Sunday, November 20, 2016

Bad philosophy and irrational theology even after informing them


Hilary White does not realize that the liberals and dissenters can use her same logic to reach different conclusions.It is the premise which is important.
Hilary White says: Things I thank God for:
That there is such a thing as the logical principle of non-contradiction
For Hilary White and the liberals the baptism of desire is an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).
For me it is not an exception.Since my premise is different from her.

That “a thing and its opposite cannot both be true in the same sense at the same time.”
Hilary White thinks it is true that the baptism of desire exists without the baptism of water and it is known to human beings in the present times.
For me it does not exist in our reality. So my conclusion would be different from hers.

That “A thing is that thing and not some other thing”.
For her the baptism of desire is a thing.It is real.
It is not so for me.

That “each thing is the same with itself and different from another”
The baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance is the same 'with itself' and 'different from another' very concrete case for her.
Not for me.

That “things which equal the same thing also equal one another,”
That A = A

The baptism of desire etc is equal to a real person in the present times for her. A=A.
This is not true for me.

That “tertium non datur” – for any proposition, either that proposition is true, or its negation is true.
For the baptism of desire refers to a known case.She has not denied this on her blog but only deleted the last post I sent her.This is all probably out of her philosophical concepts.

That “To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false”
Her philosofical position is false since there is no known baptism of desire. It is upon this irrational she builds her new theology, Rahner's theology.

That there is no “third way” between true and not true.
Here I have showed how we both have different premises and so reach different conclusions. Though both of us think we are rational one of us I think is violating the Principle of Non Contradiction.
Based upon this violation of the Principle of Non Contraduction a new theory, a new theology has been created.This is the official theology of the magisterium and the traditionalists.

That there are fundamental axiomatic rules upon which rational discourse itself is based.
I find  this terribly funny given our situation.

That it is possible to know that some things are true and some things not true.
Look at the issue of salvation in the Catholic Church. She and I are looking at it differently.

That it is possible to discover which is which.
It is with this hope that I keep writing about this and sending blog posts to her.

That yes means yes and no means no and that there is a difference between them.
The premise decides what is the conclusion. Presently the whole Church, educated Catholics included, are saying Yes to an irrational premise, which makes Vatican Council II a break with Tradition.
Many of them have been informed and yet they choose the irrational premise, Hilary included.

That there is a difference between here and there, that up is not the same as down
So why is she assuming baptism of desire cases which are up there in Heaven if they exist, are down here on earth and are exceptions to the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus?

That there is such a thing as distinctions and differences.
That reality is a thing.

What reality is she talking about on the issue of salvation in the Catholic Church? -Lionel Andrades

NOVEMBER 20, 2016

No surprise that the earthquake at Norcia destroyed the church which was a centre for the pro-Rahner Catholic traditionalists on the feast of Christ the King celebrated according to the Traditional Latin Mass calendar: bad philosophy irrational theology


Dieu parle de l'Oecuménisme à Soeur Gertrude 





Chers enfants bien-aimés, Je vous bénis au Nom du Pére, et du Fils et du Saint-Esprit. Amen.

Chers enfants bien-aimés, Jésus de Nazareth, the Fils de la Vierge Marie, le Dieu d'Amour, le Dieu qui est mort, cloué à la Croix par amour pour nous, vous parle.

Enfants bien-aimés, Je suis très heureux de pouvoir commmuniquer avec vous, pour vous dire tellement de choses qui sont dans Mon Coeur.

Chers enfants, le monde se trouve dans une grande et profonde détresse, car ce sont les temps de la Grande Confusion. Et pour cette raison. Ma Sainte Mère et Moi venons instruire Nos enfants et leur enseigner, afin qu'ils ne soient pas confondus, et ne prendront pas le mauvais chemin. Voilà ce que nous faisons depuis ces mois derniers. A chaque fois, nous avons communiqué avec vous quant à différents sujets, et Ma Sainte Mère a fait de même. Et aujourd'hui, chers enfants, Je vais vous parler d'un sujet bien important, appellé OECUMÉNISME.

Chers enfants, avec ce mot OECUMÉNISME, on fait beaucoup de tort à Mes enfants, beaucoup de tort, parce qu'ils ont confondu la vérité avec l'erreur, et avec des mensonges.

