della Chiesa non c'è salvezza» http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2013/06/il-catechismo-della-chiesa-cattolica.html

Interpretare il Concilio Vaticano II, secondo la Tradizione http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2013/06/interpretare-il-concilio-vaticano-ii.html

-Lionel Andrades

Nessuna smentita dal Vescovo Semeraro, Mons.Guido, CDF, Fidenzio Volpi OFM, FSSPX, Padre Serafino Lanzetta, Corrado Gnerre, Legio di Cristo, Maria Guarini, Padre Stefano di Radio Vobiscum...


Nessuna smentita dal Vescovo Semeraro, Mons.Guido, CDF, Fidenzio Volpi OFM, FSSPX, Padre Serafino Lanzetta, Corrado Gnerre, Legio di Cristo, Maria Guarini, Padre Stefano di Radio Vobiscum...

Fraternità Sacerdotale San Pio X appello al vescovo Marcello Semeraro ad approvare Concilio Vaticano II senza la premessa falsa per un accordo
Vescovo Semeraro usando una teologia basata sull'errore nella Lettera del Sant'Uffizio il 1949 e che viene riportato nel Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica (1257-1260)

Mons.Guido Pozzo nasconde ancora l'errore di fatto nella Lettera del Sant'Uffizio, che è riportato nel Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica

Papa Benedetto XVI e il vescovo di Albano fanno errrore dottrinale alla Lettera del Sant'Uffizio 1949, Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica e Concilio Vaticano II


La salvezza con il battesimo di desiderio, ecc sia ipotetica e quindi non può essere un'eccezione al dogma http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2014/10/la-salvezza-con-il-battesimo-di.html

Ora il Vescovo di Albano vuole la FSSPX approvare il Concilio Vaticano II con questa premessa irrazionale http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2014/10/ora-il-vescovo-di-albano-vuole-la-fsspx.html 

Vescovo Semeraro usando una teologia basata sull'errore nella Lettera del Sant'Uffizio il 1949 e che viene riportato nel Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica (1257-1260) http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2014/10/vescovo-semeraro-usando-una-teologia.html 

C'è confusione dottrinale all'interno della FSSPX

FSSPX deve rifiutare il Concilio Vaticano II con la falsa premessa (utilizzato dal CDF) e accettare un Concilio senza l'inferenza irrazionale

Quindi non sono eccezioni per il dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salushttp://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2014/10/quindi-non-sono-eccezioni-per-il-dogma.html

Mons.Guido vuole la FSSPX accettare il magistero con errori di fatto e dottrinali

Nessuna negazione da Corrado Gnerre http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2014/10/nessuna-negazione-da-corrado-gnerre.html

Corrado Gnerre insegna in una Legione di Cristo universitaria a Roma, dove tutti fanno lo stesso errore http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2014/10/corrado-gnerre-insegna-in-una-legione.html

 Tutti i cattolici a Firenze bisogna intepretare Concilio Vaticano II ei documenti magisteriali in modo non etico http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2014/10/tutti-i-cattolici-firenze-bisogna.html

Avv. Ascanio Ruschi perché Fr.Fidenzio Volpi OFM, Commissario Apostolico dei Francescani dell'Immacolata vuole che la comunità FFI accettare il Concilio Vaticano II, con una premessa irrazionale? Non è questo immorale ?

FSSPX è ancora parte del problema: comunicato sulla Beatificazione di Papa Paolo VI http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2014/10/fsspx-e-ancora-parte-del-problema.html

Maria Guarini, Padre Stefano di Radio Vobiscum come Padre Serafino Lanzetta FFI commette lo stesso errore sul Concilio Vaticano II

Se si utilizza una premessa irrazionale con qualsiasi documento della Chiesa sarà una rottura con la Tradizione.http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2014/10/se-si-utilizza-una-premessa-irrazionale.html

Padre Serafino M.Lanzetta FFI non ha detto direttamente che il Concilio Vaticano II (Ad Gentes 7) dice che tutti bisogno di fede e del battesimo per evitare l'inferno http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2014/10/padre-serafino-mlanzetta-ffi-non-ha.html

Non uso una inferenza irrazionale, una falsa premessa,non c'è discontinuità tra il Concilio Vaticano II e della Tradizione http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2014/08/non-uso-una-inferenza-irrazionale-una.html

Padre Serafino Lanzetta FFI dice che nei suoi studi del Concilio Vaticano II e un libro recente non ha preso in considerazione Ad Gentes 7

E 'importante che la Fraternità Sacerdotale San Pio X corregge questo errore. E 'lo stesso errore compiuti dai cardinali


Sappiamo di casi nel 2014 salvato con il battesimo di desiderio ecc? http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2014/08/sappiamo-di-casi-nel-2014-salvato-con.html#links

-Lionel Andrades 


The Medjugorje Message

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Ivan gives testimony in Paderborn, Germany

Yesterday evening, before travelling on to Vienna today, Ivan Dragicevic gave witness to the Medjugorje phenomenon in front of a congregation of around 700 people gathered in the church of St Laurence in Paderborn, Germany. This event was also broadcast live on the internet.
Medjugorje seer Ivan Dragicevic at St Laurence church, Paderborn, last night.

