Monday, June 20, 2016

The Dogma of Hell - Fr. François Xavier Schouppe, S.J.

The Dogma of Hell

First in a Series on Hell

 Fr. François Xavier Schouppe, S.J.

Jüngstes Gericht (detail)
Hans Memling (1430-1494)
The dogma of hell is the most terrible truth of our faith. There is a hell. We are as sure of it as of the existence of God, or the existence of the sun. Nothing, in fact, is more clearly revealed than the dogma of hell, and Jesus Christ proclaims it as many as fifteen times in the Gospel.

Reason comes to the support of revelation; the existence of a hell is in harmony with the immutable notions of justice engraved in the human heart. Revealed to men from the beginning, and conformable to natural reason, this dreadful truth has always been, and is still known, by all nations not plunged by barbarism in complete ignorance.

Hell never has been denied by heretics, Jews or Mohammedan. The pagans themselves have retained their belief in it, although the errors of paganism may have impaired in their minds the sound notion. It has been reserved for modern and contemporaneous atheism, carried to the pitch of delirium, to outdo the impiety of all ages by denying the existence of hell.

There are, in our day, men who laugh at, question, or openly deny the reality of hell. They laugh at hell; but the universal belief of nations should not be laughed at; a matter affecting the everlasting destiny of man is not laughable; there is no fun, when the question is of enduring for eternity the punishment of fire. They question, or even deny the dogma of hell; but on a mater of religious dogma, they cannot decide without being competent; they cannot call into doubt, still less deny, a belief so solidly established, without bringing forward irrefutable reasons.

Now, are they who deny the dogma of hell competent in matters of religion? Are they not strangers to that branch of the sciences, which is called theology? Are they not oftenest ignorant of the very elements of religion taught in the Catechism? Whence, then, proceeds the mania of grappling with a religious question which is not within their province? Why such warmth in combating the belief in hell? Ah! It is interest that prompts them; they are concerned about the non-existence of hell, knowing that if there is a hell, it shall be their portion. These unhappy men wish that there might not be one, and they try to persuade themselves that there is none. In fact, these efforts usually end in a sort of incredulity. At bottom, this disbelief is only a doubt, but a doubt which unbelievers formulate by a negation. Accordingly, they say there is no hell. And upon what reasons do they rest so bold a denial? All their reasons and arguments may be summed up in the following assertions:
"I do not believe in hell." 
"They who affirm this dogma know nothing about it; the future life is an insoluble problem, and invincible, perhaps." 
"No one has returned from beyond the grave to testify that there is a hell."
These are all the "proofs", all the "theology" of the teachers of impiety. Let us examine:
  1. You do not believe in hell? And there is no hell, because you do not believe in it? Will hell exist any the less, because you do not please to believe in it? Should a thief be so foolish as to deny that there is a prison, would the prison cease to exist, and should the thief not enter it?
  2. You say that the future life is a problem, and hell a perhaps. You are deceived; this problem is fully solved by revelation, and left in no uncertainty. But suppose for a moment, that there was an uncertainty, that the existence of eternal torments is only probable, and that it may be said: perhaps there is no hell. I ask any man of sound reason, would he not be the silliest of men who, upon such a perhaps, should expose himself to the punishment of an everlasting fire?
  3. They say that no one returned from beyond the grave to tell us about hell. If it were true that no one has returned, would hell exist the less? Is it the dammed who ought to teach us that there is a hell? It might as well be said that it is prisoners who ought to inform us that there are prisons. To know that there is a hell it is not necessary that the damned should come to tell us; God's word is sufficient for us; God it is who publishes it, and informs the world concerning it. But are you, who claim that no dead person has returned to speak of hell, quite sure of it? You say it, you declare it; but you have against you historical, proved, unexceptionable facts. I do not speak here of Jesus Christ, who descended into hell, and rose again from the dead; there are other dead persons who returned to life, and damned souls who have revealed their everlasting reprobation. Still, whatever may be the historical certainty of this sort of facts, I repeat, it is not upon this ground that we claim to establish the dogma of hell; that truth is known to us by the infallible word of God; the facts which we adduce serve but to confirm, and place it in a clearer light.

[The following video records the testimony of one Fr. Steven Scheier, a priest who suffered a near death experience and escaped hell only by the intercession of Our Lady. Highly recommended.]

Pontifical Universities in their 2016-2017 theology semester affirm the Magisterial Heresy : hypothetical cases in Vatican Council II are considered explicit exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus

With the approval of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith,the Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education and the International Theological Commission pontifical universities are teaching an objective error.They project Vatican Council II as a rupture with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).This has been approved by Pope Benedict and Pope Francis.

Fr.Tomasso Stancati O.P at the Angelicum University, Rome confirms this in the new academic calendar (2016-2017) .He expresses this in  an introduction to the new ecclesiology( new theology) of Vatican Council II,specifically Lumen Gentium.Introduzione teologica alla nuova ecclesiologia cattolica del Concilio Vaticano II: la Costituzione dogmatica sulla Chiesa Lumen Gentium.) He means he will interpret Lumen Gentium 16, 8 and 14 as referring not to invisible cases in 2016 but as personally known and visible persons.So Lumen Gentium becomes a rupture with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, as it was known in the 14 th to 16th century.If he did not mix up what is hypothetical as being objective there would be no explicit exception to the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Church.Also Vatican Council II and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus would be traditional and according to the old ecclesiology.However by using the Magisterial Heresy of the second part of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 he can present this innovation in theology which is a break with Tradition.It is a theology, which is irrational (visible exceptions to EENS), non traditional( rejection of EENS) and heretical ( rejection of EENS and Vatican Council II which is Feeneyite).

