Sunday, December 2, 2018

The Catholic Church is still Feeneyite

Comments on the blog Vox Cantoris,It's about the doctrine, it always was and remains so!

Peter Lamb said...
Dear Lionel,
I have no truck with Feeneyites, or Feeneyism. Come back to the Church. You could do so much good on the right track. May God bless you. :)
I depends upon what you mean by Feeneyites.
St. Thomas Aquinas was a Feeneyite since he affirmed the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and also mentioned hypothetical cases of a person in invincible ignorance and and another hypothetical cases of someone who desired the baptism of water, both of which are not exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Invisible cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) cannot be visible exceptions to Feeneyite EENS. The Letter of the Holy Office 1949 made an objective mistake.

Then the Catechism of Pope Pius X was also Feeneyite since it said that all need to be members of the Catholic Church for salvation and it did not mention any exception. This Catechism for example did mention being saved in invincible ignorance, which is not an exception. Since hypothetical cases cannot be seen objectively seem  in the present times, for them to be exceptions to EENS amd of someone is not there he is not an exception.

Then Vatican Council II is Feeneyite since it says all need faith and baptism for salvation and the Council does not mention any exceptions.Hypothetical cases of LG 8,LG 14,LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc cannot be objective examples of salvation outside the Church. Since if they did exist they would only be known to God. For us humans there are no such cases for example in 2018.There were none in 1965 or 1949.

So the Church is still Feeneyite as was the missionaries and Magisterium of the 16th century.It is a section of the traditionalits and sedevacantists who are outside the Church with heresy.
Since they reject EENS by assuming non existing cases of BOD, BOB and I.I are exceptions.
They reject the Nicene Creed by assuming there are three or more known baptisms and all without the baptism of water.
They reject the Athanasius Creed which says outside the Church there is no salvation. For them outside the Church there is known salvation.
They do not interpret the Apostles Creed like the Magisterium in the 16th century.
They reject the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX( ecumenism of return) by assuming that the Catechism of Pope Pius X contradicts it with visible and known cases, of non Catholics saved outside the Church in invincible ignorance etc.
So it is important to clarify what do you mean by Feeneyism. Since the St. Benedict Centers, the communities of Fr. Leonard Feeney, traditionalists, also make some of these errors.1
However I agree with Bro. Andre Marie MICM when he says that to be a Catholic is to be a Feeneyite.
-Lionel Andrades


Today Sunday,Michael and Peter Dimond of the Most Holy Family Monastery, USA will be at Holy Mass while not affirming Vatican Council II in harmony with the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).It is the same with the Priors at the St. Benedict Center, Bro. Thomas Augustine of the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary  and Bro. Andre Marie MICM.
Then Bishop Donald Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada  at the Most Holy Trinity seminary, Florida will offer Holy Mass with the same error as Michael and Peter Dimond and the religious at the St. Benedict Centers, the communities of Fr. Leonard Feeney.However they will also reject traditional EENS, theologically, by assuming there are practical exceptions of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance.
The same error, which really is heresy, will be made by the SSPX bishops and priests.
At the Novus Ordo Mass the popes, cardinals, bishops and priests,will reject the teachings of the Church since they will interpret BOD, BOB and I.i irrationally.
Heresy is a mortal sin of faith.
It is in this condition that Catholics will will offer Mass as priests and attend Mass as lay-faithful.
-Lionel Andrades

Feast of St. Francis Xavier tomorrow

Feast of St.Francis Xavier in India today.

Feast of St. Francis Xavier

Virgin Mary Statue Cried Tears Of Blood Again After ‘Curing Visitors’

From The Sun (caution: tabloid):

Virgin Mary statue crying tears of blood

During the Vatican-SSPX Doctrinal Talks the Vatican side will refuse to affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to the Magisterium of the 16th century. The SSPX must cite Ad Gentes 7 which says all need faith and baptism for salvation. All signifies those who know and those who do not know about Jesus and the Church.

During the Vatican-SPX Doctrinal Talks the Vatican side will refuse to affirm extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) according to the Magisterium of the 16th century.
The SSPX side must cite Ad Gentes 7 which says all need faith and baptism for salvation. All signifies those who know and those who do not know about Jesus and the Church.
So Vatican Council II is in harmony with the three Church Councils which defined the dogma EENS.
So the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) must affirm EENS with the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) not being practical exceptions to EENS.They can be accepted as being  only hypothetical cases.
The Vatican side can confirm that they are only hypothetical cases and that practically we cannot know of any non Catholic saved outside the Church, with BOD, BOB and I.I.
Similarly there are no known cases of a non Catholic saved outside the Church because 'God is not limited to the Sacraments'(CCC 1257).
Nor is there any known non Catholic who is saved or will be saved since the Gospel was not proclaimed to them(LG 14).The norm for salvation is 'faith and baptism'(AG 7, LG 14) and we humans cannot know of any exceptions.
There is only the ordinary way of salvation known to us ( faith and baptism) and no extraordinary way (BOD, BOB andI.I).BOD,BOB and I.I would only be known to God-Lionel Andrades

At the Vatican-SSPX talks Fr. Davide Paglarani must affirm Church teachings by re-interpreting Vatican Council II rationally and traditionally and asking the Vatican Curia to do the same.

