Repost : Now once we correct this error then today for us there is no 'magnificent movement of approach begun with the ecumenism of Vatican Council II'. Since we would be back to the old theology.


Now once we correct this error then today for us there is no 'magnificent movement of approach begun with the ecumenism of Vatican Council II'. Since we would be back to the old theology.

The Phineus Report: How the Catholic Church was hijacked...

..and was made into something that appears hideous and deranged, lacking credibility, and no longer useful for the original intention of it's Founder.

But, how did we get here?  What mechanism was utilized to so effectively convince Catholics of the pre-1950's to accept what has turned out to be one of, if not the greatest revolution in human history, after the Fall of Adam in the garden?  What genius was employed? What machinations and trickery, sleight of hand maneuvers were set in motion to produce such a monstrous outcome?
Lionel: In one word, Cushingism.
Can this be reversed. Yes. In one word, Feeneyism.

We do have most certain clues, that are "hidden in plain sight", such as....

Lionel : They are not clues. The clues are the false premises and inferences which have created a New Theology. The New Theology is based on the conclusion that there is known salvation outside the Church. This conclusion emerges by inferring that hypothetical and invisible cases are objectively visible.The theoretical case of the unknown catechumen who dies before receiving the baptism of water which he desired, is assumed to be a known case.
Since there is salvation outside the Church with this reasoning, there is the new ecumenism etc.UR 3 for example comes to us in Vatican Council II with the use of the false premise and inference.

Yves Marsaudon of the Scottish Rite, in his book Ecumenism Viewed by a Traditional Freemason praised the ecumenism nurtured at Vatican II. He said:

       Catholics ... must not forget that all roads lead to God. And they will have to accept that this courageous idea of freethinking, which we can really call a revolution, pouring forth from our Masonic lodges, has spread magnificently over the dome of St. Peter's. One can say that ecumenism is the legitimate son of Freemasonry.” 
Lionel : Only with the false premise and inference do we have the new ecumenism.Without this false reasoning  there is no  new ecumenism and we simply return to the old ecumenism of return and the outside the Church there is no salvation, without adding any thing new.
So even today the error can be avoided and we return to the  past ecclesiology without making any change in Vatican Council II. The Masons will be horrified.
Yves Marsaudon does not mention the false philosophy and false theology which has created the new ecumenism.If he did it would be possible to change it. 

French Freemason Jacques Mitterand, who wrote approvingly:

       "Something has changed within the Church, and replies given by the Pope to the most urgent questions such as priestly celibacy and birth control, are hotly debated within the Church itself; the word of the Sovereign Pontiff is questioned by bishops, by priests, by the faithful. For a Freemason, a man who questions dogma is already a Freemason without an apron." 
Lionel: The attitude is that if the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) can be changed or rejected then why not other teachings of the Catholic Church
Marcel Prelot, a senator for the Doubs region in France, is probably the most accurate in describing what has really taken place. He wrote:

       "We had struggled for a century and a half to bring our opinions to prevail within the Church and had not succeeded. Finally, there came Vatican II and we triumphed. From then on the propositions and principles of liberal Catholicism have been definitively and officially accepted by Holy Church." 
Lionel : They can also be officially rejected by the Catholic Church today once the false premise and inference is identified.

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre was the sole Catholic Prelate who led traditionalist opposition to the conciliar liberals and had militated for a conciliar condemnation of Communism.  
Lionel: He was rejecting the interpretation, or conclusion of an interpretation, of Vatican Council II.
If he had interpreted Vatican Council II it with Feeneyism, it would be the end of the farce, the great facade.No one in the SSPX is still doing it today after 50  years.

What has happened to his work? It was condemned, marginalized, ostracized, demonized (one NO FSSP zealot priest even has gone so far as to claim the SSPX are Satanic. Such a priest is suspiciously reminiscent of a wolfe in sheep's clothing, if not a Hebrew plant spoken of by Bella Dodd.) and made out to appear schismatic, in order to scare the sheep away from the truth once taught by the Catholic Church.  These sheep then run into the open arms of the conciliar Church which deceives them with their false ecumenism and watered down gospel, which is less effective in the work of their salvation. 
Lionel: The SSPX priests are interpreting Vatican Council II with Cushingism just as those who offer Mass in the vernacular. The SSPX is still part of the problem.

The Traditional Latin Mass is simply not enough to gain eternal life. One must also believe correctly...and this belief is hard pressed to be found, if not outright banned in the TLM locations, authorized and approved by the Vatican II Bishops. 
Lionel: The Traditional Latin Mass is being offered by priests who will not affirm Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) and EENS ( Feeneyite).So they have rejected the past ecclesiology associated with the Traditional Latin Mass. The TLM is today offered with the new ecclesiology and this Latin Mass in its theology is not that of the TLM in the 16th century for example. So today liberal bishops and the Vatican encourage the TLM without the past ecclesiology.The ecclesiology is the same as the Mass in vernacular and in other rites.

