Friday, January 11, 2019

New CDF Sec.wants to create schism : supports heresy and sacrilege

Image result for archbishop Giacomo Morandi 

The Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF), Archbishop Giacomo Morandi wants all bishops to say that LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II contradict extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) as it was known to the Magisterium in the 16th century.The Diocese of Manchester, USA and the CDF  call it a 'nuanced' interpretation of EENS.
Pope Benedict calls it ' a development'(Avvenire, March 2016).
This new understanding of EENS was confirmed at the Placquet Deo Press Conference on March 1,2018.
Now the CDF is telling the St. Benedict Center in the Diocese of Manchester, that it is not enough to cite Vatican Council II, Ad Gentes 7 which says all need faith and baptism for salvation.They have to interpret LG 8 etc as referring to known non Catholics saved outside the Church. So then  these personally known and physically visible non Catholics, become practical and objective exceptions to the dogma EENS.
This is irrational. 
There are no known practical exceptions to EENS .
Since LG 8 etc always refer to hypothetical possibilities only for us human beings.
If they existed they would be known only to God.
We cannot meet or see someone saved with 'elements of sanctification and truth'(LG 8) outside the Church in other religions.
Neither can we meet or see someone on earth saved in invincible ignorance (LG 16).
So LG 8, LG 16, GS 22 etc never ever were exceptions to Ad Gentes 7 or the centuries old interpretation of the dogma EENS.
The irrational CDF now wants Bishop Peter Libasci, the bishop of Manchester to also make this irrational claim.So Bishop Libasci is asking the St. Benedict Center(SBC), in New Hampshire to affirm this 'nuanced' version of Vatican Council II and EENS even though it is irrational and heretical.
If the SBC agrees then it means for them  hypothetical cases referenced in LG 8 etc, would refer to personally known and physically visible non Catholics saved without 'faith and baptism' in 2019.Since only in this way can LG 8, LG 16,UR 3, GS 22 etc be exceptions to EENS.
This would mean invincible ignorance(LG 16), the baptism of desire(LG 14)  etc are objective exceptions to EENS, as it was known to Fr. Leonard Feeney and the founders of the St. Benedict Center in Manchester and also in Worcester, where the SBC have full canonical status.
Since BOD, BOB and I.I and LG 8 etc refer to exceptions to EENS for the CDF and Bishop Libasci, magisterial documents are re-interpreted. irrationally.
The Nicene Creed now says, ' I believe in three or more known baptisms for the forgiveness of sins. They are desire, blood and invincible ignorance and they exclude the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.'This 2019 version is different from that of the interpretation of the Nicene Creed in the 16th century.
The Apostles Creed says 'I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church' which teaches that there is known salvation outside the Church and contradicts the teaching of the Holy Spirit over the centuries on outside the Church there is no salvation.So there is  also a new understanding of the Apostles Creed.
The Athanasius Creed is rejected. It says outside the Church there is no salvation.The Diocese of Manchester according to their website is not allowing the Catholics at the SBC to use the Athanasius Creed as a Profession of Faith.
The old catechisms would contradict each other.The Catechism of Pope Pius X says all need to be members of the Church for salvation and it also mentions invincible ignorance which would refer to physically visible cases for the CDF.
St.Thomas Aquinas affirmed the strict interpretation of EENS but also mentioned I.I and BOD and so he too would contradict himself for Archbishop Giacomo Morandi and Cardinal Luiz Ladaria.
The Catechism of Pope Pius X (invincible ignorance) would also contradict the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius X ( EENS, ecumenism of return) for the CDF and the present two popes.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church(1994)  would make no sense at CCC 1257( The Necessity of Baptism).Since it states that the Church knows of no means to eternal salvation other than the baptism of water and also says 'God is not limited to the Sacraments.'
'God is not limited to the Sacraments' is a hypothetical possibility only and is not a real person saved outside the Church. It should not have been mentioned in the Catechism(1257).
For me Vatican Council II(LG 8,LG 16 etc ) does not contradict EENS but for Cardinal Ladaria, Vatican Council II contradicts EENS, the Syllabus of Errors and the past ecclesiology.So the CDF has intentionally chosen a rupture with Tradition when a rational and traditional choice is available.
This is all heresy.
It is first class heresy in the hierarchy of truth of Pope John Paul II.
It is heresy for the CDF to change the meaning of the Creeds.
It is heresy for the CDF not to accept Vatican Council II in harmony with traditional EENS.
It is heresy for the CDF to assume UR 3( imperfect communion with the Church) is a rupture with an ecumenism of return or GS 22( people of good will) is a rupture with EENS.
With all this heresy the Holy Mass which is offered becomes a sacrilege for the priest.
It is with this heresy and sacrilege that Bishop Peter Libasci and his Curia offer Holy Mass. Now he is enforcing the same heresy on the community  of religious and lay people at the St. Benedict Center.-Lionel Andrades

