Wednesday, July 13, 2016

'Thanks to that book, Get Us Out of Here, I will now only receive the Precious Body by a priest and only on the tongue. My daughter does the same.'

In Maria Simma's book Get Us Out of Here she relates that many souls of priests have come to her from Purgatory because they encouraged Communion in the Hand which is offensive to Our Lord. (She also stated that the laity are not held responsible, but their leaders are.) 

I have started receiving on the tongue again after hearing this. Many of the people I know frown on my decision. I know that I am not to be refused Communion on the tongue however (Redemptionis Sacramentum).1

The holy souls and the reception of Communion in the hand and the use of Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers
Maria was very traditional in the beliefs and practice of the Catholic faith--and these views, she stated, was because of what the 'holy souls' had taught her. For instance, she was very much against the reception of Communion in the hand. According to her, the holy souls taught her that receiving Communion in the hand was offensive to God, and moreover that the Bishops who had pushed for this practice in their Dioceses had committed a grave sacrilege, and would have to pay dearly for this in Purgatory. In fact, the holy souls had allegedly told of one certain Bishop who had to stay in Purgatory until the end of the world, apparently for this very reason. And then she also stated that there is a bishop who is going to have to stay in Purgatory until the permission for Communion in the hand in his diocese is rescinded. To illustrate this point, she would state that none of the Popes (so far) will give Communion in the hand, nor have they ever permitted it in the diocese of Rome (the pope is the bishop of Rome).

Maria Simma

Additionally, Maria was very much against the use of Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers and felt that they should only be used in extreme cases---again, she said that this was something that the holy souls had taught her. She was not very favorable towards the television, and did not watch television herself--she seemed to think it that overall it was okay to watch TV for the news and for educational purposes, but she felt that most of the programming was sinful. 2

I am reading a book, Get Us Out of Here by Nikki ?? who interviewed Maria Simma from Austria. She is a woman who dedicated her life to helping the Poor Souls in Purgatory and has actually been visited by souls. (Hope I spelled everything correctly) The one thing that really concerns me is the how the Poor Souls stessed the way to receive Communion. They felt that Communion in the hand wasn't the way people should do it, that you should kneel and receive it in the mouth. According to Maria, some priests are in Purgatory either for pushing Communion in the hand through Vatican II or for distributing that way. (Please bear in mind that I don't have the book in my hand at the moment so am "winging it" for the time being.) Has anyone else read this book and/or have an opinion on this matter??? Curious. 3

Thanks to that book, Get Us Out of Here, I will now only receive the Precious Body by a priest and only on the tongue. My daughter does the same. 

I too used to receive by hand. I too used to be an Eucharist minister. But I will not do that anymore. 

The Body is so precious and so important that all honor and glory must and should be shown to It. By receiving It only from a priest and by tongue shows this. Only consercated hands should be touching the Blessed Host. Only priests hands are consercated. And one should be in complete "state of grace" to receive. 

There are exceptions to the above. But these should be limited. The Blessed Host has lost It's reverance...thus, meaning Jesus has lost His reverance in this world. It's time we changed this. It's time to put Jesus "on the map" AMEN! Love, Pippy 4.





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