Wednesday, August 21, 2019

It would be bad business if EWTN, Church Militant TV, Remnant TV, LifeSite News and Gloria TV interpreted Vatican Council II without irrational Cushingism which creates a rupture with Tradition.If they avoided irrational Cushingism, the Council would be in harmony with Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) and there would be protests and threats from the ADL and ecclesiastical Masonry.

It would be bad business if EWTN, Church Militant TV, Remnant TV, LifeSite News and Gloria TV interpreted Vatican Council II without irrational Cushingism which creates a rupture with Tradition.If they avoided irrational Cushingism, the Council would be in harmony with Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) and there would be protests and threats from the ADL and ecclesiastical Masonry.
The Cushingite interpretation of Vatican Council II is heretical and condoned by the Left and Satan.
Image result for true and false pope salzaImage result for Photo Bishop Bernard Fellay
John Salza and Robert Siscoe did not interpret Vatican Council II without Cushingism in their book, True or False Pope.The book is obsolete. It did not tell sedevacantists that they can affirm Vatican Council II (Feeneyite) and there would be no rupture with Tradition.There was a foreword for the book by Cushingite Bishop Bernard Fellay.
Even Peter and Michael Dimond are not aware that the popes from Paul VI interpreted Vatican Council II with Cushingism just like the Most Holy Family Monastery(MHFM).
Those who accept the popes from Paul VI, for the MHFM are heretics and are part of the 'Vatican Council II sect'.The Dinmonds do not realize that they themselves interpret Vatican Council II with irrational Cushingism and they avoid the rational choice.
If those who belonged to the 'Vatican Council II sect' interpreted the Council with Feeneyism there would be no rupture with Feeneyite EENS.
For the MHFM Vatican Council II is a rupture with EENS since they can only interpret the Council with Cushingism.Then like the SSPX they reject the Council .
Church Militant TV and others are vague on Vatican Council II. They criticize the SSPX for not affirming Vatican Council II(Cushingite) and call the SSPX schismatic while the CMTV affirm heretical Vatican Council II ( Cushingite). They will not affirm Vatican Council II (Feeneyite) since they are afraid of the ADL and the Archdiocese of Detroit, declaring them legally not Catholic.
Image result for Photo Gloria TV logoImage result for Lifesites news logo
Similarly Remnant TV, LifeSite News and Gloria TV do not want to considered Anti Semitic etc and so they do not interpret Vatican Council II and EENS without the false premise. They interpret the Council with the false premise since this is expected of them by the political Left.
Image result for Photo David DometImage result for Photo Louie Verrecchio
Trad-blogger David Domet too has jumped ship.Even Louie Verrecchio will not make the distinction between EENS(Feeneyite) and EENS ( Cushingite), Vatican Council II, Feeneyite and Vatican Council II, Cushingite. He knows what the implications are and he 'has a family to support'.
David Domet,like Rorate Caeili, removed comments supporting Vatican Council II( Feeneyite) and EENS (Feeneyite)on his blog Vox Cantoris. He abruptly ended a discussion on EENS.Domet believes most Muslims can be saved with a last minute repentance and he has a Muslim colleague whom he is sure will go to Heaven.So he did not know about the fate of those who died in the New Zealand massacre. This is familiar Cushingite reasoning.
So the Latin Mass (not TLM) in Toronto, Canada is offered with the new ecclesiology,like that of Mass in the vernacular.It is different from the Feeneyite theology of the Traditional Latin Mass in the 16th century.
So these traditionalists for personal reasons, out of worldy prudence are denying traditional Catholic doctrine and theology and still call themselves traditionalists.
-Lionel Andrades

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