Chers enfants, Je veux que vous compreniez ceci, car Mes fils, les prêtres, ont confondu tout ceci, et cette erreur s'accroît dans leurs cœurs, et ils transmettent maintenant ceci au reste de Mes enfants. Et ceci, Mes enfants, est une erreur grave, qui soulève la Colère du Père Eternel, parce qu'ils me comparent aux dieux terrestres. Et il n'y a qu'Un Dieu, Un Dieu Trinitaire, et c'est Moi, Jésus de Nazareth. Et la Colère du Père Eternel grandit, lorsqu'Il voit comment l'Eglise et Mes enfants ont été séduits par le Diable.

Je vais vous expliquer, Mes chers enfants, que ce coup mortel envers l'Eglise a été suggéré par le Diable. Le Diable a déçu Mes enfants; Mes enfants n'en ont pas été avertis. Ils n'ont pas prié, ils ont oublié de prier, de demeurer vigilants dans leur foi. Et le Diable a continué de les séduire peu à peu, jusqu'à ce qu'il ait donné un coup fatal à l'Eglise, à Mes enfants. Et aujourd'hui on leur prêche l'unité des Eglises, en disant qu'elles sont toutes la même, qu'elles sauvent toutes, et cela n'est pas vrai. Il faut mettre ceci au clair dans vos cœurs et vos esprits, parce que le Vrai Christ, la Véritable Doctrine, la Véritable Eglise ne peut être la même qu'une Eglise inventée par l'homme et ses faux dieux.

Non, chers enfants, yous devez comprendre ceci. On ne peut pas avoir cette unité. Non, chers enfants, non, car si Mohammet sauve, si Luther sauve, si le dieu Juif sauve, alors pourquoi suis-Je venu souffrir tellement sur la Croix? Est-ce que Mes fils veulent que le reste de Mes enfants oublient Mon Sacrifice sur la Croix, qu'ils oublient que Je suis mort pour eux, qu'ils oublient que, sans Moi, il n'y a pas de salut?

Ceci doit vous être très clair, chers enfants, car ni Mohammet, ni Luther sont morts pour vous; Moi seul, Moi seul ai conquis le Diable dans tout ceci. Et c'est ceci que Je veux que Mes enfants n'oublient pas. Et on donne des idées, afin que toutes les Eglises s'unissent, et prêchent un Christ qui n'est pas Moi, un Christ qui ne souffre pas, un Christ qui n'aime pas. Et ils font ceci pour éliminer la vérité dans le cœur de Mes enfants. Et avec une fausse charité ils sont en train de détruire Mes enfants, de détruire la foi, car ils ont joint le blé aux mauvaises herbes, parce qu'ils ont uni la vérité avec le mensonge. Et ceci ne doit pas se produire, chers enfants, non, parce que la vérité est la vérité. Et Je suis la Vérité, et personne ne peut se comparer à Moi, personne.

Il n'y a qu'Un Seul Dieu, et Je suis ce Dieu, seulement Moi, et personne d'autre. « Vous ne ferez pas de faux dieux » nous dit la Bible. Ne Me comparez pas à ces dieux que vous vous faites selon vos besoins et vos penchants. Vous ne devez pas faire cela, Mes enfants.

Sortez de votre sommeil; ouvrez vos yeux et voyez que vous ne pouvez pas confondre la vérité avec l'erreur. Cela ne se peut pas, parce que si la vérité n'est pas la vérité, alors ce n'est pas vrai; si la vérité peut être contaminée par l'erreur, donc ce n'est pas la vérité. Et vous devez comprendre ceci parce que maintenant l'Eglise prône un œcuménisme faux à Mes enfants, et leur dit que c'est de la liberté religieuse, ce qui n'est pas comme dans les jours passés, alors qu'on disait que le salut ne se trouve que dans l'Eglise de Jésus-Christ. Et c'est un grave mensonge, chers enfants, car ceci demeure toujours ainsi : le Salut se trouve uniquement dans Mon Eglise, dans l'Eglise que j'ai fondée, hors de cette Eglise, point de salut.

Voici la raison pour laquelle Je vous dis que ce que font les hommes, en disant que le salut se trouve dans n'importe quelle église, ce n'est pas vrai. C'est un piège diabolique, chers enfants, pour vous confondre, afin de vous perdre, afin que vos cœurs perdent la foi, la vraie foi. Et alors vous n'aurez pas à vous inquiéter pour poursuivre la vérité, la justice et la lumière.

