Saturday, May 5, 2018

It's Euthanasis by stealth, whatever Cardinal Nichols calls it


by Church Militant  •  •  May 5, 2018    

Refusing nutrition, hydration and ventilation to a small child is not an act of mercy

Neo-Marxist Rudi Dutschke's "long march through the institutions of power" has reached the Roman Catholic College of Cardinals.
Cardinal Joseph Tobin welcomes openly gay Catholics to Holy Mass in his cathedral. Cardinal Walter Kasper supports giving Holy Communion to couples living in adultery. Cardinal Reinhard Marx protests against the crucifix being displayed in government buildings and endorses blessings for same-sex couples. Cardinal Jozef de Kesel declares that gay sexual experience should be a possibility in the Church. Cardinal Blase Cupich promotes a "New Paradigm" for Catholic morality and argues that active gays can receive Holy Communion if their conscience permits.
Cardinal Vincent Nichols is the latest recruit to the ranks of the men in red. The Archbishop of Westminster believes that the nanny state can usurp the rights of parents. He insists that suffocating a terminally ill child by yanking it off the ventilator is "an act of mercy." He reveals that his interpretative framework for Catholic doctrine is "society's common good." He defends a children's hospital notorious for harvesting organs from dead babies and failing to meet four out of five safety standards.
Most lamentably, Cdl. Nichols, President of the Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales, distorts Catholic teaching on palliative care in relation to the case of Alfie Evans. Nichols is right when he claims that "palliative care, which isn't a denial of help, can be an act of mercy." However, he is in serious danger of confusing palliative care with euthanasia by stealth.

The World Health Organization defines palliative care as "an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problems associated with life-threatening illness, through the prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, physical, psychosocial and spiritual."
The definition is unambiguously pro-life and in no way confuses palliative care with stealth euthanasia. Palliative care offers care when medicine cannot cure. Withdrawing life support and ventilation from Alfie Evans following a court order is emphatically not palliative care. It is, rather, a flagrant violation of magisterial teaching as laid down in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Even "an act or omission which, of itself or by intention, causes death in order to eliminate suffering constitutes a murder," states the Catechism. It warns that the "error of judgment into which one can fall in good faith does not change the nature of this murderous act, which must always be forbidden and excluded."
An act or omission which, of itself or by intention, causes death in order to eliminate suffering constitutes a murder'Tweet
Cardinal Nichols is right when he cites Church teaching stating that "we do not have a moral obligation to continue a severe therapy when it's having no effect." The Catechism permits the discontinuation of "over-zealous" treatment that is "burdensome, dangerous, extraordinary, or disproportionate to the expected outcome." But it clarifies that the "ordinary care," such as food and water, owed to a sick person cannot be legitimately interrupted "even if death is imminent."
Alder Hey Children's Hospital refused oxygen and water to Alfie for the first nine hours after his ventilator was removed, and starved him of food for 36 hours, greatly worsening his condition. Refusing nutrition, hydration and ventilation to a small child is not an act of mercy: It is a cruel and barbaric form of execution. Is Cdl. Nichols arguing that such an act, in effect euthanasia by stealth, is a form of palliative care?
The Catechism also specifies who is to make the decisions to discontinue treatment. If the patient is unable to make the decision, such decisions should be made by those who are "legally entitled to act for the patient" — in this case, Alfie's parents — and their "reasonable will and legitimate interests must always be respected." By what sleight of hand can Cdl. Nichols interpret this to mean that "a court must decide what's best not for the parents, but for the child"?
The Catechism recognizes the significance of intention in bringing about a person's death. Even if done "indirectly," this violates the Fifth Commandment: "Thou shall not kill." By withdrawing food and water, the medical staff intended for him to die, even though they knew he wasn't going to live.
United States Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch in his book The Future of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia raises the question of "why omissions of care cannot sometimes, at least where an intention to kill is present, also qualify as acts of murder." Hence, an omission of care undertaken with the intention of ending life crosses the fine line and may become a deliberate act intended to end life.
Three judges of the Second Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals, striking down parts of New York's law against assisted suicide, ruled:
The withdrawal of nutrition brings on death by starvation, the withdrawal of hydration brings on death by dehydration, and the withdrawal of ventilation brings on respiratory failure. By ordering the discontinuance of these artificial life-sustaining processes or refusing to accept them in the first place, a patient hastens his death by means that are not natural in any sense. It certainly cannot be said that the death that immediately ensues is the natural result of the progression of the disease.
The conclusion is clear. When doctors and courts decide to withdraw basic care such as food and water, it is hard to claim "human choice doesn't play any causal role in their deaths," Gorsuch contends.
The U.S. Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act provides guidelines for when treatment may be withheld, for example, when "the infant is chronically and irreversibly comatose" or when "the provision of such treatment would merely prolong dying" or would "be virtually futile in terms of the survival of the infant." Even in these circumstances, the physician is always required to provide nutrition and hydration, observes Gorsuch.
The cardinals wear red as a sign that they are willing to give themselves totally to the Church, even to the point of shedding their own blood for Her. With the neo-Marxist takeover of the Church, it seems that the cardinals' vestments are a sign of their loyalty to the new "Red Army."
The Rev. Dr. Jules Gomes, B.A., B.D., M.Th., Ph.D. (Cambridge) is columnist for The Conservative Woman. He writes regularly on his website at

