Friday, September 16, 2016

Archbishop Guido Pozzo talks about doctrine with reference to the SSPX but does not mention the error of Pope Benedict and the International Theological Commission in which he collaborated

International Theological Commission, Vol IPope Benedict approved an objective error of the International Theological Commission(ITC) and Archbishop Guido Pozzo and Cardinal Luiz Ladaria S.J were collaboraters.They now expect Catholics all over the world to accept this error and interpret Vatican Council II and other magisterial documents using an irrational premise which results in a non traditional and heretical conclusion.Catholics must assume according to them,that what is invisible is really visible and what is hypothetical is really  objective.
This makes the new theology and new doctrines of the Catholic Church politically correct with the Left.
Catholics should point out this error to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), Vatican and object to it.Since after so many years of being informed, the cardinals and bishops, do not admit that they made a mistake in the interpretation of Vatican Council II and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Archbishop Guido Pozzo talks about doctrine with reference to the SSPX but does not mention the error of Pope Benedict and the International Theological Commission in which he collaborated.-Lionel Andrades
Image result for Photo of Pope Benedict XVI with International Theological Commission

Pope Benedict approved the mistake of the International Theological Commission, a magisterial error on a faith issue which contradicted the ex cathedra teaching of three Church Councils and popes

September 16, 2016

Report on Gloria TV, in Italian, by 'Isole de Patmos' also recognises this theological problem, an objective error, among the 'Lefebvrists'
Image result for photo of cardinal Luis ladaria

The Holy See
September 14, 2016
International Theological Commission made a mistake


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