Friday, February 6, 2015

Another course offered at the Teresianum supported with the Marchetti Theory

Father Aniano Alvarez Suarez is a Carmelite,who teaches a course Ecclesiology and Ecumenism, at the Pontifical University Teresianum in Rome and due to  the error of Cardinal Francesco Marchetti Selvaggiani which the Church has approved, he does not say that non Catholics need to enter the Church to avoid Hell.According to the Teresianum handbook (2014 p.84) the aim of the course is to present the mystery of the Church recalling anew, the essentials of Catholic ecclesiology seen through Lumen Gentium,Vatican Councl II.Here they mean that they will use the Marchetti Theory to present Lumen Gentium 8,14,16 etc as a break with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and so with ecclesiology in general.With the Marchetti inference the Church has a new understanding of itself.
The handbook says there will be a re-evaluation of ecclesiology by considering anew Scripture, Tradition and the Magisterium. They mean that there will be a break with Scripture, Tradition and the Magisterium since now LG 8,LG 14,LG 16 will refer to persons in Heaven who are personally known to us in 2014-2015 for them to be exceptions to the dogma on salvation.They are exceptions to traditional ecclesiology and  contradict past teachings.
This was all made possible for the Teresianum not through Vatican Council II but the Marchetti inference which is used to interpret Vatican Council.
In this course (TP 1210) it will not be taught that Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes  7) itself says all non Catholics need to enter the Church with 'faith and baptism' for salvation.Since for Aniano Suarez and the Theology Faculty there was 'a breakthrough in Catholic theology' with the Marchetti inference.
During the course there will be a reflection on the dialogue of the Catholic Church with other Christian confessions the handbooks says.Students will be presented with the principal 'doctrines' of Catholic ecumenism it is stated.
The Faculty of Theology also presents another course this semester which recommends Jacques Dupuis, Von Baltazar, John Hick, Paul Knitter, Francis Sullivan and Hans Kung, all who reject the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and who support this rejection citing the Marchetti theory.1
-Lionel Andrades
February 4, 2015
Faculty of Theology,Teresianum University, Rome accepts the Marchetti error : promotes Jacques Dupuis,Von Baltazar, Hick, Knitter,Sullivan and Hans Kung

A non-Catholic Funeral : Lisa Raquel Benitez Manager for Planned Parenthood

The question is: Was it what is called “licit”—ecclesiastical jargon for “legal”—for her  to have received a Catholic funeral Mass? And from the co-cathedral of the Cardinal Archbishop of Houston to boot?
We instinctively know that it was grossly inappropriate for the Archdiocese of Galveston- Houston to have permitted such a public mocker of life to be given a Catholic funeral Mass. It’s shocking, repugnant. But was it canonically legal, licit?
The answer is presumptively:

No, it was not. This is because Canon Law 1184,paragraph 1, number 3, provides that “Church funeral rites are to be denied to,” amongst others, “manifest sinners to whom a Church funeral could not be granted without public scandal to the faithful . . . unless they gave some sign of repentance before their death.”
We have no evidence whatsoever that Lisa Raquel Benitez ever repudiated her very public, continuous, and wicked ways of supporting the annihilation of the most innocent of God’s children, the unborn.
To the contrary, the obituary in the Houston Chronicle glorifying her life of evil surely could never have been sent to print if she repudiated her manifest and public life of sin before her death.
Many Catholics in Houston could hardly believe their ears when news got around—and it did get around, fast...

Lisa Benitez
1967 - 2014 | Obituary| Condolences
Lisa Benitez Obituary
Lisa Raquel Benitez
Lisa Raquel Benitez passed away peacefully while surrounded by family on Saturday, December 27, 2014. Lisa was born on December 31, 1967, in Houston, Texas, and is survived by her parents...

New Catholic Media also like the Bishop of Brescia refuses to say that extra ecclesiam nulla salus is a dogma of the Catholic Church

The New Catholic Media also like the Bishop of Brescia refuses to say that extra ecclesiam nulla salus is a dogma of the Catholic Church.
I  watched Mic'd up The Catholic Internet.  Michael Voris, Judy Brown, John Henry Weston have never referred to extra ecclesiam nulla salus as a dogma.Since like the pontifical universities in Italy then have accepted the objective error of Cardinal Francesco Marchetti -  and  they will not discuss it.( If Catholics can throw away a dogma why are Church teachings on pro life issues important for them?)
The New Catholic Media also uses the  Marchetti' Theory  to interpret Vatican Council II as a break with the dogma. For Cardinal Marchetti the baptism of desire was an exception to the dogma. This was somethng new.
For Marchetti the baptism of desire would be known, defacto, objective to be an exception to the dogma.Persons in Heaven would be known on earth.This  was his brainwave.He would also know of persons on earth who would be saved without the baptism of water.
This theory came into the Catholic Church in 1949 and it has been accepted by what Michael Voris calls the New Catholic Media.Why ?
There is no Church document before 1949 which says that these cases are known to us personally or that they are exceptions to the dogma . Mystici Corporis and the Council of Trent for example, only mention the possibility of a person being saved with implicit desire or in invincible ignorance.None of these magisterial documents claim that these cases are defacto known to us. They could not ! It would be saying that the dead who are now in Heaven are visible on earth to us. This is exactly what Cardinals Marchetti and Cushing were saying.
Even the three Church Councils which defined the dogma did not mention any exceptions. How could they? How can the deceased be exceptions on earth ?!
Popes since Pius XII have allowed this objective error, the Marchetti theory to influence theology and there is no reference to it in the New Catholic Media.
If the Catholic media did not use Marchett's inference ( that salvation in Heaven is visible on earth and defacto contradicts Tradition)  Vatican Council II is traditional.

