Saturday, August 8, 2015

Magnus in Scotland inspired by Medugorje founded Mary's Meals which now feeds over a million school children daily

2015 Medjugorje Youth Festival Day 2 Testimonies from Craig Lodge and Mary's Meals

(33:41) Magnus was born in 1968 in Scotland he has seven children.Inspired by Medugorje he now feeds over a million children all over the world through Mary's Meals.
It began in 2012 in Malawi when they fed about 200 children.Now they serve children in 12 different countries.
They are feeding over one million school children every day!
His parents also pilgrims to Medugorje opened their large house for young people as a House of Prayer and lodging called Craig Lodge.There was a testimony and song by Kate who lived at Craig Lodge where they have a regular system of prayer similar to Medugorje.
Cardinal Dolan of New York has praised Mary's Meals and compared it to the miracle of the loaves and fish of Jesus

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