Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Canadian gov’t: A church’s ‘core mandate’ must be pro-abortion to get funding

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OTTAWA, January 15, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) — Church groups must support abortion as part of their “core mandate” in order to receive summer student job grants, Canada’s Liberal employment minister reiterated last week.
Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government changed the application process for Canada Summer Jobs after vowing last year to stop pro-life groups from receiving grants through the federal program.
Employment Minister Patty Hajdu added the requirement that employers sign an attestation that their “core mandate” supports reproductive and transgender “rights.”
Online applicants must check off the attestation or the application is void.
Hajdu and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau are defending the Liberal rule despite outcry from faith-based nonprofits and charities, many of which apply annually to the program to hire students to staff summer camps and various outreach ministries.
“We think it’s a fair process,” Hajdu told the Ottawa Citizen during a cabinet retreat in London last Friday.
There’s a difference between groups with a “core mandate” to change the law on abortion, and groups that are run by churches that oppose abortion, Hajdu said.
“In terms of church groups that are concerned that this may invalidate them from funding, in fact, my perspective is that it won’t, as long as their core mandate agrees with those hard won rights and freedoms that Canadians expect us to stand up for,” she told the Citizen.
Hajdu claimed a number of faith-based groups didn’t object to the attestation.
That’s because “their core mandate is actually, for example, administering the word of God, or administering spiritual guidance for people … These are the kinds of things that, if you look at the core mandates of faith groups, that they talk about,” she told the Citizen.
Her ministry is “working very closely, as I said, with faith groups to make sure that they understand that as long as their core mandate is not in violation of Canadian human rights and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and it’s not violating a woman’s ultimate right to control her own body, that they should have absolutely no problem receiving grant money, provided they, you know, fill out the application properly,” Hajdu said.

Hajdu’s statement “lunacy”: critic

Jeff Gunnarson, vice president of Campaign Life Coalition, decried Hajdu’s statement.
“How do I begin to comprehend this lunacy?” he told LifeSiteNews.  
“Surely she must have had a gun at her head to say this with a straight face. The word of God commands us to not kill. These faith groups that are supposedly signing up better understand there is no going back once they accept the thirty silver coins.”
Hajdu worked with the homeless and addicted individuals before her election as MP for Thunder Bay in the Liberal sweep of October 2016, Gunnarson noted.
“Would she ask drug addicts and homeless people to attest they believe it's okay for a woman to have her unborn baby killed by an abortionist before she would admit them to government funded shelters?” he asked.
Trudeau also defended the Liberal policy during a town hall last week.
Canadians can believe what they want, but the Liberals “draw the line” at funding groups with “the explicit purpose of restricting women’s rights by removing rights to abortion and the rights for women to control their own bodies,” he said.
He too said faith-based groups can apply for Canada Summer Job grants.
The Canada Summer Job website says the attestation is consistent with “human rights” which include “the right to access safe and legal abortions” and is necessary to prevent taxpayers’ money going to groups “whose mandates or projects may not respect individual human rights.”

