Thursday, December 20, 2018

La Chiesa è Necessaria

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Il Concilio Vaticano II indica che la maggior parte della gente va all'Inferno poiché muore senza 'fede e battesimo' (Ad Gentes 7, Lumen Gentium 14). Oggi ci sono miliardi di persone all'inferno. Questo è l'insegnamento del Concilio Vaticano II e della Chiesa Cattolica. È coerente con i santi nel corso dei secoli. Sapevano che la maggior parte della gente andava all'inferno. Pochi sono quelli che sono stati salvati.
Quindi quando incontriamo i non cattolici sappiamo che sono legati all'Inferno. Perché moriranno senza i mezzi ordinari di salvezza, che è la fede e il battesimo.
Non ci sono eccezioni note ai mezzi ordinari di salvezza. Il battesimo del desiderio (BDD), il battesimo del sangue (BDS) e l'ignoranza invincibile (I.I) non sono eccezioni pratiche al dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS). Non sono eccezioni pratiche ai mezzi ordinari di salvezza. Non possiamo incontrarci o vedere qualcuno salvato fuori dalla Chiesa. Dio lo ha fatto in questo modo.
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BDD, BDS e I.I non sono i mezzi ordinari di salvezza.Neanche in Concilio Vaticano II, Lumen Gentium 8, Unitatitis Redintigratio 3,Nostra Aetate 2, Gaudium et Specs 22 etc sono mezzi ordinari de salvezza.La norme per salvezza ci sono 'fede e battesima'(AG 7). Il Concilio non contraddice l'EENS, l'ecclesiologia passata, un ecumenismo di ritorno o il Sillabo di Errori di Papa Pio IX.
Quindi è necessario che tutti diventino cattolici per evitare l'inferno. Gesù ha fondato solo una Chiesa, la Chiesa Cattolica.
La Bibbia è cattolica. La Chiesa Cattolica ha scelto i manoscritti ispirati che formano la Bibbia. La liturgia dei Cristiani proviene dalla Chiesa Cattolica ai tempi del Re Costantino il Grande. La Santa Trinità è un dogma di un Concilio della Chiesa Cattolica.
Il Medioevo , fu un periodo d'oro nella storia della Chiesa. I padri medievali erano Cattolici. Vi erano grandi santi che sperimentarono i più alti livelli di unione con Dio, pur rimanendo all'interno della Chiesa Cattolica.
La Chiesa Cattolica è la continuazione della religione Ebraica. I cattolici sono il nuovo popolo di Dio, il popolo eletto (Nostra Aetate 4, Concilio Vaticano II). Hanno il Sacrificio nella Messa, hanno il Messia promesso dai profeti Ebrei. Hanno l'Arca dell'Alleanza nell'Eucaristia collocata in un tabernacolo. Hanno le Sacre Scritture che includono l'Antico Testamento e il Pentateuco ebraico. Hanno un'alleanza eterna fatta con la morte e la risurrezione di Gesù. Era un adempimento delle vecchie alleanze che Yahweh fece con gli ebrei. I Cattolici hanno il tempio, la chiesa, dove l'uno eunico Sacrificio di Gesù viene ripresentato in modo non sanguinoso, alla Santa Messa.
In Paradiso ci sono solo i Cattolici. Sono lì con la fede Cattolica e il battesimo dell'acqua (AG 7).

Gesù è morto per tutti. La salvezza è aperta a tutti in potenziale, ma per ricevere questa salvezza tutti hanno bisogno di essere membri della Chiesa Cattolica (Dominus Iesus n.20, Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede, Notificazione, Dupuis, 2002).

