Tuesday, June 21, 2016

President of Italy expects Catholic theology teachers to lie and teach irrationality to get a Licence in Theology : condition for teaching Catholic Religion in secondary schools

A  Decree of the President of the Italian Republic (Feb.2,1995) recognises a License to teach Theology (licenza in teologia) in Catholic secondary schools and it is given only to those Catholics who will teach the Catholic Religion, with an irrational premise and conclusion ; a falsehood.This new theology is approved by the Italian secular government and the Vatican.

The Italian Government only allows the License to be given in theology to  students who interpret Church documents, with the theology of Cushingism instead of traditional Feeneyism.This is also approved by Masons and the Left in general.

Catholic school teachers who have a License in Theology, can teach the Catholic Religion, but they will have to interpret Vatican Council II,  the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( Council of Florence,1441) with Cushingism, instead of the centuries old Feeneyism.

The  website of the Anthonianum University, Rome, the pontifical university which uses official Cushingism, explains the academic title of Licentiate.It is given only to those students who will not interpret the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus , as it was understood by St. Francis of Assisi and St. Anthony of Padua, who used Feeneyism as a theology.

So if a Catholic chooses to open a theological institute in Italy, whose faculty will interpret centuries-old magisterial documents with traditional Feeneyism ( there are no known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, there is no known salvation outside the Church) it will not be recognised by the Italian government or the Vatican's universities in Rome.

A new private Catholic theological institute,Scholasticum, presents itself as a traditional Scholastic institution but it's theology is liberal, since it is based on Cushingism.Cushingism is not the theology associated with the Traditional Latin Mass.The Scholasticum has faculty from the pontifical universities in Rome.They interpret Vatican Council II, Lumen Gentium 16 for example, assuming there are known cases in 2016 of people saved in invincible ignorance and without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.These are objective and not hypothetical cases. They conclude that these known cases are exceptions to the traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus  according to St.Francis of Assisi and St.Bonaventure.
To assume that people who are dead, and now in Heaven, saved with the baptism of desire are objective in the present times, is an irrationality. This is fantasy. Yet this is the basis of the new theology recognised by the Italian government.
A Catholic professor of theology has to lie and say there are known cases of persons saved outside the Church who are objective exceptions to the traditional teaching on extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( all needing to be formal members of the Church to avoid the fires of Hell). He then has to teach this falsehood as part of the Catholic Religion, to Catholic school children here.
The Italian government does not allow the freedom to teach the Catholic theology as it was known to St. Francis of Assisi, St. Francis Xavier and St. Robert Bellarmine. If a teacher did teach traditional theology, he or she would not be recognised by Catholic schools and the government.
Since with Feeneyism ( there are no objective exceptions to the dogma EENS) Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14) would be saying all non Christians need 'faith and baptism' for salvation ( to avoid Hell).This is not politically acceptable. So Catholic religious teaching and Church doctrines  are changed with a theology which uses a fantasy premise and conclusion.
No one has objected to the official lie being imposed on Catholics by the President of the Italian Republic.For political reasons Catholic doctrine is also being changed.Catholic salvation theology has to be interpreted with philosophical subjectivism( baptism of desire cases are visible) and Protestant situation ethics, to make it politically acceptable to the Left.
-Lionel Andrades

In virtù dell'articolo 2 del Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica Italiana del 2 febbraio 1994, n. 175 il titolo accademico di licenza in teologia è riconosciuto, a richiesta degli interessati, come laurea; inoltre, in forza dell’Intesaper l'insegnamento della religione cattolica nelle scuole pubbliche il titolo di licenza in teologia e laurea magistrale in scienze religiose - ovvero, licenza in scienze religiose - sono titoli di qualificazione professionale richiesto per l'insegnamento della religione cattolica nelle scuole secondarie di primo e secondo grado.


APRIL 14, 2016

Franciscans of the Immaculate seminarians are taught the new moral and salvation theology based on known exceptions, visible in Heaven


Syllabus for 2016-2017 shows that knowing an 'official irrationality' is obligatory for those who want to study theology at the Salesian university in Rome

Cal Cop 2015 16The theology taught at the Salesian university of  Don Bosco in Rome will be based on Cushingism and the Magisterial Heresy, which is being enforced politically on the Catholic Church by the Left.

The Bibliography and Course of Study show that students will have to reject Feeneyism as a theology. So they will not be allowed to interpret the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus with Feeneyism and neither will they be allowed to interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism. So the ecclesiology at the time of Don Bosco, is no more acceptable since Cushingism is the politically acceptable theology.It is philosophically based on an irrational premise.
Catholic students cannot object and say that hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire  etc cannot be explicit exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus or the interpretation of Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1995).Instead they must interpret all these magisterial documents with an irrational premise and conclusion, so that they emerge as a break with the understanding of the Church according to Don Bosco.
The Syllabus for 2016-2017 show that knowing an 'official irrationality' is obligatory for those who want to study theology at the Salesian university in Rome.Without the Magisterial Heresy, enforced by the contemporary magisterium; supported by the two popes, students will not be allowed to express the Catholic Deposit of Faith.
-Lionel Andrades

Università Pontificia Salesiana
 FACOLTÁ di TEOLOGIA - Informazioni Generali 
Calendario delle Lezioni
TA1260. Ecclesiologia

(5 ECTS - 3 crediti nel II semestre)




Prima parte

– Ecclesiologia: Considerazione teologico-fondamentale preliminare. Approccio storico-teologico: 1. Gesù di Nazareth e la convocazione dei discepoli; 2. Il cammino della Chiesa nella storia; 3. Il Concilio Vaticano II.