TI 1318 Il mistero della Chiesa. 5 ECTS Il mysterium Ecclesiæ: metodologia teologica ed ecclesiologia. La teologia della Chiesa nel Nuovo Testamento. L’ecclesiologia patristica: caratteri principali. Introduzione teologica alla nuova ecclesiologia cattolica del Concilio Vaticano II: la Costituzione dogmatica sulla Chiesa Lumen Gentium. Analisi particolareggiata e commento teologico dei temi biblico-teologici più rilevanti dei capp. I-III della Lumen Gentium. N.B. I restanti capitoli della Lumen Gentium saranno oggetto dello studio personale dello studente sul testo di base suggerito (o su altro testo concordato col Docente). 16 PRIMO CICLO FACOLTÀ DI TEOLOGIA BIBLIOGRAFIA: T. STANCATI, Ecclesiologia biblica e dogmatica, Ed. Domenicane Italiane, Napoli 2008; B. FORTE, La Chiesa della Trinità, Ed. San Paolo, 1995; G. PHILIPS, L’Église et son mystère, Desclée, Paris 19755; trad. it. La Chiesa e il suo mistero nel Concilio Vaticano II, Jaca Book, Milano 19822. T. STANCATI, O.P. Lun. 10.30-12.15; Mar. 9.30-10.15

SE 2591 The Salvation of Non-Christians in St. Thomas Aquinas’ Corpus 4 ECTS Throughout the history of Christendom, the preoccupation with salvation has clearly been in the forefront. Tied to the strong conviction that the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ is our only key to such salvation, much missionary activity and expansion has ensued. With this in mind, what happens to those many souls who are not Christian and who have never heard the Good News? If original sin has conditioned every person in the history of humanity, how was the salvific offer of Christ on the Cross the proper response to all of humanity throughout time? Since we know that His offer is universal but requires that we accept it, what happens to those who have not known it or have not accepted it? Who are these people? What happens to them in rapport to our Savior Jesus Christ? Do they have hope for salvation? In this course we wish to approach the issue of salvation of non-Christians using the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas, covering themes from the nature of Faith and the necessity of Baptism to that of invincible ignorance. Since St. Thomas did not address this theme frequently in his texts, we will see a number of other key themes in his theology which will open the way to help answer these questions. F. GIORDANO Wed. 10.30-12.15

Fr.Giordano says ,'St. Thomas did not address this theme frequently in his texts, we will see a number of other key themes in his theology which will open the way to help answer these questions.' He means that St. Thomas Aquinas affirmed the rigorist interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and did not state being saved in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire were exceptions.So he will take the liberty of saying Aquinas approved of the man in the forest in invincible ignorance, as an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. In other words Fr.Giordano will use the theology of Cushingism, to assume that the man in the forest is an explict case, someone personally known.
This is what Fr.Giordano assumed when as a student he wrote his thesis on Feeneyism/outside the Church there is no salvation, at the University of St.Thomas Aquinas.It was based on the Magisterial Heresy of the second part of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 to the Archbishop of Boston.It is the standard Cushingite theology being taught at all the pontifical universities.
Fr.Giordano is the Executive Director of the Human Life International, Rome Office.


Similarly Sandro Mazzolini at the Urbaniana University will teach Cushingism as the new theology and will reject the traditional means of doing mission based on the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.1
-Lionel Andrades


 JUNE 20, 2016

Prof.Phillip Blosser, a Professor of Philosophy at Musings of a Pertinacious Papist and Tancred at The Eponymous Flower agree with me : hypothetical cases (baptism of desire etc) cannot be explicit for us in 2016

Immagine correlata

SEPTEMBER 13, 2015

With an irrational inference dogmas and doctrines are being thrown out at the Angelicum University

JULY 14, 2013

Catholic universities and organisations are misrepresenting the truth


SEPTEMBER 13, 2015

This semester Fr.Tommaso Stancati O.P teaches the new theology at the Angelicum based on LG 16 being explicit for us instead of implicit


SEPTEMBER 13, 2015

Former Franciscans of the Immaculate seminary faculty priest in U-turn: teaches at the Angelicum University

JUNE 8, 2015

Can a priest be faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church, affirm Vatican Council II interpreted according to Feeneyism and not choose incardination ?

NOVEMBER 11, 2013

Same error in SSPX books repeated by Opus Dei university

NOVEMBER 9, 2013

Opus Dei Chaplain contradicts Dean of Theology

NOVEMBER 6, 2013

No reply from Mons. Angel Rodriguez Luno to the two questions

NOVEMBER 1, 2013

Opis Dei appoints Mons.Angel Rodriguez Luno as Dean of Theology : prudent priest will not affirm the Catholic Faith

OCTOBER 24, 2013

Opus Dei university in Rome gives Fr.Francesco Giordano a doctorate degree inspite of the error?

JUNE 26, 2013

The SSPX could file a canonical petition in the case of Bishop Charles Morerod O.P

Vatican/Vicariate is not allowing priests in Rome to interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism : incardìnation prohibition

OCTOBER 2, 2015

Catholic schools in Italy not being allowed to teach the Catholic Faith


Immagine correlata

The Magisterial Heresy -1 (Updated June 18, 2016)

The Magisterial Heresy -2 (Updated June 18, 2016)

The Magisterial Heresy -3 ( Updated June 18,2016)

The Magisterial Heresy -4 (Updated June 18, 2016)

The Magisterial Heresy - 5 ( Updated June 18, 2016)

Prof.Phillip Blosser, a Professor of Philosophy at Musings of a Pertinacious Papist and Tancred at The Eponymous Flower agree with me : hypothetical cases (baptism of desire etc) cannot be explicit for us in 2016

Musings of a Pertinacious Papist
Comments on the blog Musings of a Pertinacious Papist : "Saint Anthony, Hammer of Heretics,
 Help Us To Find Our Way Home To Heaven"
Blogger Amateur Brain Surgeon said...
'It assumed the baptism of desire and blood and being saved in invincible ignorance,referred to explicit cases, known cases of persons, who were saved without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church' (Lionel)

It assumed no such inanity.
In the following passage we have the rejection of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS)  in the Letter (1949).It was kept secret for three years before it was made public by the  Archdiocese of Boston.
Therefore, that one may obtain eternal salvation, it is not always required that he be incorporated into the Church actually as a member,-Letter of the Holy Office 1949
It rejects the dogma EENS when it suggests that the baptism of desire etc is relevant or an exception to EENS.
Image result for Photos of proof
Therefore, that one may obtain eternal salvation, it is not always required that he be incorporated into the Church actually as a member, but it is necessary that at least he be united to her by desire and longing. -Letter of the Holy Office 1949
So ' it assumed the baptism of desire and blood and being saved in invincible ignorance,referred to explicit cases, known cases of persons, who were saved without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church'.
Otherwise how could the baptism of desire etc be relevant or an exception to EENS? Otherwise why would it be mentioned?
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If there is a box of oranges and there is an apple in that box the apple is an exception not only because it is different but also because it is there in that box.If it was not in the box it would not be an exception.
 That is a charge you tirelessly repeat in uncountable forums and you never - NEVER - have been able to produce any evidence - NOT ONE SCINTILLA - that that is what that letter either intended to mean or does mean.
Here is more proof.
However, this desire need not always be explicit, as it is in catechumens; but when a person is involved in invincible ignorance God accepts also an implicit desire, so called because it is included in that good disposition of soul whereby a person wishes his will to be conformed to the will of God.-Letter of the Holy Office 1949

This passage assumes the baptism of desire and blood and being saved in invincible ignorance,refers to an explicit case.It is a known case of someone aved without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.Otherwise why would the Letter (1949) mention it with reference to Feeneyite EENS '.It states,'as it is in catechumens; but when a person is involved in invincible ignorance God accepts also an implicit desire'.Yes? So what? Someone we know has been saved as such?