Je dis dans la Bible que Je suis la Vérité. Je suis la Vie, Je suis la Porte du Ciel, et Moi seul. Donc, chers enfants, Je veux que vous preniez ceci en considération, car Je veux que vous vous compreniez que la doctrine que l'on introduit maintenant dans l'Eglise est de l'erreur. Je veux que ce soit clair dans vos cœurs et vos esprits, cet OECUMÉNISME EST UNE ERREUR.

Moi, Jésus-Christ, le Fils de Dieu, le Fils de la Vierge Marie, le Dieu qi est mort cloué à la Croix par amour pour vous, Je vous le dis. Et Je ne veux jamais vous decevoir, parce que Je suis la Vérité et la Vie, parce que Je suis la seule Porte qui conduit au Père Eternel. Ne l'oubliez pas. Et à tous ceux qui veulent causer de la confusion avec ces idées, avec ces doctrines, dites leur qu'ils sont en erreur, car vous ne pouvez pas confondre la vérité avec le mensonge. Cela ne va pas, parce que la vérité n'est plus la vérité.

Et Je vous dis que c'est un piège diabolique pour confondre Mes enfants. Mais je promets à Mon Eglise, Ma Véritable Eglise, que Je la protègerai du mal, que j'empêcherai à l'Enfer de s'introduire. Et J'accomplis ceci, J'accomplis ceci.

Et voilà pourquoi Je vous instruis, afin que vous sachiez la vérité, afin que vous reconnaissiez là où vous vous dirigez, car Mes fils les prêtres embrouillent Mes enfants et prêchent la liberté religieuse, une liberté envers tout. Mais lorsque Mes enfants demandent la communion à genoux, on leur refuse. Où se trouve la liberté religieuse qu'ils prèchent? Cela veut dire qu'il y a beaucoup de mal dans leurs cœurs, parce qu'ils ne veulent pas Me rendre l'adoration dûe et que Mes enfants veulent Me rendre.

Et cette confusion est tellement prononcée parmi Mes enfants, une telle confusion en ces prêtres que Mes chers enfants, qui veulent suivre la vérité de Ma Doctrine, doivent se cacher. Voyez-vous comme L'Eglise est en erreur? Voyez-vous comme Mes enfants sont trompés? Ceux qui devraient défendre la vérité, Ma Doctrine, défendre l'Eglise, n'ont fait que détruire, et ne veulent pas venir en aide à Mes enfants qui veulent demeurer dans la vérité, qui demandent justice. Et ceux qui veulent M'aimer vraiment sont humiliés.

Mais le jour viendra, chers enfants, où ceux qui veulent répandre cette erreur seront devant le Tribunal de Dieu, et devront rendre compte de tout ceci. Lorsque viendra le temps de la Justice, lorsque viendra le temps du Jugement, tous seront jugés selon leurs œuvres. Et ceux qui n'ont pas voulu me donner l'adoration qui m'est dûe seront punis, car ils n'ont pas voulu Me servir, mais ont servi le Diable, l'Antichrist.

Oui, chers enfants, c'est ce que veux que vous compreniez, que Mes fils sont dans l'erreur, et qu'ils ne veulent pas y réfléchir, Ils ne veullent pas voir qu'ils sont dans l'erreur. Et Moi, Père Aimant que Je suis, Je fais appel à Mes fils, et Je leur dis : « Fils bien-aimés, revenez à Moi. Où êtes-vous allés? Pourquoi ne Me rendez-vous pas l'adoration qui m'est dûe? Pourquoi ne me traitez vous pas comme le Dieu que Je suis? Pourquoi poursuivez-vous de fausses doctrines, et forcez vous Mes enfants à faire de même? À se retirer de Moi? Et en plus de ceci, vous faites grand dommage à vous-mèmes et à Mes enfants. »

Malheur à ceux-là, chers enfants! Malheur à ceux qui appellent la vérité fausseté et la fausseté vérité! Malheur à ceux qui font de la lumière une noirceur! Malheur à ceux qui font de la noirceur la lumière! Malheur à ceux qui disent sucré ce qui est amer, et amer ce qui est sucré! Car le moment viendra où J'imposerai Ma Justice, J'imposerai Ma Vérité, J'imposerai Ma Lumière. Alors tous ceux qui n'ont pas voulu marcher dans la lumière verront Ma Justice, et ils le regretteront.