Athanasius Creed not accepted for a Profession of Faith in the Diocese of Manchester

The Diocesce of Manchester considers a Profession of Faith made with the Athansius Creed invalid.They also refer to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, defined by three Church Councils as ' a principle'.
This is a scandal.
The Athanasius Creed is not accepted for a Profession of Faith by a diocese and they admit it in public.
Also a Profession of Faith with the Nicene Creed must be different from the Nicene Creed as it was interpreted in the 16th century.
In the 16th century the Nicene Creed meant ' I believe in one baptism for the forgivenss of sins' It was one known baptism, the baptism of water.
Today the Nicene Creed means, 'I beleive in three known baptisms, they are desire, blood and invincible ignorance and they exclude the baptism of water in the Catholic Church'.
Similarly a Profession of Faith with the Apostles Creed would be different from that of the 16th century.
In the 16th century it meant  ' I believe in the Holy Spirit , the Holy Catholic Church' which teaches outside the Church there is no salvation and all people need to be members of the Catholic Church to avoid Hell.
Today it means, 'I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church' which teaches that outside the Church there is known salvation and so all people do not need to be members of the Church for salvation.
-Lionel Andrades

JANUARY 11, 2019

CDF, Diocese of Manchester deception is not Catholic : nor ethical or honest even by secular standards

CDF, Diocese of Manchester deception is not Catholic : nor ethical or honest even by secular standards

From the website of the Diocese of Manchester.
Frequently Asked Questions

What is the status of the Saint Benedict Center and the “Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary”?
The individuals who work and reside at Saint Benedict Center in Richmond, NH, are men and women who have chosen to live in community having adopted and following their own set of rules.
Lionel: These rules were recognized by the Diocese of Manchester over the last few years.
 Neither Saint Benedict Center, the Immaculate Heart of Mary School, nor the self-referenced “Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,” enjoy any recognition, canonical or otherwise, in the Universal Roman Catholic Church or in the Diocese of Manchester.
Lionel: They do not have any recognition since they they follow Fr. Leonard Feeney who said that literally there are no cases of the baptism of desire etc in the present times for them to be exceptions to the traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.For the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith and Bishop Peter Libasci and his Curia, the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) are exceptions to EENS. So in other words they refer to known cases of the BOD, BOB and I.I. There are literal cases of BOD,BOB and I.I for the CDF.
This is irrational and dishonest even by secular standards.
Secondly for the CDF and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) hypothetical cases mentioned in Vatican Council II (LG 8, LG 16 ,GS 22 etc) are objective exceptions to Feeneyite EENS. This irrational reasoning is correctly  rejected by Brother Andre Marie MICM.
Since the St. Benedict Center, like Fr. Leonard Feeney would not accept all this irrationality and heresy, the Left have placed  restrictions and prohibitions, with no theological or doctrinal basis.
 They are not a Catholic organization (de facto or otherwise,) nor can they, or should they, present themselves in such a way.
Lionel: They are a Catholic organization since they affirm EENS, Vatican Council II, all the Catechisms and Creeds and interpret them rationally.
The CDF, like the two popes are not Catholic since they interpret all magisterial documents with a false premise and inference to create a rupture with Tradition (EENS, Syllabus of Errors etc).This is politically correct with the Left but the philosophy and theology are not Catholic nor rational or traditional.
 The Immaculate Heart of Mary School is not a Catholic School, nor can it, or should it, present itself as such, or imply that it offers an education rooted in Catholic Tradition.
Lionel: The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary affirm Tradition and also the dogma EENS.
The Diocese of Manchester rejects Tradition (EENS,Syllabus of Errors, past ecclesiology, ecumenism of return) and interprets Vatican Council II with a false premise (invisible non Catholics are physically visible)  and inference ( they are visile examples of salvation outside the Church in 2019), to elicit a non traditional conclusion ( outside the Church there is known salvation and so EENS, the past exclusivist ecclesiolgy and an ecumenism or return are now obsolete).This is not Catholic.
They have the support of the political Left whose values generally are those of Satan.The CDF could be under pressure from the Left.
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome, in April 2016 and again in October 2016, declared “unacceptable,” therefore erroneous and contrary to Church teachings, the manner with which the Saint Benedict Center and the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary interpret the principle “extra ecclesiam nulla salus,” (outside the Church there is no salvation.) Rome pronounced the matter closed, thus no longer open to dialogue or debate.
Lionel: The CDF is in a rupture with the Magisterium of the 16th century on EENS. They are in a rupture with the past popes and this is schism.
They also interpret the Creeds, Catechisms and Vatican Council II with a false premise and the conclusion is heresy.
The ecclesiastics do not end the scandal and in this state of heresy, a mortal sin,since it involves the Creeds, they  sacrilegiously offer Mass. Their mortal sins of faith are now public.They do not deny it since then they will be forced to accept the same interpretation of EENS as the St. Benedict Center.
In the past, the Bishop of Manchester has granted permission for a priest in good standing to offer ministry at the Saint Benedict Center. This fact was manipulated by the Slaves and the Center to imply support or recognition by the Church. To avoid any further misrepresentation of the status of the Saint Benedict Center and the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, beginning 7 January 2019, Catholic priests are now forbidden to celebrate the Sacraments of the Church at the Center.
Lionel: However the priests are permitted to offer Holy Mass elsewhere in the diocese where they and the faithful, interpret the Apostles and Nicene Creed with a false premise and do not deny it. If they denied or discussed it, they know they would have to affirm the strict interpretation of EENS(This is why the present CDF-SSPX doctrinal talks are kept secret).
The priests in the diocese  also reject the Athanasius Creed which says outside the Church there is no salvation.So a Profession of Faith cannot be made with the Athanasius  Creed.
They interpret Vatican Council II with a false premise even though a rational and traditional option exists. They do not deny this. Since if they discussed this issue they would be forced to admit that Vatican Council II does not contradict the strict interpretation of EENS.
With all these doctrinal and theological aberrations is it advisable to attend Holy Mass in the Diocese of Manchester? Is not a correction from  the CDF and Bishop Peter Libasci on the general heresy and scandal in the diocese, over due ?
Consequently, the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, The Saint Benedict Center, The Saint Benedict Center, Inc., and the Immaculate Heart of Mary School, are placed under strict canonical prohibitions and obligations.
Lionel: If they compromise and say that invisible cases of BOD, BOB and I.I are visible exceptions to EENS then the canonical restrictions will be lifted.Presently all candidates with a vocation to the religious life in the diocese have to mouth this false mantra to be accepted.
Also if they say that unknown cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc are known and visible exceptions to EENS, the past ecclesiology and an ecumenism of return, then the sanctions will be lifted of course.

