Friday, September 16, 2016

Report on Gloria TV, in Italian, by 'Isole de Patmos' also recognises this theological problem, an objective error, among the 'Lefebvrists'

The Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) concept of ordinary and extraordinary means of salvation is based on the New Theology.It is Cushingite.It supports the Rahnerian 'anonymous Christian' theory.It is the new theology used by Pope Benedict/Cardinal Ratzinger in magisterial documents like Redemptoris Missio and Dominus Iesus.Unfortunately Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre also accepted it.
There is a report on Gloria TV, in Italian, written under the pseudonym Isole de Patmos.This anonymous  writer also recognises this theological problem, an objective error, among the 'Lefebvrists'.
I have often pointed it out.
VaticanoII un dibattito aperto
Fr.Jean Marie Gleize in his book   Vaticano II- Un Dibattito Aperto(Editrice Ichthys) 2013 refers to the extraordinary means of salvation.How can there be an extraordinary means of salvation with reference to the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ? Only if there were known exceptions could there be an extraordinary means of salvation.If invisible cases of persons saved in invincible ignorance without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church were known, then there would be an extra ordinary means of salvation for us.Then only there could be exceptions to the ordinary means of salvation.
The ordinary and extra ordinary means of salvation, like Rahners Anonymous Christian theory comes from the error of the New Theology.It is the mixing up of what is subjective and theoretical as being objective and personally known.This is an error in philosophy which is now accepted as being Catholic doctrine, as being part of the Deposit of the Faith.It was never corrected by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger when he was Prefect of the Congregation for the Dcotrine of the Faith.
The writer Isole di Patmos has discerned the error too.Here is a translation of some of the passages from his article in Italian.

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus, or salus extra ecclesiam non est, is a warning to us, an invitation to never abandon the way, the truth and the life. A warning line, dogmatically and doctrinally linked to the ordinary means of salvation.
Also in this world, in what is improperly called Tradition, where the fans of the Lefebvrists stand out with all their related confusion sometimes the inability to distinguish substance from accidents according to the metaphysics, and a failure to theologically perceive the link between the ordinary and extraordinary means of salvation and the action of God's grace in relation to the mystery of salvation and redemption, and the
concept of visible church and the invisible church.Again the modernists on the one hand and the fans of Lefebvre ,both proceed on two binary opposites, but parallel ways. They both take the same train.They go with all the passengers oblivious to the crumbling bridge. They march with the unsuspecting passengers towards the Cassandra Crossing crumbling bridge, as I wrote in my first article on the Isle of Patmos.

The modernists have developed in the Church, various metastases which all contribute to the drama of the same tumor. Half a century ago, it started with the daring theory of Karl Rahner's "anonymous Christians"; and I say bold because the expressive language of this German Jesuit theologian.Its structural system is nebulous and ambiguous, if understood it is misinterpreted - as happens in standard practice.It may lead to nullifying the entire mystery of redemption. The dangerous theory of "anonymous Christians" thus ends up becoming one of the main bases of theological relativism. It emerges as a natural consequence of religious relativism: one religion is the same as the other, Christian or non-Christian. Afferming in this way what is wrong and dangerous, but is considered correct in all aspects of good doctrine -that we can follow- that is the ordinary and extraordinary means of salvation.

In addition to the ordinary means of salvation offered by the Church to serve Christ and to fulfill his plans of salvation, there are always extraordinary means that by their very nature are inscrutable. Since they dwell in the heart of God and proceed from God; despite not having anything to do with flights of fancy rahneriani on "anonymous Christianity."

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus, or salus extra ecclesiam non est, is a warning to us, an invitation to never abandon the way, the truth and the life. It is a warning line, dogmatically and doctrinally linked to the ordinary means of salvation. From Isola Patmos, November 7, 2014
OCTOBER 1, 2013

SSPX Prior says Fr.Jean Marie Gleize's use of the phrase 'via eccezionale' will be clarified by the District Superior,Italy

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