La Chiesa Cattolica è l'Arca di Noè che salva nell'inondazione (Catechismo della Chiesa Cattolica (CCC) 845). Dio vuole che tutte le persone siano unite nella Chiesa Cattolica (CCC 845).
Poiché l'appartenenza alla Chiesa Cattolica è necessaria per la salvezza, la priorità è la non separazione tra Chiesa e Stato e la proclamazione del Regno di Cristo Re in tutte le leggi politiche e sociali.
Satanico secularism e lo Stato devono essere separati e contrapposti.
Non possiamo separare Gesù dalla Chiesa (Dominus Iesus). La Chiesa è il Corpo Mistico di Gesù la Bibbia dice.
Non possiamo avere una kerygma senza la necessità di far parte della Chiesa Cattolica. Gesù è morto ed è risorto per salvare tutti dall'inferno. Coloro che credono in Lui e vivono i suoi insegnamenti nella Chiesa Cattolica, saranno salvati dai fuochi dell'inferno. Fuori dalla Chiesa cattolica non c'è salvezza. Tre concili ecclesiastici nella storia Cattolica lo chiamarono extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Questo anche e il messaggio nel Ad Gentes 7, Concilio Vaticano II che ci chiama a proclamarlo ai popoli. Dice che tutti hanno bisogno di fede e di battesimo per la salvezza e non solo di quelli che conoscono Gesù e la Chiesa.
Nel Evangelii Gaudium (Gioia del Vangelo) Papa Francesco ha presentato il kerygma senza la necessità di far parte della Chiesa Cattolica. Questa è stata una rottura con la Tradizione Cattolica.
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La Buona Novella è che tutti coloro che credono in Gesù Cristo, il Figlio di Dio, la Seconda Persona della Trinità, il Messia Promesso che tornerà, avranno la vita eterna nei Cieli. Devono credere che Gesù è morto ed è risorto e con il suo sacrificio ha portato via i nostri peccati. Devono vivere gli insegnamenti tradizionali della Chiesa Cattolica sulla fede e la morale. La Chiesa Cattolica ha un Magistero perenne ispirato dallo Spirito Santo. Gesù è lo stesso ieri, oggi e domani (Ebrei 13: 8)
Gesù nella Chiesa Cattolica è la porta stretta (Matt.7: 13), la perla di grande prezzo (Mt.13: 45-46), l'uomo che ha trovato un tesoro nel campo e ha venduto tutto per averlo (Matt: 13: 44-46).
"Saulo, Saulo, perché mi perseguiti?", Gesù chiesto  identificarsi con la Chiesa (Atti.9: 4). Quindi non possiamo avere fede in Cristo (cristologia) senza appartenenza alla Chiesa Cattolica (ecclesiologia ecclesiocentrica).
L'Eucaristia di Santa Messa è necessaria per la salvezza di tutti e così anche il sacramento del battesimo. Coloro che muoiono per Gesù e la Chiesa come martiri, hanno un posto speciale in cielo. - Lionel Andrades

The Church is Necessary

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Vatican Council II says outside the Church there is no salvation. 

