Friday, May 24, 2019

Should Christians perform Deliverance and minor excorcisms along Gay Pride routes next month during the marches ?

Image result for Processione in Riparazione del Gay Pride Roma 9 Giugno 2018,Image result for Processione in Riparazione del Gay Pride Roma 9 Giugno 2018,

Should Christians perform exorcisms along Gay Pride routes ?

Image result for Processione in Riparazione del Gay Pride Roma 9 Giugno 2018,Image result for Processione in Riparazione del Gay Pride Roma 9 Giugno 2018,
At the March for Life in Rome last week their were gay protesters.It is the same in other countries.
Even when there are religious processions there are Gay and pro abortion protesters. Satan makes himself visible.
So next month when there are Gay Pride marches there could be groups of Christians, in familiar with the Deliverance Ministery who could gather in small groups  along the routes. There could be Catholics there too who are able to perform a minor excorcism.
By the time the marchers reach the end of the route Satan and the demons of homosexuality and lust and other related spirits will be dislodged. For some there could be complete freedom from the slavery to Satan.

Image result for Processione in Riparazione del Gay Pride Roma 9 Giugno 2018,Image result for Processione in Riparazione del Gay Pride Roma 9 Giugno 2018,  
Image result for Processione in Riparazione del Gay Pride Roma 9 Giugno 2018,
Last year in Italy their prayers of reparation after a gay pride march.There were no known excorcisms organised for the route of the march.
Serbian Christians hold exorcism over the city after Belgrade Pride.
A few years back Serbian religious leaders held city wide exorcisms in Belgrade after the Gay Pride event.

Gay Pride Italy 2019 – Dates and cities 2019

Date confermate

Gay Pride Italia 2019 (Date da decidere, in attesa di conferma)

 MAY 23, 2019

UK’s “conservative” government to sponsor next month's annual 'gay pride' parade - Edward Pentin

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