Donc, Mes chers enfants, Je fais appel à vous, afin que vous compreniez que vous êtes dans l'erreur. Et vous devez abandonner cette erreur, et cessez de promouvoir l'erreur. Ne poursuivez pas un faux œcuménisme, une fausse unité, une unité basée sur l'erreur.

Oui, chers enfants, ouvrez les yeux et voyez, voyez que le temps viendra où vous verrez que Je protège Mon Eglise, Ma Véritable Eglise. Et Je le ferai. Et quand vous le réaliserez, vous allez verser des larmes, au lieu de venir en aide à Mes enfants, mes vrais enfants, au lieu de proclamer comme l'ont fait les autres qui n'ont eu aucune aide, vous serez heureux dans votre erreur, car dans votre erreur vous pouvez pécher davantage. Et vous ne voudrez pas vouloir changer cela, car vous voudrez continuer à pécher.

C'est la raison qui vous importune, lorsque quelqu'un vient vous dire la vérité, et vous dit que cela n'est pas vrai, que ce ne doit pas être ainsi, que cela n'est pas conforme à la Doctrine que Dieu nous a léguée.

J'ai dit : « Si un ange venait du Ciel et vous donnait un Évangile différent de celui que Je vous ai donné, si un ange vous disait des choses que Je ne vous ai pas enseignées, ne l'…



Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Hirim is a word known to Freemasonary and is associated with Satan according to Fr. Paolo Siano F.I in the recent issue of the weekly Il Settimanale di Padre Pio. Hirim is mentioned in the official list of mantras of Transcendental Meditation.

I was reading an article on Freemasonary in the magazine Il Settimanale di Padre Pio of the Franciscans of the Immaculate. It mentions a name for Lucifer. This article is one of a series on the same subject. The word 'hiram' is connected with Satan. The word seemed familiar to me.I was wondering if it was the same word used as a mantra in Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Transcendental Meditation.

I was a teacher of Transcendental Meditation(TM) and completed a five months course for teachers at Pattaya, Thailand. We had to sign a document saying that we would keep the mantras secret . The mantras are given out according to a persons age. When someone would come to learn TM they would have to fill a form with personal details. They would be asked their age.Then according to their age I would give them the mantra during the ritual of initiation the puja.

Many of the TMers I knew were Freemasons and members of the Theosophical Society, which projects itself as a liberal,open minded, tolerant organisation but it is evil and their members hate the Catholic Church.

Last night I checked the list of mantras of Transcendental Meditation at an internet shop. The mantras are no longer a secret. I found the list of TM mantras. It is the same list which I used as a TM teacher

One of the mantras given out is hiram.

Fr. Siano F.I an Italian priest with the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, who offer the Traditional Latin Mass has done excellent studies on Freemasonary.He shows in well referenced articles the Masons link with Satan. Last Sunday at the Church Santa Maria di Annunziata in Rome I browsed through the recent issue of Il Settimanale di Padre Pio which I read regularly. Again Fr. Siano mentions the word hiram and Lucifer in the headlines of the article.

I recall on my teachers training course the German instructor saying that the mantras are meaningless words but they have a value at another level of consciousness.

I recall seeing a video on the course in which Maharishi is asked his opinion about a person's strange actions. He said that perhaps the spirit who is in that meditator prefers to act likewise. So he was aware of spirits.

In another video Maharishi also praised a meditator who had experiences which definitiely were related to a Hindu deity and the realm linked to the deity.It was not Christian.

On the teachers training program I was not allowed to go for Mass on Sunday.Privately I would often pray my rosary.

I am aware that TM has opened my unconscious onto realms in which I have to protect myself daily with praying the rosary, going for daily Mass and not sinning.

Here is the list of the mantras with the word hirim.

Official Mantra List in the Practice of Transcendental Meditation:

The mantra I used was shirim.

When I was learning the advanced TM technique the TM-Sidhi program and I had not started 'hopping' I informed my teacher naively that I was praying for success. This made him extremely angry. He thought I would never ever learn the advanced meditation technique.

This was all a long time back before I went to Medugorje in the mid 90's. The other TM teacher once realized that I was being lost to the TM Movement, even though at that time I did not know it.She told me that I should beware.There were a lot of people praying for me and they want me to leave TM. I thought it was odd that she would make that remark.How would she know? Since it was so un like her. I was wondering what was the source of her knowledge which made her make that remark.