Remember, the pre-Vatican II Catholics had only the Traditional Latin Mass, and most of them fell far short of heaven's gate.  The Traditional Latin Mass is not enough, my friends. We must have the orthodoxy of the ancient Church, as well as the purity of the worship of God, which includes the exposing of the perennial enemies of Christ. 

Where do we find such a priest who teaches "the whole counsel of God"? They are "as hen's teeth".  If we cannot find one, then we must educate ourselves on what the true gospel is, and then adhere to it and disseminate it. In this we have a greater ability to be saved, as opposed to holding hands with the murderers of Christ.

  L'Unita, the official publication of the Italian Communist Party, brazenly gave advice to Pope Paul VI regarding Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. It said to him....“Be conscious of the danger that Lefebvre represents. And continue the magnificent movement of approach begun with the ecumenism of Vatican II.”
Lionel : It can all be changed. We have to understand that , for example, the baptism of desire can be interpreted literally or theologically. Literally there are no baptism of desire cases. This is something obvious. There is no baptism of desire case for us human beings since only God can recognise it. There is no such thing as a baptism of desire.However if you tell me, like many  have that the Church teaches that there is a baptism of desire, then you are looking at this issue theologically. I would agree with you. The Church does teach it.
But it means that a theology was created at some time when no case of the baptism of desire existed.The baptism of desire was seen as an exception to EENS when there were no baptism of desire cases.
There was no such thing as a baptism of desire for Fr. Leonard Feeney.He denied it.
So now we have a false theology. How can we today say that there is salvation outside the Church when there are no known exceptions to the dogma EENS for us? Where are the practical exceptions today?
Yet this is what was done by the liberal theologians , in 1949 and they were supported by the Masons and the secular media. Pope Pius XII and his cardinals did not issue a correction.Even Archbishop Lefebvre did not object. The error was then repeated as a kind of theme in Vatican Council II.
Now once we correct this error then today for  us there is no 'magnificent movement of approach begun with the ecumenism of Vatican Council II'. Since we would be back to the old theology.-L.A

Does not this advice directly from Communists, give you even a hint about the SSPX?

The Communists were elated with the results of the Council. 

The Italian Communist Party declared at its 11th Party Congress in 1964: “The extraordinary ‘awakening’ of the Council, which is rightly compared with the Estates General of 1789, has shown the whole world that the old politico-religious Bastille is shaken to its foundations.” 

In by-gone days of Catholic orthodoxy, we were taught by Pope Pius XI
"By pretending to desire only the betterment of the condition of the working classes, by urging the removal of the very real abuses chargeable to the liberalistic economic order, and by demanding a more equitable distribution of this world’s goods (objectives entirely and undoubtedly legitimate), the Communist takes advantage of the present world-wide economic crisis to draw into the sphere of his influence even those sections of the populace which on principle reject all forms of materialism and terrorism."

With our present pope, we see the revolution of communism within the Church declared openly and without shame.... "The root of all social evil is inequality" [ Pope Francis I ]

So, what are we, who cherish, jealously, the one, true Faith, outside of which there is no salvation?

 I think I know....Catholics must continue to educate each another in this fight against the new religion and this delusion of "absolute equality".

 We have Our Lady, the Rosary, the Scapular, we have the Sacraments and the Sacred Heart of Christ, therefore, all we need further is only one thing, which we can get, simply by asking...………..courage!

In the article below, I have, for your convenience, highlighted a few things that we MUST take note of if we are to successfully extricate ourselves from this web of deceit.


Bella Dodd - The "New World Order" is Communism

Bella Dodd-06.jpg

Fr. Leonard Feeney of Boston was orthodox and the popes and the present Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith are in heresy. Quite a thing to say ! I know.