Priest denied permission to attend Alfie's funeral

Priest Denied Permission to Attend Alfie’s Funeral
by Christine Niles, M.St. (Oxon.), J.D.  •  •  May 5, 2018   

Fr. Gabriele Brusco, close to family, forced out of England by UK bishops

LIVERPOOL, England ( - After pressure from the English bishops, a priest who ministered closely to the Alfie Evans' family is being forced to return to Italy. He will not be permitted to attend Alfie's funeral, scheduled for Friday.
Fr. Gabriele Brusco with Alfie Evans
Father Gabriele Brusco, who offered continual spiritual assistance to the sick toddler in his final days, also withdrew his request for incardination in the diocese of Westminster, after a meeting called by Auxiliary Bishop John Sherrington on May 2. 
"The duration and contents of the interview are top secret, by express wish of Abp. Sherrington," reported Riccardo Cascioli of La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana, "but it must not have been a particularly pleasant occasion if at the end of the conversation Father Gabriele decided to withdraw the request for incardination in the diocese of Westminster."
Brusco had been in England for two and a half years, discerning whether he might join the Westminster diocese. When he read in the news that the Evans family was having difficulty finding a priest to offer on-the-spot spiritual assistance, Brusco immediately offered his services. In Alfie's last days, Brusco returned and remained continually by Alfie's bedside for three days and three nights.

