Statue Artist

Statue Artist

You may remember the recent stories — for instance, from the Washington Post:
“Inside a Catholic church in New Mexico, a 7-foot bronze statue of the Virgin Mary appears to be “weeping,” church leaders say.
“The sculpture, known locally as Our Lady of Guadalupe, is not crying human tears. An investigator with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Las Cruces said her ‘tears’ have the same chemical makeup as olive oil treated with perfume — a substance that, when blessed, would be chrism, a sacred oil used in the Catholic Church to anoint the parishioners. The rare occurrence has prompted people from all over to come for conversions, confessions and to watch the statue of the mother of God cry.
“It started on Pentecost Sunday on May 20, when parishioners at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church in Hobbs noticed tears streaming from the Virgin Mary’s eyes, said Judy Ronquillo, the church business manager. She said the statue continued ‘weeping’ the next day and has done so several times since.”
Why is it crying? Is there anything about its manufacture that indicated an unusual nature?
Not according to Ricardo Flores-Kastanis, an artist who helped make it. But the company that fashioned it is owned by a religious family, he told Spirit Daily, and he himself is a strong Marian advocate.

“I’ve always been very devout,” he said. “I have never seen a statue cry before in my life. From the technical point of view, I don’t know what’s happening. Bronze can’t hold liquid like that. It’s an alloy.
“My father was extremely devout — especially to Guadalupe; and the owner of the foundry is very devoted to Guadalupe, as were his mother and father,” who started it fifty years ago, making church bells “and now make bronzes for all over the world.”
But despite countless hundreds of statues, none, says Kastanis — who also creates replica textile tilmas of Guadalupe — have been known to weep (at least that they know).
He noted that Las Cruces is a poor area (Mary most often chooses the humble) and that many Mexicans there are unable to journey back across the border to visit the actual image in Mexico City due to health issues, poverty, or because they are “illegals.”
Image result for Father Jose Segura guadalupe
The statue found its way to New Mexico through a circuitous route. The statue was originally shipped to a small parish in Maryland (2014) but developed a small crack and was sent back to the forge in Mexico City for repair.

It was housed at the church in New Mexico en route back, starting August 8, 2017, but before continuing its journey, those at the Las Cruces area church, who admired it deeply, asked if they could purchase it.
“It was a coincidence, a total coincidence, that it arrived in Hobbs,” said Kastanis. 
When asked if there is anything in the statue that could collect and release oil, the artist noted that it’s a hollow statue made from a wax mold, leaving no liquid inside. “The molecules of the metal, there’s no chemical reaction,” he said.
The statue was not painted but colored by using chemicals that interact with the bronze — a process that obviously involves no olive oil and if it did could not supply the volume noted since the lachrymation began. 
The parish priest,  Father Jose Segura , explained that while celebrating Mass he noticed drops emblazoned on the face of the statue.
“I approached the image of the Virgin and I first thought that someone had wet it,” he told a reporter. “I asked” who put the water on her eyes? “And everyone told me no, she’s crying, so I looked closer, they cleaned her eyes and she kept crying.”
When the diocese opened it, they found only some spider webs.
So, from August 8th, 2017 the statue adorns the church of Hobbs, a town that stands ‘in the middle of nowhere,'” noted the Associazione don Giacomo Tantardini, “And, in the middle of nowhere, the unexpected happened.”

Repost : Sun Miracle in Idukki, Kerala, India

OCTOBER 16, 2017

Sun Miracle in Idukki, Kerala, India

Our Lady's statues : Mary's head turned and cloak waved in the breeze

Let’s Go To the Video: Discerning Statue Phenomena

Let’s place a few items up for discernment.
First, visuals. Is there really a miraculous “shroud” impression of Saint Padre Pio? More on that in a moment. But first:
It was New York broadcaster Werner Wolf who made famous the expression, “Let’s go to the video-tape.” These days, it’s “let’s go to Youtube.”
And so we’ll leave it at that — reports, in recent years, of statue phenomena — for each person to individually discern.
From Youtube:
In Tapao, Viet Name, did Mary’s head turn and her cloak wave in the breeze?
How about northern Israel?
And Bangalore?
And Fresno, California? (live dripping at 1:57)
Now, did, as one blogger reports, Padre Pio once wipe his face and create what is akin to a modern version of the Shroud — integrating his own visage with that of Christ?
This is the alleged mage:
It turns out that in February of 1968, a man awaiting Padre Pio had wiped the sweat off his hands with a handkerchief and when the future saint arrived, he spotted the cloth and took it from the man, wiped his own face with it (even though it was winter), and handed it back. Later, returning to San Giovanni Rotundo, the image of Padre Pio appeared when the handkerchief was washed with water at the shrine — during the anniversary week of Pio’s first death [read full account here].
Or so, again, it is alleged… for your reckoning!
[resources: The God of Miracles and Michael Brown retreats: Cincinnati and Connecticut]

Cardinal Luiz Ladaria sj, Prefect of the CDF uses an irrational premise to interpret Vatican Council II and is enforcing it upon the whole Church which he does not deny : he should not have ecclesiastic recognition.

Cardinal Luiz Ladaria sj, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) is using an irrational premise to interpret Vatican Council II and is enforcing it upon the whole Church when really he should not have  ecclesiastic recognition.I have mentioned this many times before and he does not respond.He has not denied it.
He wants the Society of St. Pius X and all Catholic religious communities to interpret Vatican Council II in this irrational way and then they will be given canonical recognition.
He has a choice. He can interpret Vatican Council II without the irrational premise.But he is not doing so. He wants to create a rupture with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), the Syllabus of Errors(ecumenism of return) and the Council of Trent which supports the past exclusivist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church. He is working with an agenda given to him and is not really interested in the truth of the Catholic Church.
The truth of the faith is not being taught to Catholics in catechesis and other forms of religious education.
He is approving the New Constitutions for the religious communities and they will all have to interpret Vatican Council II with the irrational premise to create a non traditional conclusion which is heresy and schism.So a priest has to promote heresy as a norm to be in good standing with the Church.
The religious superiors  and Catholic writers should bring this to the attention of all religious communities.
Why should the Dominicans, Franciscans and the Society of St. Pius X have to interpret Vatican Council II with an irrational reasoning just because the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith makes this same mistake ?
They instead should ask that  Cardinl Ladaria not have permission to be the Prefect of the CDF. Since the Prefect of the CDF cannot promote heresy and schism in his personal life and also be a priest or hold a canonical office as held by him.
The Prefect of the CDF should announce that Vatican Council II can be interpreted with LG 8, LG 14,LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc being just hypothetical and theoretical references in 2018.
This is common sense, this is something obvious. LG 8 etc can only be a hypothetical case. Similarly the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being invincible ignorance are only hypothetical cases.They are not practical exceptions to traditional Feeneyite EENS. Cardinal Ladaria needs to admit this in public.
Otherwise he should not have the right to be the Prefect of the CDF since he interprets the Nicene Creed with the same irrational premise. So even his Oath Against Modernism and Oath of Office would be meaningless.-Lionel Andrades

 AUGUST 1, 2018

Cardinal Luiz Ladaria s.j, Archbishops Guido Pozzo and Augustine di Noia at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith,(CDF) Vatican should resign or go Emeritus.They have overlooked objective mistakes in Church-documents

AUGUST 5, 2018
The Holy See
Repost : Cardinal Luiz Ladaria : Official text with Abjuration and Profession of Faith and Oath of Fidelity

AUGUST 2, 2018

Religious communities are not questioning the canonical recognition of Cardinal Luiz Ladaria (Grafics)