Monday, May 22, 2017

Polish President and Prime Minister must be aware of ideologues of new doctrine

Image result for Photos Beata Szydlo,of Polish Parliament with President Duda
Pope Francis: doctrine unites, ideology divides(Vatican Radio) True doctrine unites; ideology divides. That was the message of Pope Francis in the homily at the morning Mass at the Casa Santa Marta on Friday.
Lionel: In Poland the false doctrines of the popes has theologically created a separation of Church and State.Without the new theology of the two popes Vatican Council II affirms the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).Upon EENS (Feeneyite) we have the non separation of Church and State.
Presently the Conference of Catholic Bishops in Poland are using the leftist ideology, based on Cushingism, to interpret all magisterial documents.So Vatican Council II becomes a rupture with the past ecclesiology of the Church based on exclusive salvation, upon which the teachings on the Social Reign of Christ the King had its foundation.

The Pope based his reflections on the so-called Council of Jerusalem which, around the year 49 A.D., decided that gentile converts to Christianity would not have to be circumcised.
The Holy Father was commenting on the First Reading, from the Acts of the Apostles. He noted that even in the first Christian community “there were jealousies, power struggles, a certain deviousness that wanted to profit from and to buy power.” There are always problems, he said: “We are human, we are sinners” and there are difficulties, even in the Church. But being sinners leads to humility and to drawing close to the Lord, as Saviour who saves us from our sins. With regard to the gentiles who the Spirit called to become Christians, the Holy Father recalled that, in the reading, the apostles and the elders chose several people to go to Antioch together with Paul and Barnabas. The reading describes two different kinds of people: those who had “forceful discussions” but with “a good spirit,” on the one hand; and those who “sowed confusion”:

“The group of the apostles who want to discuss the problem, and the others who go and create problems. They divide, they divide the Church, they say that what the Apostles preached is not what Jesus said, that it is not the truth.”
Lionel: From Pope Pius XII to Pope Francis new salvation doctrines have been created in the Church. The Letter of the Holy Office 1949 issued by Cardinal Francesco Marchetti Selvaggiani made a mistake. The magisterium in Rome and Boston assumed  invisible cases of the baptism of desire were visible. So now the new ideology is based on this error. It interprets Vatican Council II with all hypothetical cases being defacto and concrete.Then it is infer that these 'visible invisble cases' are objective  exceptions to the past ecclesiology on which was based the non separation of Church and State.

The apostles discussed the situation among themselves, and in the end came to an agreement:

“But it is not a political agreement; it is the inspiration of the Holy Spirit that leads them to say: no things, no necessities. Only those who say: don’t eat meat at the time, meat sacrificed to idols, because that was communion with the idols; abstain from blood, from animals that were strangled, and from illegitimate unions.”
The Pope pointed to the “liberty of the Spirit” that leads to agreement: so, he said, the gentiles were allowed to enter the Church without having to undergo circumcision. It was at the heart of the “first Council” of the Church: the Holy Spirit and they, the Pope with the Bishops, all together,” gathered together in order “to clarify the doctrine;” and later, through the centuries – as at Ephesus or at Vatican II
Lionel: At Ephesus they clarified doctrine but at Vatican Council II interpreted with Cushingism as a philosophy and theology they rejected past doctrine which was de fide in the Church.However today in Poland the Church can still interpret the dogma EENS with Feeneyism. All they have to do is recognise that the baptism of desire etc refer to invisible cases. Similarly they can interpret Vatican Council II with Feeneyism. All they have to do is recognise that LG 16, LG 8 etc refer to invisble cases. It is as simple is this. In this way they do away with the false ideology and new doctrines which the two popes support.__________________________________________

– because “it is a duty of the Church to clarify the doctrine,” so that “what Jesus said in the Gospels, what is the Spirit of the Gospels, would be understood well”:

“But there were always people who without any commission go out to disturb the Christian community with speeches that upset souls: ‘Eh, no, someone who says that is a heretic, you can’t say this, or that; this is the doctrine of the Church.’
Lionel: Presently false Cushingite doctrine is being maintained in the Church in Poland since the magisterium at the Vatican is heretical. They interpret Vatican Council II and the dogma EENS with a false premise.

