Saturday, November 26, 2016

Prayer Request: John Vennari

Prayer Request: John Vennari

by Adrienne
This is from Elizabeth Vennari Facebook:
Dear everyone,
Most of you may be unaware that my father was diagnosed with stage four colon cancer in August and was pronounced inoperable by Roswell Park Institute. His case is gravely serious, so he immediately began pursuing alternative cures with the help of several trusted doctors and professional consultants. Several weeks ago, he traveled to a well acclaimed cancer institute specializing in alternative cancer therapy, where he stayed for a full three weeks. Upon his return home last night, he was immediately admitted into a local hospital for an obstruction in the colon that had gone undiagnosed. There have been misreports that he has gone through surgery already, but he will be operated on tomorrow morning (Saturday the 26th) in order to remove or at least diminish the obstruction. This surgery is not a cure; it is merely palliative to enable digestion. His cancer program will continue. Dad received the Sacrament of Extreme Unction this afternoon, and he asks for prayers that the operation goes smoothly. Currently he is at the hospital, where he will stay for the next few days in order to recover. My family asks that you keep him in your prayers while he is in the hospital and in the days to come. I will give an update later on when necessary. Thank you for your prayers, and God bless.
Fr Richard Voigt began Rosaries this morning inviting us all to join him for the Healing, health and Salvation of John.
God be merciful.

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