Sunday, May 6, 2018

Conference this month : Message for Catholic parents is do not teach your children that there is no salvation outside the Church.: Protestants are going to Heaven even though they use contraception.

Voice of the Family dissenters of last year to hold another conference this month.The speakers who dissent on the salvation issue are surprised with dissent on morals.1

I wrote last year ' So this will probably be another conference like the Catholic Identity Conference which will not speak the truth, since the truth will hurt those who want to protect their lifestyle.'
We can expect the same this year too since the
d speakers do not want to address the issue of  exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church which is not contradicted by Vatican Council II( interpreted without the irrational premise).
If they can all dissent on the salvation issue why do they expect Catholics to affirm the teachings of the Church on abortion. Since the teachings on salvation have been changed and the change is accepted by the speakers at these conferences, they could also accept a change in the teachings on morals it is wrongly reasoned.
Yet this is the example given to all by the speakers at these conferences.
Even after being informed year in and year out they will not proclaim the Catholic Faith on exclusive salvation since the Left will penalize them and the present Magisterium will support the Left.
These speakers are following their 'conscience' and are not proclaining outside the Church there is no salvation. Whatever is their opinion on Fr. Leonard Feeney and Pope Pius XII - LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc will always refer to hypothetical cases for us human beings.So they cannot be relevant or exceptions to the  Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).So now there are two interpretations of Vatican Council II , one rational and the other irrational and there's is the irrational one.
None of the speakers have announced that Cardinal Luiz Ladaria s.j, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith made an objective error on March 1,2018 at the Press Conference on Placuit Deo, when in answer to a question he said that the Church no more has the superiority and exclusiveness in salvation, since Lumen Gentium 8 ( invisible cases) was an exception.
When they do not affirm exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church then there message to all Catholics is that there is salvation outside the Church, there is known salvation. So th Protestant is going to Heaven too in general even though she practises contraception.One does not have to follow the teachings of the Catholic Church only to go to Heaven.
Also their message is that Catholic parents do not have to teach their children that there is no salvation outside the Church.
-Lionel Andrades


SEPTEMBER 20, 2017

Voice of the Family speakers who dissent on the salvation issue are surprised with dissent on morals


MAY 5, 2018

The truth has to be proclaimed by Roberto de Mattei for a rebirth of the Church during his lifetime

La Fede Cattolica -3

Dicono menzogne ​​per cambiare gli insegnamenti della Chiesa Cattolica con riferimento a extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) e al Concilio Vaticano II.
Non è etico anche nelle università e nelle scuole della Chiesa Cattolica.
I tribunali devono essere richiesti:
1) Possiamo noi umani vedere le persone in Paradiso in generale?
2) Possiamo vedere le persone in Paradiso salvate senza il battesimo dell'acqua e la fede cattolica?
Il giudice dirà "No".
Questa è una risposta di buon senso.
Il giudice chiederà "Dov'è la prova?"

1) Per Cattolici ci sono eccezioni.Tutti non devono essere incorporati nella Chiesa Cattolica come membri con 'la fede e il battesimo' per salvezza.Concilio Vaticano II dice che tutti hanno bisogno di fede e il battesimo per la salvezza (per evitare l'inferno). Dicono no, non tutti.
2) Per loro ci sono eccezioni al dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus come è stato interpretato dai missionari e dal Magistero del XVI secolo.
3) Rifiutano il passato ecclesiologia esclusivista della Chiesa Cattolica quale basava sul vecchio ecumenismo, il vecchio ecclesiologia, il vecchio teologia e il vecchio Evangelizzazione .
4) Poiché non c'e salvezza al di fuori della Chiesa noto per loro, cioè no possono vedere o incontrare persone in carne ed ossa salvati senza la fede e il battesimo.Ma hanno creato un nuovo ecumenismo, nuova ecclesiologia, Nuova Evangelizzazione e la Nuova Teologia. Tutto ciò si basa su non vedenti non cattolici, salvati al di fuori della Chiesa cattolica.
5) Per loro il Concilio Vaticano II e il Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica (1994) interpretati con questa premessa irrazionale.Cosi loro  sono una rottura con i papi del passato. Hanno creato uno scisma.
Il giudice non può stabilire la connessione e potrebbe chiedere nuovamente: "Allora, dov'è la prova". Quindi deve essere spiegato a lui come segue.