And they are fanatics of things that are not clear, like those fanatics who go there sowing weeds in order to divide the Christian community.
Lionel: Once Cushingism is rejected there will once again be unity in the Catholic Church on doctrine.______________________________________

And this is the problem: when the doctrine of the Church, that which comes from the Gospel, that which the Holy Spirit inspires – because Jesus said, “He will teach us and remind you of all that I have taught’ – [when] that doctrine becomes an ideology. And this is the great error of those people.”

Lionel: The false doctrine and theology is now official in Poland and it is a reak with the magisterium of the past centuries.This is the new ideology which has to be identified and rejected in Poland. It is deception and based on a falsehood and so cannot be Catholic._____________________________________

These individuals, the Pope explained, “were not believers, they were ideologized,” they had an ideology that closed the heart to the work of the Holy Spirit. The Apostles, on the other hand, certainly discussed things forcefully, but they were not ideologized: “They had hearts open to what the Holy Spirit said. And after the discussion ‘it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us.’”
Lionel: The Holy Spirit cannot contradict the teachings of the past. The past- magisteriums were also guided by the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit cannot present a new doctrine based on a lie and deception. So Cushingism is not Catholic and does not come from the Holy Spirit.

Pope Francis’ final exhortation was to not be afraid in the face “of the opinions of the ideologues of doctrine.”
Lionel: In Poland the President and Prime Minister must be aware of the ideologues of new doctrine in the Church supported by a magisterium in heresy. They need to identify it and correct it now since the country has been consecrated to Christ the King.______________________________________________

The Church, he concluded, has “its proper Magisterium, the Magisterium of the Pope, of the Bishops, of the Councils,” and we must go along the path “that comes from the preaching of Jesus, and from the teaching and assistance of the Holy Spirit,” which is “always open, always free,” because “doctrine unites, the Councils unite the Christian community, while, on the other hand, “ideology divides.”
Lionel: Ideologues of new doctrine contradict St. Faustina Kowalska, St. Maximillian Kolbe and other Polish saints.-Lionel Andrades…/1313444
May 18, 2017
Marek Jurek Sejm 2016.JPGMotion in Polish Parliament (Sejm) needed supporting the Tridentine Rite Mass

May 17, 2017
Image result for Photo of the Bishops of Poland in 2016

Poland consecration to Christ the King : Collegiality in Vatican Council II is no more an issue when there is unity on correct doctrine

 May 16, 2017
Polish bishops and President are also part of 'the false church': interpret the Catechism(1995) differently

May 15, 2017

 Common mistake even the bishops and President of Poland need to address

May 8, 2017
Image result for Photo of Pope John Paul II with Bishop Athanasius Schneider
Bishop Schneider did not tell the Polish people that John Paul II made a theological mistake.Vatican Council II does not contradict the exclusivist ecclesiology of the past.


MAY 22, 2017

Image result for Photo of Pope Francis doctrine and ideology divide

This is Pope Francis' political speciousness.Cushingism divides. Cushingism creates a new doctrine.New doctrines on salvation and morals is ideology

MAY 21, 2017

Or course there is a new revelation in the Church and the Gospel has been changed so there is the need for Our Lady's apparitions

MAY 20, 2017

Cushingism is the name of the error that is professed by everyone that believes there are known exceptions to Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus-Cantarella on forum

Requiem per Mons. Barreiro Carambula

Requiem per Mons. Barreiro Carambula
Tra i molteplici eventi che si sono affiancati, ieri 20 maggio, alla Marcia per la Vita, va annoverata anche la S. Messa di Requiem per mons. Ignacio Barreiro Carambula (1947 - 2017), celebrata in serata presso la chiesa della Trinità dei Pellegrini. Va ricordato anche che la S.Messa celebrata in mattinata ad iniziativa del CNSP era stata offerta in suffragio di Mario Palmaro.

Come ha avuto modo di ricordare il Card. Burke,
Mons. Ignacio Barreiro Carambula è stato un uomo di notevoli talenti che si è donato a Cristo senza riserve nel Santo Sacerdozio. Egli ha mostrato il suo carattere sacerdotale soprattutto nell'attenzione per i nostri fratelli e sorelle che il mondo di oggi considera gli "ultimi": i bambini non nati, i deboli, i malati e gli anziani. Il suo impegno nell'apostolato in difesa della vita umana è stato eccezionale e nel tempo darà i suoi frutti. Possa Nostro Signore, per intercessione della Sua Madre sempre Vergine, concedere ora a Monsignor Barreiro il premo del servitore buono e fedele. Riposi in pace!
Mons. Barreiro Carambula ha ricevuto l'Estrema Unzione dalla mani del Card. Burke il 25 marzo scorso, festa dell'Annunciazione, ed è stato richiamato alla Casa del Padre il 13 aprile, Giovedì Santo.

