Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Bishop Sanborn not keeping his promise to report to the Chancery Office

Image result for Photo Bishop Sanborn and Dr., Fastiggi photos
Bishop Donald Sanborn is not following up on this promise.He said  that if he could be shown a continuity in the teachings of the Church before and after Vatican Council II he would 'report to the Chancery office the next morning' and tell the Bishop  that he is no more a sedevacantist.
Image result for Photo breaking a promiseImage result for Photo breaking a promise
Image result for Photo Bishop Sanborn and Dr., Fastiggi photos
' Is there a continuity between pre and post Vatican Council II?,' sedevacantist Bishop Donald Sanborn asks when  answering a question ( Video Ecclesiology Debate: Bp. Donald Sanborn vs. Dr. Robert Fastiggi (2004).See 1:43:31 ). 1
"If there was a continuity," Bishop Sanborn says, then he "would go tomorrow to the Chancery office and submit to the local bishop".
(1:43:34) "We do not want to be in schism", says Bishop Sanborn.
(1:43:36) "We have no problem submitting to the Roman pontiff..."
(1:43.38) "If I was convinced that there was continuity in doctrine...between pre and post Vatican Council II I would go tomorrow morning down to the Chancery Office and submit...I would have no problem. The question is: is there continuity between  pre and post Vatican Council II?"
With Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) there is a continuity in Catholic doctrine.The pre and post Vatican Council II ecclesiology is the same.He has not denied these reports.
He has always interpreted Vatican Council II with Cushingism.So  there was a rupture with Tradition.
Now he knows the difference between Vatican Council II Feeneyism and Cushingism.The same is known to other sedevacantists.So they should have the integrity to announce their decision to leave sedevacantism based on Vatican Council II (Cushingism).
When will Bishop Domald Sanborn report to the Chancery Office as he promised now that he has been shown shown a continuity in Church doctrine before and after Vatican Council II?-Lionel Andrades


Ecclesiology Debate: Bp. Donald Sanborn vs. Dr. Robert Fastiggi (2004)

 JUNE 27, 2017

Bishop Donald Sanborn in a crisis

 JUNE 24, 2017

Brother Andre Marie MICM too is teaching error : Bishop Sanborn cannot report at the Chancery office

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