According to reports, hospital staff complained of his presence because of his advocacy on Alfie's behalf. 
"[In] a brief homily pronounced just before Alfie's ventilation was removed," Cascioli reports, "Father Gabriele had appealed to the conscience of the sanitary workers, to their personal responsibility, to avoid a move as serious as that of putting a child to death."
Blood running from Alfie's mouth and
drainage from his nose.Tom Evans wrote:
"These pictures are from when we have entered
Alfie's room and this is how he was left!"
The archbishop of Liverpool, Malcolm Patrick McMahon — who had defended Alder Hey Hospital previously — investigated the matter, and successfully secured his removal from hospital grounds.
Brusco is now being forced out of England, expected to be back in Italy Monday and awaiting his next assignment.
As Church Militant reported May 1, Cdl. Vincent Nichols, head of the bishops of England and Wales, doubled down against critics, accusing some of seeking "political capital" and not truly interested in serving "the good of this child." He went on to insist that the hospital and courts were correct in allowing Alfie to die.
"It's very hard to act in a child's best interest when this isn't always as the parents would wish," Nichols said, "and this is why a court must decide what's best not for the parents but for the child."
A burn on Alfie's wrist whose cause
remains unknown, even after Alfie's parents 
filled out an incident report.
Alfie's parents repeatedly complained of the poor care their son received at Alder Hey, posting photos of his moldy breathing tubes that carried oxygen into his lungs, as well as unexplained injuries found on his body.
Disturbing details have emerged of Alfie's final moments: Benedetta Frigerio reveals that Alfie was showing promising vital signs only two hours before death, but took a downturn after a cocktail of unknown drugs was administered by a hospital nurse.
Two hours before dying, the oxygen saturation was about 98 and Alfie's [heart]beats were about 160, so much so that Thomas was convinced that they would let him go home soon (as the hospital administration told him on Friday afternoon). Before dying, while Thomas had gone out for a moment, leaving Kate half-awake and another family member in the room, a nurse entered and explained that he would give the baby four drugs (no one knows what) to treat him. After about 30 minutes the saturation dropped to 15. Two hours later Alfie was dead. 
The severity of the scandal surrounding Alfie's death has prompted Cascioli to urge the Vatican to make an apostolic visitation to England to investigate.

The truth has to be proclaimed by Roberto de Mattei for a rebirth of the Church during his lifetime

From Rome conference to explore ‘old and new Modernism’ at root of today’s Church crisis

ROME, May 4, 2018 (LifeSiteNews
Diane Montagna
OME, May 4, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) — On June 23, 2018, an international group of theologians, philosophers, historians and other scholars will gather in Rome for a one-day conference dedicated to exploring the roots of the current crisis in the Church. 
The international symposium, titled “Old and New Modernism: the roots of the Church’s crisis,” is being organized by the promoters of the 2017 “Filial Correction,” which charged Pope Francis with permitting the spread of seven heresies, at least by omission. Submitted to the Pope on August 11, 2017, the Correctio filialis was signed by 250 clergy and lay scholars from prestigious academic institutions around the world...
LifeSiteNews spoke with the prime mover behind the conference, Professor Roberto de Mattei, about the event, the issues it will explore, and what its organizers seek to to achieve.
Roberto de Mattei is an Italian historian and president of the Lepanto Foundation. He has taught at various universities and has served as vice-president of the National Research Council, Italy’s leading scientific institution. De Mattei was one of the principal promoters of the Correctio filialis submitted to Pope Francis in 2017. 
Lionel : The promoters of the Correctio Filialis have been interpreting Vatican Council II and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) irrationally, heretically and magisterially.They do not deny this nor respond to reports.Yet they taken exception when Pope Francis does not answer them.
Here are a few reports on line.

 DECEMBER 15, 2017
DECEMBER 15, 2017

  • The traditionalists in general have made an error.They have made a major error in theology and doctrine

DECEMBER 18, 2017

LifeSite: Professor de Mattei, what is the aim and goal of the conference being held in Rome on June 23?  
De Mattei: The June 23rd study day is meant to contribute to a better understanding of the nature of the crisis in the Church and, on the basis of this analysis, to identify the most effective remedies to overcome it.
Lionel: There will be a study in which every one will interpret Vatican Council II with the new theology instead of without it, with Cushingite theology instead of Feeneyite theology, with the irrational and false premise instead of without it.
 The pontificate of Pope Francis has brought this crisis to light in a dramatic way. But the process of the self-demolition of the Church had already been denounced by Paul VI in 1968, after the opposition to Humanae Vitae. Today the heirs of that opposition occupy the highest positions in the Church.
Lionel: The new theology and irrational philosophy came in a big way into the Church at Boston, in the Fr. Leonard Feeney case in 1949. It was then picked up at Vatican Council II. It is magisterial today.Roberto de Mattei does seem aware of it still.