Ivan witnessing in St Stephen’s Cathedral, Vienna, this evening.

'In front of the tabernacle, I heard a voice'

I’ve always heard people talk about the silence of God – when you call and he doesn’t respond; you pray and he doesn’t answer. It creates an emptiness in our lives, and we shout, “Where are you, Lord? Why are you silent?”

Praying 04_

It happened to me ten years ago. My newborn son was in the hospital. Things weren’t going well. God kept silence and didn’t answer my prayers. I wanted to visit him, to see him in front of me in the tabernacle. I went to the National Shrine of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I remember that moment, which still impresses me.

I stood in front of the tabernacle. I was alone with Jesus. I almost shouted, “Help me!”

There was a moment of silence and I heard a voice, as if coming from the tabernacle, which answered, “Help me.”

For a brief moment that seemed like an eternity, I didn’t know how to react.

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder and I heard a voice that repeated, “Help me.”

I turned around and saw in front of me a crippled man who looked at me with anguish written on his face. “Where did he come from?” I asked myself. He held out his hand and begged me, “Help me - I can’t work, and I can barely even walk.”

I looked at Jesus in the tabernacle and I said to him, “You know all the tricks!”

I laughed and added jokingly, “You’re impossible!”

It made me happy when I realized what Jesus was asking from me: “Be my hands and my feet in this world. Bring consolation and love, be merciful.”

His answer to my prayer was very simple: We have to forget about ourselves a little and think more about others. The rest, everything that we need, will be given to us as well.

I helped that good man and never saw him again. It was an unforgettable experience.

God has funny ways of answering our prayers. The thing is, we don’t always realize it. We are focused on other things and we aren’t paying attention.

I have known many people who find their answers in the Holy Bible, and others who find them in the wise advice of a priest. I find mine in the bible, in priests, in the tabernacle, in prayer and in my confidence that God will never abandon me.