Many years later when I was talking to my bishop he mentioned casually at dinner that it is only after we die that we will realize who had been praying and making sacrifices for us. I laughed I knew he was hinting at me.

Our Lady was with me constantly. She did not leave me.

Lionel Andrades
Catholic layman
Former Teacher of Maharishi Mahesh Yogis Transcendental Meditation



Il Concilio Vaticano II dice che fuori della chiesa cattolica non ce salvezza. Extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
La Chiesa Cattolica insegna dopo Concilio Vaticano II (1965) che tutta la gente ha bisogno entrare nella Chiesa Cattolica per andare a cielo ( Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II).
La Fede Cattolica con il battesimo dell'acqua è la via normale, senso ordinario di salvezza per tutta la gente (Lumen Gentium 14, Concilio Vaticano II).
La Chiesa Cattolica è il senso ordinario di salvezza per tutta la gente (Lumen Gentium 14). Tuttavia i non cattolici possono essere salvi con i mezzi straordinari di salvezza (Lumen Gentium 16).
Soltanto il Dio conosce chi sono le non-Cattolici salve con i mezzi straordinari di salvezza; le eccezioni. Noi non conosciamo chi sono le eccezioni.
Noi non possiamo giudicare. Gesù, la Chiesa, la Sacra Scrittura e il Concilio Vaticano II indicano che la priorità è la Fede Cattolica e il battesimo dell'acqua per tutta la gente.
Così tutto deve entrare nella Chiesa Cattolica che è simile l'unica Arca di Noe che risparmia nell'inondazione (CCC).
Le religioni non cattoliche hanno buone cose. Tuttavia non sono percorsi a salvezza.
Tutta la salvezza viene attraverso Gesù e il suo Mistico Corpo, la Chiesa. Quei non-Cattolici che conoscono le informazioni di cui, sopra, ma non entrano nella Chiesa sono orientate verso linferno ( Ad Gentes 7, Lumen Gentium 14). Quei non-Cattolici che partecipano all'Inter religioso dialogo, sono istruiti. Sanno. Sono orientati verso inferno.
Fai evangelizzazione!
Fuori della Chiesa non cè salvezza.
La Fede Cattolica e il battesimo dell'acqua sono necessari per tutta la gente. Ciò è il Concilio Vaticano II.
Nessun parte di Nostra Aetate, Concilio Vaticano II è ha detto che le religioni non cattoliche sono percorse a salvezza.
Il Concilio Vaticano II è nell'armonia con Giovanni 3:5, i Padri di Chiesa, il Concilio di Firenze, Evangelii Nuntiandi, Redemptoris Missio, Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica, Dominus Iesus, la Congregazione della Dottrina della Fede, Vaticano, Notificazione sul Don. Jacques Dupuis S.J. ecc.
Non lasci la gente imbrogliarlo sul Concilio Vaticano II. Controlli i particolari.

Affermi la fede che non cambia. Gesù ha denominato la Chiesa Cattolica la mia chiesa. Ha detto a San Pietro che sarebbe prevalso contro Satana e sarebbe stata per tutto il tempo. Lionel Andrades. Cattolico laico a Rome




C'era una programma di Gesù al Centro per i giovani della diocesi di Rome.Sarebbe andati per le strade di Roma con la loro musica e la testimonianza di fede e amore per Gesù.Ormai vietati di autorita civica di Roma. Non hanno il permesso a Roma per parlare sul loro fede cattolica.
Questo programma è organizzato dal Vicariato di Roma ogni anno.
In questo video a Ponte Milvio questi giovani cattolici erano proclamando Gesù senza la necessità della Chiesa per la salvezza.
Loro negavano il dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus e anche il Concilio Vaticano II (AG 7, LG 14).Loro negavano Giov.3:5 e Marco 16:16.

Sono considerati i mezzi straordinari di salvezza non solo come possibilità, ma esplicite eccezioni per la necessità per tutti per entrare nella Chiesa nei tempi attuali per la salvezza.

There was a Gesu al Centro program for youth from the diocese of Rome.They would go out on the streets of Rome with their music and testimony of Jesus.The civic authorities have now prohibited it.They do not have permission in Rome to speak about their Catholic Faith.
This program is organised by the Rome Vicariate.

In this video these Catholic youth were proclaiming Jesus without the necessity of the Church for salvation.
They were denying the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and also Vatican Council II(AG 7, LG 14).They were negating John 3:5 and Mark 16:16
They considered the extraordinary means of salvation as not only possibilities but explicit exceptions to all needing to enter the Church in the present times for salvation.

