Monday, June 4, 2018

Cardinal Raymond Burke says other religions are false religions while Pope Francis says Orthodox Christians do not need to convert into the Catholic Church. Some time back he said the same for Protestants

Cardinal Raymond Burke says other religions are false religions while Pope Francis says Orthodox Christians do not need to convert into the Catholic Church. Some time back he said the same for Protestants.
The two popes do not support extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS), with Feeneyism. They have replaced it with EENS ( Cushingite) and so do not see the need to proclaim the Social Reign of Christ the King and instead support the Leftist, secular governments.
Cardinal Burke is proclaiming Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite-LG 8) along with Tradition (EENS-Feeneyite) while the two popes are rejecting Tradition ( EENS-Feeneyite, Syllabus of Errors) and are accepting Vatican Council II (Cushingite-LG 8 refers to known people saved outside the Catholic Church).
The whole Church, with heresy and schism with the past popes, is following the two popes.-Lionel Andrades

JUNE 4, 2018
Image result for Graphics Vatican Council II Feeneyite and Cushingite Photos
Cardinal Burke on May 18 interpreted Lumen Gentium 8 with Feeneyism and Cardinal Ladaria on March 1 interpreted Lumen Gentium 8 with Cushingism : other religions are false paths to salvation for the cardinal but not for the two popes

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