Saturday, November 21, 2015

Rome’s Prefect: Muslims “first victims” of Paris jihad attacks

Rome’s Prefect: Muslims “first victims” of Paris jihad attacks

How the first victims of the Paris jihad attacks are Muslims themselves, Franco Gabrielli did not say. Were the Nazis the first victims of the invasion of Poland? Meanwhile, he pleads for the Muslim community in Rome to admit there is a problem: “We demand that the Islamic communities have a collaborative attitude. If it is beastly to say that all Muslims are terrorists it is also an inappropriate mystification not to admit that all the terrorists came from a certain context.” Good luck with getting anyone in the Muslim community to acknowledge that “inappropriate mystification.”
Franco Gabrielli
Rome prefect demands ‘clear stand’ from Islamic community,” ANSA, November 19, 2015 (thanks to Insubria):
(ANSA) – Rome, November 19 – Rome Prefect Franco Gabrielli said Thursday he expected the Islamic community to take a clear stand against terrorism following last Friday’s attacks in Paris in which at least 129 people were killed. “There is an attack by criminals and the first victims are Muslims themselves,” Gabrielli said.
“We demand that the Islamic communities have a collaborative attitude,” he continued. “If it is beastly to say that all Muslims are terrorists it is also an inappropriate mystification not to admit that all the terrorists came from a certain context,” the prefect said.
“Who better than those who live in and frequent that context to be of help, both in their public position and in assisting the institutions in counter-terrorism activities?” Gabrielli concluded.
In theory, at least.

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