Here is more of the same.
'In His infinite mercy God has willed that the effects, necessary for one to be saved, of those helps to salvation which are directed toward man's final end, not by intrinsic necessity, but only by divine institution, can also be obtained in certain circumstances when those helps are used only in desire and longing.'- Letter of the Holy Office 1949
All of you (traditionalists and contemporary magisterium) have accepted this passage. Since in 2016 you all know of someone saved 'in certain circumstances' only with 'desire and longing' and without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church'? This was an explicit case for somebody otherwise why would it be mentioned in the Letter,yes ?

You are your own cult
The 16th century missionaries accepted the baptism of desire and blood as being implicit and invisible for us human beings so there were no exceptions to the dogma EENs. It is the same with me.

Blogger Amateur Brain Surgeon said...
O, and Lionel, consider excommunication your own self from that autocephalic cult in which you exist and return to the One True Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church outside of which you will go to Hell.
I am not in a one, true,apostolic  and Holy Roman Catholic  Church which assumes theoretical, hypothetical cases, known only to God, are explicit and objective for us in 2016.This is your Catholic Church. 
I am in a Catholic Church in which I choose to consider hypothetical cases as just being hypothetical.
So I accept the first part of the Letter(1949) and reject the second part..The second part rejects the magisterium of the Church in the Council of Trent and before the Council of Trent.The contemporary magisterium accepts the objective error and so is a rupture with the pre-Baltimore Catechism magisterium.

That is an irony you are too blind to see, isn't it?
Can hypothetical cases be explicit exceptions to the dogma EENs? And if they cannot then has the Letter (1949) made an objective mistake?- I ask you, again.
Answer this question please. It is a difficult question,for some reason, for Boniface on the blog Unam Sanctam Catholicam and Bro. Alexis Bugnolo on the blog From Rome.
Prof.Phillip Blosser, a Professor of Philosophy and owner of the blog Musings of a Pertinacious Papist and Tancred at the blog  The Eponymous Flower agree with me.They agree with me when I say that hypothetical cases cannot be explicit for us in the present times.So they cannot be exceptions to the dogma EENS.This is basically what I have been saying, the last few years.
The same thing has been said by an Archbishop, many priests and a lay apologist. I have quoted them on my blog. One of these priests, who agrees with me,  is the present Dean of Theology at the Pontifical University of St. Anselm in Rome.-Lionel Andrades

MARCH 3, 2012


NOVEMBER 30, 2011


JUNE 21, 2012

If the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 said that the baptism of desire was an exception to the dogma they made a mistake: So why cannot the Leadership Conference of Women Religious hold the literal interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus along with implicit baptism of desire ?

The Magisterial Heresy-5 ( Updated June 18, 2016)

 Immagine correlata
 The Magisterial Heresy - 5
I have shown how the irrational reasoning is used in Pontifical Universities and seminaries in Rome.This is done especially in Ecclesiology courses. At the Legionaries of Christ University (UPRA) in Rome, the Urbaniana University, the Pontifical University of St.Thomas Aquinas Rome, the St.John Lateran University and the Benedictine Pontifical university of St.Anselm in Rome. I mentioned that it was because of the old ecclesiology being linked to the Traditional Latin Mass at the Franciscans of the Immaculate Philosophy seminary in Rome, that Pope Francis closed it down.Even for Fr.Jean Marie Gleize who teaches Ecclesiology at the SSPX seminary at Econe,Switzerland, Vatican Council II is not ecclesiocentric since he assumes there are exceptions to the dogma.For him B would contradict A and he would be interpreting Vatican Council II with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism. He uses the irrational premise and inference.It is the same error being made at the Pontifical Universities and seminaries in Rome.
Like Fr. Gleize there are many traditionalists and sedevacantists, who like the liberals, use the irrational premise and inference in the interpretation of Vatican Council II. In this video I would like to cite some of them.

Maria Guarini, Father Stefano of Radio Vobiscum also like Padre Serafino Lanzetta FFI makes the same mistake on Vatican Council II

Maria Guarini intervieved by Father Stefano of the SSPX for Radio Vobiscum, also like Padre Serafino Lanzetta FFI, makes the same mistake on Vatican Council II.

Maria Guarini an Italian scholar, author and traditionalist, only understands Vatican Council II interpretated with an irrational premise. So for her Lumen Gentium would be a contradiction to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, as it is for P.Serafino Lanzetta in his new book. For them Lumen Gentium 8,16 and 14 refer to visible in the flesh cases and so it is a contradiction of the dogmaextra ecclesiam nulla salus and the rest of Tradition. In other words, those who are saved in 'invincible ignorance', 'elements of sanctification and truth' or 'subsist it ' in other Christian communities,are known to us, they are physically visible to be explicit exceptions to the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Church.They can see the dead now in Heaven?
Sui poteri del Pontefice e sul suo rapportarsi alla collegialità dunque molto influisce l’ambiguità della Lumen Gentium alla quale Paolo VI, messo sull'avviso dai Padri del Coetus Internationalis Patrum, cercò di rimediare con la Nota Praevia stesa sotto la supervisione del Cardinal Ottaviani. E tuttavia tale nota, con molta coerenza progressista posta in calce alla Costituzione, viene sistematicamente "saltata" essendo, appunto, "praevia"...

Fr.Serafino Lanzetta FFI presents book on Vatican Council II in Florence and was not be aware of the Council being interpreted with an irrational premise, this being the cause of its break with Tradition.