Christian booted from National Cathedral speaks out

Christian booted from National Cathedral speaks out
Posted By Leo Hohmann On 11/15/2014 In Faith,Front Page,Politics,U.S.
Christine Weick is approached be security at the National Cathedral in Washington Friday, Nov. 14, as she stands up to proclaim “Jesus is our Lord and Savior”
It was supposed to be a shining moment for proponents of the interfaith movement.
The Islamic “jummah,” or Friday call to prayer, would be held on America’s grandest Christian stage – the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.
It was a bold move that had never been tried. Leaders of the Episcopal cathedral said sending prayers up to Allah from a Christian church would show the world that two religions at odds with each other for centuries could “approach the same God” as one body of believers.
The stage was set. The prayer rugs were neatly arranged facing Mecca. The lights shone down on the imam for his opening remarks.
Not so fast.
Christine Weick, a 50-year-old Michigan woman with flowing blonde hair who lives out of her car, rose from the packed National Cathedral, the hall of halls in terms of religious prominence in America, and moved toward the front of the church.
She pointed to the cross hanging overhead.
That cross seemed to be the one thing nobody wanted to look at, she told WND Saturday in an exclusive interview.
The Muslims had set up their prayer rugs in such a way that their backs were turned on the cross, which they consider an alien religious symbol. Jesus was a prophet but was not the son of God and never died on a Roman cross, according to Muslim teaching. Yet, they found themselves staring at a woman who demanded the cross become the center of attention. She then blurted out the message she had traveled all the way from Tennessee to deliver.
“Jesus Christ died on that cross. He is the reason we are to worship only Him. Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior,” she said. “We have built …allowed you your mosques in this country. Why don’t you worship in your mosques and leave our churches alone? We are a country founded on Christian principles.”
She immediately heard voices in the crowd yelling for security.
“Black coat, white scarf, blonde hair!” yelled one. “We need to get her out of here now!” someone else cried out.
“They were yelling for security, and by that point I was already done saying what I came to say,” Weick told WND.
She was promptly escorted out of the sanctuary by two men in suits, who handed her off to a police officer.
Watch video of Christine Weick get removed from National Cathedral after standing up and proclaiming Jesus Christ during Muslim prayer service:
She had instantly become a folk hero of sorts for thousands, if not millions, of Christians who read what happened or watched the video that was posted on the Internet.
Now Weick wants everyone to know that she did not get arrested and she is safely back in her SUV, heading back to Tennessee.
“It was quite an overwhelming day yesterday,” she said.
And while she was lauded for her bravery, she confided she was “literally scared to death” as she waited for the right moment to stand up and proclaim the gospel message.
“They never said a word to me. Two guys came up and got me. I remember one large man in a suit taking me by the arm, very strongly but he did not hurt me,” she said.
“He just put an arm on me and said, ‘We are walking this way.’ Then comes the police officer, and I’m thinking, ‘OK I’m done.’ I’m still in the sanctuary at this point, so I put out my hands for the officer to arrest me, but he just held my hand and walked me to the back of the church.
“He handed me over to a woman officer, who takes me to the front doors of the church. She hands me to another officer, who takes me to another officer in the foyer, who takes me out to the road. Not one of them said a word. I was free to go.”
She said she told the last officer who led her to the road to have a good day, to which he gave no response. She returned to her vehicle and soon afterward drove home.
Except she doesn’t have a home. She said her husband divorced her last year “over a spiritual conflict,” and her family disowned her because she took a stand against same-sex marriage and other “moral issues.”
Weick said she learned of the Muslim prayer service two days before it was scheduled to happen through an article posted on the Drudge Report. The more she thought about it, she felt the Lord was telling her to go to Washington and say something.
“My blood began to boil as I read the comments of how this is to be such a wonderful event and how religious tolerance can, for the first time, be shown in our nation’s capital,” she said.
Still, she had nervous doubts about making the 400-mile trip from Kingsport, Tennessee.
“That article got my attention. And then I Googled the Washington National Cathedral, and I got more information about the service,” she said.
She found out from the cathedral’s website that the event was for “invited guests only.”
“That’s when I knew I had to be creative, and so did God,” she said.
She wasn’t sure what type of creativity would be required or even if she was doing the right thing as she headed out on the road to D.C. In fact, she almost turned around.
A sign of confirmation
“I was driving there on my way from Tennessee, and I’ve got a lot of doubts in my mind: Am I going to make a fool of myself? Am I going to be in jail for the weekend?”
But as she drove down the highway in the right lane, she passed a strange woman.
“There’s this woman stepping out of her vehicle on the side of the road, clapping and giving me two thumbs up, and I’m like, ‘That was the strangest thing,’” she said. “The first thing that went through my mind was, ‘That’s my confirmation right there.’ That’s all I needed, and from that point on I knew this was something I’m going to do; and that was the catapult that moved me to keep going towards Washington.”
She said she told only four people where she was going and what she planned to do. She asked for prayer.
“I said I need you to pray for me, this is what God has put in my bones to do,” she said. “It didn’t hit me until I got in the cathedral and saw all the people and the cameras sitting on my right, and I’m thinking, ‘This is a big deal. I am going to be put in jail!’”
She credits God for getting her into the massive church, which was guarded like Fort Knox. Everyone had to go through a checkpoint to make sure they weren’t armed or posed a threat.
“It was a God thing how I got past all that security in the beginning. They never ID’d me, and I had brought my ID with me just in case, and I thought that would be my downfall, being from Michigan, that they would say, ‘What is she doing here?” Weick said. “According to reports, this was a heavy security event. They checked every bag and every person that walked in there. I bet some security people are in big trouble today.”