Seconda parte - Approccio teologico-sistematico, Essenza -Realtà - Missione della Chiesa: 4. Il servizio fondamentale della Chiesa all’umanità: la salvezza; 5. La Chiesa popolo di Dio; 6. La Chiesa, Corpo di Cristo; 7. La Chiesa, Tempio dello Spirito; 8. La Chiesa comunione; 9. Proprietà della Chiesa: unità, santità, cattolicità e apostolicità; 10. La missione dei

laici; 11. I ministeri al servizio della comunione.

Terza parte - Approccio

prassico: 12. Chiesa, cultura e educazione; 13. La nuova evangelizzazione:Definizione, contestualizzazione e approfondimento teologico-pastorale; 14.Quale immagine di Chiesa si evince dai media? 15. Media e tematichereligiose; 16. I media nella missione della Chiesa; 17. L’animatore dellacomunicazione e della cultura.

Testi:Dispense del Professore. - Documenti del Concilio Vaticano II; FRANCESCO, Esortazione Apostolica Evangelii Gaudium del Santo Padre Francesco ai vescovi, ai presbiteri e ai diaconi, alle persone consacrate e ai fedeli laici sull’annuncio del Vangelo nel mondoattuale (Città del Vaticano, LEV 2013); ALBERIGO G. (a cura), L’ecclesiologia del Vaticano II: dinamismi e prospettive (Bologna, EDB 1981); ATAKPA A., La Chiesa di Dio come comunione di Chiese locali, in: «Quaderni di Scienze Religiose, Semi di speranza», II  (2011) 9-19; CEI, Comunicazione e missione. Direttorio sulle comunicazioni sociali nella missione della Chiesa (Città del Vaticano, LEV 2004); AA.VV., La Chiesa e i media (Milano, Glossa 1996); CANNOBIO C., Chiesa perché. Salvezza dell’umanità e mediazione ecclesiale (Cinisello Balsamo, San Paolo 1997); CANOBBIO G.-DALLA VECCHIA F. TANONI R. (a cura), Modelli di Chiesa (Brescia, Morcelliana 2001); DULLES A., Modelli di Chiesa,Studi religiosi (Padova, EMP 2005); FORTE B., La Chiesa icona della Trinità. Breve ecclesiologia (Brescia, Queriniana 1984); ID., La Chiesa della Trinità: Saggio sul mistero della Chiesa, comunione e missione (Cinisello Balsamo, San Paolo 1995, 2003); GALLO L.A., La Chiesa di Gesù. Uomini e donne per la vita del mondo (Leumann, LDC 1993); KASPER W., La Chiesa di Gesù Cristo. Scritti di ecclesiologia, BTC 152 (Brescia, Queriniana 2011); ID, Chiesa Cattolica, Essenza - Realtà – Missione (Brescia, Queriniana 2012); KEHL M., La Chiesa.Trattato sistematico di ecclesiologia cattolica, (Cinisello Balsamo, San Paolo 1995); KÜNG H.,
La Chiesa (Brescia, Queriniana 1995); LAFONT G., Immaginare la Chiesa cattolica, (Cinisello Balsamo, San Paolo 1998); MANS F., Qu’est-ce que la nouvelle évangélisation? (Montrouge,Bayard 2012); MARCHETTI R., La Chiesa in internet. La sfida dei media digitali (Roma, Carocci editore 2015); PIE-NINOT S., Ecclesiologia. La sacramentalità della comunità cristiana, (Brescia,Queriniana 2008); PHILIBERT J., La nouvelle évangélisation. De Jean-Paul II à Benoît (Clamecy,Édition des Béatitudes, 2012); P

HILLIPS G., La Chiesa e il suo mistero nel Concilio Vaticano II.Storia, testo e commento della Costituzione Lumen Gentium  Già e non ancora 93 (Milano, Jaca  Book 1975); RIGAL J., L’ecclésiologie de communion. Son évolution historique et ses fondements(Paris, Cerf 2000); I D, Le mystère de l’Église (Paris, Cerf 2000) ; SEMERARO M., Mistero,comunione e missione. Manuale di ecclesiologia (Bologna, EDB 1997, 2004); SCHILLEBEECKCX E., Per una Chiesa dal volto umano (Brescia, Queriniana 1986); ŠPIDLÍK T., Catechesi sulla Chiesa Roma, Lipa 2002); TILLARD J.M., Chiesa di Chiese. L’ecclesiologia di comunione (Brescia, Queriniana 1989).



Video of Salesian University
Seminario "Questioning God" - Religion Today Filmfestival 2015