Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The sedevacantists MHFM interpret Vatican Council II with an irrationality and then reject the Council.This is heretical. They make the same theological error as the Vatican Curia.

from the website of the sedevacantists Most Holy Family Monastery (Peter and Michael Dimond)

This website is dedicated to defending and spreading the Catholic Faith, as taught and defined by the authoritative teachings of the popes throughout history.
Lionel: Peter and Michael Dimond interpret Vatican Council II as a rupture with Tradition since they assume hypothetical cases mentioned in the Council-text are not hypothetical This is the error of the New Theology, which is common in the Catholic Church.
If they would not mistake hypothetical cases of LG 8,LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc as being known people saved outside the Church, then Vatican Council II would not contradict the past exclusivist understanding of salvation.
For me BOD, BOB and I.I do not refer to known people saved outside the Church in 2018. So there are no practical exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus mentioned in Vatican Council II. Peter and Michael Dimond could also interpret Vatican Council II as I do and not like Cardinal Luiz Ladaria at the Press Conference on Placuit Deo ( March 1,2018).He assumed that Lumen Gentium 8 refers to  exceptions to the Church's traditional teaching on exclusive salvation.We do not know of any one saved with elements of sanctification and truth (LG 8) outside the Church.Neither do we know of any one saved outside the Church since the true Church subsists outside its visible boundaries. So there are no practical exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus mentioned in LG 8. This was the Ladaria Error.
 It is also dedicated to exposing in great detail the post-Vatican II pseudo-“Church” and the New Mass. These purport to be Catholic, but are not.
This glossary contains important definitions of key terms and principles about the Catholic Faith, about the post-Vatican II “Church,” about how the Catholic Church views non-Catholic religions, etc. which people should see.
The Catholic Church is the one true Church founded by Jesus Christ upon St. Peter (Mt. 16:18-20; Jn. 21:15-17). This is proven by history, Scripture and tradition. But the post-Vatican II “Church” is actually a counterfeit “Catholic” sect with new teachings, new practices and a New Mass – which all contradict the Catholic Faith of all times and the teaching of the Catholic popes in history.
Lionel: Yes they contradict the Catholic Faith and they do it by assuming hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire,baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance are non hypothetical. It is inferred that these are personally known and physically visible people saved outside the Church.Then with this false premise they contradict Feeneyite EENS. So there is a new ecumenism, new ecclesiology etc.
 Vatican II was a council which took place from 1962-1965; this council started a revolution against the Catholic Faith and gave birth to this new counterfeit “Catholic” sect. 
Lionel: The Council was interpreted with an irrational premise and the conclusion was non traditional and heretical. The same irrational premise is used by Peter and Michael Dimond.
They have a choice. They can interpret the Council without irrationally assuming invisible cases of the baptism of desire etc are visible. Then Vatican Council would be traditional. This is how I interpret the Council.

This website proves in tremendous detail that this post-Vatican II sect is not Catholic, that its leaders are not Catholic, that its fruits and teachings are not Catholic and not holy, and that this counterfeit sect was predicted in Sacred Scripture and in Catholic prophecy to arise in the last days as part of the Devil’s final assault on mankind...
Lionel: The MHFM website interprets Vatican Council II with an irrationality and then rejects the Council.This is heretical. They make the same theological error as the Vatican Curia.-Lionel Andrades

SEPTEMBER 25, 2013

Are you referring to BOD(baptism of desire) visible to us or BOD invisible for us ?

NOVEMBER 15, 2017

The St.Benedict Center and Most Holy Family Monastery's position is that Church membership is objectively necessary for salvation : we three agree here

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