1a) Dato che ci sono eccezioni.Tutti non devono essere incorporati nella Chiesa come membri per la salvezza.Inferiscono ci sono persone conosciute.Loro hanno ricevuto salvezza fuori della Chiesa Chiesa.Inferisce che loro personalmente conoscere persone che sono esserei eccezioni, per esempio, nel 2018?
2a) Dal momento che insegnano che ci sono sia eccezioni alla dogma  extra ecclesiam nulla salus (fuori della Chiesa Cattolica non c'è salvezza) e sanno personalmente persone salvate fuori della Chiesa. Questa è l'inferenza.
Loro possono vedere o incontrare morti e che ora sono salvati nel Cielo.Per loro ci sono eccezioni per al dogma di fuori della Chiesa non c'è salvezza, come essere salvato nell'ignoranza invincibile, il battesimo di desiderio, il battesimo di sangue ecc., tutte le possibilità teoriche conosciute solo da Dio.
3a) Perchè loro rifiutano il passato esclusivista  ecclesiologia della Chiesa Cattolica, ci sono per loro personalmente visto e conosciuto, non cattolici visibile, fuori della Chiesa Cattolica.Loro sono salvati senza 'fede e battisma'.Implicano indirettamente che a) vediamo persone negli esseri umani in cielo in generale b) vediamo le persone in Paradiso salvate senza il battesimo dell'acqua e la fede cattolica.
4a) Poiché c'è salvezza conosciuto al di fuori della Chiesa Cattolica loro hanno creato, con questa irrazionalità, un nuovo ecumenismo, nuova evangelizzazione, nuova ecclesiologia e la nuova teologia.E tutto basato sulla premessa irrazionale che un invisibile non cattolici sono  salvati e conosciuti personalmente.
5a) Quindi interpretano il Concilio Vaticano II e il Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica (1994) con questa premessa irrazionale per creare una conclusione non tradizionale. La conclusione innovativa chi e una rottura con tradizionale insegnamenti della Chiesa.Ci sono uno scisma con i Papi del passato. I Cattolici credono erroneamente che 1) gli esseri umani sono in grado di vedere la gente in Cielo in generale e che 2) siamo in grado di vedere la gente in cielo salvate senza il battesimo dell'acqua e la fede cattolica.
Questi cinque punti sono la prova. Non sono negati dai vescovi e dai cardinali.-Lionel Andrades

They tell lies to change the teachings of the Catholic Church with reference to extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) and to the Second Vatican Council.
It is not ethical. also in the universities and schools of the Catholic Church.
The Courts must be asked.
1) Can we humans see people in Paradise in general?
2) Can we see people in Paradise saved without water baptism and Catholic faith?
The judge will say "No".
This is a common sense answer.
The judge will ask "Where is the proof?"

1) For Catholics in general there are exceptions. All must not be incorporated into the Catholic Church as members with 'faith and baptism' for salvation according to them. Vatican Council II says that everyone needs faith and baptism for salvation (to avoid hell). They say no, not every one.

2) For them there are exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus as interpreted by the missionaries and the Magisterium of the sixteenth century.

3) They reject the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church based upon the old ecumenism, the old ecclesiology, the old theology and the old Evangelization.

4) Since there is no salvation outside the Church known to them, that is, they can not see or meet people in the flesh and bones saved without faith and baptism. But they created a new ecumenism, new ecclesiology, New Evangelization and the New Theology. All this is based on blind non-Catholics, saved outside the Catholic Church.

5) For them the Second Vatican Council and the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1994) interpreted with this irrational premise. So they are a break with the popes of the past. They created a schism.

The judge can not establish the connection and may ask again: "So, where is the proof". So it must be explained to him as follows.


1a) Given that there are exceptions to all that must be incorporated into the Church as members for the salvation that they infer there are both known persons saved outside the Church. They personally know other people that could be exceptions, for example, in 2018?

2a) Since they teach that there are both exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation) and personally know people saved outside the Church. This is inference.