Jesus tells us in John 3:5 that all need the baptism of water for salvation. In Mark 16:16  he tells us that God the Father has chosen His Son as the only way of salvation.Those  who do not believe in Jesus within the Catholic community; the Catholic Church,will be condemned.Jesus says those who deny Him he will deny before the Father in Heaven.(Matt.10:37)
So membership in the Catholic Church with faith and baptism is necessary for all.It is necessary to avoid the fires of Hell, according to the Bible.
Vatican Council II indicates most people go to Hell since they die without faith and baptism(Ad Gentes 7, Lumen Gentium 14).Today there are billions of people in Hell.This is the teaching of Vatican Council II and the Catholic Church. It is consistent with the saints over the centuries. They knew that most people go to Hell.Few are those who are saved.
So when we meet non Catholics we know that they are Hell-bound.Since they will die without the ordinary means of salvation,which is faith and baptism.
There are no known exceptions to the ordinary means of salvation. The baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and invincible ignorance(I.I) are not practical exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).They are not practical exceptions to the ordinary means of salvation.We cannot meet or see any one saved outside the Church.God made it this way.
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BOD, BOB and I.I are not the ordinary means of salvation and neither are LG 8, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II.The Council does not contradict EENS, the past ecclesiology, an ecumenism or return or the Syllabus of Errors.
So it is necessary that everyone become Catholic to avoid Hell. Jesus founded only one Church, the Catholic Church.
The Bible is Catholic. The Catholic Church  chose the inspired manuscripts which form the Bible. The liturgy of  Christians comes from the Catholic Church at the time of King Constantine the Great.The Holy Trinity is a dogma of a Catholic Church Council.
The Medieval Age ,was  a golden period in the history of the Church. The Medieval Fathers were Catholic.There were great saints who experienced the highest levels of union with God, while remaining within the Catholic Church.
The Catholic Church is the continuation of the Jewish religion.Catholics are the new people of God,the Chosen People ( Nostra Aetate 4, Vatican Council II). They have the Sacrifice in the Mass, they have the Messiah promised by the Jewish prophets. They have the Ark of the Covenant in the Eucharist placed in a tabernacle. They have the Sacred Scriptures which include the Old Testament and the Jewish Pentateuch.They have an eternal covenant made with the Death and Resurrection of Jesus. It was a fulfillment of the old covenants Yahweh made with the Jews. Catholics have the temple, the church, where the one and only Sacrifice of Jesus is re-enacted in an un-bloody way, at Holy Mass.
In Heaven there are only Catholics.They are there with Catholic Faith and the baptism of water(AG 7).
Jesus died for all. Salvation is open to all in potential but to receive this salvation all need to be members of the Catholic Church( Dominus Iesus n.20,Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Notification, Dupuis, 2002).
The Catholic Church is the Ark of Noah that saves in the flood (Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) 845).God wants all people to be united in the Catholic Church(CCC 845). 
Since membership in the Catholic Church is necessary for salvation the priority is the non separation of Church and State and the proclamation of the Social Reign of Christ the King in all political and social legislation.
Satanic secularism and State must be separated and opposed.
We cannot separate Jesus from the Church(Dominus Iesus).The Church is the Mystical Body of Jesus the Bible tells us.We cannot have a kerygma without the necessity of membership in the Catholic Church.Jesus died and is risen to save all from Hell. Those who believe in Him and live his teachings in the Catholic Church, will be saved from the fires of Hell.Outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation.Three Church Councils in Catholic history called it extra ecclesiam nulla salus.It is also the message in Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II which calls us to proclaim it to the peoples.It says all need faith and baptism for salvation and not just those who know about Jesus and the Church.
In Evangelii Gaudium (Joy of the Gospel) Pope Francis presented the kerygma without the necessity of membership in the Catholic Church. This was a rupture with Catholic Tradition.
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The Good News is that all who believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Second Person of the Trinity, the Promised Messiah who will come again, will have eternal life in Heaven. They must believe that Jesus Died and is Risen and with his Sacrifice took He away our sins. They must live the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church on faith and morals.The Catholic Church has a perennial Magisterium inspired by the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.(Heb.13:8)Jesus in the Catholic Church is the narrow gate(Matt.7:13),the pearl of great price (Matt.13:45-46), the man who found a treasure in the field and sold all to have it (Matt:13:44-46).
"Saul, Saul why do you persecute me ?", Jesus asked identifying Himself with the Church(Acts.9:4).So we cannot have faith in Christ ( Christology) without  membership in the Catholic Church( ecclesiocentric ecclesiology).
The Eucharist at Mass is necessary for salvation for all and so is the Sacrament of Baptism.Those who die for Jesus and the Church as martyrs, have a special place in Heaven.-Lionel Andrades

Saline e Abortion Survivor: Melissa Ohden

She Was Aborted But Miraculously Survived to Fight

Mrs. Melissa Ohden who survived a saline infusion abortion testified at a House Judiciary Committee hearing about Planned Parenthood's medical procedures. Planned Parenthood has been under fire after videos were released showing how the mega abortion provider sold fetal tissue to researchers. Founder of the Abortion Survivor's Network, Mrs. Ohden gave this moving testimony in 2015.

