Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Church teaching which Steven Ertelt, Hilary White,John Henry Weston and others cannot proclaim through LifeNews/Life Sites : not good for business

Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes 7, Lumen Gentium 14) says all need faith and baptism for salvation.It is in agreement with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, defined by three Church Councils and which Pope Pius XII called an 'infallible teaching'. This means the Catholic Church, in its official documents,  states, as it did over centuries, that all non Catholics, Protestants included, need to formally convert into the Catholic Church (with faith and baptism) to avoid the fires of Hell ( for salvation).

This is the teaching of the Catholic Church which Steven Ertelt, Hilary White and John Henry Weston cannot proclaim through LifeNews/Life Sites since it is politically incorrect with the Left and their business could be targeted and careers ended, among other things.So it is convenient and comfortable for them to project Catholic issues while avoiding this teaching of the Church.

For instance, they reported on the Franciscans of the Immaculate having to accept Vatican Council II.Two important points related to Catholic doctrine were omitted.

1.The F.I are expected to state that they affirm the  Marchetti Letter (1949)  in which it is assumed that the baptism  of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance, refer to known cases in the present times and these persons are known exceptions to the traditional interpretation of the dogma by Fr.Leonard Feeney.

2.Then they are expected to use the same irrational reasoning in the interpretation of Vatican Council II.Lumen Gentium 16 ( being saved in invincible ignorance) they must affirm refers to known cases in the present times.They would have to be known to become exceptions. Since they are known in 2015 Vatican Council II becomes a break with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Tradition.This is irrational since these persons would be in Heaven.

Now if Vatican Council II is  interpreted without this irrationality, for the Franciscans of the Immaculate and John Henry Weston, it would be in agreement with the 'rigorist interpretation' of the dogma according to Fr.Leonard Feeney.

But this is a taboo subject. It will not be made public by LifeSites/LifeNews since there could be objections from the Jewish Left, those who have put restrictions on Robert Sungenis and Bishop Richard Williamson.

So while rank and file Catholics know that there is nothing in Vatican Council II to contradict the centuries old interpretation of the dogma on exclusive salvation, Life Sites like the liberals in the Vatican, project  Vatican Council II as a break with the past.

This is also the understanding of Mons.Ignacio Barreiro, a supporter of LifeSites, who is possibly on the March for Life(Marcia per La Vita) committee in Rome. He agreed with me that there are no known exceptions to the dogma but being 'prudent'  he would not affirm the Feeneyite version of the dogma.

Similar to John Henry Weston, Editor of LifeSites news, he expects Catholics to accept abortion and euthanasia being  wrong, just like Barreiro and Weston, but he will not affirm the Church teachings on exclusive salvation.

Just as a mother may abort her baby for economic reasons or due to some social pressure, Mons. Barreiro will not affirm the dogma also due to social pressure from within and outside the Church.John Smeaton and Hilary White  also play it safe.

So also pro life bloggers are prudent in the worldly sense. Tantumblogo on The Blog for Dallas Area Catholics says he is ' an amateur' on the issue of salvation. Scott Hahn says this is a subject 'on which he does not know much'.Edwin Pentin says he does not understand anything, Hilary White is not interested in  theology.Patrick Archbold refuses to comment.Mark Shea, Jimmy Akins and the other NCR bloggers have nothing to say on a subject related to the Catholic Faith.

So welcome to the March for Life in a few months in Rome.There will be many Catholics participating ,who will be pro-life.They support the  moral teachings of the Church on abortion, contraceptives etc,which is optional for them. These are teachings of the Catholic Church, which all Catholics are welcome to pick or leave.

There will be non Catholics participating in the March for Life and of course it cannot be said that the organisers ,as Catholics, believe that these Buddhists etc are on the way to Hell without 'faith and baptism'.-Lionel Andrades

E-mail correspondence :


Steven Ertelt

to me, Hilary, support, John, info
“First off, your fact checking is dreadful. Steve Ertelt is not at all involved in Lifesite and in fact despises LifeSite for its Catholic emphasis, coverage of homosexuality, unwillingness to compromise on moral principles and unwillingness to be pragmatic and support only Republican Party candidates, even those who are not really pro-life or pro-family.”
Thanks, I needed a good laugh today! I guess if you can’t say something nice about someone, bear false witness against them.
Steven Ertelt, Editor
P.O. Box 270841
Fort Collins, CO 80527
 (Correction: Steve Ertlet is the Editor of Lifenews and Steve Jelsevac is the co founder of Life

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