 The authors of the Correctio filialis identified in that document a series of errors and heresies propagated by Pope Francis.
Lionel: Yes, with reference to moral theology and the receiving of the Eucharist.None of them mentioned salvation theology. Since they make the same error as the present two popes. 
 But none of the authors, I believe, thinks that Pope Francis is the only one responsible for the situation of doctrinal and pastoral confusion in which the Church is immersed today. Let us imagine that Pope Francis, for whatever reason, leaves the scene overnight and a new Pontiff is elected. Would everything get back in order? No, of course not.
Lionel: Yes, of course yes! It's unimaginable for Roberto dei Mattei who for most of his life has been interpreting Vatican Council II and EENS with a false premise and has also written books with this error. Would everything get back in order?  Presently the ship of the Church has tilted to the left once Church documents, magisterial documents  are interpreted without the baptism of desire etc referring to visible instead of invisible people, the ship will right itself.
 The crisis has a synchronic dimension, which is its spread throughout the whole body of the Church, from top to bottom, including entire episcopal conferences. But it also has a diachronic dimension, which makes it a process over time. Pope Francis is the historical product of this process.
Lionel: Yes.However this is the effect of the irrationality.It is the conclusion, the result. Roberto dei Mattei , the SSPX and the present Magisterium are not aware of the irrationality, the precise false premise, which they use to interpret the documents of the Church to get this conclusion, this doctrinal crisis.
Why has the conference been titled ‘Old and New Modernism: the roots of the Church’s crisis’?       
The term modernism was coined by Saint Pius X to define a whole set of theological, philosophical, and exegetical errors that arose during the pontificate of his predecessor Leo XIII. In 1907, Pius X condemned modernism with the encyclical Pascendi and the decreee Lamentabili. Following this condemnation and the disciplinary measures that followed, modernism seemed to disappear, but it re-emerged in the 1930s and penetrated every sphere of the Church, especially after the death of Pius XII. 
Lionel: Yes during the pontificate of Pope Pius XII  the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 to the Archbishop of Boston considered invisible cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance as being visible exceptions to the dogma EENS. This was a rupture between faith and reason and was a rupture in logic. The error became the basis of the New Theology .Even Archbishop Lefebvre could only interpret EENS and Vatican Council II with this irrational reasoning.
Modernism was influenced by liberal Protestantism and was a synthesis of ancient errors such as Gnosticism, Pelagianism and Arianism. Neo-modernism, in a particular way, adopts old modernism’s primacy of praxis, and has become a philosophy of life and pastoral action, even before being a doctrinal school.  
Lionel: The New Modernism is affirmed by Roberto Mattei and the media he overlooks.None of them will affirm the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS like the missionaries in the 16th century.Since unlike the Jesuits of the Middle Ages  they consider invisible and unknown cases of BOD, BOB and I.I as being visible and known examples of salvation outside the Church.
If they did not use the New Theology to interpret Vatican Council II and EENS then there would be no doctrinal confusion. With the present doctrinal confusion they are not criticized by the Jewish Left and not threatened with  leftist laws.
This is a comfortable, though heretical situation, Mattei and the others find expedient.
It was like Pope Benedict in March 2016 saying that EENS was no more like it was for the missionaries in the 16th century.Since there was a development with Vatican Council II. Pope Benedict had a choice. He could have announced that EENS today is the same as it was for the missionaries in the 16th century and Vatican Council II is not a rupture with the past ecclesiology and understanding of EENS. Since references to hypothetical cases could not be relevant or exceptions to EENS.He did not say it. Instead to please the Left he maintained the doctrinal confusion.It is the same with Roberto dei Mattei and the editors at Correspondenza Romana, Radici Cristiane,, Riscossa Cristiana etc.
What questions will the conference explore? 
The speakers will address the epistemological, theological and philosophical roots of the religious crisis of our time.
Lionel: They do not know what is the precise cause of these errors.This will be another wasted conference like the one last year(Voice of the Family).It was the same with the recent one organised by the Friends of Cardinal Cafarra.
APRIL 4, 2018
There will be a false Profession of Faith at the Conference this Saturday in Rome
We will speak about modernism, nouvelle théologie, the Second Vatican Council and its consequences and, of course, the pontificate of Pope Francis, but without concentrating on this last point. 
Lionel: They will speak about what we all know.They will not speak about how Vatican Council II can be traditional without their false philosophy and theology.Neither will they say that they choose to interpret Vatican Council II in harmony with the exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church since the Magisterium made an objective mistake in the Fr. Leonard Feeney case and then repeated it at Vatican Council II.
They will not speak about how the nouvelle thèologie is caused by confusing what is invisible as being visible, unknown as being known, hypothetical as being objective in the present time.
The international symposium will also present an interesting opportunity to discuss the theological and canonical hypothesis of a heretical Pope.  
Lionel: The signatories of the Correctio Filialis are in heresy and they do not deny it. They interpret Vatican Council II as rupture with Tradition when there is a rational and traditional choice. It is the same with the two popes.
It reminds me of Dr.Joseph Shaw promoting the Traditional Latin Mass with the New Ecclesiology and New Theology which pleases Ecclesia Dei and the two popes. So the Latin Mass is a rupture with that of the Mass in the 16th century. Shaw will interpret  Vatican Council II like the liberal Catholic professor Gavin D'Costa in England (both use the false premise and are liberals) and he will also attend the Traditional Latin Mass .On EENS and Vatican Council II he has the same position as Pope Francis and it is not a problem for him. He was the spokesman of the Correctio Fidelis and refused to respond to my reports.Of course he  was not going to say that he and the rest of the signatories of the Correctio Fidelis affirm Feeneyite EENS and neither was he going to say that I was wrong in doing so and being in harmony with the popes and saints of the past.He chose to be in harmony with the present Magisterium and in schism with the past popes and at the same time promote his version of the Latin Mass.
But it is clear that it’s impossible to exhaust such vast and complex issues in one day. We will therefore limit ourselves to offering some ideas, in the hope that other scholars will study them more deeply, and above all that bishops and cardinals will take them into account.
Lionel: They probably said the same at the conferences last year.
Will any cardinals or bishops be addressing or attending the conference?
We would be delighted to have the presence of a cardinal or bishop at the conference, but it is not an ecclesiastical initiative. I believe that it’s necessary to distinguish the role of pastors, who are to teach and guide the disoriented flock, from that of theologians and philosophers, who are tasked with providing those who govern the Church with the necessary elements to better carry out their pastoral duty.
Lionel: The cardinals and bishops will be churning out the same nouvelle théologie e.g Bishop Athanasius Schneider, Cardinal Raymond Burke etc.
Who are the featured speakers?
On this point, I should exercise some discretion until the program is finalized. What I can tell you is that scholars of different nationalities will be participating who teach, or have taught, in public and private, civil and ecclesiastical institutions in Italy and abroad. Most, but not all of them, are signatories of the Filial Correction.
Lionel : Quite a few of them have been repeating the same nonsense, as they have done over the years, even after being informed.Last year there was the Voice of the Family Conference where about the same people said the same safe thing.
It is politically correct with the Left.So there are  no threats to personal interests.Traditionalists do not feel the necessity to affirm the Faith on exclusive salvation in the Church since their jobs and other responsibilities are a priority. However they would expect Pope Francis not to given to the pressure like them.
In June there will be another polite conference and an opportunity for the same people to meet again, while generally not saying anything.Definitely not speaking the truth on exclusive salvation in the Church,which would hit them financially.
It is the same in  Rome with the priests who offer the Latin Mass and Mass in the vernacular.

