Sunday, May 20, 2018

Happy Pentecost.Happy Evangelisation. Happy Mission.

Image result for xPhoto Pentecost with Our Lady famous paintings

Happy Evangelisation, happy Mission.Happy Proclamation.Outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation.
Why go to Hell? Choose Jesus in the Catholic Church. It is the only Church Jesus founded.It is the Church he chose to give the Bible.This is the Church which is the Mystical Body of Jesus and has allowed the saints to reach the highest levels of mystical experience in union with God.St.Francis of Assisi, St.Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross,St.Faustina Kowalski...
Image result for Photo Catholic street evangelisers distributing pamphletsImage result for Photo Catholic evangelisers distributing pamphlets
Those who are not in the Church at the time of death are out of Heaven for all eternity. You may know or not know about this Church but if you are not in, at the time of death you are out from Life, for all time.The Holy Spirit is not restricted to the visible boundaries of the Catholic Church. The gifts of the Holy Spirit can be given in abundance even outside the Church.But in the end the gifts are of no avail if you are not in the Catholic Church.
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are of no avail even if you are in the Catholic Church and do not love God and others, always.
Image result for Neocatechumenal Way street evangelisationImage result for Neocatechumenal Way street evangelisation
The Eucharist is necessary for salvation. The faith and moral teachings of the Church are necessary for salvation.The baptism of water is needed for all.All need the baptism of water to go to Heaven. No water. No salvation.
Image result for Catholic Focolares street evangelisationImage result for Catholic Focolares street evangelisation
One may postulate about a baptism of desire, a baptism in invincible ignorance, baptism with seeds of the Word, a baptism with elements of truth in other religions...Hypothetically fine.Speculatively, with good will O.K.But in the end, at the time of death it is ' No water baptism.No salvation.'
Image result for Catholic Focolares street evangelisationImage result for Catholic Focolares street evangelisation
Defacto every one needs the baptism of water for salvation. Hypothetically in theory there can be a baptism of desire etc.
The work of the Holy Spirit would be in vain in the life of a Christian or non Christian, who does not know Jesus in the Eucharist and does not choose to be in unity with the Catholic Church, the only Ark of Salvation, that saves in the deluge.
Image result for Catholic Focolares street evangelisationImage result for Catholic Focolares street evangelisation
The Holy Spirit inspires all to enter the Catholic Church. All are called. This is the will of God. God wants all people to be united in the Catholic Church, it is the only Church he founded and outside of it there is going only to Hell.

The saints knew it. They saw it first hand in mystical experiences.Others were shown the beauty of the Catholic Church, Jesus' Mystical Body and its necessity for salvation.One of them was Alphonse Ratisbonne.After his Mystical experience at the Church of San Andrea della Fratte in Rome he became a priest and missionary and founded two missionary communities in the Middle East.

The Holy Spirit guides the Church to say there is no reincarnation but just Heaven where we praise God for all eternity and live in happiness and there is Hell where we burn and suffer in our spiritual body,which feels like the physical body on earth.With that same spiritual body we can feel the fires of Hell in Purgatory too, which is a preparation and purification for entering Spiritual Bliss in Heaven - where are loved ones await us, only, those who made it there.

Those who have died without mortal sin covering their souls, without sins of adultery, immodesty,fornication,abortion...Those who have received absolution in the Confession of the Catholic Church have wiped away the stains on their soul,through the Sacrifice of Jesus mediated through the Sacrament of Confession.Without the Sacrament of Reconciliation with God, the majority of people are Hell-bound.Most people go to Hell since Satan is powerful and human nature is weak and without the Grace of Jesus it would be easy for a soul to fall into the traps set by Satan.Now is the time to choose Life, choose Eternal Life.-Lionel Andrades

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