Saturday, March 19, 2016

There was an official change in doctrine and dogma in 1949 and it has been expressed officially in Vatican Council II (LG 16, LG 8, NA 2, UR 3,etc)


" Difference of prudence and judgement? Absolutely yes to that one! "Agreed, but the crisis we now witness lies precisely in the realm of prudence and judgment, there being no "official" change of doctrine or dogma.

Lionel:  Yes there has been a change of doctrine and 
In the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 it was assumed
 hypothetical cases were explicit, they were objectively 
seen. Then it was inferred that these 'objectively
 seen' cases in Heaven were known exceptions to 
the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus , as it was
 known over the centuries.
This was the theology of Cushingism.
Then retrospectively every pope or cardinal 
who referred to the baptism of desire or blood or
 being saved in invincible ignorance, it was inferred,
 was speaking of objectively visible cases.
So the dogma EENS was interpreted as having 
exceptions ( the baptism of desire etc) and so not
 every one needed to be a 'card carrying member'
 of the Catholic Church.
So doctrine was changed. This change in doctrine
 was placed in Vatican Counci II(LG 14). The new
 doctrine states not every one needs to enter
 the Church for salvation, as it was taught over 
centuries, but only those 'who know' about Jesus 
and the Church, those who were not in invincible
 ignorance, and who of course, were 'known cases'
 and they could be saved.
The change in doctrine is there when about 
every one interprets Vatican Council II (LG 16)
 as referring to explicit cases, which are exceptions
 to the EENS as it was known in the 16th century.
So we have a change in doctrine and dogma, by 
the Vatican Curia and the traditionalists,
 including the SSPX.
There was an official change in doctrine and 
dogma in 1949 and it has been expressed 
officially in Vatican Council II (LG 16, LG 8,
 NA 2, UR 3,etc)
-Lionel Andrades

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