Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Jesus' name vs Demons: Street Preacher Casts out Demons

Jesus' name vs Demons: Street Preacher Casts out Demons

Baby in Coma Wakes Up after Prayer

Baby in Coma Wakes Up after Prayer

Bishop Robert J.McManus and Brother Thomas Augustine interpret Vatican Council II with the 'possibilities are exceptions' error since this was the mistake in Vatican Council II itself(LG 14 etc)

Image result for Diocese of Worcester Photos of Bishop Mcmanus
Bishop Robert J.McManus and Brother Thomas Augustine MICM
interpret Vatican Council II with the 'possibilities are exceptions' error since this was the  mistake in Vatican Council II itself(LG 14 etc).
 The liberal theologians at Vatican Council II, including Ratzinger and Rahner,made a mistake when they assumed possibilities of the baptism of desire(BOD),baptism of blood (BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) were defacto,explicit and known exceptions of salvation outside the Church and so there was 'a mistaken understanding of the phrase extra ecclesiam nulla salus' 1(Christianity and the World Religions,ITC ).
So now both Bishop McManus and Brother Augustine are interpreting Vatican Council II as a rupture with  Feeneyite EENS.
How can people in Heaven be seen, saved without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church ? This contradicts the Principle of Non Contradiction.A person cannot be visible in Heaven and also be a visible exception on earth. There are no such people on earth for them to be exceptions to EENS according to the missionaries and magisterium of the 16th century.
So the 'possibilities are exceptions' theology was repeated in Redemptoris Missio and Dominus Iesus by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and then as Pope Benedict in the Balamand Declaration and the Joint Declaration with the Lutherans on Justification.
This error in theology from the Letter of the Holy Office 1949, to Vatican Council II, Redemptoris Missio and Dominus Iesus, is now considered Catholic doctrine.It is taught at the St.Benedict Center, Still River.Bishop McManus also considers it the teaching of the magisterium.
They do not seem to be aware that all Catholic religious communities  in Worcester can interpret the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS,the Feeneyite version,along with Vatican Council II (premise free).
All religious communities in Boston can interpret magisterial documents without the false premise.However Cardinal Malley, the Archbishop of Boston will not be give permission by the Jewish Left to interpret Vatican Council II and EENS without the irrational premise.
The  Left criticize those who attend the Tridentine Rite Mass , since they believe they affirm the old ecclesiology with EENS(some with and others without the premise),  independent of Vatican Council II( with the premise).The Left will accept Vatican Council II and EENS interpreted with the premise.They do not know that Catholics in Boston can attend Mass in English and also affirm Vatican Council II and EENS without the premise.They would then be in harmony with the Syllabus of Errors and the past ecclesiology of an ecumenism of return.EENS would not be a rupture with the magisterium in the 16th century.-Lionel Andrades

NOVEMBER 6, 2017

There is a mistake in Redemptoris Missio and Dominus Iesus


NOVEMBER 6, 2017

Pope John Paul II and Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger's Redemptoris Missio and Dominus Iesus were written with the 'possibilities are exceptions' error


NOVEMBER 6, 2017

Bishop Robert J.McManus and Brother Thomas Augustine MICM,Superior,St.Benedict Center,Still River,MA, interpret Vatican Council II with the 'possibilites are exceptions' error


10. Exclusivist ecclesiocentrism—the fruit of a specific theological system or of a mistaken understanding of the phrase extra ecclesiam nulla salus—is no longer defended by Catholic theologians after the clear statements of Pius XII and Vatican Council II on the possibility of salvation for those who do not belong visibly to the Church (cf, e.g., LG 16; GS 22)...'-International Theological Commission, Christianity and the World Religions(emphasis added)

Muslim woman prays to Jesus for help.

Muslim woman prays to Jesus for help.

Many Muslims Come to Jesus/Pray for the Muslims