They can see or meet dead and now they are saved in Heaven. For them there are exceptions to the dogma outside the Church there is no salvation, like being saved in invincible ignorance, baptism of desire, baptism of blood etc., all the theoretical possibilities known only to God.

3a) Because they reject the exclusivist past ecclesiology of the Catholic Church, there are for them personally seen and known, not visible Catholics, outside the Catholic Church. They are saved without 'faith and baptism'. They indirectly imply that a) we see people in beings humans in heaven in general b) we see people in Paradise saved without water baptism and Catholic faith.

4a) Since there is known salvation outside the Catholic Church they have created, with this irrationality, a new ecumenism, new evangelization, new ecclesiology and the new theology.They are all based on the irrational premise that is unseen non-Catholics are saved and personally known.

5a) Then they interpret the Second Vatican Council and the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1994) with this irrational premise to create a non-traditional conclusion. The innovative conclusion is a break with traditional Church teachings. There is a schism with the Popes of the past. Catholics wronngly believe that 1) human beings are able to see people in Heaven in general and that 2) we are able to see people in heaven saved without water baptism and Catholic faith.

These five points are the proof. They are not denied by the bishops and cardinals.- Lionel Andrades

MAY 6, 2018

La Fede Cattolica -2

MAY 6, 2018

La Fede Cattolica - 1

La Fede Cattolica -2

Ma oggi la fede cattolica viene cambiata con una premessa sbagliata. 
1.C'e un ragionamento irrazionale nella Lettera del Sant'Uffizio del 1949 (LOHO) che respinge il tradizionale extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS).Questo ragionamento è responsabile per la falsa teologia nella Chiesa.

2. I papi e dei santi del passato, consideri il battesimo del desiderio (BOD), il battesimo del sangue (BOB) e il fatto di essere salvato nell'ignoranza invincibile (I.I) non come casi fisicamente invisibili. Ma i teologi liberali nel 1949 e poi nel 1965,interpreterà BOD, BOB e I.I come persone conosciuteesempi fisicamente visibili di salvezza al di fuori della Chiesa.

 3. Cosi Cattolici non afferma più la vecchia ecclesiologia esclusivista della Chiesa poiché visibile- per- lui BOD, BOB e I.I sono delle eccezioni oggettive alla EENS tradizionale.Mentre non è la stessa per Lionel sul suo Blog di Lionel.
Perchè la differenza ?

4. Perchè tutti oggi interpreta il Concilio Vaticano II come rottura con EENS da quando LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 ecc. si riferisce a persone conosciute, salvate al di fuori della Chiesa cattolica, anche quando non possono esserci persone così conosciute. E irrazionale. 

5. Questo è anche il ragionamento ufficiale irrazionale tra i liberali per eliminare il Sillabo degli Errori di Papa Pio IX sul Vecchio Ecumenismo del Ritorno, l'Antica Teologia basata sull'invisibile- per- noi BOD, BOB e I.I, e la Vecchia Ecclesiologia che era esclusivista ed ecclesiocentrica. 

6. Oggi Cattolici rifiutato dottrinalmente il dogma EENS e così anche in pratica (pastoralmente) agli incontri interreligiosi, alla catechesi per adulti, alle lezioni di Religione a scuola ecc., perchè i suoi comprensione del Concilio Vaticano II, e una rottura con EENS.

 7. Per Cattolici Concilio Vaticano II non supporta il Sillabo degli errori sull'ecumenismo, le altre religioni, la salvezza esclusiva nella Chiesa cattolica ecc. ma sul Blog di Lionel lo fa. Perché la differenza? Entrambi stanno leggendo lo stesso testo del Concilio Vaticano II e le interpretazioni sono diverse?

8.Loro fanno una sbagliato in genere perchè interpreta BOD, BOB e I.I (che il senso comune indica sono casi ipotetici) come riferito a persone visibili, salvate fuori dalla Chiesa, nei tempi presenti.E quindi per loro  esistono delle eccezioni oggettive al tradizionale extra ecclesiam nulla saluse.
Quindi il dogma definito da tre Concili della Chiesa rimane respinto dal Concilio Vaticano II? Dovrebbero esserci persone visibili per loro come eccezioni all'EENS? Ma questa non è l'interpretazione di Lionel.