No surprise that the earthquake at Norcia destroyed the church which was a centre for the pro-Rahner Catholic traditionalists on the feast of Christ the King celebrated according to the Traditional Latin Mass calendar: bad philosophy irrational theology


Things I thank God for:
That there is such a thing as the logical principle of non-contradiction
That “a thing and its opposite cannot both be true in the same sense at the same time.”
That “A thing is that thing and not some other thing”
That “each thing is the same with itself and different from another”
That “things which equal the same thing also equal one another,”
That A = A
That “tertium non datur” – for any proposition, either that proposition is true, or its negation is true.
That “To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false”
That there is no “third way” between true and not true.
That there are fundamental axiomatic rules upon which rational discourse itself is based.
That it is possible to know that some things are true and some things not true.
That it is possible to discover which is which.
That yes means yes and no means no and that there is a difference between them.
That there is a difference between here and there, that up is not the same as down
That there is such a thing as distinctions and differences.
That reality is a thing
.-Hilary White

That there is such a thing as the logical principle of non-contradiction- Hilary White
Hilary assumes that the baptism of desire refers to a known case in 2016 and so it is an exception to the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.There would have to be a personally known case for there to be an exception to the teaching on all needing to be incorporated into the Catholic Church, as members.This is rational for her.
Image result for photos of irrational reasoning

 That “a thing and its opposite cannot both be true in the same sense at the same time.”
So she believes like the SSPX bishops and priests that every one needs to formally enter the Church in the present times for salvation but some do not need to so.

That “A thing is that thing and not some other thing”
So there is someone who is allegedly in Heaven who is saved without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church .This person is real and not some other thing. And of course he is a living exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus as it was interpreted in the 16th century.Completely normal?!

That “each thing is the same with itself and different from another”
So she will not interpret Lumen Gentium 16 ( invincible ignorance) as referring to an invisible case. It is real in 2016.It is the same 'with itself', distinct, explicit 'and different' from other invisible cases which are visible. It is very real. Pope Benedict XVI has called this ' a development' in Vatican Council II.Based on invisible cases in Vatican Council II being visible there is a development of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. There is a modern version of the dogma.An acceptable innovation.

That “things which equal the same thing also equal one another,”
That A = A
There are ghosts walking on the streets of Rome saved without the baptism of water and they are known to Hilary White.What happened to the Principle of Non Contradiction?

 That “tertium non datur” – for any proposition, either that proposition is true, or its negation is true.
That “To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false”
No comment!!!

That there is no “third way” between true and not true.
There is a third way for Hilary White and her traditionalists sponsors. So she supports it in spite of the irrational logic.

Image result for photos of irrational reasoning
 That there are fundamental axiomatic rules upon which rational discourse itself is based.
For her like the two popes their Rahnerian theology is rational  even though it is based on invisible cases being non invisible and hypothetical cases being objectively visible, people in Heaven are physically seen on earth. So their conclusion is Vatican Council II is a break with Tradition. The liberals and traditionalists use the same irrational reasoning and their conclusion on Vatican Council II is the same. One group rejects the conclusion though (SSPX) and the other accepts it(Vatican Curia/Left).It still is the cause of the hermeneutic of discontinuity on Vatican Council II.

 That it is possible to know that some things are true and some things not true.
She and the two popes and the Vatican Curia and the traditionalists are sure they have got it right on Catholic doctrine.

 That it is possible to discover which is which.
I hope so.

 That yes means yes and no means no and that there is a difference between them.
Just about every Catholic is saying that every one needs to defacto enter the Church but some do not.Even the Catechism of the Church with Rahnerian theology (CCC 1257) says every one needs to enter the Church but some do not since 'God is not limited to the Sacraments'.The same Rahnerian theology is there in CCC 846.It does not say all need to enter the Church for salvation. Instead it says all who are saved are saved though  Jesus and the Church.This infers that there are known cases of people saved without the baptism of water and with the baptism of desire or in invincible ignorance.Most important for Hilary and the Vatican Curia- they are known personally.Otherwise how could they relevant or exceptions to the dogma on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.