God bless you.
Excerpt of Melissa Ohden's testimony:

You wouldn't know it by looking at me today, but in August of 1977 I also survived a saline infusion abortion. And as Gianna shared, that saline infusion abortion involved injecting a toxic salt solution into the amniotic fluid surrounding the pre-born child. The intent of that toxic salt solution is to scald the child to death from the outside in.

For days I soaked in that toxic salt solution, and on the fifth day of the procedure my biological mother, who was a 19-year-old college student, delivered me after her labor was induced. I should have been delivered dead that day as a successful abortion.

In 2013 I learned, through contact with my biological mother's family, that not only was this abortion forced upon her against her will at the age of 19, but also that it was my grandmother -- my maternal grandmother, a nurse -- who delivered me in this final step of the abortion procedure at St. Luke's Hospital in Sioux City, Iowa. Unfortunately, I also learned that when my grandmother realized that the abortion had not succeeded in ending my life, she demanded that I be left to die.

I many never know how exactly two nurses who were on staff that day found out about me, but what I do know is that their willingness to fight for medical care to be provided to me ultimately sustained my life.

And I know where children like me were left to die at St. Luke's Hospital. I met a nurse there who delivered a child much like me in 1976. She delivered a little boy after a failed saline infusion abortion, but she followed her superior's orders and she placed him there in a utility closet in a bucket of formaldehyde to be picked up later as medical waste after he was left there to die alone.

A bucket of formaldehyde in a utility closet was meant to be my fate after I survived that abortion attempt.

I weighed a little less than three pounds when I survived. I suffered from jaundice, severe respiratory problems, and seizures for an extended period of time. And one of the first notations in my medical records by a doctor after I survived is that I looked like I was about 31 weeks gestational age when I was delivered.

Despite the miracle of my survival, the doctor's prognosis for my life was very poor initially. My adoptive parents were told that I would suffer from multiple disabilities throughout my life, yet here I am today, perfectly healthy. Yet I know it isn't just how abortion ends the life of children like me that isn't talked about in today's world. It's also not discussed what happens to children like me who live.

I can tell you we are your friend, your neighbor, your coworker, and you would likely never guess by passing us on the street that we survived what we did. In my work as the founder of the Abortion Survivor's Network I have had contact with 203 of these other survivors. Letters from some of those survivors have been submitted to this committee.

I'm here today to share my story to not only highlight the horror of abortion taking place at Planned Parenthood, but to give a voice to other survivors like me and, most importantly, to give a name, a face, and a voice to the hundreds of thousands of children who will have their lives ended by Planned Parenthood this year alone.

As you consider the horrors of what happens at Planned Parenthood each day, I would urge you to remember my story and Gianna's, too. We may not have survived abortions at Planned Parenthood, but the expectation for our lives to be ended by abortion are the very same as those who do lose their lives there.

And I have long believed that if my birth mother's abortion would have taken place at a Planned Parenthood I would not be here today. Completing over 300,000 abortions a year provides them with the experience to make sure that failures like me don't exist.

As a fellow American and as a fellow human being, I deserve the same right to life, the same equal protection under the law as each and every one of you. Yet, we live in a time where not only do such protections not exist, but my own tax dollars and yours go to fund an organization that has perfected the very thing that was meant to end my life, and this must end.

Trump administration places Pakistan on list of worst violators of religious freedom


