Tuesday, October 2, 2018

They have a choice in Hungary and Prime Minister Viktor Orban can ask that catechesis and catechism classes for children and adults be based on Vatican Council II Feeneyite and not Vatican Council II Cushingite.

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Thought police for the Left are controlling the catechesis classes  in the parishes of Italy this week but this can be avoided by the Catholic Church in Hungary.They do not have to accept the catechism for children approved by Soros, Rockefeller and the the One- World -Government- and- Religion people. They have a choice in Hungary and Prime Minister  Viktor Orban     can ask that catechesis fof adults and catechism classes for children and adults be based on Vatican Council II Feeneyite and not Vatican Council II Cushingite.Similarly the children and adults will be taught to interpret the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus with Feeneyism ( invisible cases are invisible) and avoid Cushingism( unknown non Catholics are known exceptions to the traditional exclusivist salvation theology).
In Italy priests and nuns are not free to affirm Vatican Council II and EENS Feeneyite and instead have to teach the irrational Cushingite philosophy and theology, which creates a rupture with Tradition.
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If they affirmed Vatican Council II and EENS Feeneyite they would be telling children and adults in catechesis that outside the Catholic Church there is no known salvation and all need faith and baptism to go to Heaven and avoid Hell. (Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II).They would be saying that LG 8,LG 16, UR 3 etc in Vatican Council II are only hypothetical cases.So they are not objective exceptions to Ad Gentes 7, the dogma EENS or the Catechism of Pope Pius X which all say that every one needs to be a member of the Church for salvation.
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EENS and the old Catechisms do not mention invincible ignorance etc as referring to known people. Since obviously it refers to invisible people who cannot be exceptions to EENS.
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So this can be taught in Hungary. Since Hungary does not follow the Left. They do not have to follow the Leftist  interpretation of Vatican Council II and EENS. The children can be taught that all non Catholics are on the way to Hell without Catholic faith which includes the baptism of water(AG 7).Catholics can be taught once again, as in the time of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, that all people need to be members of the Church for salvation.So to avoid Hell a priority is that all legislation have as its centre, Jesus Christ, as he is known and taught by the Catholic Church and that there be no separation of Church and State.Instead Satanic secularism and State must be separated for the eternal good of people.
Viktor Orban can ask that the Catholic Church in Hungary at least affirm Feeneyite Vatican Council II and EENS and proclaim the Social Reign of Christ the King with the non separation of Church and State.He could give them this freedom.
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He can order that priests and nuns be free, without the threat of suspension.No one will tell them  to affirm Vatican Council  and EENS Cushingite.In this way he can avoid the Italian model of catechism classes which are controlled by the secular state, with compromised doctrine and theology.
Catholics should be free to interpret all Church documents; all Magisterial documents, with rational and traditional Feeneyism as a theology and philosophy as it was done over the centuries in Hungary and the rest of Europe.-Lionel Andrades
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OCTOBER 1, 2018
Polish Government must not use Pope Benedict's writings as a reference : does not affirm Social Reign of Christ the King and non separation of Church and State, the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.or Vatican Council II (Feeneyite) which is the basis for the past ecclesiology of the Church

 SEPTEMBER 27, 2018

Vatican Council II can be interpreted without the error and this could be the official interpretation of the Council by the CDF

 OCTOBER 2, 2018

When the Catholic Church in Hungary and Poland affirm Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) then the Church's doctrine and theology would be the same as during the time of the Austro-Hungarian Empire

SEPTEMBER 18, 2018

Thought police to control Catholic catechesis from Sept.23 in the parishes

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