The Church, comprised of the present two popes and the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, are opposed to 'the Church' of magisterial documents, interpreted without an irrational premise.This means that Fr. Leonard Feeney of Boston is orthodox and the popes and the present Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith are in heresy.Quite a thing to say ! I know.
But it is simple. For example if you look at the baptism of desire literally, then there are no cases of the baptism of desire in 2018, or over the last 50 years.Every one agrees with me here.
For the Prefect of the CDF the baptism of desire refers to known people saved outside the Church.So there is a difference. He supports a New Theology in the Catholic Church based on this irrational observation.
His New Theology says that there are known people saved outside the Church with the baptism of desire and they are exceptions to the traditional teaching on all needing to be members of the Church for salvation.
The popes and cardinals wrongly infer that these known people( invisible for the average man) are visible exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. For the Prefect of the CDF they are examples of salvation outside the Church.
So Fr. Leonard Feeney says that there is no baptism of desire and the 'magisterium today' says there are known cases of the baptism of desire and they are relevant to EENS. The popes and cardinals say that the baptismk of desire etc are exceptions to all needing to enter the Church as members for salvation.
Where are the known cases of the baptism of desire in 2018 ? Whom can we meet or see saved as such and without the baptism of water?
So this is an innovation in the Church. With an irrationality they have rejected the traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Fr. Leonard held the traditional interpretation of the dogma EENS and was in line with the missionaries and Magisterium of the 16th century. He also did not postulate that unknown people were known exceptions to his traditional interpretation of the dogma EENS.
He said that there is no baptism of desire and he could have meant it literally instead of theologically like the Jesuits at Boston College.
So it is Fr. Leonard Feeney who is orthodox and the two popes and the cardinals and bishops who are in heresy.
Vatican Council II with the reasoning of Fr. Leonard Feeney, is in harmony with Tradition (past ecclesiology,Syllabus of Errors on an ecumenism of return, etc).There are no exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II to the dogma EENS.
For Cardinal Luiz Ladaria  there are exceptions to EENS in Vatican Council II. He mentioned this in March 1, 2018 at the Placuet Deo Press Conference.
So 'the Church' of the ecclesiastics today is opposed to traditional doctrine and theology of 'the Church' of the 16th century for example. One Magisterium against another. And the present ecclesiastics at the Vatican are in heresy.It is intentional heresy.They oppose a Vatican Council  which can be interpreted in harmony with Tradition, in harmony with the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS, the Feeneyite version.
Even after being informed the present Church of ecclesiastics at the Vatican,  will not affirm Vatican Council II in harmony with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) as it was known to the Magiseterium for example, in the 16th century.Nor will they comment on this issue. The traditionalists are also following the same error and remain mute.
They will not say that Fr. Leonard Feeney of Boston is magisterial on EENS and that the CDF made an objective and factual mistake in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 to the Archbishop of Boston relative to Fr. Leonard Feeney.

Image result for Photos Roberto dei Mattei and Christopher Ferrara
Image result for Photos Roberto dei Mattei and Christopher Ferrara
Image result for Photos Roberto dei Mattei and Christopher Ferrara
I mentioned in a previous blog post that with a false theology the CDF Prefect interprets Vatican Council and so do the traditionalists and sedevacantists.This is the false church operating within the Catholic Church and the traditionalists are a part of it.They use the same  false New Theology to interpret Vatican Council II and EENS as does Cardinal Ladaria and popes Benedict and Francis.
With political correctness with Satan and the Left, they avoid the rational and alternative interpretation of magisterial documents(Vatican Council II, Catechisms etc).
Image result for Photos Roberto dei Mattei and Christopher FerraraImage result for Photos Christopher Ferrara
Roberto dei Mattei and Christopher Ferrara have written books on Vatican Council II, interpreted according to the false church.For them it is obligatory to use the false premise, to create a rupture with Tradition.Yet they both will criticize the false church within the Catholic Church, when they are a part to it and contribute to it even after being informed.
Image result for Photos Christopher FerraraImage result for Photos of Vatican Council II an unwritten story
It is easy for them to write books and give talks. They like this.But they will not affirm traditional mission based on EENS and Vatican Council II interpreted without the irrational reasoning.They allow the doctrinal confusion to remain within the Church.They remind me of the man whom Jesus asked to sell all his things and to follow Him and he could not do it, since he was a rich man.
Image result for Photos Roberto dei Mattei and Christopher Ferrara

Ferrara and Mattei remained silent  when Pope Benedict in March 2016 and Cardinal Ladaria in March 1,2018 chose to be the false church. Pope Benedict and Cardinal Ladaria wanted to create a rupture with Tradition. Similarly Archbishop Guido Pozzo knows there is an alternative choice , a hermeneutic of continuity  with the past, but like Archbishop Augustine Di Noia at Ecclesia Dei,he will not want to endorse Feeneyite EENS and the past ecclesiology of the Church.May be their priority is their careers and not telling the truth to Catholics.
Image result for Photos Roberto dei Mattei and Christopher Ferrara
They will not announce that the Letter of the Holy Office 1949  used a false premise  and so did Pope Benedict (March 2016, Avvenire) and Cardinal Luiz Ladaria(March 1, 2018, Placuet Press Conference).
They want the whole Church to follow the error and be the false church.They will not affirm Feeneyite EENS and Feeneyite Vatican Council II.
-Lionel Andrades

25 year old Catholic girl happens to visit Medugorje and she then becomes a religious sister in the USA

A 25 year old girl found the teaching of the Catholic Church watered down.Then she came to Medugorje  and she began praying the rosary daily. The Lord touched her at  Medugorje and she became a religious sister in the USA.