The secular media now  commonly suggests that Lumen Gentium 16 ( saved in invincible ignorance) is an exception to the dogma, on all needing to be formal members of the Church to avoid Hell. Wikipedia and so many Catholic sources refer to Lumen Gentium 16 as  an exception.There is no  comment on the New Catholic Media.
If someone is saved in invincible ignorance ( with or without the baptism of water) it still is invisible for us.We cannot meet someone in the Archdiocese of Detroit for example, who will be saved with the baptism of desire and without the baptism of water.
How can someone who does not exist in our reality, who is not on earth, be an exception to Mother Angelica's understanding of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus? How can those who do not exist in our reality be an exception to the saints and popes statements on extra eclesiam nulla salus ? What has the baptism of desire to do with extra ecclesiam nulla salus?
The entire 'Church of Nice' is using the Marchetti Theory and have put away the dogma.They are now calling the dogma  an aphorism or a maxim.
No one in the Catholic diocese of Brescia,Italy for example, is willing to say that extra ecclesiam nulla salus  is a dogma. The Faculty of Theology at the Teresianum, the Pontifical University of the Carmelites in Rome,  also refers to the dogma as an axiom. For them everyone does not need to be a formal member of the Church since there are 'exceptions'.
If Marchetti only mentioned the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance it would be fine. They are hypothetical  cases, possibilities.Instead he went further and in a non traditional way, posited these cases as being exceptions to the dogma.The New Catholic Media has not discussed this yet.
-Lionel Andrades
February 6, 2015
Bishop of Brescia refuses to say extra ecclesiam nulla salus is a dogma of the Catholic Church

February 5, 2015
Lifesites double standards

February 5, 2015
Neither Michael Voris nor the Archbishop of Detroit are willing to say that the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 made a factual mistake : they will not discuss it

Bishop of Brescia refuses to say extra ecclesiam nulla salus is a dogma of the Catholic Church

Mons.Luciano Monari and the Curia in the diocese of Brescia, Italy will not say that extra ecclesiam nulla salus is a dogma.Also Fr. Raffele Maiolini the Director , the diocese Office for Education, Schools and Universities refuses to admit that the dogma has been defined by three Church Councils.There is no comment from the Vicar General and other officials of the Curia who were  e-mailed yesterday.

Fr.Giovanni Cavalcoli,OP who has been a professor of Dogmatic Theology at the Faculty of Theology in Bologna,  in an e-mail message sent to me yesterday (Feb.05,2015) 1 wrote that the word 'aphorism' signifies nothing and we should not confuse theology with literature. Extra ecclesiam nulla salus  refers to a dogma, an  infallible and solemn expression  of the truth of faith in the Church.
This declaration introduces the formula "firmiter credit e profitetur", he said and this is charisteristic of a dogmatic teaching.
The words of the Council of Florence are exactly this " "nullos intra Catholicam Ecclesiam non exsistentes non solum paganos, sed nec Ideaeos nec haereticos atque schismaticos, aeternae vitae fieri posse participes" (Denz 714).
'those not within the Catholic Church, not only pagans, but also Jews and heretics and schismatics cannot become participants in eternal life...(Cantate Domino, Council of Florence Denz 714).
-Lionel Andrades
February 5, 2015
Diocese of Brescia still silent : Fr.Cavalcoli O.P confirms, it's a dogma!

"Aforisma" non significa niente: non è una nota teologica, ma un'espressione letteraria. Non confondiamo la teologia con la letteratura. E' invece un DOGMA, intendendo con questa espressione un'interpretazione infallibile e solenne della verità di fede fatta dalla Chiesa.
Infatti la dichiarazione è introdotta dalla formula "firmiter credit e profitetur", che è la formula caratteristica degli insegnamenti dogmatici.
E le parole del Concilio sono esattamente queste: "nullos intra Catholicam Ecclesiam non exsistentes non solum paganos, sed nec Ideaeos nec haereticos atque schismaticos, aeternae vitae fieri posse participes"(Denz 714).
Da notare che, come dice il Maritain in L'Eglise du Christ. Sa personne et son personnel, si può appartenere alla Chiesa anche in modo inconsapevole o implicito.
Che per salvarsi occorra appartenere visibilmente o invisibilmente alla Chiesa è cosa ovvia: Cristo l'ha fondata appunto come comunità della salvezza.
Sono stato docente di teologia dogmatica per trent'anni presso la Facoltà Teologica di Bologna.
P.Giovanni Cavalcoli,OP