The Trump administration has put Pakistan “on its annual list of worst offenders for nations that it says infringe on religious freedom,” largely because of its infamous blasphemy laws. The high profile case of “Asia Bibi, a Pakistani Christian woman who was recently acquitted of blasphemy but has been unable to leave the country due to riots and death threats against her” highlights the severity of Islamic oppression in that country, where Muslims were hunting house to house to find and kill Bibi and her family.
The US Commission on International Religious Freedom also released a report that accused “South East Asian nations of systematically failing to protect their populations’ religious rights, noting that ‘state officials’ in Pakistan often shield criminals forcing Christian or Hindu women into a Muslim marriage,” citing Pakistan as “home to the most egregious violations mentioned in the study.”
As abusive as Pakistan is to religious minorities and women, it also a state sponsor of terrorism, and is attempting to enforce its Islamic blasphemy laws internationally. Its Prime Minister Imran Khan vowed to go to the UN to stop all Muhammad cartoons and criticism of Islam, and Pakistan has already succeeded in compelling Twitter to enforce Sharia. Twitter has absurdly sent warnings out to Western foes of jihad terror and Sharia oppression, telling them that their tweets violate Pakistani blasphemy laws.
“US Downgrades Pakistan in Religious Freedom Rankings,” Associated Press, December 11, 2018:
WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Tuesday placed Pakistan on its annual list of worst offenders for nations that it says infringe on religious freedom.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a statement he added Pakistan to the U.S. list of “countries of particular concern” regarding protection for people to worship according to their beliefs. Pakistan had previously been on a special watch list for religious freedom. The downgrade means that Pakistan could be hit with U.S. sanctions, although Pompeo waived those penalties in the U.S. national interest.
U.S. Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback said the decision to designate Pakistan was largely the result of criminal blasphemy laws in the country. He said half of the world’s population of prisoners jailed for blasphemy are in Pakistan. And he noted the recent high-profile case of Asia Bibi, a Pakistani Christian woman who was recently acquitted of blasphemy but has been unable to leave the country due to riots and death threats against her.
“It’s our hope that the new leadership in Pakistan will work to improve the situation,” Brownback told reporters on a conference call to detail Pompeo’s findings. “There was some encouraging signs seen recently on how they’ve handled some of the recent protesting against the blasphemy laws, and we continue to watch very carefully what’s happening to Asia Bibi.”
Other countries on the blacklist, which calls out nations for “systematic, ongoing and egregious violations of religious freedom,” are China, Eritrea, Iran, Myanmar, North Korea, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. All had been so designated in last year’s list. Aside from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan and Turkistan received sanctions waivers.
Uzbekistan had previously been named a “country of particular concern,” but Pompeo upgraded it to the special watch list. The watch list now also includes the Comoros Islands and Russia.
In addition, Pompeo designated several Islamic militant groups as “entities of particular concern” as they do not meet the definition of countries. Those are the al-Nusra front in Syria, the Yemen-based al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, al-Qaida, Somalia’s al-Shabab, Boko Haram in West Africa, Yemen’s Houthi rebels, the Islamic State and the Taliban…..

UK bans accused blasphemer Asia Bibi, but welcomes Muslim clerics who support murderer of foe of blasphemy law

UK bans accused blasphemer Asia Bibi, but welcomes Muslim clerics who support murderer of foe of blasphemy law