Ecco alcune foto - more solito artigianali ed inedite - della S. Messa di ieri.

Requiem per Mons. Barreiro Carambula
Tra i molteplici eventi che si sono affiancati, ieri 20 maggio, alla Marcia per la Vita, va annoverata anche la S. Messa di Requiem per mons. Ignacio Barreiro Carambula (1947 - 2017), celebrata in serata presso la chiesa della Trinità dei Pellegrini. Va ricordato anche che la S.Messa celebrata in mattinata ad iniziativa del CNSP era stata offerta in suffragio di Mario Palmaro.

Come ha avuto modo di ricordare il Card. Burke,
Mons. Ignacio Barreiro Carambula è stato un uomo di notevoli talenti che si è donato a Cristo senza riserve nel Santo Sacerdozio. Egli ha mostrato il suo carattere sacerdotale soprattutto nell'attenzione per i nostri fratelli e sorelle che il mondo di oggi considera gli "ultimi": i bambini non nati, i deboli, i malati e gli anziani. Il suo impegno nell'apostolato in difesa della vita umana è stato eccezionale e nel tempo darà i suoi frutti. Possa Nostro Signore, per intercessione della Sua Madre sempre Vergine, concedere ora a Monsignor Barreiro il premo del servitore buono e fedele. Riposi in pace!
Mons. Barreiro Carambula ha ricevuto l'Estrema Unzione dalla mani del Card. Burke il 25 marzo scorso, festa dell'Annunciazione, ed è stato richiamato alla Casa del Padre il 13 aprile, Giovedì Santo.

Ecco alcune foto - more solito artigianali ed inedite - della S. Messa di ieri.

This is Pope Francis' political speciousness.Cushingism divides. Cushingism creates a new doctrine.New doctrines on salvation and morals is ideology.

Pope Francis \ Homilies

Pope Francis: doctrine unites, ideology divides

Image result for Photo of Pope Francis doctrine and ideology divide

Pope Francis delivers the homily at the daily 

Mass at the Casa Santa Marta.

(Vatican Radio) True doctrine unites; ideology divides. 
That was the message of Pope Francis in the homily
 at the morning Mass at the Casa Santa Marta on Friday.

