Thursday, January 8, 2015

Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate can choose a rational, traditional and non heretical interpretation of Vatican Council II unlike the Vatican Curia

The Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate have said that they accept all the documents of Vatican Council. So do I.But so does Fr.Fidenzio Volpi ofm cap. For  this  Commissioner of the Franciscans of the Immaculate Vatican Council II is a break with the past as it is for Pope Francis and the Jesuits.As it is for the SSPX.
I accept all the documents of Vatican Council II and I interpret them with the hermeneutic of continuity,with the centuries old dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. So I reject the Letter of the Holy Office which does not have this continuity with the past.
So I would ask the Franciscans Sisters of the Immaculate to use my interpretation of Vatican Council II with the hermenutic of continuity. In this way they could accept also the Syllabus of Errors and the Catechism of Pope Pius XII.This would be rejected by Fr.Fidenzio Volpi and Cardinal Braz de Avez, the head of the Congregation for Religious,Vatican.
If Fr.Fidenzio Volpi asks me if Vatican Council II is a break with the past, especially the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the rigorist
interpretation of the dogma, I would say 'no'.
1.Since the Letter suggested that Fr.Leonard Feeney and the St.Benedict Center were wrong since the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance were exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.This is irrational since there is  no known case. How can these cases known only to God be defacto, objective exceptions to the traditional interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney ?
2.Then the Letter suggests that there are magisterial documents which support this view. This is false. There is no pre-1949 Church document which states that there are known exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus or that the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance  refer to known and visible cases.They would have to refer to known and visible cases for them to be exceptions to the dogma and Tradition.
Neither does Mystici Corporis or the Council of Trent make this claim.
They only refer to implicit desire and being saved in invincible ignorance as a possibility known to God.
The Letter of the Holy Office infers, implies, suggests that these cases are visible and known to us to be exceptions to the interpretation of Fr.Leonard Feeney.This is factually incorrect. Cardinal Marchetti Selvaggiani who issued the Letter has  no historical precedent to support his view.
So this is a new doctrine which has come to us from the Holy Office 1949.It is also heresy since it rejects the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, changes the Nicene Creed and presents an irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II.
Once it is understood that there are no known exceptions to the traditional interpretation of the dogma, the baptism of desire etc not being one of them,  Vatican Council II changes. It means that references to salvation in Vatican Council II are only possibilities. They are hypothetical for us and could be followed with the baptism of water. They are not exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the Syllabus of Errors or the Catechism of Pope Pius XI.
In this way, one can have it both ways. The dogma is compatible with the baptism of desire being invisible for us. Vatican Council II is compatible with the rigorist interpretation of the dogma according to Fr.Leonard Feeney. Since LG 16,LG 8,UR 3,NA 2 etc are not exceptions to the dogma. It does not have to be Vatican Council II or extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
We can accept all the documents of Vatican Council II and also the centuries old interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus.Ecclesiology is the same for the Novus Ordo and the Traditional Latin Mass.Excusive ecclesiology is the basis for our traditional position on religious liberty and the Social Reign of Jesus Christ over all political systems.
This would not be how Fr.Fidenzio Volpi interprets Vatican Council II. For him LG 16 etc refer to known cases in the present times. Since they are known to him they are exceptions to Tradition. This is irrational. Yet this would be his reasoning.He probably knows it is wrong.Many times I have asked him and his secretary to clarify this but they will not.
So the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate can choose a rational, traditional and non heretical interpretation of Vatican Council II unlike the Vatican Curia.They must ask Fr.Volpi to deny in public his irrational, non tradtional and heretical position on Vatican Council II and Tradition.
Ask Cardinal Braz de Avez to choose the rational interpretation of the Council for all Catholic religious communities, including the Franciscans of the Immaculate.
-Lionel Andrades

Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate what about the Syllabus of Errors, the Catechism of Pope Pius X and the rigorist and traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ?

Franciscan Sisters  of the Immaculate what about the Syllabus of Errors, the Catechism of Pope Pius X and the rigorist and traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ?
Do they interpret the documents of Vatican Council II as a break or in continuity with Tradition ? Do they accept that the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 was in heresy and not Fr.Leonard Feeney ? This decides how they interpret Vatican Council II.
For Pope Benedict XVI the hermeneutic of continuity included accepting the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 on the Fr.Leonard Feeney case.The Letter issued during the pontificate of Pope Pius XII  is non traditional, irrational and heretical.