Fr.Serafino Lanzetta FFI, former Prior of the Franciscans of the Immaculate in Florence, Italy, presented his book on Vatican Council II (Sept.25,2014) in Florence and was not be aware of the Council being interpreted with an irrational premise, this being the cause of its break with Tradition.
It is because of the premise of the dead man being visible and being exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus that a pastoral Vatican Council II contradicts dogmatic teachings on salvation and other religions.
The title of his book is "The Second Vatican Council: a Pastoral Council" .For him Vatican Council II ( with the premise) is a break with Tradition. This is true but he will not mention that it is a break with Tradition because of the false premise .
Bishop Bernard Fellay the Superior General of the Society of St.Pius X (SSPX) in his last Letter to Friends and Benefactors no. 82 says 'The same declaration (LG. 8) also recognizes the presence of “salvific elements” in non-Catholic Christian communities' and the SSPX bishop concludes that 'Such statements are irreconcilable with the dogma “No salvation outside of the Church,” which was reaffirmed by a Letter of the Holy Office on August 8, 1949.'

II. An ecumenical conception of the Church

The expression “subsistit in” (Lumen gentium, 8) means that the Church of Christ has in the separate Christian communities a presence and an action that are distinct from the Church of Christ’s subsistence in the Catholic Church.(Lionel: If there are non Catholics saved in other religions or Christian communities they are not known to us in 2014.So these invisible cases are not explicit exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.)Taken in this sense, the expression denies the strict necessity of identifying the Church of Christ with the Catholic Church,(Lionel: It is because the SSPX assumes that these cases theoretically in Heaven are visible on earth that it seems that the Church of Christ is not the Catholic Church. The problem is with the SSPX and the not Lumen Gentium 8) which had always been taught, especially by Pius XII, both in Mystici corporis[2] and Humani generis[3]. (Lionel: In Mystici Corporis Pope Pius XII did not state that those saved in other religions or Christian communities are exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus).The Church of Christ is present and active as such, that is, as the unique ark of salvation, only where the Vicar of Christ is present. The Mystical Body of which he is the visible head is strictly identical to the Roman Catholic Church.(Lionel:Yes. So how is LG 8 an exception to extra ecclesiam nulla salus ? Where does LG 8 state that these cases are physically visible to us or that they are exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus?)
The same declaration (LG, 8) also recognizes the presence of “salvific elements” in non-Catholic Christian communities.(Lionel: Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre said that there could be a Hindu saved in Tibet. He would be saved not by his religion but by Jesus and the Church.SSPX is now begins to contradict its founder) The decree on ecumenism goes even further, adding that “the Spirit of Christ does not refrain from using these churches and communities as means of salvation, which derive their efficacy from the fullness of grace and truth entrusted to the Catholic Church.” (UR, 3) (Lionel: Is the SSPX saying that these cases are known, visible and objective for us and so they are a contradiction to extra ecclesiam nulla salus ?)
Since the SSPX follows the theology of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 they assume that the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance are visible, objective etc. So they are exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Similarly they assume that non Christians saved in their religions are visible,objective, seen in the flesh in 2014. So they are exceptions to traditional teaching on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
Possibly Bishop Fellay will issue another Letter to Friends and Benefactors with the same error.There still has been no clarification on this point since April 2014.
Such statements are irreconcilable with the dogma “No salvation outside of the Church,” which was reaffirmed by a Letter of the Holy Office on August 8, 1949.
How can they irreconcilable with the dogma No salvation outside the Church, when we do not know any of these cases in real life.I can affirm implicit for us baptism of desire along with the dogma. It was the Letter of the Holy Office which made this factual mistake, being repeated by the SSPX Superior General.
A separated community cannot cooperate with the action of God, since its separation is a resistance to the Holy Ghost. The truths and the sacraments that it may maintain can have good effects only in opposition to the erroneous principles on which these communities are founded and which separate them from the Mystical Body of the Catholic Church, whose visible head is the Vicar of Christ.
The declaration Nostra aetate says that non-Christian religions “often reflect a ray of that truth which enlightens all men,” although such men must find in Christ “the fullness of religious life;” it also “regards with sincere respect those ways of conduct and of life, those precepts and doctrines.” (NA, 2) Such a claim must be criticized just as the preceding one.(Lionel: Since these cases are visible to Bishop Fellay . They are explicit exceptions!!!) When coupled with heresy or schism, the sacraments, the partial truths of the Faith, and Scripture are in a state of separation from the Mystical Body. That is why, even though using such means, the sect as such cannot be a mediator of grace or contribute towards salvation, for it is deprived of supernatural grace. The same must be said for the ways of thinking, living, and acting that are found in non-Christian religions.(Lionel: It is Bishop Fellay who is denying the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus with his alleged exceptions.He is interpreting Vatican Council II (NA 2,LG 8 etc) by assuming the dead now saved are visible to us in 2014. Then he infers that these cases are exceptions to the traditional interpretation of the dogma.)
Even if a pope claims that we can see the dead who are living exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus it is irrationality and heresy).

For Burke and Shaw subjective cases are objective, this is the norm.So they interpret Vatican Council II as a break with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus

Comments from the blog Musings of a Pertinacious Papist : Just what the German hierarchy has been waiting for

So as to Burke and Shaw, do you think they see V2 and AL as involving rupture because they assume the V2 and AL WRONGLY interpret subjective cases as objective? And, if so, then how do they reconcile this with their alleged agreement with the new theological principle that the subjective cannot be judged by objective standards?
So as to Burke and Shaw, do you think they see V2 and AL as involving rupture because they assume the V2 and AL WRONGLY interpret subjective cases as objective?
Yes for Burke and Shaw subjective cases are objective, this is the norm.So they interpret Vatican Council II as a break with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS). For them LG 16 refers to known, objective cases. For them the baptism of desire is an exception to the dogma EENS. In other words the baptism of desire is not hypothetical but objective to be an exception.This is the new salvation theology for them.
Similarly there are known exceptions to the traditional interpretation of mortal sin.So for them AL 301 is saying nothing knew.It is based on the new moral theology which they have accepted for a long time.
Musings of a Pertinacious Papist
And, if so, then how do they reconcile this with their alleged agreement with the new theological principle that the subjective cannot be judged by objective standards?
I hope they allegedly agree that the subjective cannot be judged by objective standards to postulate exceptions to traditional moral and salvation theology.
However in the case of the new salvation theology for example, perhaps they just assume that the baptism of desire etc is an exception to the dogma EENS. This is common throughout the Church. Catholics just accept it without thinking, since it is magisterial.
I was talking to an American priest here. I asked ,"Father we do not know anyone in particualr saved with the baptism of desire or in invincible ignorance. I mean we cannot meet someone on the street who would be saved with the baptism of desire for example. I cannot say that someone will be saved with the baptism of desire and without the baptism of water".
He said with a smile "Yes.We cannot know any such case."
I asked, "So these cases cannot be an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus which says all need to be aformal member of the Catholic Church for salvation"
He was quiet for a few seconds and then said "No they cannot be exceptions." Then he added." But this is what the Church teaches and we must follow it"
Possibly Burke and Shaw have not really thought this out too.No one has discussed it with them one to one.
-Lionel Andrades

Cardinal Kasper will say doctrine has not been changed in principle, in theory but he knows very well that with the new theology, doctrine has been changed de jure and de facto, in principle and in fact
Exclusivist ecclesiology?