What do you hope to achieve? 
First and foremost, we want to do our duty, which is not to remain silent, but to witness to the Church’s Faith and to denounce the errors opposed to it, as well as identifying those who are responsible for them.
Lionel: When I have said that BOD, BOB and I.I are not exceptions to EENS they have remained silent.
When I have said that LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2,GS 22 etc are not exceptions to EENS, they have remained silent.
When on March 1, 2018 Cardinal Ladaria said that Lumen Gentium 8 was an exception to EENS they all remained silent.
When in March 2016 Pope Benedict said that EENS was no more like it was for the missionaries in the 16th century no one said that it still was the same and the pope made a mistake.
 We are certainly not the ones who will save the Church. But without the militant commitment of each individual, according to his own role and capacities, the intervention of Divine Grace, which is the only means to resolve the situation, will not occur. Our study day follows the conferences, appeals, declarations, initiatives, each of which has contributed to a climate of renewed fidelity to the Church and of firm opposition to the process of self-dissolution that is attacking it. The Correctio filialis and the conference on 23 June are an expression of the vitality of the Mystical Body of Christ, and they nourish our supernatural hope in a future rebirth of the Church.
Lionel: The truth has to be proclaimed for a rebirth of the Church during his lifetime. -Lionel Andrades
APRIL 25, 2018

