Sunday, January 7, 2018

'Christian Marriage' at Catholic church near Vatican is official adultery: San Gregorio VII Papa, Via del Cottolengo, Rome

Image result for San Gregorio VII Papa, Via del Cottolengo, Rome Photo

At the Catholic church San Gregorio VII Papa  they have announced a marriage preparation course  which is a preparation for a 'Christian Marriage'.The emphasis in Italian was on the word 'Christian'.It was not just another marriage preparation course.Then the poster says that the course would be accordingt to the 'Magisterium of the Church'.
This is false.
Image result for San Gregorio VII Papa, Via del Cottolengo, Rome Photo
Since for the Magisterium of the Church there is no Christian marriage.It is always a Catholic marriage between two Catholics.A 'marriage' to an Orthodox Christian or Protestant is adultery.Since they are outside the Church. This is the teaching of the Magisterium of the Church guided by the Holy Spirit.Orthodox Christians and Protestants according to pre and post Vatican Council II theology, for me, are all oriented to Hell.
Image result for San Gregorio VII Papa, Via del Cottolengo, Rome PhotoImage result for San Gregorio VII Papa, Via del Cottolengo, Rome Photo
This is the traditional teaching of the Church and not just a personal view.I am also interpreting Vatican Council II with LG 16, UR 3, GS 22 referring to invisible people in 2018, unknown people in our reality.So the Council for me is not a rupture with the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church.
Image result for San Gregorio VII Papa, Via del Cottolengo, Rome PhotoImage result for San Gregorio VII Papa, Via del Cottolengo, Rome PhotoImage result for San Gregorio VII Papa, Via del Cottolengo, Rome Photo
So this Christian Marriage at this Church near the Vatican is really adultery,official adultery.
Image result for San Gregorio VII Papa, Via del Cottolengo, Rome PhotoImage result for San Gregorio VII Papa, Via del Cottolengo, Rome Photo
The course is to begin on Jan 24 at this church San Gregorio VII Papa, Via del Cottolengo, Rome.The church is managed by the Franciscans of Umbria.Pope John Paul II visited this church in 1986.-Lionel Andrades

DECEMBER 10, 2017

Pope Benedict made an objective mistake in 2016 he supports inter faith marriages and adultery(graphics)

ULY 27, 2016

Cardinal Burke and Fr.John Zuhlsdorf are not speaking with clarity.It needs to be said that all non Catholics are on the way to Hell unless they convert into the Church and Vatican Council II says this. I repeat Vatican Council II says so
MARCH 21, 2016
Fr.Z approves of adultery in inter faith marriages

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