She said she slipped through unnoticed, first by following a security guard and then later by engaging in conversation alongside a woman with press credentials.
“I just followed those security officers when they were going from place to place. I just followed them,” she said. “It was almost like they didn’t see me. Like I was invisible.”
Hiding in the bathroom
Weick got through the security line about 10:15 a.m., more than an hour and a half before the prayer service started. She needed to lie low to avoid detection.
She noticed a janitor’s closet was left open near the bathroom and briefly thought about hiding in it. But a fear of being locked in persuaded her against that option.
She slipped into the bathroom instead.
“When I was in the bathroom hiding out, that’s when it hit me: I think I’m invisible, I really wondered, the way it happened, just strange, just totally strange; and someday I’m going to ask God how that all worked out,” she said.
While hiding in the bathroom and waiting for the service to start, she rehearsed over and over what she would say. She prayed constantly, with emphasis on Psalm 27.
A woman was washing her hands at the sink as Weick left the stall where she was hiding. The woman had a press tag on her blouse.
“I asked her if she knew what time the service was to start and she replied, ‘In a few minutes. Do you know where to go?’ I didn’t.”
“Follow me and I will take you to the front,” the woman said.
“I walked with her into the main foyer up to the security line. We walked right past the guards and into the sanctuary! I was invisible.”
Still, the butterflies fluttered in her stomach.
“As she took her seat she was shocked at what she saw. About a hundred people were sitting in chairs around rugs that were placed on the floor. Muslim women, separated from the men, were seated on the rugs. To her right was the news media with their cameras and recording equipment. In front of her were the prayer rugs.
“Then it hit me… I had such an angst come over me. Seeing these Muslims sitting on their rugs ready to bow to a god, causing such an abomination in the house of the Lord,” she said.
The imam said the call to prayer would begin momentarily and spoke some words in Arabic.
Weick felt her heart thumping in her chest.
“I prayed… ‘Lord! Tell me when!’ At that moment I saw a figure of Christ on the cross some distance away. I stood up.
“I was so nervous; you’ll never know how scared I was,” she said. “All I kept thinking was, ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me; that’s my only strength.’ I could not do it through me. But we have an amazing God. He shows his strength in my weakness. That’s my motto.”
She started to speak, firmly and loudly but not out of control. What she said was not the same as what she had rehearsed in the bathroom stall.
“I did not plan on those exact words coming out. I was going to say it differently. I was planning to say, ‘I serve a risen Savior, and Muhammad is dead.’ But I saw the cross and it just popped out of my mouth. I was not going to say it that way. I rehearsed it the other way over and over in the bathroom, because my biggest fear was making a fool of myself; but it didn’t happen that way.”
Even if she had failed and made herself a fool, it could not be more painful than what she has already gone through over the past year, she said.
“I took a very strong stand on something last year. My husband divorced me over it. It broke my heart. I have a lot of heartache back home, a lot of hurt,” she said. “And I felt the Lord telling me, ‘You are going to go from place to place for me.’”
While she lives out of her car, she doesn’t consider herself homeless.
“Don’t be sorry for me. I have a very nice SUV. I go out to eat, I have a bank account,” she told WND. “I am just too Dutch to pay 60 or 70 bucks for a hotel every night when I can spend my nights in my car. And I travel every night from place to place, and that is what I was doing when I saw the story in the Drudge Report.”
Not a hero
WND’s first story on the prayer service drew hundreds of comments from readers. Many lauded the lone, unidentified woman who stood up and rebuked what they saw as a worship service to a false god inside a prominent American church.
Among the comments:
  • “They shielded their eyes from the Christian cross, but could not shield their ears from the truthful words of this one brave woman.”
  • “We should all pray to have the courage this woman displayed. The world needs it. Our nation desperately needs it. Jesus Christ IS Lord.”
  • “I would speculate that the brave woman who proclaimed the Gospel was the only Christian present– and they threw her out,” commented a reader who quoted from John 16:2: “They will put you out of the synagogues. Indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God.”
  • “Bless this woman! Jesus Christ is the Messiah and Salvation for all that believe. Acts 4:12 automatically comes to mind. Islam and Christianity are opposed to each other, no matter what any Pope, Priest and Cardinal says. You cannot deny the Son and have the Father and Islam denies Jesus is the Son.”
But Weick said she did nothing outside of what God gave her the strength to do, and she doesn’t see herself as any hero of the faith. The weakest of Christians could easily do the same thing, she said.
“That’s why I posted on Facebook this morning. I was like, ‘Come on Christian soldiers we need to fight, and we need to fight using the gospel, the Word of God,’” she said. “There are Muslims everywhere, just walk up to them and say, ‘Jesus Christ is Lord.’ Be brave.
“I’m hearing that many Muslims are getting dreams. Maybe all it takes is one to have a dream after being told Jesus Christ is Lord, I don’t know. That is God’s deal. Let Him work it out. We just need to be bold in the Lord and we don’t need to be burning their mosques down, like they burn our churches. We have the gospel and that is our only weapon we need. Jesus is Lord, and we need to proclaim it, but how many times do we do it?”
But before Weick became bold, she was humbled.
“It was a situation in my life, how God yanked every anchor in my life over the last five years, just everything that would keep a normal woman, a normal mother, at home just got yanked out from under me,” she said. “I have a son and a daughter, and they disowned me. I took a stand against gay marriage and I lost them. That is my heartache. And it hurts me so much. And I wonder what they think now when they see me on the news.”
Weick said she doesn’t know what her next “assignment” will be, but she knows now she can tackle almost anything.
“I told the Lord last night, ‘OK, you can take me now,’ but I don’t know,” she said. “I think He may have other plans for me, per Jeremiah 29: 11.”

Article printed from WND: http://www.wnd.com
URL to article: http://www.wnd.com/2014/11/christian-booted-from-national-cathedral-speaks-out/