Leftists and Islamic supremacists frequently bring up the fact that I’m banned from entering the UK as if it is in itself proof that I’m an “extremist” who must be shunned by all decent people. In reality, as this story shows yet again, it’s a badge of honor. The Home Office recently banned Martin Sellner, Brittany Pettibone, Lauren Southern and Lutz Bachmann from entering, all for the crime of opposing jihad terror and Sharia oppression, and thereby made it clear that it is more authoritarian and unwilling to uphold the freedom of speech than ever – at least when it comes to criticism of Islam, Muslim rape gangs, and mass Muslim migration.
The bannings of Sellner, Pettibone, Southern, and Bachmann were just part of a long pattern. Pamela Geller and I were banned in 2013, apparently for life, also for the crime of telling the truth about Islam and jihad. Just days after Geller and I were banned, the British government admitted Saudi Sheikh Mohammed al-Arefe. Al-Arefe has said: “Devotion to jihad for the sake of Allah, and the desire to shed blood, to smash skulls, and to sever limbs for the sake of Allah and in defense of His religion, is, undoubtedly, an honor for the believer. Allah said that if a man fights the infidels, the infidels will be unable to prepare to fight.”
And Syed Muzaffar Shah Qadri’s preaching of hatred and jihad violence was so hardline that he was banned from preaching in Pakistan, but the UK Home Office welcomed him into Britain.
The UK Home Office also admitted Shaykh Hamza Sodagar into the country, despite the fact that he has said: “If there’s homosexual men, the punishment is one of five things. One – the easiest one maybe – chop their head off, that’s the easiest. Second – burn them to death. Third – throw ’em off a cliff. Fourth – tear down a wall on them so they die under that. Fifth – a combination of the above.”
Theresa May’s relentlessly appeasement-minded government also admitted two jihad preachers who had praised the murderer of a foe of Pakistan’s blasphemy laws. One of them was welcomed by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Meanwhile, the UK banned three bishops from areas of Iraq and Syria where Christians are persecuted from entering the country.
“UK mosque welcomes preachers who support Islamist assassin linked to case of Christian mum Asia Bibi,” by Jake Ryan and Ben Lazarus, The Sun, December 12, 2018 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
A CONTROVERSIAL mosque praised by local cops has hosted two preachers who support an Islamist assassin linked to the Christian Asia Bibi blasphemy case.
The Jamia Islamia Ghousia Trust in Luton invited the radical preachers to speak at its centre over the last month.
They are Muhammad Ramzan Sialvi, from Pakistan, who spoke at Luton’s central mosque last week and had been previously pictured kissing the corpse of Pakistani assassin Mumtaz Qadri in 2016.
Another, Hamid Saeed Kazmi, also attended Qadri’s funeral and has called for Ms Bibi to be re-jailed because authorities “cannot compromise on any slights made against the prophet”.
Qadri, an elite police commander, murdered a politician in 2011 over his support of Christian mum Ms Bibi, 53, who was sentenced to death in Pakistan on blasphemy charges.
Last month we reported how Prime Minister Theresa May is said to have blocked a bid by Cabinet ministers including Home Secretary Sajid Javid to offer Ms Bibi asylum in the UK.
Reports have also emerged of mullahs in Pakistan hunting Ms Bibi and her family door-to-door forcing them into hiding.
The Roman Catholic from Punjab in Pakistan had been sentenced to death in 2010 after she was accused of insulting the Prophet Mohammed – which she denies – with the conviction overturned in October….
Pakistani politician Salmaan Taseer had spoken for reforming blasphemy laws in light of Ms Bibi’s case before he was shot 28 times by Qadri, one of his personal bodyguard, in 2011.
Qadri was arrested and convicted over the assassination before he was hanged in 2016.
But a host of radical clerics praised the killer as a martyr including several invited to the Jamia Islamia mosque in central Luton, Beds.
Preacher Sialvi described it as a “privilege to be able to kiss” Qadri’s body at his funeral and that it had been “a memorable moment in my life” to send off the “honourable gentleman”.
Last month the Luton mosque billed him in an advert as a “special guest” and a “great scholar” attending an afternoon prayer session.
And three weeks ago another radical cleric Mr Kazmi – who supported assassin Qadri and has attacked the release of Ms Bibi – was invited as part of a group of speakers to a conference at the mosque in Luton….

Islamic Republic of Pakistan: Two Christian brothers sentenced to death for blasphemy

Islamic Republic of Pakistan: Two Christian brothers sentenced to death for blasphemy


No one will take any particular notice of this. It isn’t as if something important such as “Islamophobia” was being committed.
“Two Christian brothers sentenced to death for blasphemy in Punjab,” Asia News, December 14, 2018:
Lahore (AsiaNews/Agencies) – Two Christian brothers have been sentenced to death in Pakistan on blasphemy charges, the Centre for Legal Aid, Assistance and Settlement (CLAAS) announced today.
Qaisar and Amoon Ayub, from Lahore, were arrested in 2015 after one of the two was accused of posting offensive material against Islam on their website.
Qaisar and his wife Amina have three children, whilst Amoon is married to Huma, a teacher at Lahore Cathedral School.
The allegations surfaced in 2011 when they were accused of posting disrespectful material on their website; however, the accused say that their website was not active since 2009.
The two brothers have been held in Jhelum District Jail since their arrest. Additional Session judge Javed Iqbal Bosal informed them of the sentence directly in the prison for security reasons….