The new theology is based on being able to see the dead. Remove the premise, which is, "I can see the dead on earth".We then have the old ecclesiology, the exclusivist ecclesiology. The ecclesiology of Vatican Council II is exclusivist. Since it affirms the rigorist interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus in Ad Gentes 7, which says all need faith and baptism for salvation.LG 16,LG 8,UR 3,NA 2 etc are not known exceptions to Ad Gentes 7 or the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church. We are left with the old ecclesiology.

Who agrees with you?

Related image
Archbishop Thomas E.Gullickson says Vatican Council II does not contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors


Implicit intention, invincible ignorance and a good conscience (LG 16) in Vatican Council II do not contradict extra ecclesiam nulla salus –John Martigioni


April 26, 2016

Bishop Donald Sanborn hiding the truth

Image result for photos of no replyI have been sending these blogposts to the sedevacantist Most Holy Family seminary,Florida over the years but I get no reply.
Bishop Sanborn has posted an article on the Internet, The Anti-Feeneyite Catechism. This article still does not respond to the what I have writtedn in my blog posts, the points raised there.He should know by now that I am not using the apologetics of the St. Benedict Centers. I speak for myself.
I recently sent the following blog post to the seminary and received a mechanical reply saying they would respond-but there is no reply.About a year back the bishop said not to send him any e-mails.
The sedevacantist Bishop Sanborn uses Cushingism to interpret Vatican Council II and seems unaware of the Feeneyite choice

Nor is there any comment on this blog post:

Bishop Sanborn uses situation ethics, subjectivism and known exceptions to EENS, as a reasoning, to interpret Vatican Council II as a break with Tradition.The liberals do the same
Even on Twitter the priests of the seminary would not respond.
Fundamentally what I am saying is that the baptism of desire is always hypothetical for us and so cannot be an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiiam nulla salus(EENS). So I can accept the baptism of desire without rejecting the strict interpretation of EENS.This is not the apologetics of the St. Benedict Centers. So they can call me a Feeneyite but not for the reasons mentioned in Bishop Sanborn's article.
For me Fr.Leonard Feeney was saying there are no exceptions to the dogma EENS, there are no known cases of the baptism of desire for them to be exceptions.He accepted the possibility of the baptism of desire of a catechumen who dies before receiving it.Fr.Leonard Feeney did not consider it relevant or an exception to the dogma EENS.The Cushingites were making it relevant.They were also re-interpreting all historical references to the baptism of desire as being visible and known in real life.
Anyway this is how I understand the issue so why doesn't Bishop Sanborn comment instead of just lumping me with every one and repeating the same liberal propaganda on this issue to avoid saying that the sedevacantists and traditionalists were wrong all these years.

April 24, 2016

Traditionalists and sedevacantists need to affirm Catholic moral and salvation theology by avoiding the irrational inference, the mix up between what is visible and invisible.

Kasper: Pope Intends “Not to Preserve Everything as it has Been”

On 22 April, Cardinal Walter Kasper gave yet another interview about Pope Francis and his reforms. This time, he spoke with the German regional newspaper Aachener Zeitung. In this interview, the German cardinal made some candid — indeed, bold — statements which are very important in the context of the current situation of the Catholic Church.
Kasper speaks about the further Church-reform plans of Pope Francis and his intention “not to preserve everything as it has been of old.”
'his intention “not to preserve everything as it has been of old.”
He can do this by assuming hypothetical cases are known exceptions to the traditional teaching on faith and morals.This is how the change was made in Vatican Council II and Amoris Laetitia.

The traditionalists and sedevacantists need to affirm Catholic moral and salvation theology by avoiding the irrational inference, the mix up between what is visible and invisible.In this way they can preserve the old without rejecting Vatican Council II.

With Pope Francis, “things are not any more so abstract and permeated with suspicion, as it was the case in earlier times” within the Church. When asked whether there is also a new tone within the Church, Kasper answers: “Yes, a new tone.”
The traditionalists need to re-interpret Vatican Council II.Lumen Gentium 16 ( invincible ignorance/conscience) as must refer to invisible and not visible cases.The content and 'tone' of Vatican Council II will then change.It could come as a helpless surprise for Cardinal Kasper.

The liberals then cannot use Vatican Council II as a whip.Instead Cardinal Kasper could be asked to affirm Vatican Council II rationally i.e LG 16 etc refer to invisible and not visible cases.So Vatican Council II would not be in conflict with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, according to the 16th century missionaries.

He also responds in a more positive way to the question as to whether the German Bishops’ Conference now have a “tail wind” and says: “Certainly.”
Certainly since the conservative Catholic writers are also viewing Vatican Council II and mortal sin has having known exceptions, as being a break with the traditional teaching.
Imagine the surprise of the German cardinals if the SSPX or the sedevacantists announced :-
1. There is nothing in Vatican to contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) according to the 16th century missionaries. Since LG 16, LG 8, UR 3, NA 2 etc refer to invisible for us cases and not visible people in 2016. So theories of situation ethics, subjectivism made objective and known exceptions to EENS should not be applied to LG 16 etc.They should not be applied to the interpretation of Vatican Council II.
So there is no change in the old ecclesiology according to the text of Vatican Council II with this rational interpretation, in which hypothetical cases are simply hypothetical, theoretical cases are not objectively visible.
2.There are no known exceptions to the traditional teaching on mortal sin.The conditions of mortal sin mentioned in the Catechism of the Catholic Church are hypothetical. They cannot be exceptions. Pastorally we cannot know of someone who is living in mortal sin , who will not go to Hell if he dies immediately. We cannot pastorally say that someone in mortal sin will not go to Hell for certain subjective or social reasons.

If Cardinal Kasper agrees and affirms that there are no known exceptions to the dogma EENS he would be saying Vatican Council II indicates all Jews and Muslims need 'faith and baptism' (AG 7, LG 14) to avoid Hell and there are no exceptions.This will be difficult for him! He would also be saying Catholics who marry non Catholics are living in adultery. Their spouse is outside the Church and on the way to Hell .Since there is no known salvation outside the Church mentioned in Vatican Council II.It means Protestants cannot receive the Eucharist in even exceptional cases.The Masons will not accept all this. So Cardinal Kasper will not be able to say any more that doctrine has not changed. He will not be able to accept the old doctrine.