 That there is a difference between here and there, that up is not the same as down
But for Hilary those who are 'up there' are also  'down here'. They are  known.So they are  exceptions to traditional Catholic ecclesiology. Then it is concluded that there are exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the ecumenism of return and the Social Reign of the  Christ the King over all political legislation.
People praying in Norcia, Italy
With this Rahnerian theology the monks at Norcia and traditionalists and liberals there, negate the teachings on the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.The traditionalists also make use of  the  Rahnerian theology, the new theology even though they could avoid it , in the interpretation of Vatican Council II.
Their new doctrines are a theological negation of the teachings on Christ the King. For them theologically there are known exceptions to all non Catholics needing to enter the Church to be saved. So why must all political legislation have Jesus Christ as known in the Catholic Church , as its priority?
No surprise that the earthquake at Norcia destroyed the church which was a centre for the pro-Rahner Catholic traditionalists.It happened  on the feast day  of Christ the King according to the Traditional Latin Mass calendar.

 That there is such a thing as distinctions and differences.
It has been a few years that I have been saying this...

That reality is a thing.
Yes, but it depends... as Pope Francis would have us believe.
We have a doctrine, a de fide doctrne being changed in the Catholic Church. Officially the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus has been rejected and even traditionalists justify this error with their irrational logic and philosophical concepts of reality.

We cannot blame Hilary White this is the religious formation all of us have received, me included.
I have broken free.I am no more using the innovative logic which has come into the Church in a big way since 1949 -Boston.
-Lionel Andrades

When we get rid of the Rahnerian theology to interpret Vatican Council II then Catholics in general can know the importance of the Social Reign of Christ the King over all political legislation : Feast of Christ the King

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When we get rid of the Rahnerian theology to interpret Vatican Council II then Catholics in general can know the importance of the Social Reign of Christ the King over all political legislation. They will know that they should vote for only those political parties which hold Jesus and his teachings in the Catholic Church as a model for all politics and social legislation.
Image result for Photos Viva Cristo ReyImage result for Photos Viva Cristo Rey
The Rahnerian theology is based on imaginary cases being non imaginary, invisible cases are visible. It is with this irrational premise that most Catholics interpret Vatican Council II.
They assume that the baptism of desire for example refers to a visible case in 2016 without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church. So naturally this visible case would be an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus as it was known to the 16th century missionaries.

Image result for photos of militia christi Cristo reSo for most Catholics there is salvation outside the Church, there is known salvation outside the Church. So it is no more necessary to have an ecumenism of return or that all non Catholics enter the Church for salvation.Similarly it is no more necessary that all political and social legislation have as its centre Jesus Christ.It is with this heresy in ignorance that Catholics, including popes, cardinals and bishops, vote for secular parties whose agenda in general has as its model Satan and his priorities.
On the feast of Christ the King we see that the majority of Catholic lay people and religious including ecclesiastics do not vote for Catholic political parties which support the Social Reign of Christ the King over all political legislation.Instead they vote for secular political organisations.
They do not believe that Jesus Christ as known in the Catholic Church must be at the centre of all political and social legislation.
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They do not believe that all need 'faith and baptism' for salvation(Vatican Council II, Ad Gentes 7).So to avoid the fires of Hell all need to formally enter the Church,is not more the priority in social and political legislation. Even the popes, cardinals and bishops do not believe in this any more. This is why in Italy the majority of Catholics vote for political parites like the Partito Democratico, Alleanza Nationale etc which do not support the Social Reign of Christ the King.
Instead the popes and cardinals have accepted the New Theology of Rahner and Ratzinger which suggests that there is known salvation outside the Church.This is their view even though there is no known salvation, practically known, outside the Church. Neither has any one in the past seen personally someone saved outside the Church.
Yet this is how Vatican Council II is interpreted. Since there is known salvation of the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance without the baptism of water, there is no more the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Since the dogma on exclusive salvation does not practically exist any more there is no more an ecumenism of return.

Since there is alleged known salvation outside the Church it is not necessary that the Social Reign of Christ the King be a priority for the popes and Catholics. People are saved in their religions even if they are not Catholic.
This Rahnerian theology is also accepted by the SSPX and the other traditionalists.
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So Catholics today do not feel obligated, in Italy for example, to vote for Militia Christi or Forza Nuova.
-Lionel Andrades

November 19, 2016

On the feast of Christ the King we see that the majority of Catholic lay people and religious including ecclesiastics do not vote for Catholic political parties which support the Social Reign of Christ the King over all political legislation.Instead they vote for secular political organisations