If  the Letter of the Holy Office is acceptable for the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate ,then they would be rejecting the Syllabus of Errors, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus,defined by three Church Councils.
Official Notification From The Institute

20th December 2014

We prefer prayerful listening to The Word of God Incarnate, the only True and Eternal Word of the Father, to the voices that pass through the mass-media.

With regard to an article that concerns us, published in the magazine “Rogate ergo” (no. 11/2014) – an article which we take the liberty to place in doubt the complete trustworthiness – as well as other news circulated by the mass-media about our Institute.


The commissioning of our Institute has never been notified, inasmuch as the Apostolic Visit which began on the 19th of May 2014 has still to be concluded. An appeal is still open, which in part has revealed the reason for our request, so that the General Council at present can set in motion acts of government without prior approval of the Apostolic Visitor, as the Decree of the Visit provided.

Our compactness with regard to liturgical choices – documented in detail by an official survey and by Chapter votes in every single community of the Institute with an unanimous result of predilection for the Liturgy according to the Vetus Ordo – by some is considered a veil under which to hide a desire for seclusion equal to not “sentire cum Ecclesia” which would even reach heretical and schismatic positions of opposition to the Magisterium of the Church and disunity with the Holy Father.

In response, especially, we underline that such aberrations have never been contested against our Institute, nor that of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, nor to our Founders, towards whom our loyalty [considered]by some is wrongly and unexplainably in contrast to that which is due to the See of Peter.

Moreover, we insist that the Institute has never denied the validity and legality of the ordinary form of Holy Mass – which is also the one adopted at present in almost all of our communities – but rather has promoted active participation with the distribution of numerous copies of missalettes, which was carried out for years all over Italy.( I have attended the Novus Ordo  Mass in Italian held by the Franciscans of the Immaculate.Numerous times the Franciscans Sisters of the Immaculate were also present.I also prefered their missalettes instead of La Domenica  of the Society of St.Paul.  Further, the Institute has never proclaimed non-recognition of the authority of the documents of the Second Vatican Council nor of the post-council Magisterium.(Do you interpret the documents of Vatican Council II as a break or in continuity with Tradition ? Do you accept that the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 was in heresy and not Fr.Leonard Feeney ? This decides how you interpret Vatican Council II.)

We add that on the subject of internal formation, in conformity with Pope Benedict XVI’s teaching regarding the hermeneutic of continuity, we have always cautioned against interpretations which being set in discontinuity, reveal themselves to be damaging and unacceptable.
(For Pope Benedict XVI the hermeneutic of continuity included accepting the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 regarding the Fr.Leonard Feeney case.The Letter is non traditional, irrational and heretical.
If for the Franciscans of the Immaculate the Letter of the Holy Office is acceptable then they would be rejecting the Syllabus of Errors, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus,defined by three Church Councils.)

With respect to union with the Holy See, as has been officially expressed in certain letters addressed by our Superior General to the Holy Father, Francis, our religious life is entirely spent and offered for Mother Church and Her Supreme Pastor and wants to remain so, in conformity to our specific vocation which comes directly from our Seraphic Father, St. Francis, implemented by the Vow of unlimited Consecration to the Immaculate.

[Source, in Italian. A Rorate Translation by Contributor Francesca Romana.]

-Lionel Andrades
If you consider the Holy Office or Fr.Leonard Feeney in heresy determines how you interpret Vatican Council II

Italy: Screaming phrases from the Qur’an, a 67-year-old Muslim devastates a church in Trento