9. Quindi, sulla teologia della salvezza, è chiaro che la dottrina è stata rifiutata e cambiata ufficialmente e questo non viene negato dai cardinali-Lionel Andrades

But today the Catholic faith is changed with a wrong premise.
1. There is an irrational reasoning in the Letter of the Holy Office of 1949 (LOHO) which rejects traditional extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS). This reasoning is responsible for the false theology in the Church.

2. The popes and saints of the past, considerED the baptism of desire (BOD), the baptism of blood (BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance (I.I) not as physically invisible cases.However the liberal theologians in 1949 and then in 1965,  interpret -ed BOD, BOB and I.I as known persons, physically visible examples of salvation outside the Church.

 3. So Catholics no longer affirm the old exclusivist ecclesiology of the Church because visible - for- them BOD, BOB and I.I are objective exceptions to the traditional EENS. While it is not the same for Lionel on his Lionel Blog.
Why the difference?

4. Because everyone today interprets the Second Vatican Council as a break with EENS since LG 8, LG 14, LG 16 etc. refer to people known, saved outside the Catholic Church, even when there cannot be such known people. This is irrational.

5. This is also the irrational, official reasoning among the liberals to eliminate the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX supporting the Old Ecumenism of Return, the Old Theology based on invisible-for-us BOD, BOB and I.I, and the Old Ecclesiology which was exclusivist and ecclesiocentric.

6. Today Catholics doctrinally reject the dogma EENS and also in practice (pastorally) at interreligious encounters, adult catechesis, Religion lessons at school, etc., because of their understanding of Vatican Council II is  a break with EENS.

 7. For Catholics Vatican Council II does not support the Syllabus of Errors on ecumenism, other religions, exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church etc. but on  Lionel Blog it does. Why the difference? They are all reading the same text of Vatican Council II and yet the interpretations differ ?

8. They make a mistake in general because Catholics interpret BOD, BOB and I.I (which common sense indicates refer to hypothetical cases) as referring to visible people, saved outside the Church, in the present times. So there exist objective exceptions to  traditional extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
So the dogma defined by three Councils of the Church remains rejected by the Second Vatican Council II. There would be visible people for them who are exceptions to EENS.This however is  not Lionel's interpretation.

9. Therefore, on the theology of salvation, it is clear that the doctrine has been rejected and officially changed and this is not denied by the cardinals.

La Fede Cattolica - 1

Gesù è morto ed è risorto per salvare tutti dall'andare all'inferno.Sono loro che credono in lui e vivere i suoi insegnamenti nella Chiesa cattolica. Per andare in Paradiso dobbiamo, in generale, entrare nella Chiesa Cattolica con fede e battesimo. La morte e la risurrezione di Gesù saranno vane. Poiché al di fuori della Chiesa non c'è salvezza e per la maggior parte delle persone nel 2018.Poiche loro morire fuori della Chiesa, l'unica Chiesa che Gesu ha fondato.
Gesù può dare la grazia a qualcuno per credere in Lui e per essere salvato, che non è un membro visibile della Chiesa. Tuttavia col tempo questa persona avrebbe dovuto, essere entrata nella Chiesa Cattolica,per  ricevere questa salvezza. In Paradiso ci sono solo cattolici. Sono lì con il battesimo dell'acqua e la fede cattolica (Giovanni 3: 5, Marco 16:16, Ad Gentes 7, Lumen Gentium 14).
I cattolici sono il nuovo popolo di Dio, il popolo eletto (Nostra Aetate 4). Hanno il Sacrificio (nella Messa), il Messia (promesso dai profeti ebrei), l'arca dell'Alleanza (tabernacolo con la presenza Eucaristica), la Tradizione (una continuazione della religione ebraica), le Sacre Scritture (un adempimento dell'Antico Testamento), l'Eterna Alleanza con la morte e la risurrezione di Gesù (un adempimento delle alleanze che Yahweh fece con gli ebrei) e il Tempio in cui il Suo Uno e Unico Sacrificio, si ripete in modo non sanguinoso. (Santa Messa in tutti i Riti della Chiesa Cattolica).
Quindi proclama la Buona Novella che solo coloro che credono in Gesù, il Figlio di Dio, il Promesso Messia Ebraico, possono avere la vita eterna. Hanno bisogno di vivere i Suoi insegnamenti nella Chiesa Cattolica, per conoscere ed evitare il peccato mortale, e avere la Grazia Santificante al momento della morte, in un mondo in cui la maggior parte delle persone, come non credenti, sono orientate verso il fuoco dell'Inferno. Perché non sanno di Gesù o si rifiutano di seguirlo. Nel Giorno del Giudizio, Gesù non li riconoscerà, poiché la loro anima sarebbe sotto il controllo di Satana, come lo fu per tutta la vita. Questo è lo stato dell'anima delle persone che vivono con il peccato originale, commettono peccati mortali e in quello stato e non sono battezzati con acqua.
Senza la fede che è gradita a Dio, che è lì solo nella Chiesa cattolica; l'unica Chiesa con la pienezza dei mezzi di salvezza, non c'è modo di Eterna Beatitudine in Cielo.
Questa era la fede che ha fatto scegliere a molti il ​​martirio per Gesù e la sua Chiesa e così ha accesso alla via diretta e veloce verso il Cielo.
Possiamo scegliere di affermare le verità della nostra Fede, fondate da Gesù, che è lo stesso, ieri, oggi e domani.

