Monday, September 12, 2016

Just thinking

If I wanted to form a religious community I would need to have it approved by the Vatican.
Would they approve the community if I interpreted all magisterial documents assuming simply, that hypothetical cases are hypothetical and not explicit in 2016.So Lumen Gentium 16 would be a hypothetical and theoretical reference to someone who is not personally known.
This would be the difference between my community and all the existing communities today which have the approval of the Vatican.
With new rules on forming religious communities, I ask myself what if they allowed the Franciscans of the Immaculate to leave as they wish.These are the priests who want to offer only the Traditional Latin Mass. They are not being given permission to do so. Neither are they allowed to leave the community.
Now with the new rules announced, suppose the Vatican says that the Franciscan of the Immaculate, priests and friars are free to leave and join another community or form a new community.
Would they approve the new community if the Franciscans  interpreted all magisterial documents assuming that hypothetical cases are hypothetical and not explicit in 2016? So Lumen Gentium 16 would be a hypothetical and theoretical reference to someone who is not personally known?
-Lionel Andrades

"11 Settembre La Nuova Pearl Harbor" - Sintesi (di Massimo Mazzucco) / JFK "TRUTH" (Video)

"11 Settembre La Nuova Pearl Harbor" - Sintesi (di Massimo Mazzucco)

 1 379

"11 Settembre La Nuova Pearl Harbor" - Sintesi Questa รจ una sintesi di 45 minuti del film completo, che potete trovare su


Fr. Daniel Couture,SSPX District Superior, Canada mixes up invisible cases as being visible and so rejects the traditional exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church

Neither the SSPX USA or Econe have issued a statement on the Vatican Document on Christian-Jewish Dialogue.However the District Superior in Canada has correctly criticised the document but excludes mentioning the necessity of membership in the Catholic Church for salvation - this is heresy. He could not mention it. Since for the SSPX there are known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus .The baptism of desire and blood and being saved in invincible ignorance are exceptions (explicit) to the old ecclesiology based on the dogma (Cantate Dominio, Council of Florence 1441 etc).1

Fr.Daniel Couture could not say in his statement that all Jews need to formally enter the Catholic Church for salvation, since he assumes Lumen Gentium 16, Lumen Gentium 8 etc refer to visible cases in the present times. So they are examples, for him, of people who have been saved in 'invincible ignorance' or with 'elements of sanctification and truth' -and without the baptism of water.He infers it is without the baptism of water even though the text of Vatican Council II does not specifically say so.

If the District Superior would assume LG 16 and LG 8 referred to invisible for us cases, then Vatican Council II would be Feeeneyite it would affirm the exclusivist ecclesiology of St. Robert Bellarmine and St. Francis of Assisi.

Fr. Daniel Couture, the District Superior of Canada has rejected the exclusivist ecclesiocentric model of the Church, similar to the liberals, the Vatican Curia and the Jewish Left.Instead he presents a Christological model of the Church, with the necessity of vaguely believing in Jesus.This was the Ratzinger model I mentioned in a blog post which I sent him and received no reply, as expected.-Lionel Andrades


December 29, 2015

Fr. Daniel Couture, the District Superior of Canada issues a controversial statement critical of the Vatican Document on the Jews
Doctrinal error within the SSPX too ?
Image result for Photo of Fr. Pier Paolo Petrucci
September 12, 2016
Fr.Pierpaulo Petrucci, District Superior, SSPX , Albano,Italy mixes up invisible cases as being visible, what is not seen as being seen

Fr.Pierpaulo Petrucci, District Superior, SSPX , Albano,Italy mixes up invisible cases as being visible, what is not seen as being seen

Image result for Photo of Fr. Pier Paolo PetrucciOn page 8 of the article 'Il concilio Vaticano II e la salvezza delle anime' La Tradizione Cattolica ( N.4(97) 2015) Fr.Pierpaulo Petrucci, Superior General, SSPX , Albano,Italy refers to Lumen Gentium 8 :

This is the one Church of Christ which in the Creed is professed as one, holy, catholic and apostolic, (12*) which our Saviour, after His Resurrection, commissioned Peter to shepherd,(74) and him and the other apostles to extend and direct with authority,(75) which He erected for all ages as "the pillar and mainstay of the truth".(76) This Church constituted and organized in the world as a society, subsists in the Catholic Church, which is governed by the successor of Peter and by the Bishops in communion with him,(13*) although many elements of sanctification and of truth are found outside of its visible structure. These elements, as gifts belonging to the Church of Christ, are forces impelling toward catholic unity.-Lumen Gentium 8 ( emphasis mine)
For Fr.Pierpaolo Petrucci, Vatican Council II is saying there are explicit, personally known cases of persons saved with 'elements of sanctification and of truth' outside the visible boundaries of the the Church i.e without faith and baptism. Since these cases are explicit they become exceptions to the old ecclesiology and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). So he complains. He criticizes Vatican Council II.Since for him these cases indicate in Lumen Gentium 8 are objective exceptions to the dogma EENS and so they should not have been mentioned. These persons are found(for him) among the Protestants and other Christians.So he rejects Vatican Council II since LG 8 contradicts the dogma EENS and the old ecclesiology. Protestants and Orthodox Christians need to convert into the Church formally for salvation, according to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and here Vatican Council II is saying,for him, that there are exceptions.
But are they really exceptions ? Can they be exceptions?
They are not exceptions for me since they are not explicit, they are not objectively seen in 2016.
The Letter of the Holy Office 1949 made the same mistake as Fr. Pierpaulo Petrucci. It assumes the baptism of desire refers not to hypothetical cases  but people personally known, who are saved without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.
Fr.Petrucci has quoted St. Francis Xavier and his missionary spirit in the article.On page 29 he suggests that the baptism of desire etc are exceptions to all needing to be baptised with water and considers this the traditional teaching of the Church.
If the SSPX bishops and Fr.Pierpaulo Petrucci would admit that the baptism of desire and blood and being saved in invincible ignorance refer to invisible cases for us in 2016, the entire interpretation of the Council changes.The baptism of desire and blood and being saved in invincible ignorance would no more be an exception to St. Francis Xavier's understanding of extra ecclesiam nulla salus.Lumen Gentium 8 'elements of sanctification and truth' would not be relevant to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Nor would it be an exception to Ad Gentes 7 which says all need faith and baptism for salvation.
This doctrinal mistake was originally made by the Holy Office 1949.It was picked up innocently by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, their founder.Promoted by the SSPX bishops, the District Superior of the SSPX in  Italy, Fr. Pierpaulo Petrucci, repeated the mistake at a conference in Rimini, Italy. It was published in a book of collected papers at Rimini, and was made available at 16 euros for Italians who frequent the SSPX chapels. 
-Lionel Andrades
Convegno 2014
July 20, 2015
No response from Fraternita Sacerdotale San Pio X (SSPX Italy) : doctrinal mess
July 5, 2015
Fr.Pier Paolo Petrucci, the SSPX District Superior acts as if all is normal