Lionel: Pope Francis teaches false doctrine. He 
also uses a false theology.This is ideology. 
This is a new ideology in the Church,it is a 
sin, a mortal sin. Satan supports it.He 
contradicts the popes and the magisterium of
 the past and calls it 'a development'.It is a new
 revelation in the Church, a false revelation 
which opposes the de fide teachings of the
 Church inspired by the Holy Spirit.
The Pope based his reflections on the so-called Council of 
Jerusalem which, around the year 49 A.D., decided that 
gentile converts to Christianity would not have to be 
circumcised.The Holy Father was commenting on the First
 Reading, from the Acts of the Apostles. He noted that 
even in the first Christian community “there were 
jealousies, power struggles, a certain deviousness
 that wanted to profit from and to buy power.” There
 are always problems, he said: “We are human, 
we are sinners” and there are difficulties, even in 
the Church. But being sinners leads to humility and 
to drawing close to the Lord, as Saviour who saves
 us from our sins. With regard to the gentiles
 who the Spirit called to become Christians, the
 Holy Father recalled that, in the reading, the apostles
 and the elders chose several people to go to 
Antioch together with Paul and Barnabas. The reading
 describes two different kinds of people: those who 
had “forceful discussions” but with “a good spirit,”
 on the one hand; and those who “sowed confusion”:
“The group of the apostles who want to discuss
 the problem, and the others who go and create 
problems. They divide, they divide the Church, 
they say that what the Apostles preached is not 
what Jesus said, that it is not the truth.”
Lionel: The two popes now 
infer that what the Apostles,
 Church Fathers and Medieval 
Church Fathers taught, is
 not what Jesus taught.Instead they 
say that their new 'developed 
doctines' and theology is what 
Jesus meant to have taught.The 
two  popes are praised by the 
Masons and  the Jewish Left who
 affirm pro-Satanic sodomy, abortion,
 pornography, persecution of the 
Catholic Church...
The Apostles discussed the situation among 
themselves, and in the end came to an agreement:
“But it is not a political agreement; it is the 
inspiration of the Holy Spirit that leads
 them to say: no things, no necessities. Only
 those who say: don’t eat meat at the time, 
meat sacrificed to idols, because that was 
communion with the idols; abstain from
 blood, from animals that were strangled,
 and from illegitimate unions.”
The Pope pointed to the “liberty of the Spirit” that
 leads to agreement: so, he said, the gentiles 
were allowed to enter the Church without having 
to undergo circumcision. It was at the heart of the 
“first Council” of the Church: the Holy Spirit and 
they, the Pope with the Bishops, all together,” 
gathered together in order “to clarify the doctrine;”
 and later, through the centuries – as at Ephesus 
or at Vatican II – because “it is a duty of the Church
 to clarify the doctrine,” so that “what Jesus said 
in the Gospels, what is the Spirit of the Gospels, 
would be understood well”:
Lionel: At Ephesus they clarfied 
doctrine at Vatican Council II they 
changed it.At Vatican Council II 
they used a false premise to
 create a new and non traditional
 conclusion. With this irrational 
philosophy a new theology
 was created.With this innovation
 they interpret all magisterial 
documents, past and present.
With this false theology Pope Benedict
 XVI announced that Vatican Council
 II was 'a development' and it
 contradicted the dogma extra 
ecclesiam nulla salus as it was 
known in the 16th century and
 of course,to  the Church Fathers
 and the Apostles.
Pope Benedict also meant that when 
he interprets the dogma outside the
 church there is no salvation, he assumes
 that the baptism of desire and blood 
and being saved in invincible ignorance 
refers to visible in the flesh cases(Christianity
 and the World Religions, ITC,Vatican).This is 
Cushingism as opposed to traditional
 Feeneyism.So he supports the error 
of the magisterium in the Letter
 of the Holy Offfice 1949.Cardinal
 Francesco Marchetti Selvaggiani
 mistook invisible baptism of 
desire as being visible.Then he 
inferred that hypothetical cases 
were explicit exceptins to Feeneyite
 extra ecclesiam nulla salus
Cardinal Cushing and the Jesuits
 accepted this error and made it
 the theology of Vatican Council II.
Similarly Pope Benedict  means that 
LG 16, LG 8, NA 2, UR 3, GS 22 etc 
refer to visible cases in 2016 saved 
without the baptism of water. 
So Vatican Council II becomes a 
rupture with the dogma outside
 the Church no salvation and the 
Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius
 IX.He will not affirm Feeneyite
extra ecclesiam nulla salus and
 neither will he affirm Feeenyite
 Vatican Council II. Since this 
would be opposing the leftist 
ideology for the Catholic Church.
This is the ideology approved
 by the liberal rabbis representing
 Israel.This is the ideology Pope 
Francis sells.. He permits the liturgy 
of the Tridentine Rite Mass only
 with this ideology.The SSPX and
 the Franciscans of the Immaculate
 will be welcomed into the Church 
only when they accept this 
Cushingite ideology in the 
interpretation of magisterial documents.
“But there were always people who without any commission go out to disturb the Christian community with speeches that upset souls: ‘Eh, no, someone who says that is a heretic, you can’t say this, or that; this is the doctrine of the Church.’
Lionel: Jesus is the same 
yesterday, today and tomorrow, 
objective reality does not change
 in the Church, the Holy Spirit
 cannot contradict Himself.
However the pope is a 