English translation
Jesus Died and is Risen to save all who believe in Him, and live his teachings in the Catholic Church, from going to Hell. To go to Heaven we must, in general, enter the Catholic Church with faith and baptism, since outside the Church there is no salvation and for most people in 2018, Jesus' Death and Resurrection will be in vain.Since they will die outside the Church, the only Church he founded.
Jesus may give the grace to someone to believe in Him and to  be saved, who is not a visible member of the Church. However over time this person would have, to have entered the Catholic Church, to receive this salvation. In Heaven there are only Catholics. They are there with the baptism of water and Catholic faith(John 3:5, Mark 16:16, Ad Gentes 7, Lumen Gentium  14).
Catholics are the new people of God, the Chosen People(NA 4). They have the Sacrifice (in the Mass), the Messiah (promised by the Jewish prophets), the ark of the Covenant ( tabernacle with the Eucharistic Presence),the Tradition ( a continuation of the Jewish religion), the Sacred Scriptures ( a fulfillment of the Old Testament), the Eternal Covenant with the Death and Resurrection of Jesus( a fulfillment of the covenants Yahweh made with the Jews) and the Temple where His One and Only Sacrifice, is repeated in an un-bloody way.( Holy  Mass in all Rites of the Catholic Church).
So proclaim the Good News that only those who believe in Jesus, the Son of God, the Promised Jewish Messiah, can have eternal life.They need to live His teachings in the Catholic Church, to know about, and avoid, mortal sin, and to have Sanctifying Grace at the time of death, in a world in which most people,as non-believers , are oriented to the fires of Hell.Since they do not know about Jesus or refuse to follow him.On the Day of Judgment, Jesus will not recognise them, since their soul would be under the control of Satan, as it was throughout life.This is the state of the soul of people who live with Original Sin,commit mortal sins in that state, and are not baptised with water.
Without the faith which is pleasing to God, which is there in only the Catholic Church; the only Church with the fullness of the means of salvation, there is no way to Eternal Bliss in Heaven.
This was the faith that made many to choose martyrdom for Jesus and His Church and so access the direct and quick  way to Heaven.
May we choose to affirm the truths of our Faith, founded by Jesus, who is the same, yesterday, today and tomorrow.
-Lionel Andrades

Latin Mass Society Press Release : The LMS denies the Faith on salvation, in principle and in doctrine, in practice and pastorally

Excommunication of SSPX faithful: LMS Press Release

In light of recent events in the Diocese of Buffalo, New York,
 I'm reposting this from November 2014