Pakistan: Muslims gang-rape Christian woman, escape punishment


Yes, because the police sympathize with the attackers and share their world view. The Qur’an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use (cf. its allowance for a man to take “captives of the right hand,” 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30). The Qur’an says: “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.” (33:59) The implication there is that if women do not cover themselves adequately with their outer garments, they may be abused, and that such abuse would be justified.
“Justice escapes Christian woman gang-raped and brutalized by three men for two days rescued by family,” by Wilson Chowdhry, British Pakistani Christian Association, January 9, 2018:
A Christian woman from Gujranwala, Pakistan was brutally gang-raped by three men and then left tied in the courtyard of a Muslim man’s house until she was found by police two days later.
At 3 pm on 28th October Sidhra (20 yrs) travelled from her husband Sunny Masih’s (22 yrs) home in Talwinda Musa Khan, Gujranwala, on a visit to her mother in the same village but some 10 km distance away. Her father-in-law Boota Masih transported her by motorcycle and safely delivered her to her mother’s home where she spent three hours talking and helping with household chores.
At 6:30 Sidhra left her mothers house after she saw her father in law on the other side of the road. Thinking he had come to collect her, Sidhra she rushed her goodbyes with her mother and headed in his direction.
As Sidhra started walking towards him it became clear that Boota had not seen her as he started off on his way home and Sidhra could not reach him in time to stop him. When Sidhra looked back she noticed her mother had already closed her door and was safely back inside, so she decided to walk back home.
Some distance away from her home Sidhra noticed three suspicious looking men were watching her, so she began to walk faster and crossed the road. The three men started walking behind her first at some distance but then they began to chase her. With the men in pursuit Sidhra fled running until the men caught up to her and grabbed her at which point Sidhra blacked-out. She is unable to recall the events of the next 36 hours at this time.
Sidhra’s family at this point were not aware of her abduction and carried on as normal as both sides of the family assumed that Sidhra was with the other side. This delayed any help in rescuing her from her abductors.
36 hours later (30th October) while on cleaning rounds a local domestic cleaner named Sultan reported to Sajjida Bibi, Sidhra’s mother, that he had seen Sidhra bound to a chair in the courtyard of a local neighbour’s home. The residence belonged to a Muslim man named Mohammed Ilyas who was living abroad in Italy and had left his house in the care of relatives.
Sajjida and all her family ran to the house of Mohammed Ilyas and peered through the gates when the mother saw her daughter tied up unconscious to a chair with a gag in her mouth, restrained in the courtyard of the neighbours home, she started to scream. As each sibling saw their sister they too began to scream and shout hysterically. They banged on the gates and one brother climbed over and unlocked the gate from inside and rushed towards his sister. Sidhra was fully clothed and tied at her wrists and legs the rope securing her was so tight bruises could be seen on her wrists. Despite attempts to wake her it took a few minutes to revive her and she remained dizzy – she showed signs of having been drugged.
Other neighbours also heard the screaming and loud noise and were alerted to the situation. They joined the family to search the home for the culprits of the heinous crime, but no-one was present in the home and it was assumed that the rapists had fled.
As Sidhra awoke it was obvious that she had been drugged as she was very groggy and was suffering short-term amnesia. She told her family that she saw three men form the local community chasing her before she became unconscious and fortunately she was able to name them. Sidhra identified the three men Talha aka Moon (21 yrs), Zubair aka Zaidi (22 Yrs) and Ameer Hamza all who are well known for criminal activity in the local community and all three are nephews of Mohammed Ilyas the owner of the home. Sidhra had also throughout the last ten years been harassed by Talha who even offered her marriage which she had declined every time.
Sidhra’s family members untied her and rushed her home to recover and the father visited the police station the next day (31st October) to lodge a complaint for kidnap and rape. Sidhra was unconscious for the whole two days and believes that she was subjected to rape.
The Police refused to acknowledge her kidnap or rape and did not initially register a First Incident Report (FIR), as they told the family they had no evidence. They advised the family that in future before untying a victim they should inform and call the police to a crime location. However the next day (1st November) the family returned to the police station Councillor Salim a paternal councillor and some elders and together they convinced local police to register a crime. The next day (2nd November) the police finally lodged FIR 943/17 at Saddar Police Station, Gujaranwala and arrested Zubair and Ameer. They discovered that Talha had absconded to Karachi and he is currently a fugitive. The boys were charged under section 376 for offences of gang-rape however police failed to charge the boys with kidnap.
Ameera was given bail within a week of his arrest to the chagrin of the family and it is believed that he bribed the local police and local politicians to obtain his freedom. Zubair remained in custody for 1 and half months after arrest but was recently released by police who have informed the family that there is no compelling evidence that permits his ongoing incarceration.
Sidra’s medical examinations were taken on the 1st of November and no genetic trace was found for Zubair, however reports are still awaited for any genetic trace from the other two assailants. The delay in the medical examination is believed to be a factor that may allow the assailants to escape justice, especially as the police have not listed kidnap as a crime.
For the medical examination Sidhra was sent to District headquarters Civil Hospital Gujranwala on the 2nd November and they have indicated that any evidence would have been stronger had she arrived at a sooner date.
The court hearings for Sidhra’s case are going through the session court of Gujranwala and the next hearing is on the 12th January (today), however the family holds little hope of any prosecution, as the courts and the police are exhibiting little empathy and seem keen on exonerating the wealthy Muslims….

I am affirming the Catholic faith.It is the same for me before and after Vatican Council II.