That a Protestant can receive the Eucharist in an emergency is an error of Cardinal Ratzinger as Prefect of the CDF.He did not beleve in the dogma EENS. He confirmed it as Pope Benedict in the interview with Avvenire when he said that EENS is no more like in the 16th century. It has 'developed' with Vatican Council II. He means it has developed for him and Cardinal Kasper, when they interpret hypothethical cases in Vatican Council II (LG 16, LG 8, UR 3 etc) as referring to objectively and personally known persons.Persons saved without the baptism of water in the Cathoic Church.It is only with this irrationality, of being able to see people in Heaven who are exceptions,can there be a 'development of doctrine' for the both of them.So since there is salvation outside the Church for him, Cardinal Ratzinger makes an exception for Protestants.A future pope can remove this insertion in canon law.

If Cardinal Ksper and the Vatican Curia says that there there are no known exceptions to the teaching on mortal sin this would contradict the moral theology being taught at Catholic universities and seminaries.It would contradict Amoris Laetitia.

A corretion would also have to be made with regard to Vatican Council II.When Lumen Gentium 14 refers to those who know about the Church and do not enter and who will be Condemned it is a mistake.It has come from the objective error in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 to the Archbishop of Boston relative to Fr.Leonard Feeney.So much of Vatican Council II ( UR 3, LG 16, AG 11(seeds of the Word), LG 8 etc ) is based on the factual error in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 which mixes up what is invisible as being visible.The result is a new doctrine expressed in Vatican Council II.

We can preserve everything as it has been by:-
1.Avoiding the irrational inference in moral and salvation theology.
2.Reinterpret Vatican Council II without the irrational inference.
3.Affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to the 16th century missionaries in agreement with Vatican Council II, interpreted without the irrational inference of known exceptions, subjectivism and situation ethics theories.

JUNE 20, 2016

Pontifical Universities in their 2016-2017 theology semester affirm the Magisterial Heresy : hypothetical cases in Vatican Council II are considered explicit exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus

With the approval of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith,the Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education and the International Theological Commission pontifical universities are teaching an objective error.They project Vatican Council II as a rupture with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).This has been approved by Pope Benedict and Pope Francis.

Fr.Tomasso Stancati O.P at the Angelicum University, Rome confirms this in the new academic calendar (2016-2017) .He expresses this in  an introduction to the new ecclesiology( new theology) of Vatican Council II,specifically Lumen Gentium.Introduzione teologica alla nuova ecclesiologia cattolica del Concilio Vaticano II: la Costituzione dogmatica sulla Chiesa Lumen Gentium.) He means he will interpret Lumen Gentium 16, 8 and 14 as referring not to invisible cases in 2016 but as personally known and visible persons.So Lumen Gentium becomes a rupture with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, as it was known in the 14 th to 16th century.If he did not mix up what is hypothetical as being objective there would be no explicit exception to the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Church.Also Vatican Council II and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus would be traditional and according to the old ecclesiology.However by using the Magisterial Heresy of the second part of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 he can present this innovation in theology which is a break with Tradition.It is a theology, which is irrational (visible exceptions to EENS), non traditional( rejection of EENS) and heretical ( rejection of EENS and Vatican Council II which is Feeneyite).

TI 1318 Il mistero della Chiesa. 5 ECTS Il mysterium Ecclesiæ: metodologia teologica ed ecclesiologia. La teologia della Chiesa nel Nuovo Testamento. L’ecclesiologia patristica: caratteri principali. Introduzione teologica alla nuova ecclesiologia cattolica del Concilio Vaticano II: la Costituzione dogmatica sulla Chiesa Lumen Gentium. Analisi particolareggiata e commento teologico dei temi biblico-teologici più rilevanti dei capp. I-III della Lumen Gentium. N.B. I restanti capitoli della Lumen Gentium saranno oggetto dello studio personale dello studente sul testo di base suggerito (o su altro testo concordato col Docente). 16 PRIMO CICLO FACOLTÀ DI TEOLOGIA BIBLIOGRAFIA: T. STANCATI, Ecclesiologia biblica e dogmatica, Ed. Domenicane Italiane, Napoli 2008; B. FORTE, La Chiesa della Trinità, Ed. San Paolo, 1995; G. PHILIPS, L’Église et son mystère, Desclée, Paris 19755; trad. it. La Chiesa e il suo mistero nel Concilio Vaticano II, Jaca Book, Milano 19822. T. STANCATI, O.P. Lun. 10.30-12.15; Mar. 9.30-10.15

SE 2591 The Salvation of Non-Christians in St. Thomas Aquinas’ Corpus 4 ECTS Throughout the history of Christendom, the preoccupation with salvation has clearly been in the forefront. Tied to the strong conviction that the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ is our only key to such salvation, much missionary activity and expansion has ensued. With this in mind, what happens to those many souls who are not Christian and who have never heard the Good News? If original sin has conditioned every person in the history of humanity, how was the salvific offer of Christ on the Cross the proper response to all of humanity throughout time? Since we know that His offer is universal but requires that we accept it, what happens to those who have not known it or have not accepted it? Who are these people? What happens to them in rapport to our Savior Jesus Christ? Do they have hope for salvation? In this course we wish to approach the issue of salvation of non-Christians using the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas, covering themes from the nature of Faith and the necessity of Baptism to that of invincible ignorance. Since St. Thomas did not address this theme frequently in his texts, we will see a number of other key themes in his theology which will open the way to help answer these questions. F. GIORDANO Wed. 10.30-12.15
Fr.Giordano says ,'St. Thomas did not address this theme frequently in his texts, we will see a number of other key themes in his theology which will open the way to help answer these questions.' He means that St. Thomas Aquinas affirmed the rigorist interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and did not state being saved in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire were exceptions.So he will take the liberty of saying Aquinas approved of the man in the forest in invincible ignorance, as an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. In other words Fr.Giordano will use the theology of Cushingism, to assume that the man in the forest is an explict case, someone personally known.
This is what Fr.Giordano assumed when as a student he wrote his thesis on Feeneyism/outside the Church there is no salvation, at the University of St.Thomas Aquinas.It was based on the Magisterial Heresy of the second part of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 to the Archbishop of Boston.It is the standard Cushingite theology being taught at all the pontifical universities.
Fr.Giordano is the Executive Director of the Human Life International, Rome Office.