COMMENT: letters from the Bishop Semeraro of Albano
, Italy, and then from Bishop Sarlinga of Zárate-Campana 
in Argentina, have declared that the lay faithful who receive 
the sacraments from priests and bishops of the Society
 of St Pius X (SSPX) are automatically excommunicated,
 and would need to go through a process authorised by the
 bishop to be readmitted to communion with the Church
 (i.e., not simply confession).
Lionel: He means that the SSPX must
 affirm Vatican  Council II with the 
irrational premise ( which they are 
already doing) and accept the non
 traditional and heretical conclusion,
which is a rupture with Tradition( which
they are not doing) and this conclusion,
is normal and acceptable for the Vatican
and Bishop Semararo.
So the SSPX does not affirm Vatican
Council II without the irrational 
premise and traditional conclusion and
so our faulted. They also do not 
affirm Vatican Council II with the 
irrational premise, like the two 
pope, and so are considered 
doctrinally irregular.

 The Latin Mass Society holds no brief to defend the position 
of the SSPX, which is canonically irregular, but feels it necessary
 to point out that these letters are not just ill-considered but 
have potentially very serious pastoral consequences.
Lionel: The Latin Mass Society like Bishop
 Semararo also interprets Vatican Council
 II with the irrational premise and this 
is a rupture with the dogma extra 
ecclesiam nulla salus and the 
past exclusivist ecclesiology of the 
Church. This novelty is heretical even 
though it is magisterial and in line with 
the liberals. It is also a rupture with 
the ecclesiology of the Traditional
 Latin Mass of the Mass.It is 
schism with the past popes.

 They imply that anyone who has ever been to Mass said by a 
priest of the SSPX is not welcome in the churches of these
 dioceses. This conflicts not only with the ‘opening of hearts’
 requested by Pope Benedict XVI as a prelude to a healing of 
these divisions ‘in the heart of the Church’, but equally 
with the emphasis on mercy of Pope Francis.
Lionel: The SSPX cannot officially 
use the churches in Rome for Holy
 Mass since they do not inform
 the Vatican that Vatican Council
 II is acceptable without the false
 premise and they affirm it. It is 
not  a rupture with Tradition. They
would meet the canonical requirement
to accept Vatican Council II. 

Though it would not be the 
interpretation of the liberals. 
Since it would mean that the SSPX 
 affirm the strict interpretation 
of the dogma EENS. For them Fr.
 Leonard Feeney of Boston would
 be orthodox and the Letter of
 the Holy Office 1949.It  would be
 irrational to assume invisible 
cases of the baptism of 
desire etc are visible exceptions
to traditional EENS. 
Instead the SSPX website shows 
that they accept the Letter of the
Holy Office 1949 which is heretical
 since it changes the traditional 
interpretation of EENS.It is also a 
rejection of the old ecclesiology 
upon which depended the ecumenism 
of return etc.
So the onus still lies with the
 SSPX to correct its theological
 and doctrinal error, even if 
it is shared by the Vatican and
 Bishop Semararo.

CANON LAW BRIEFING: In light of canonical advice
 from our National Chaplain and Canonical Adviser, Mgr
Gordon Read, the Latin Mass Society would like to clarify
some canonical principles in relation to the recent statements
of Bishop Semeraro of Albano, Italy, and Bishop Sarlinga
of Zárate-Campana in Argentina, lest misunderstandings
spread to dioceses around the world.
Msgr.Gordon Read himself 
interprets and accepts Vatican
 Council II as a rupture with 
Tradition.  Since he uses an 
irrational premise to create
 a non traditional conclusion. 
This is a liberal reading of Vatican
 Council II with a false reasoning
 and it would be expected of
 him by the liberal bishops there.