At the Vatican-SSPX talks Fr. Davide Pagliarani, Superior General of the SSPX, must affirm Church teachings by re-interpreting Vatican Council II rationally and traditionally and asking the Vatican Curia to do the same.
Based on Vatican Council II, he  could affirm an ecumenism of return.Since Ad Gentes 7 says all need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation.

Based on Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes 7) he could affirm the strict interpretation of outside the Church there is no salvation. Ad Gentes 7 which says all need faith and baptism for salvation. 
7. This missionary activity derives its reason from the will of God, "who wishes all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, Himself a man, Jesus Christ, who gave Himself as a ransom for all" (1 Tim. 2:45), "neither is there salvation in any other" (Acts 4:12).
Therefore, all must be converted to Him...and all must be incorporated into Him by baptism and into the Church which is His body. For Christ Himself "by stressing in express language the necessity of faith and baptism (cf. Mark 16:16; John 3:5), at the same time confirmed the necessity of the Church, into which men enter by baptism, as by a door...
By means of this activity, the Mystical Body of Christ unceasingly gathers and directs its forces toward its own growth (cf. Eph. 4:11-16). The members of the Church are impelled to carry on such missionary activity by reason of the love with which they love God and by which they desire to share with all men the spiritual goods of both its life and the life to come.
Finally, by means of this missionary activity, God is fully glorified, provided that men fully and consciously accept His work of salvation, which He has accomplished in Christ.-Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II

With the  strict interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) and Vatican Council II interpreted rationally,he would be supporting the past exclusìvist ecclesiology of the Catholic Church based on Ad Gentes 7.
 LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc refer to hypothetical and invisible cases only. So they do not contradict Ad Gentes 7  and  EENS according to the missionaries and Magisterium of the 16th century.

So the priority would be the Social Reign of Christ the King  since outside the Church there is no salvation(AG 7).

He would support the non separation of Church and State since every one needs to be a member of the Catholic Church for salvation (AG 7).

He would support mission programs since Vatican Council II (AG 7) indicates all non Catholics are oriented to Hell unless they enter the Church before death with 'faith and baptism'.Most people die outside the Church and so are in Hell. The Church is saying in Vatican Council II that most people are in Hell. 1

So he would be supporting Tradition by re-interpreting Vatican Council II rationally.
-Lionel Andrades


DECEMBER 1, 2018

It will be the end of the talks

 DECEMBER 1, 2018

It will be the end of the talks -2

NOVEMBER 29, 2018

Funeral Mass for Bishop Robert Morlino

 NOVEMBER 28, 2018

This is the doctrine the two popes reject : valid Holy Mass but in sacrilege

 NOVEMBER 27, 2018

Image result for Photo of Pope Francis at Mass

Pope Francis' Holy Mass is a sacrilege for him even if it is valid : public mortal sins of faith, rejection of de fide doctrine with an irrational premise and inference

NOVEMBER 26, 2018

The Mass is valid but the priest is in known heresy and so the Mass is a sacrilege for him. : Pope Francis and Archbishop Guido Pozzo

 NOVEMBER 26, 2018

SSPX bishops and priests have to understand this and then inform the 2800 bishops about it

NOVEMBER 26, 2018

Fr.Davide Pagliarani told Cardinal Ladaria and Archbishop Guido Pozzo that there were mistakes in Vatican Council II : There are precise mistakes in Vatican Council II, objective mistakes.They are responsible for the bad philosophy and theology

NOVEMBER 26, 2018

Image result for Photo of Catholic marriage

The spiritual disease will spread among the SSPX -lay faithful , who are being encouraged to interpret Vatican Council II as a rupture with the strict interpretation of EENS

NOVEMBER 23, 2018

Pope Francis simply has to interpret the BOD, BOB and I.I as not being exceptions to EENS : heresy and sacrilege end (Graphics )

OVEMBER 23, 2018

Should not the cardinals and bishops also interpret BOD, BOB and I.I rationally and set an example for the pope?

NOVEMBER 22, 2018

Related image

St.Alphonsus Liguori says that if a priest is in mortal sin do not go up to receive the Eucharist from him - but what about a pope ?