Belgium: Amid violent protests, Prime Minister resigns over his support for UN migration pact

Belgium: Amid violent protests, Prime Minister resigns over his support for UN migration pact

Belgium is descending into chaos; the UN Migration Pact has caused a crisis in the nation. The country’s Prime Minister Charles Michel has now quit after losing a vote of no confidence. “Demonstrators clashed with riot police and targeted the EU Commission’s Berlaymont headquarters, which suffered several smash [sic] windows.” Critics, “including former Belgian immigration […]

CDF is a congregation for doctrinal confusion : Ladaria supports heresy and offers Holy Mass

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We have a Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) who interprets the Catechism of Pope Pius X ( invincible ignorance) as being a rupture with the same Catechism saying all need to be members of the Catholic Church for salvation.Since for him being saved in invincible ignorance refers to known cases. For me they are simply hypothetical.
Then for him the Baltimore Catechism ( baptism of desire) contradicts the Syllabus of Errors (outside the Church there is no salvation).For me there is no contradiction since the baptism of desire can only be a theoretical case in our reality.
 If there are no known people saved with the baptism of desire how can the baptism of desire be an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus?  But for them at  the CDF, it would be an exception.
For him Unitatits Redintigatio (Decree on Ecumenism) 3 would be a rupture with the Syllabus of Errors (ecumenism of return). Since he would assume UR 3 refers to known Christians saved outside the Church in 'imperfect communion with the Church'.For me UR 3 can only refer to a hypothetical case. It is speculation in 2018 and not a visible Protestant.If he was saved for me he would be in Heaven. 
So with this irrational reasoning it is no surprise that Cardinal Luiz Ladaria sj interprets Vatican Council II(LG 8) as a rupture with the dogma EENS.So there is a rupture with the missionaries in the 16th century. He openly made this mistake at the Placuet Deo Press Conference (March 1,2018). This was pubic heresy.
So with visible- for -him cases of the baptism of desire and invincible ignorance, he also changes the interpretation of the Creeds.This is first class heresy.It is a mortal sin of faith.
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The same reasoning and heresy is there in the statements of Bishop Kevin Rhoades the new Chairman of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Doctrinal Committee.Like Cardinal Ladaria he refuses to recant.The USCCB made a mistake in the Fr.Peter C.Phan case when it assumed unknown cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance, were objective exceptions to EENS. Cardinal Donald Wuerl, was the Chairman of the USCCB Doctrinal Committee and he supported this error.
The same error is made by Archbishop Corrado Lorefice, the Archbishop of Palermo, Italy.Lorefice has excommunicated Fr.Alessandro Minutella for doctrinal or unclear reasons.There are no specific reasons and the CDF will not comment.Munitella accused the Archbishop of heresy and there was no comment from Cardinal Ladaria.
Cardinal Ladaria is now the head of the congregation for doctrinal confusion.
His office has been made powerless and useless and he overlooks heresy and sacrilege.Since he cannot teach the truth for political reasons he should resign.
He has inherited the errors of Cardinal Ratzinger, Cardinal Ottaviani and other Prefects of the CDF.
He supports modernism which can be read the papers of the International Theological Commission.Then he offers Mass with this public scandal not corrected.
He condones heresy and his Mass is sacrilege.-Lionel Andrades

December 19, 2018

Image result for Photos Roberto dei Mattei and Christopher Ferrara

CDF Prefect and present two popes violate the Principle of Non Contradiction ( Graphics)

December 19, 2018

Cardinal Ladaria needs to resign instead he is holding doctrinal talks with the SSPX (Graphics)

  December 19, 2018

CDF Prefect must recant or resign - as a good Catholic(Graphics)


December 19, 2018

The Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) does not affirm the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) in harmony with Vatican Council II. He is holding doctrinal talks with the Society of St. Pius X(SSPX) when he should be asked to recant or resign



December 19, 2018

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The secret Vatican-SSPX doctrinal talks are not being made public, even though both sides claim to be Catholic.Cardinal Ladaria uses an irrationality to interpret Vatican Council II as a rupture with EENS.So deception is in his interest