1. Basing a canonical argument on the assumption that 
the Society of Pius X (SSPX) has no canonical status 
in the Church and that its priests are suspended following 
ordination without dimissorial letters, it does not follow 
that to seek the sacraments at their hands is an act of 
formal schism on the part of the lay faithful.
a. Such a conclusion conflicts with the lifting of the
excommunication of the bishops of the SSPX by
Pope Benedict XVI in 2009: it would be incongruous
for the legislator to lift the excommunication of the
bishops while imposing or maintaining it on the lay
faithful to whom they minister.
b. It also conflicts with the provision in canon law for
the effects of suspension or excommunication of a priest
 to be lifted when someone approaches the priest subject
to the penalty in order to receive a sacrament (canon 1335).
Lionel: From my perspective the
 SSPX is not affirming  Vatican 
Council II in harmony with
 the past exclusivist understanding
 of salvation since it infers that 
unknown cases of LG 8, LG 14, 
LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc 
are known examples of salvation
 outside the Church, even when 
they cannot name any such 
known cases in the present 
times. So the fault does lie 
with the SSPX.
They could affirm Vatican Council
 II and EENS  with hypothetical
 cases  just being hypothetical
 and not objective examples of
 salvation outside the Church.

 Presently they have created a
 rupture with the past popes, a
 rupture between faith and reason 
and a rupture with logic. The 
onus to correct all this doctrinal 
confusion lies with the SSPX.


2. Excommunication by adherence to a schism can only
 be incurred where there is both a schismatic intention
and an external act (canon 1321).
a. It is clear therefore that excommunication is not incurred
 by those seeking the sacraments at the hands of priests
 of the SSPX without a schismatic intention.
Lionel: The SSPX bishops and 
priests like the lay faithful  
have interpreted the Nicene 
Creed, EENS, Vatican Council II 
and all the Catechisms with an
 irrational premise to create a
 non traditional and heretical 
conclusion supported by 
the liberals at the Vatican.
They have a rational and 
traditional alternative and they 
do not use it.
If this happened in the 16th 
century the SSPX bishops and priests
 would have  been excommunicated.
b. Were a member of the lay faithful to incur excommunication
by a schismatic intention, this would be a matter of the
 private forum (the confessional), and not the public forum.
Lionel: The SSPX's heretical
 interpretation of magisterial 
documents has been reported
 on line in numerous reports.
There is no denial.
c. Those under the age of sixteen cannot in any case incur
 a penalty (canon 1323.1); this would apply to those
 under this age who received baptism or confirmation.
Lionel: To interpret magisterial
 documents as a rupture with 
the past is a rejection of de 
fide teachings.This would
 be heretical. It would be
 a mortal sin of faith.


3. The attitude of the Holy See has always been
 that lay faithful who receive the sacraments
 from priests of the SSPX are not excommunicated.
 Examples are as follows.
a. In 1991 Bishop Joseph Ferrario of Honolulu
 declared six lay Catholics excommunicated on
grounds of schism for having procured the services
of an SSPX bishop to administer confirmation.
These appealed to the Holy See which, though
Cardinal Ratzinger as Prefect of the Congregation
for the Doctrine of the Faith, declared the
decree invalid because their action, though
 considered blameworthy, did not constitute schism.
b. On 5th September 2005, the Holy See, through
 the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, affirmed
 that ‘the faithful who attend the Masses of the
 aforesaid Fraternity are not excommunicates,
and the priests who celebrate them are not,
either—the latter are, in fact, suspended.’
(Protcol n.55/2005, signed by the then Secretary
 of the PCED, Mgr Camille Perl)
c. On 27th September 2002, quoted and reaffirmed
 on 18th January 2003, the Holy See, through the
Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, stated that
‘In the strict sense you may fulfil your Sunday
obligation by attending a Mass celebrated by
 a priest of the Society of St. Pius X.’ (Letters
 signed by Mgr Camille Perl).
Lionel: Ecclesia Dei,CDF like 
the Latin Mass Society and 
Bishops and Cardinals in
 England interpret Magisterial
 documents, mixing up what
 is invisible as being visible, 
unknown as being known,
 hypothetical as being 
objectively visible in the 
present times.This is the 
liberality of Cardinal Joseph
 Ratzinger and Fr. Luiz Ladaria
 S.j in two theological papers
 of the International 
Theological Commission, 

The magisterium 
 is confused on this 
issue. They violate the Principle
 of Non Contradiction and create
 a rupture with the past popes 
on EENS.
I keep writing about this
 so that the error is corrected.