Similarly Sandro Mazzolini at the Urbaniana University will teach Cushingism as the new theology and will reject the traditional means of doing mission based on the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.1
-Lionel Andrades

 JUNE 20, 2016

Prof.Phillip Blosser, a Professor of Philosophy at Musings of a Pertinacious Papist and Tancred at The Eponymous Flower agree with me : hypothetical cases (baptism of desire etc) cannot be explicit for us in 2016

Immagine correlata

SEPTEMBER 13, 2015

With an irrational inference dogmas and doctrines are being thrown out at the Angelicum University

JULY 14, 2013

Catholic universities and organisations are misrepresenting the truth


SEPTEMBER 13, 2015

This semester Fr.Tommaso Stancati O.P teaches the new theology at the Angelicum based on LG 16 being explicit for us instead of implicit


SEPTEMBER 13, 2015

Former Franciscans of the Immaculate seminary faculty priest in U-turn: teaches at the Angelicum University

JUNE 8, 2015

Can a priest be faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church, affirm Vatican Council II interpreted according to Feeneyism and not choose incardination ?

NOVEMBER 11, 2013

Same error in SSPX books repeated by Opus Dei university

NOVEMBER 9, 2013

Opus Dei Chaplain contradicts Dean of Theology

NOVEMBER 6, 2013

No reply from Mons. Angel Rodriguez Luno to the two questions

NOVEMBER 1, 2013

Opus Dei appoints Mons.Angel Rodriguez Luno as Dean of Theology : prudent priest will not affirm the Catholic Faith

OCTOBER 24, 2013

Opus Dei university in Rome gives Fr.Francesco Giordano a doctorate degree inspite of the error?

JUNE 26, 2013

The SSPX could file a canonical petition in the case of Bishop Charles Morerod O.P

Vatican/Vicariate is not allowing priests in Rome to interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism : incardìnation prohibition

OCTOBER 2, 2015

Catholic schools in Italy not being allowed to teach the Catholic Faith

CDF needs to clarify


Immagine correlata 

The Magisterial Heresy -1 (Updated June 18, 2016)

The Magisterial Heresy -2 (Updated June 18, 2016)

The Magisterial Heresy -3 ( Updated June 18,2016)

The Magisterial Heresy -4 (Updated June 18, 2016)

The Magisterial Heresy - 5 ( Updated June 18, 2016)


The universities are not teaching that Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14) indicates most people are on the way to Hell at the time of death. Since they die without 'faith and baptism'.The Church is the new people of God. Catholics are the Chosen People (NA 4).Outside the Catholic Church there is no known salvation(AG 7, LG 14).


April 24, 2016
St. Catherine of Siena On Hell

from the blog Traditional Catholic Priest by Fr. Peter Carota

St. Catherine of Siena On Hell (And Catholic Youth Selling Souls To Illuminati) 

God taught St. Catherine of Siena about heaven, purgatory and hell. One thing that struck me as great truth, was how she was told that the devil is so horrible to look at..
I tell you, in hell there are four principal torments and all the others are offspring of these.
The first is that these souls are deprived of seeing me. This is so painful for them that if they could they would choose the sight of me along with the fire and excruciating torments, rather than the freedom from their pains without seeing me.
The first suffering revives the worm of conscience, and this is their second torment. For when they see that their sinfulness has deprived them of me and of the company of the angels and made them worthy instead of seeing the demons and sharing their fellowship, conscience gnaws away at them constantly.
The sight of the devil is their third suffering, and it doubles every other torment. At the sight of me the saints are in constant exaltation, joyfully refreshed in reward for the labors they bore for me with such overflowing love and to their own cost. But it is just the opposite for these wretched little souls. Their only refreshment is the torment of seeing the devil, for in seeing them they know themselves better: that is, they recognize that their sinfulness has made them worthy of him. And so the worm gnaws on and the fire of conscience never stops burning.
Their suffering is even worse because they see the devil as he really is- more horrible than the human heart can imagine. You will recall that when I once let you see him for a tiny while, hardly a moment, as he really is, you said (after coming to your senses again) that you would rather walk on a road of fire even till the final judgment day than see him again. But even with all you have seen you do not know how horrible he really is. For my divine justice makes him look more horrible than still to those who have lost me, and this is in proportion to the depth of their sinfulness.
The fourth torment is fire. This fire burns without consuming, for the soul cannot be consumed, since it is not material (such as fire could consume) but spiritual. But in my divine justice I allow my fire to burn these souls mightily, tormenting them without consuming them. And the tremendous pain of this tortuous burning has as many forms as the forms of their sins and is more or less severe in proportion to their sins.” God to St. Catherine

Today, over and over again, I hear of youth playing around with the devil’s Illuminati. They think it is so “cool” (till they get to the hot fires of hell) to get involve with the Illuminati because;
1) Their friends do and it is popular.
2) Because the stars do.
3) Because it will give them sex, money, power and fame.
I just looked at a few minutes of this Youtube on hell. That is all it takes to remind me of how horrible hell real is. Here is another; but be careful because it has really bad adds before you can see the movie on YouTube on Hell .Hell_MEMLING, Hans (2)Yes, there is no worse thought than that just one person might be forever damned to burn in fire, be tortured by devils and lose heaven. Try to have anyone you love watch this Youtube video. I just cannot understand how Catholics do not worry about eternal damnation. Many people in the Church today will “damned” you if you so much as to happen to speak about it.

