Thursday, April 4, 2019

No denial from Fr.Shehan Boquet, President, Human Life International : unethical and deceptive : PR office responds

Yesterday I posted a report on this blog. 

I have e-mailed Fr. Francesco Giordano, the Director of the Human Life International, Rome telling him that there are no personally known cases of the baptism of desire (BOD9, baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) .He does not and cannot know of anyone saved with BOD, BOB and I.I.Yet he teaches students at the University of St. Thonas Aquinas(Angelicum) in Rome, that BOD, BOB and I.I are exceptions to EENS.
This is not fair to the priest Fr. Leonard Feeney or his religious communities the St. Benedict Centers(SBC) in the USA...
As a Catholic priest and Director of HLI how can he still teach that EENS has exceptions, when he does not know of any?To persist in this error even after being informed is a scandal.Perhaps it is possible since the President of HLI, Fr. Shehan Boquet also supports the same confusion in Florida, USA.
Then I e-mailed it the Human Life International,USA and Deborah Piroch at the HLI Public Relations office responded.She cited the Catechism of the Catholic Church.I responded.2
She has not denied what I have written in the original post.
Fr. Shehan Boquet will not say that BOD, BOB and I.I are exceptions to EENS.
He will also not answer two simple questions.
In her final answer,  she states ,'Our priests support exactly what is written in the Catechism and as stated by the Catholic Church.' Even I support what is written in the Catechism but I do interpret it irrationally. For political reasons the priests are continuing with the deception.This is unethical. It is a scandal. They are concerned about their careers and liberal reputation.
She admits Fr. Leonard Feeney was reconciled with the Church.For him there were no literal cases of the baptism of desire etc. It was the same for the popes and saints over the centuries. This is something obvious.
Fr.Francesco Giordano continues with the deception at the University of St.Thomas  Aquinas. It has been years now. There is no response from him or the President of HLI.
HLI priests 'support Life from conception to birth' and believe unknown cases of the baptism of desire etc  are known exceptions to the teaching on the need for all to enter the Catholic Church for salvation.This is their adult reasoning.
They also assume personally  invisible cases, as referenced in Vatican Council II ( LG 8, LG 16, UR 3, GS 22 etc) are visible and objective exceptions to the traditional teaching on ecumenism and other religions and salvation.
This is public heresy and scandal. Offering Holy Mass in this condition is a sacrilege. They need to first rectify the scandal and then offer Holy Mass.
Even after being informed in public they will not issue a denial and affirm the Catholic Faith.
-Lionel Andrades


 APRIL 3, 2019

Fr, Shenan Boquet,President of Human Life International supports the confusion and scandal

I am happy to forward your correspondence. I am unsure if they will be able to answer; even now Fr. Boquet is on a mission trip. Both are orthodox and not heretical priests.( I am sure from your answer that they will not respond. Since it takes only a moment to respond to the two questions, for those who are sincere.
So they do not deny what I report on my blog post. Since they do not want to affirm Feeneyite EENS without the irrationality. This is sad. Since they are priests.)

The matters you refer to with regard to Baptism of Desire and Blood are clearly delineated in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, contrary to the manner you assert. I attach the information below.(I affirm the Catechism. There are numerous posts on my blog with reference to the Catechism of the Catholic Church.I do not interpret the Catechism irrationally like the two HLI priests. I have given an account of my faith on my blog.They cannot do the same. ) The Church has always also maintained, as well, that there outside the Church there is no salvation but that one may be saved through ignorance.(Again it depends how you interpret 'ignorance'. Does it refer to a known or unknown person ? Do you interpret it with Feeneyism ( invisible people are invisible) or Cushingism ( invisible people now saved in Heaven are physically visible exceptions to EENS). There are those even in our day and age who never have contact with the Church or her priests but. according to Our Lord’s mercy, He may choose to grant heaven to those He chooses.(Sure as a possibility. However it is still hypothetical for us and so is not a practical exception  to EENS. For the HLI priests these are literal and known people in the present times. You do not deny it )  A perfect example is the good thief who died next to Christ on the Cross who was granted eternal life.(Yes but we do not know of any one this year who will be the Good Thief or is the Good Thief.A possibility in the past is not an objective exception today to the traditional teaching on salvation.)

As for seeing people in Heaven, again the Church teaches that at the end of the world, the resurrected body and soul are united in Heaven. Even if how we “see” is a bit of a mystery.(We agree that we cannot see people in Heaven in general in 2019. This is not an issue. You and I cannot see or meet someone who is saved or is going to be saved outside the Catholic Church. We cannot see someone who will be saved without faith and the baptism of water(AG 7).
So the bottom line is that you have not denied any of the posts on my blog with reference to the HLI priests.You are still saying that BOD, BOB and I.I are exceptions to EENS. You are not saying that BOD, BOB and I.I arenot exceptions to EENS.
 Deborah M. Piroch Email: (Front Royal, VA) Human Life International,USA


Piroch, Deborah

4:17 PM (1 hour ago)
to me
Dear Mr. Andrades,

You have your answer. Our priests support exactly what is written in the Catechism and as stated by the Catholic Church. I would respectfully ask that you wait and not continue to send four emails a day… HLI is under no compulsion to respond to any emails. Recall that Fr. Feeney was dismissed and excommunicated, only much later reconciled with the Church. He is hardly a model to follow. If you continue to email, I am afraid I will not be able to respond. I am curious why you are singling out HLI in any case, this is most curious given rampant disobedience when here you will find nothing but orthodoxy. We support Life from conception till natural death and urge you to pray and work for the same.

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