Bishop Marcello Semeraro of Albano, Italy, in a
letter to his diocese dated 14th October 2014, declared:
The Catholic faithful cannot participate at Mass, neither 
request and/or receive Sacraments from or in the 
Society. Acting otherwise would mean to break 
communion with the Catholic Church.
Lionel: He means it would 
a break in communion with
 the Catholic Church in which
 the present Magisterium 
expects all the faithful to
 use a false premise to interpret
 Vatican Council II as a rupture
 with Tradition and which it is 
definitely not.
Therefore, any Catholic faithful who requests and
 receives Sacraments in the Society of Saint Pius 
X, will place himself de facto in the condition 
of no longer being in communion with the Catholic
 Church. A readmission to the Catholic Church 
must be preceded by an adequate personal
 path of reconciliation, according to the ecclesiastical
 discipline established by the Bishop.
Bishop Semeraro is coincidentally the Secretary to
 the Council of Cardinals set up to advise the Pope.
 Albano is the location of the Italian headquarters
 of the SSPX.
Lionel: It is the responsibility 
of the SSPX to inform the 
Council of Cardinals that they 
endorse Vatican Council II in 
harmony with the dogma 
EENS according to the missionaries 
and Magisterium of the 16th century
and they expect Bishop Semararo 
to do the same. Otherwise they
would consider him automatically 

Bishop Óscar Sarlinga of Zárate-Campana in Argentina,
in a letter to his diocese dated 3rd November 2014, declared:
-It is not licit for the Catholic faithful to take part in the
 celebration of Mass in these conditions, neither to request
 nor to receive sacraments from the priests of the 
aforementioned "Society of Saint Pius X", including 
in private places turned into places of worship, without 
excluding, in case of obstinacy, also the ferendae 
sententiae penalties that may apply, according to the 
ecclesial spirit and that of protection of the faithful.
- In the case of the rupture of ecclesiastical communion
 by the above-mentioned founded motives, in order
 to be later readmitted to the Catholic Church, a
 personal path of reconciliation (and eventually 
of removal of the canonical censure) will be 
required, according to the discipline advised by
 the Holy See and the [diocese's] own, established
 by the diocesan bishop.
Lionel: The SSPX needs to 
inform this bishop that he
 is in schism with the past
 popes on the issue of extra
 ecclesiam nulla salus.How can 
invisible and unknown people 
be a rupture with the dogma EENS?
He has also heretically interpreted 
Vatican Council II with a false 
premise to create a rupture 
with the Syllabus of Errors and 
the past ecclesiology of the 
Church. Perhaps he does this
 due to ignorance. However 
if this continues even after he
 is informed then
 this would be deception,
ecclesiastical deception.
The Latin Mass Society, founded in 1965,
promotes and supports the celebration of the
Traditional Mass and sacraments (Extraordinary
Form, Vetus Ordo) within the official structures
of the Church and with the permission and
cooperation of the bishops and the Holy See.
Lionel: The 'official structures
 of the Church' only permit an
 irrational interpretation of 
Magisterial documents which 
create a rupture with the
 ecclesiology of the Traditional 
Latin Mass over the centuries.So 
the Latin Mass Society in England,
 has the cooperation of the 
British bishops and the Holy See.
To deny the Catholic faith on 
salvation is a mortal sin. 
Presently the Latin Mass Society
 denies the Faith on salvation, 
in principle, in doctrine 
and also in practise, 
pastorally at inter-faith 
meetings, RCIA, catechetics

Dr.Joseph Shaw recently 
criticized the Traditional Latin Mass 
( TLM)of Bishop Richard Williamson.
He could not see the beauty of 
the TLM offered by Bishop 
Williamson and his community.
The LMS members offer/attend 
the TLM with the same ecclesiology
 as Mass in English. Only this is
 permitted.The New Ecclesiology and New 
Theology at the TLM is the same as that of 
the Novus Ordo Mass.-Lionel Andrades


 MAY 6, 2018

German Court would find the Knights of
 Malta and the Catholic bishops of Germany
 untruthful and telling a lie

APRIL 30, 2018
Ask the courts which condemned Alfie Evans...

MAY 1, 2018

Catholic Archdiocese of Liverpool has
 an anti-Catholic Alder Hey policy on 
ecumenism etc : they deceive with 
the approval of the CBCEW which
 is unethical and possibly illegal