APRIL 12, 2018

Like the liberals Roberto dei Mattei uses an irrational premise to interpret the baptism of desire etc. So there is a new version of EENS
APRIL 12, 2018
Roberto dei Mattei is politically correct like the two popes and in heresy
 APRIL 11, 2018
Roberto dei Mattei still cannot state that Lumen Gentium does not contradict the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).Neither will he affirm the dogma EENS according to the missionaries and Magisterium of the 16th century
MARCH 15, 2018
I am waiting for Cardinal Burke, Bishop Schneider, Robero dei Mattei and Chris Ferrara to affirm Vatican Council II and the strict interpretation of EENS
DECEMBER 27, 2017

Brunero Gherardino had it wrong and Roberto dei Mattei based his writings upon the Monsignor's irrational theology

Once this is made known it will be the liberals and the present Magisterium who will have to ask God for Mercy and help them not go into schism, a schism from the Left.

Anonymous said...
What of any value is left to be said except for Lord, have mercy?
Lionel: We can also announce that there are no known cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) in 2017-2018. We cannot meet or see any one saved as such outside the Church in the present times.
Secondly we can also announce that there are no known cases ; no physically visible cases, of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in 2017-2018. We cannot meet or see any one saved in the flesh ; saved in Heaven, without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.
So there are no known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).The Magisterium made an objective mistake in the Fr.Leonard Feeney case.It assumed invisible people were visible. Then postulated that these 'visible'  people were objective exceptions to traditional extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

There are no exceptions to the centuries old interpretation of EENS. There are none in Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church(1994).

Even Mystici Corporis, Quanta Cura and the Catechisms of Trent and Pius X when they refer to BOD, BOB and I.I are referring to only hypothetical cases.So they never ever were exceptions to EENS according to the missionaries and Magisterium of the 16th century.
Once this is made known it will be the liberals and the present Magisterium who will have to ask God for Mercy and help  them not to go into schism, a schism from the Left.
The position of the traditionalists and conservative Catholics would be rational, traditional and non heretical. So they will affirm the Faith with no innovation and will be doing nothing new.They would stay put.
It will be the liberals who will have to reject Vatican Council II and other magisterial documents. Catholics in general will be informed and the liberals will not be able to use the false premise, as they are doing presently and getting away with it.-Lionel Andrades
May 4, 2018

Theologically Cardinal Ladaria supports Cardinal Marx : Holy Communion for Protestants
April 24, 2018

"There are no physically visible cases of the BOD,BOB and I.I in 2018" nor " LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, NA 2, UR 3, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II refer to only hypothetical cases " so Vatican Council II does not contradict the Syllabus of Errors (Graphics)


April 24, 2018

"There are no physically visible cases of the BOD,BOB and I.I in 2018" and " LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, NA 2, UR 3, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II refer to only hypothetical cases ", Vatican Council II is not a rupture with an ecumenism of return (Graphics)