heretic when he says conscience
 is supreme and there is no 
objective reality.
Objective reality says all non 
Catholics are on the way to 
Hell, he and the Jesuits, say not
 all, but only 'those who know.' 
Then they infer that 'they 
know who knows' and suggest
 that most people in ignorance 
will be saved.So there is no need
 for traditional Mission for them.
Pope Francis  is a first class heretic
 when he changes the Nicene Creed
 in which we pray 'I believe in 
one baptism for the forgiveness of
 sins'.It refers to one known baptism,
 for me, and not three or more.
He is a heretic when he rejects
 the dogma extra ecclesiam 
nulla salus, in harmony with the
 Apostles and Church 
Fathers and calls it 'triumphalism'.
He approves a new Cushingite 
version of the dogma on 
salvation. which is a new doctine
 in the Church. It is political
He is a heretic in morals too 
when he permits the Eucharist to 
be given to numerous people in 
manifest mortal sin the latest 
being in the cathedral in Toronto. 
He is my pope but he is also in 
heresy as is Pope Benedict.The 
heresy on the dogma extra 
ecclesiam nulla salus is widepread
 and is shared by Catholic
 traditionalists and conservatives
 too who use Cushingism 
as a theology.
And they are fanatics of things that are not 
clear, like those fanatics who go there sowing 
weeds in order to divide the Christian community. 
And this is the problem: when the doctrine of the 
Church, that which comes from the Gospel, 
that which the Holy Spirit inspires – because 
Jesus said, “He will teach us and remind 
you of all that I have taught’ – [when] that
 doctrine becomes an ideology. And this 
is the great error of those people.”
Lionel: There are also liberal fanatics,
who have brought in an innovation 
in the Church with their Cushingite 
They are the new fascists. 
Those priests who oppose it in Rome
 for example( now under control of 
the liberal rabbis) will lose 
their incardination. Ecclesiastic Masonry
 will suspend a priest who interprets 
Vatican Counci II with Feeneyism.
They enforce their new ideology 
based on the New Theology.
All religious communities have to 
claim invisible people are visible 
on earth to remain in good 
standing with the  'new church'.
The cardinals and bishops appear
 corrupt like the magisterium. 
Otherwise they would oppose 
Cushingism and the false 
church within the Catholic 
These individuals, the Pope explained, “were not 
believers, they were ideologized,” they had an ideology
 that closed the heart to the work of the Holy Spirit. 
Lionel: Oh no we are believers, we are 
not saying anything new. I for one,
 affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla
 salus according to the missionaries 
in the 16th century and not the two
 liberal , pro- Mason popes.I reject 
their ideology.
Pope John Paul II is still my favourite
 pope and the last of the grand popes.
I affirm Vatican Council II with Feeneyism
(LG 16 refers to an invisible case in
 2017) and so the Council is not a rupture
 with the Syllabus of Errors of Pope
 Pius IX and the past ecclesiology of 
the 16th magisterium. I would appeal
 to all the cardinals to interpret Vatican
 Council II like me an oppose the 
ideology of the Mssons and the two
 popes in line with them.
I affirm Vatican Council II and the 
Catechism of the Catholic Church
 but affirm it with Feeneyite reasoning
( invisible people in reality cannot 
be exceptions to the dogma extra 
ecclesiam nulla salus or Ad Gentes 
7 which says all need faith and
 baptism for salvation.
The Apostles, on the other hand, certainly discussed
 things forcefully, but they were not ideologized: “They
 had hearts open to what the Holy Spirit said. And 
after the discussion ‘it seemed good to the Holy 
Spirit and to us.’”
Lionel: The Holy Spirit has not given
 us a new revelation. However with
 irrational Cushingism Vatican 
Council II has a non traditional conclusion.
 This conclusion created  with a false
 premise, is projected by the two popes,
 as the work of the Holy Spirit and 
a new revelation in the Church. 
They simply call it ' a development'.
This is a new spirit in the Church 
and it is un-holy.
Pope Francis’ final exhortation was to not be 
afraid in the face “of the opinions of the
 ideologues of doctrine.”
Lionel: We will be there to let you know 
that we still exist.We will oppose, 
until death, your leftist ideology i
the Catholic Church.We will have to 
welcome the time when a Holy 
Father along with the secular, pro-Satan,
 authorities sends us to prison and death.
We must oppose the ideologues of new
 The Church, he concluded, has “its proper Magisterium, the Magisterium of the Pope, of the Bishops, of the Councils,”
Lionel: The present magisterium opposes
 the magisterium of the 16th century 
Catholic Church.This is official according
 to Pope Benedict XVI's interview in the 
Avvenire in March 2016.This was a
 public statement.So one of the two
 magisterium's has to be wrong.
One has to be in heresy. One has 
to be false.I will affirm the 16th 
century magisterium on this issue.
 and we must go along the path “that comes from 
the preaching of Jesus, and from the teaching 
and assistance of the Holy Spirit,” which is “always
 open, always free,” because “doctrine unites, 
the Councils unite the Christian community, 
while, on the other hand, “ideology divides.”
Lionel: This is political speciousness.
Cushingism divides. Cushingism
 creates a new doctrine.New 
doctrines on salvation and morals  
is ideology. It is the ideology of the
 two popes and many cardinals and
 bishops.It is a rupture with the 
Church Fathers and Jesus ' teachings
 to the Apostles.It is not Catholic.-Lionel Andrades,_ideology_divides/1313444