If you read Vatican docs carefully you would realize that no one can be saved except through the Catholic Church.  The Church is God’s instrument for salvation (see CCC 846). Those saved under a Baptism of desire or blood (see CCC 1258-1259) are saved by the Church as are any Baptized persons who are ignorant of the true Church, but are pursuing God to the best of their ability.  See Lumen Gentium 16 or CCC 1281.

By the way when the letter you cite was published in 1953 there was no massive outcry of heresy.  Apparently you know more than the bishops of the Church. You seem to be suffering from what might be charitably called a superiority complex.  Leave to God the things that are God’s including judgment and remember that the Church was given the authority to bind and to loose by our Blessed Lord!

Reply to Comment by Lionel

If you read Vatican docs carefully you would realize that no one can be saved except through the Catholic Church.  The Church is God’s instrument for salvation (see CCC 846). Those saved under a Baptism of desire or blood (see CCC 1258-1259) are saved by the Church as are any Baptized persons who are ignorant of the true Church, but are pursuing God to the best of their ability.  See Lumen Gentium 16 or CCC 1281.

Lionel: Agreed. I accept this. It is a reference to hypothetical cases. So I do not place it in opposition to the traditional, 'strict' interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).
When hypothetical cases are assumed to be non hypothetical and  people personally known, who are saved outside the Church I call it Cushingism.
When hypothetical cases are assumed to be just hypothetical and not personally known people saved outside the Church I call it Feeneyism.
So there can be a Cushingite or Feeneyite interpretation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. I do not have a problem with the Catechism(1994) since CCC 1257 and 846 do not contradict the dogma EENS, for me.

By the way when the letter you cite was published in 1953 there was no massive outcry of heresy.

Lionel: That was about the time the state of Israel received its independence.
During the controversy over the Revised Good Friday Prayer for the Conversion of the Jews, Pope Benedict inferred, that Jews do not have to convert in the present times. There was no outcry from Catholics due to ignorance, or some other reason.
I could give  you other recent examples too.

  Apparently you know more than the bishops of the Church.

Lionel: I am saying that there are no visible cases of the baptism of desire(BOD),baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) in 2018. That's all. Surely 
you agree with me here. May be the bishops too would agree with me.
I love Vatican Council II. I support Vatican Council II.

 You seem to be suffering from what might be charitably called a superiority complex. 

Lionel: I am affirming the Catholic faith.It is the same for me before and after Vatican Council II.

 Leave to God the things that are God’s including judgment and remember that the Church was given the authority to bind and to loose by our Blessed Lord!

Lionel: The Church tells us that all non Catholics are on the way to Hell. It is the Holy Spirit which guides the Church. This is not a personal view or personal judgement.
-Lionel Andrades

Fr. Leonard Feeney was correct and the magisterium was wrong.

I read this article a long time back....

BUT Father Feeney did muddy the waters by TOTALLY being against BOB  BOD and I I  as being against faith and God.

There could be different ways of interpreting this.Exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church means there is no relevant BOD, BOB and I.I.

BOB, BOD and I.I have nothing to do with the dogma EENS.
I would agree with him here.There are no cases of BOD,BOB and I.I.

Even if someone says that there is a possibility that someone could be saved with BOD,BOB and I.I it is meaningless.Since there are no such cases in real life.

I agree with you, Lionel on your wording in regards to Father Feeney. He was correct in his understanding of No Salvation Outside the Church(NSOCC). But he was wrong on his understanding of Bob, Bod and Ii . This was most unfortunate but it led to the quitting for the most part of teaching that there was no salvation outside the Catholic Church by of all people by Cardinal Cushing who did incredible damage to the Catholic Church on many issues.
Fr.Feeney was correct. There was no salvation outside the Church.
Cardinal Cushing and the Holy Office were wrong to assume that it was either BOD, BOB and I.I or EENS.For them BOD, BOB and I.I were visible and known exceptions.
It was Fr. Feeney who was correct and the magisterium which was wrong.-Lionel Andrades

When the CDF makes Vatican Council II a condition for canonical recognition the religious communities must ask the CDF to affirm the Council

-Lionel Andrades

JANUARY 16, 2018

I love Vatican Council II it has the hermeneutic of continuity with the past ecclesiology of an ecumenism of return

JANUARY 16, 2018


JANUARY 15, 2018

I am a Catholic.I am not a member of any sect
