Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Repost : Why cannot a priest affirm the teachings of the Catholic Church even if it means not being incardinated or receiving the mandatum to teach fake theology ? Since even if the Mass is illicit it would not be heretical and sacrilegious

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DECEMBER 29, 2018

Why cannot a priest affirm the teachings of the Catholic Church even if it means not being incardinated or receiving the mandatum to teach fake theology ? Since even if the Mass is illicit it would not be heretical and sacrilegious.

The director of the Human Life International, Rome, interprets extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) and Vatican Council II with a false premise and inference and then teaches this irrationality and heresy at the University of St.Thoma Aquinas(Angelicum), Rome.This is unethical and deceptive for him and the HLI but he is politically correct with the leftists and so keeps his teaching job.
He teaches theology and is accredited by the Vicariate, overseen by the leftist rabbis and is granted permission to offer Holy Mass in Rome.
Formerly a religious formater with the Franciscans of the Immaculate,under Fr. Stefano Manelli, he  wrote his thesis on outside the Church there is no salvation  with reference to St. Robert Bellarmine at the Angelicum. He always assuming invisible cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) were visible exceptions to Feeneyite EENS.Fr. Charles Morerod o.p, former Rector at the Angelicum was the moderator and he approved the thesis with the irrational premise and inference.It was Morerod who wanted the Society of St.Pius X(SSPX) to interpret EENS and Vatican Council II with the same irrationality and accept the non traditional conclusion.Only then he would allow them to use the churches in Switzerland for Holy Mass.
Morerod worked with the present Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on two papers of the International Theological Commission which used the same irrational premise and inference to create a rupture with EENS, the past ecclesiology, an ecumenism of return, the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX.
Fr. Francesco Giordano then did his doctorate at the Opus Dei University in Rome where he interpreted St. Robert Bellarmine,  St.Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine, with the same irrationality since it was politically correct even though it was false, for his the Opus Dei priests there.
These saints affirmed the strict interpretation of EENS but when they mentioned BOD, BOB and I.I , Fr. Giordano would interpret it as referring to visible, non Catholics saved outside the Church. Only in this way they could be exceptions to Feeneyite EENS.
Ladaria and Morerod used the same ploy at the ITC and Ladaria repeated at the Placuet Deo Press Conference last March and no one noticed.
At the Angelicum Fr.Giordano he is not allowed to teach the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS or the leftists will claim he is Anti Semitic etc and file criminal charges.So he re-interprets BOD, BOB and I.I irrationally and so changes the interpretation of EENS, the Nicene Creed, Vatican Council II and the Catechisms.Then he sacrilegiously offers Mass in Latin.
It is not a sacrilege for him perhaps because he has the approval of the leftist Vicariate and so has his incardination as a priest and mandatum to teach theology, approved.
Fr. Giordano is an example of the limitations of the Latin Mass , for those who claim it is the solution for all the problems in the Church.
He offers the Latin Mass with the new ecclesiology and the new theology, which in itself leads to heresy and a rupture with Tradition. So the problem is not with the liturgy but his ecclesiology.
Why does the HLI not approve a lay man for this job in Rome,someone like Brian Cloves or Raymond D'Souza  who is ethical and not deceptive ? They will not be obliged to say invisible cases of BOD, BOB and I.I are visible exceptions to EENS and then have to offer Mass and the Sacraments, like a priest.
Similarly in Rome there was Fr. Joseph Kramer FSSP who would not affirm the teachings of the Church only so that he could keep his post as Pastor/Parish Priest at the church Santissima dei Pellegrini,where the FSSP priests offer the Latin Mass with the New Theology.
Image result for Fr.Francesco Giordano offering Holy Mass
Why cannot a priest affirm the teachings of the Catholic Church even if it means not being incardinated or receiving the mandatum from the bishop to teach fake theology.Even if their Mass would not be licit it would not be heretical and sacrilegious.
Both Kramer and Giordano consider it a virtue to reject de fide teachings of the Church only to preserve their career- priorities
-Lionel Andrades

Father Francesco Giordano

Father Francesco Giordano
Father Francesco Giordano is Director of Human Life International’s Rome office since July, 2015, following in the footsteps of HLI’s former director, Monsignor Barreiro. A diocesan priest and professor in Rome, Italy, he was ordained a priest January 10, 2009. He also teaches at both the Angelicum and the Rome program of Christendom College. “Being a priest, a spiritual father, is tied to pro-life,” he says. “How? The root of fatherhood is the desire to transmit what’s been given to you. That’s why I like tradition, the old mass. That’s why I like the Faith, it’s salutary! This is it, the perennial Truth, and it will be the same Truth yesterday, today and tomorrow. That’s life. And if you don’t want to transmit that Life, obviously you will have a contraceptive mentality.”

Born in France, Father Francesco Giordano’s mother was French, his father Italian and American. He lived in South Africa next, where he first learned English, then grew up largely in the United States, spending eighteen years there before moving back to Rome in September, 2005.
Father Francesco Giordano: “I’ve always been involved in pro-life, it’s been a concern of mine. It’s just been part of my formation since I was in high school. It was Catholic teaching, the catechesis we had. I was raised with the old mass and that was my formation. It was normal, we had big families! Seven-twelve kids! My Father used to say, ‘Pretty soon we’ll be back in catacombs. Sooner than later,’ he said. And my Father’s not that far off, you know? There’s different types of catacombs that we’re living in today. I’ve always seen a contrast between the Catholic culture my parents gave to me and the culture around us.”
He said going on to college at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, where he would receive his BA, “It was always very much about apologetics. It was always about defending the Faith. That was a big thing for me. I would always read ‘Catholic Answers’, watched EWTN and was defending the Faith and being counter-cultural.”
After receiving an MA from the University in Chicago, Father Giordano went to Rome and met Msgr. Barreiro, went to his masses, liked his homilies. “Many times, I had dinner with him Sunday evenings. That’s how I learned about Human Life International. Used HLI’s bioethics library. Back in 2006. I was later offered the HLI position at Rome’s pro-life march in 2015.” He had just completed his doctorate in systematic theology from Santa Croce University in Rome.
“I like to have things substantiated. That’s why there’s got to be apologetics for Life, for the Gospel. My pride and joy are these pro-life students from the apologetics course. It’s in my heart to be an apologist for the Faith, an apostle of the Faith. Christ is the ApostleYou can be bold about it because it’s the Truth and you know you have your shoulders covered by God the Father.

Tridentine Rite Mass in Rome is a sacrilege : needs to be challenged canonically

AUGUST 29, 2012

DECEMBER 9, 2015

The present traditional Latin Mass is modernist…/the-present-tra…

DECEMBER 19, 2018

Repost : Traditional Latin Mass is valid even when the priest offering it is in manifest mortal sin : Guido Pozzo in scandal
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 DECEMBER 2, 2018


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