NOVEMBER 22, 2018

Prior in scandal

NOVEMBER 21, 2018

Catholic Identity Conference speakers were using the false premise and inference in the interpretation of Vatican Council II just like the liberals and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

Servant of God Queen Isabella 1

November 26, was her feast day.
The return of Christopher Columbus; his audience before King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella.
Isabella I (SpanishIsabel, 22 April 1451 – 26 November 1504) reigned as Queen of Castile from 1474 until her death. Her marriage to Ferdinand II of Aragon became the basis for the political unification of Spain under their grandson, Charles I. After a struggle to claim her right to the throne, she reorganized the governmental system, brought the crime rate to the lowest it had been in years, and unburdened the kingdom of the enormous debt her brother had left behind.
Image result for Queen Isabella of spain by Mons. Ignacio Barreiro
 Her reforms and those she made with her husband had an influence that extended well beyond the borders of their united kingdoms. Isabella and Ferdinand are known for completing the Reconquista, ordering conversion or exile of their Muslim and Jewish subjects, and for supporting and financing Christopher Columbus's 1492 voyage that led to the opening of the New World and to the establishment of Spain as the first global power which dominated Europe and much of the world for more than a century. Isabella, granted together with her husband the title "the Catholic" by Pope Alexander VI, was recognized as a Servant of God by the Catholic Church in 1974.-Wikipedoa

Spain's Black Legend

Image result for Queen Isabella of spain by Mons. Ignacio Barreiro
The Black Legend against Spain is part of a vast movement started by the enemies of the Faith to destroy the Catholic religion. It is not an isolated case; other Catholic countries like Italy, Ireland and Poland have had their reputations smeared for their adhesion to the Faith. The Black Legend seeks to throw discredit upon the Faith by building biases and prejudices against Catholicism. A current example of these attacks is Dan Brown's book The Da Vinci Code, a malevolent cocktail of fake scholarship, lies and half-truths. It seeks to instill in Catholics a sense of embarrassment and shame about the way in which their ancestors lived and practiced their faith. The effect is subtle but too often ends by Catholics then doubting the truth of the Faith.
The Black Legend was fanned largely by Protestant and liberal ideology and, particularly in the twentieth century, the Marxist re-interpretation of history. Even in Latin America, the influence of the so-called "Enlightenment" movement (largely directed against the Catholic faith) led to a type of Black Legend that was used to justify the aspirations of political independence from Spain. In that region political "adulthood" in the early nineteenth century was grounded in a rationalist ideology that repudiated the Hispanic heritage.1 Regrettably, even today many priests and religious of the Church have accepted totally or partially the Black Legend against Spain. They have led protest movements against the celebrations of the Fifth Centennial observing the discovery and conquest of America. They evidently believe it would have been preferable to leave the indigenous paganism with its idolatrous and bloody cults undisturbed and without the preaching of the Gospel.
The Black Legend is "an atmosphere created by the fanatic accounts of Spain which have been published in almost all countries; grotesque descriptions which are constantly being made of the character of Spaniards as individuals and collectively; the negation, or at least, the systematic ignorance of whatever is favorable and worthy of honor in the various manifestations of culture and art; the accusations which are always being launched against Spain are based upon events which are exaggerated, badly interpreted, or totally false."2 This has created all sorts of negative stereotypes that have been reinforced by the media — particularly Hollywood. It is useful to consider those aspects of the history of Spain that have been the focus of the Black Legend.
The Reconquest
The efforts of Christians in Spain to free themselves from Islamic domination (which began in the eighth century) have been denounced and distorted by revisionist liberal historians. Some have stated that both the Crusades in the Holy Land and the reconquest in Spain were anti-Christian because they entailed the propagation of religious faith by the violence of arms. That is a total misstatement of the facts, since those wars were not meant to convert anyone by force, but rather to recover lands that had been unjustly taken over by Muslims. The Spaniards were engaged in a crusade, which is a just war in which the participants receive spiritual benefits, a war sanctioned by ecclesiastical authority that granted remission of sins to those taking part in it. The different Spanish Kingdoms had indeed a right and obligation to recover the lands that had been unjustly taken by the Arab invaders.

Spain and the Black Legends - Part 01 - Queen Isabella- I

SKU: 3371D-01

Monsignor Ignacio Barreiro begins his discussion of the Black Legends with two talks on the savaging of the reputation of Queen Isabella of Spain. Her deep spirituality and association with reformers like the great Cardinal Ximenez are examined. Taken from: The Black Legends: The Renaissance, the Enlightenment, and the Anti-Catholic Myth - 2003 VonHildebrand Institute