That is why we are traditional Catholics. We believe that God really did show St. Catherine of Siena the reality of heaven, purgatory and hell. Just because people today do not believe in it, does not make the reality go away. Jesus teaches about it over and over again. Mary has shown it to the children of Fatima and others. The Church Fathers taught about it. The saints saw it. Yet we are still so prideful as know better than Jesus, Mary and the saints. Why are we that stupid to ignore it? Why would we ever risk going there?Crucifixion_LIEFERINXE, JosseJesus died on the cross to save us from hell, the devil and eternal death. Let us humbly remind ourselves of the real sacrifice He made to save us from our deserved damnation. We are so blessed to be given the graces to be saved.
These graces that Jesus won for us on the cross and that are necessary to be saved are;
1) Have faith in the Father, The Son Jesus and The Holy Spirit.
2) Baptism.
3) Believe in and be a good Catholic Christian.
4) Believe in, obey and practice all the 2000 year old teachings of the Catholic Church.
5) Receive the Body and Blood of Jesus in Holy Communion.
6) Remain in His graces by not committing mortal sin.
7) If by any chance we may have committed a mortal sin, we make a good confession.
8) Practice our faith and do works of charity for others.
Meditate everyday on the reality that as we rush through our lives;Death_Dance of_stained glass_detail21) Death is rushing towards us. We will die some day, sooner or later, no one escapes it.
2) We will die and be judged alone, with no one but ourselves to answer for our eternal destiny. All our family and friends who in this life told us there was no hell, that is not sin, we do not need to obey God’s commandments, we do not need to practice our Catholic faith, they will not be there to give excuses or help us from being damned. It will only be between you and God; absolutely no one else. Please do not fool yourself to think they will be their to help you. NO NO NO. Only you and God.
3) We will do everything possible to avoid damnation. That means avoiding the occasion of sin like;
1) Family and friends that take us away from God and toward sin.
2) Places that lead us to sin.
3) Things that cause us to sin like the cell phone or computer.
Every minute, we humbly turn to God for His help, in prayer, to live a life pleasing to Him.- Fr. Peter Carota

Video : Make Your Choice!

Scary Hell Movie (Part 1)

Description of hell -Medugorje visionaries

The HORRORS of HELL Animation Video REPENT and BELIEVE in JESUS!!!




Immagine correlata
The entrance it seems to me was similar to a very long and narrow alleyway, like an oven, low and dark and confined; the floor seemed to me to consist of dirty,
muddy water emitting foul stench and swarming with putrid vermin...The bodily
pains were so unbearable that though I had suffered excruciating ones in this life and according to what doctors say, the worst that can be suffered on earth for all my nerves were shrunken when I was paralyzed, plus many other sufferings of many kinds that I endured and even some as I said, caused by the devil, these were all nothing in comparison with the ones I experienced there...
St.Teresa of Avila's description of Hell.


These are the Tortures suffered by all the damned together, but that is not the end of the sufferings.

There are special Tortures destined for particular souls.
These are the torments of the senses. Each soul undergoes terrible and indescribable sufferings related to the manner in which it has sinned.
I would have died...There are caverns and pits of torture where one form of agony differs from another. I would have died at the very sight of these tortures if the omnipotence of God had not supported me... -St.Faustina Kowalska's description of Hell.


There was a certain rich man, who was clothed in purple and fine linen; and feasted sumptuously every day.
And there was a certain beggar, named Lazarus, who lay at his gate, full of sores,Desiring to be filled with the crumbs that fell from the rich man' s table, and no one did give him; moreover the dogs came, and licked his sores.
And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham' s bosom.

And the rich man also died: and he was buried in hell. And lifting up his eyes when he was in torments, he saw Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom: And he cried, and said:
Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, to cool my tongue: for I am tormented in this flame.
And Abraham said to him: Son, remember that thou didst receive good things in thy lifetime, and likewise Lazarus evil things, but now he is comforted; and thou art tormented.

And besides all this, between us and you, there is fixed a great chaos: so that they who would pass from hence to you, cannot, nor from thence come hither. And he said: Then, father, I beseech thee, that thou wouldst send him to my father' s house,
for I have five brethren, That he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torments. And Abraham said to him: They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them. But he said: No, father Abraham: but if one went to them from the dead, they will do penance.
And he said to him: If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they believe, if one rise again from the dead.

-Luke :19-31,The Rich Man (Dives) and Lazarus.



Second Circle (Lust)

Gianciotto Discovers Paolo and FrancescaIn the second circle of Hell are those overcome by lust. Dante condemns these "carnal malefactors"[ for letting their appetites sway their reason. They are the first ones to be truly punished in Hell. These souls are blown back and forth by the terrible winds of a violent storm, without rest. This symbolizes the power of lust to blow one about needlessly and aimlessly.
In this circle, Dante sees
Semiramis, Dido, Cleopatra, Helen of Troy, Achilles, Paris, Tristan, and many others who were overcome by sexual love during their life.
Dante is told by
Francesca da Rimini how she and her husband's brother Paolo Malatesta committed adultery,but then died a violent death, in the name of Love, at the hands of her husband, Giovanni (Gianciotto).
Francesca reports that their act of adultery was triggered by reading the adulterous story of
Lancelot and Guinevere (an episode sculpted by Auguste Rodin in The Kiss). Nevertheless,
she predicts that her husband will be punished for his
fratricidein Caïna, within the ninth circle (Canto V). Alse see Dante's experience in Hell in The Divine Comedy( Inferno).




It contains in it, after the Preparatory Prayer and two Preludes, five Points and one Colloquy:

Prayer. Let the Preparatory Prayer be the usual one. First Prelude. The first Prelude is the composition, which is here to see with the sight of the imagination the length, breadth and depth of Hell.

Second Prelude. The second, to ask for what I want: it will be here to ask for interior sense of the pain which the damned suffer, in order that, if, through my faults, I should forget the love of the Eternal Lord, at least the fear of the pains may help me not to come into sin.

First Point. The first Point will be to see with the sight of the imagination the great fires, and the souls as in bodies of fire.

Second Point. The second, to hear with the ears wailings, howlings, cries, blasphemies against Christ our Lord and against all His Saints.

Third Point. The third, to smell with the smell smoke, sulphur, dregs and putrid things.

Fourth Point. The fourth, to taste with the taste bitter things, like tears, sadness and the worm of conscience.

Fifth Point. The fifth, to touch with the touch; that is to say, how the fires touch and burn the souls.

Colloquy. Making a Colloquy to Christ our Lord, I will bring to memory the souls that are in Hell, some because they did not believe the Coming, others because, believing, they did not act according to His Commandments; making three divisions... - The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, [1914] 


Will shock you like nothing else!

By A Customer on Nov. 5 1999

Hell and How to Avoid Hell by Thomas A. Nelson

(Amazon Books)

This book is an absolute must for everyone, regardless if you are Christian or not! You will not be able to put the book down as it captivates you with an absolutely overwhelming feeling of fear and terror. It really causes you to re-evaluate your own conscience and whether or not you are on the path to heaven. This book is especially needed for those who do not know Jesus Christ and for those that do know Him but think they are "once saved always saved." The Bible clearly states that we must accept Christ into our lives in order to be saved from the fires of Hell, but we must also "work out our salvation with nervous trembling." This book discusses these points in great detail as well as many other important biblical facts about Heaven, Hell, and salvation. It's a must buy!