Cles-church-of-Santa-Maria-AssuntaThe “mental illness” that has been afflicting France lately now spreads to Italy. Symptoms include screaming Islamic phrases and attacking Infidels or, in this case, and Infidel house of worship. I look forward to the new edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) to list and classify this particular mental illness, and explain its etiology.
“Screaming phrases from the Koran, Moroccan devastates a church in Trentino,” Secolo d’Italia (translated), January 2, 2015:
Mumbling phrases of the Koran in Arabic, a Moroccan threw to the ground and severely damaged five statues of artistic value and other furniture and religious objects in a church in Trentino. The devastation took place Thursday afternoon in the parish church of Santa Maria Assunta in Cles (Trento); the perpetrator was a 67-year-old Moroccan who was arrested by the police. The alarm was raised by a woman who saw the man mumbling phrases in Arabic and entering and leaving the church, where the Mass had been celebrated and at the time of his action was empty. The Moroccan acted in a few minutes, using an iron rod and throwing to the ground the statue of the Madonna and Child, the Immaculate, those of Our Lady of the Rosary and Our Lady of Sorrows and the statue of St. Joseph with the Child. On these statues he was relentless, using six solid silver candlesticks dating back to 1700. The candelabra had the papal bull of protection for those stolen or sold. The vandal has also targeted the marble altar and the baptistery, which shattered, two altars and a large painting of the Assumption. All damaged items are cataloged at the Superintendence for Cultural Heritage of the Autonomous Province of Trento.
Blocked by the police, the man was arrested on charges of aggravated damage. He will be tried in the Court of Trento. The Moroccan is a longtime resident in Trentino, and since last summer has lived in Cles. According to the police, his actions are connected to mental problems, and not to religious fanaticism. The man has for several months shown signs of anxiety, and already last month disturbed a religious function in the same parish church of Cles.
“Something of this kind we would have never imagined, the church devastated by a character who everyone thought dangerous and who is not new to attacks against our religion,” said a shocked witness at the site The man in question had already stopped a religious function in November. “He had entered with a stick and started yelling verses of the Koran,” recounted a lady….

Leviamo in alto la Croce

Leviamo in alto la Croce

“Charlie Hebdo” è un giornale in cui, fin dalla sua fondazione, la satira è stata posta al servizio di una filosofia di vita anarchica e libertaria. Esso può essere considerato un’espressione estrema ma coerente del relativismo dell’Occidente contemporaneo. “Charlie Hebdo” è celebre per le caricature di Maometto pubblicate a partire dal 2006, ma non vanno dimenticate le immonde vignette blasfeme pubblicate nel 2012 per rivendicare l’unione omosessuale.
Il gruppo di terroristi che, il 7 gennaio 2015, ha sterminato la redazione di “Charlie Hebdo” è a sua volta un’espressione estrema, ma coerente, del mondo islamico e ha manifestato nella sua furia omicida, l’odio che l’Islam intero nutre nei confronti dell’Occidente.
Come non vedere in quest’episodio la prefigurazione del destino che attende l’Occidente, incapace di contrapporre all’Islam le proprie risorse spirituali e morali, e illuso sulla possibilità che il cedimento al pensiero relativista e la politica della mano tesa verso l’Islam possano scongiurare i pericoli che si addensano sul nostro futuro?
Il 4 dicembre 2012 la Fondazione Lepanto, l’Associazione Famiglia Domani e altri rappresentanti qualificati di gruppi e siti che operano nel mondo cattolico consegnarono al padre Federico Lombardi direttore della Sala Stampa Vaticana, 3.905 firme, per chiedere alla Santa Sede di elevare una protesta vibrante e fare i passi necessari presso il governo francese affinché mai più si ripetessero episodi di questo genere. Nell’appello si leggeva:
“Si può ancora tacere? Oscenità e blasfemia si confondono nella sordida provocazione di un giornale francese, autore di una vignetta in cui per rivendicare l’unione omosessuale, violazione estrema della legge naturale, si oltraggia in modo inammissibile la Santissima Trinità, mistero centrale della fede cristiana.
No, non è possibile mantenere il silenzio: è necessario che la Santa Sede esprima pubblicamente la sua indignazione, come stanno facendo tanti semplici cattolici in Francia e in Europa. E poiché Lei è portavoce della Santa Sede, a Lei ci rivolgiamo affinché si faccia nostro portavoce presso le supreme autorità ecclesiastiche, alle quali chiediamo di elevare una protesta vibrante e fare i passi necessari presso il governo francese affinché mai più si ripeta una vergogna del genere. Che la voce degli uomini si alzi prima della mano di Dio, che da nessuno può essere impunemente irriso (Gal. 6, 7)!”
Oggi il nostro dolore non deve essere solo per le vittime dei massacri, a Parigi e nel mondo intero, ma soprattutto per la trasgressione pubblica e sistematica della legge naturale e divina e per il silenzio di chi, di fronte a questa trasgressione e a questi massacri, avrebbe il dovere di levare la voce. Imitiamo Nostro Signore che piangeva su Gerusalemme, prevedendone la distruzione per i suoi peccati, e leviamo in alto la sua Croce, che è odiata e vilipesa dall’Islam e dal relativismo contemporaneo, ma che resta l’infallibile segno di lotta e di vittoria per ogni cristiano.
Fondazione Lepanto
Roma, 7 gennaio 2015