Thursday, July 14, 2016

Michael Voris : On Being Saved and In Heaven there are only Catholics

On Being Saved.( The Vortex—On Being Saved )
Image result for Photo Michael Voris
It is important to be a Catholic according to Michael Voris since in general all non- Catholics are on the way to Hell and if there is a non Catholic saved in another religion it is because 'he is in the faith',as a mystic would put it.
Jesus would have sent a preacher  to baptism him  (St. Thomas Aquinas) or he would return from the dead only to be baptised ( St. Francis Xavier).So in Heaven there are only Catholics.
Michael often cautions about the billions of people who die outside the Church and who will never see Heaven.

They will not die 'in the faith' to use a phrase of Maria Simma, however there can non Catholics saved in another religion and they would be saved 'in the faith'.
So when Michael Voris says every one who is in Heaven is a Catholic he means there are no baptism of desire cases in Heaven without the baptism of water.In Heaven there are only Catholics with faith and baptism.Catholic Faith which includes the baptism of water and the other Sacraments and the faith and moral teachings of the Church.
So proclaim the Faith saying there are only Catholics in Heaven and outside the Church there is no salvation ( Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14), Catechism of the Catholic Church(1257,846),Dominus Iesus 20, CDF Notification on Fr. Jacques Dupuis S.J(2001), Redemptoris Missio 55,  dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( Cantate Dominio, Council of Florence 1441) etc).
So all the non-Catholics in Michigan, Texas and other parts of the USA according to Michael Voris, are on the way to Hell unless they convert into the Catholic Church.
Like Our Lady at Medugorje he is saying all religions are not equal. God loves all and all people in potential can go to Heaven. At Medugorge Our Lady chose the Catholic Church in which to appear.It is only in the Catholic Church that there is salvation.
Many of her children, however, within the Catholic Church , who have 'the faith', will not be saved.Since they die in mortal sin without Absolution in the Sacrament of Confession.
Then many of her children within the Catholic Church, are in innocent heresy, due to ignorance.Since the New Catechemunal Way, the Focolares, Catholic Charismatic Renewal, religious communities,traditionalists and sedevacantists,all interpret salvation with the new theology which violates the Principle of Non Contradiction.So the conclusion is non traditional and heretical and it is approved by the contemporary magisterium.

Michael Voris is saying that in general, defacto, every one needs to enter the Church with faith and baptism in 2016 to be saved from Hell.When I meet a non Catholic, I know he is oriented to Hell, since he does not have Catholic Faith which includes the baptism of water.I cannot know of any one in 2016 who will be saved without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.Nor can I know of anyone in 2016 who has been saved with the baptism of desire or blood, or in invincible ignorance and without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.No one in the past could have known of someone who is in Heaven and who contradicted the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
So like Fr. Leonard Feeney and the 16th century missionaries, Michael Voris is saying all need to formally enter the Church to avoid Hell and there are no 'developments' for him; there are no known exceptions for him in  Detroit.All non Catholics who are participated in inter-religious dialogue, educated persons, in the Archdiocese of Diocese, are oriented to the fires of Hell unless before they die they enter the Catholic Church, the only Ark of Noah that saved in the flood.-Lionel Andrades

July 13, 2016
The Vortex On Being Saved can be used as a program for evangelising.It avoids getting into the new theology which creates confusion

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