 It is the most sincere hope of the Bishop of Manchester that all those associated with the Saint Benedict Center and its various entities will rediscover full communion with the See of Peter.
Lionel:The See of Peter is not in full communion with the St. Peter on EENS as it was interpreted in the 16th century. This was confirmed by Pope Benedict on March 2016(Avvenire). It was re-confirmed by Cardinal Luiz Ladaria at the Placuet Deo Press Conference (March 1, 2018).
Catholics are not permitted, under any circumstances, to receive the sacraments of the Church at the Saint Benedict Center, Richmond, New Hampshire, and its associated locations, nor should they participate in any activity provided by this group, their school and summer camp.
Lionel : They will be receiving the Sacraments throughout the diocese from priests who interpret Magisterial documents with a false premise and inference to create heresy. This results in schism with the past popes on EENS .This is a scandal.
The scandal needs to end.
In his pastoral care for the souls of those who work, live at, or reside near the Saint Benedict Center, the Bishop of Manchester has arranged for the celebration of the Extraordinary Form of the Mass (Latin Mass) at Saint Stanislaus, 80 Richmond St., Winchester, NH 03470, on Sundays at 7:45am.
Lionel: The faithful are informed that there is no denial from the Diocese of Manchester when it is said that the priests at Saint Stanislaus will interpret the Creeds, the Catechisms and Vatican Council II with an irrational reasoning and so in this way theologically reject the dogma EENS as it was interpreted correctly by the St. Benedict Center.The priests of the diocese,   will use the  same false reasoning as the CDF and Bishop Peter Libasci.There is no denial from them.
There cannot be a denial. Since if they do deny that they are in heresy and sacrilege they would in honesty have to affirm the strict interpretation of EENS.This they cannot do for political reasons.
Only wiith a lie, with deception can they create their New Theology which suggests that there is known salvation outside the Church and so there are objective exceptions to Feeneyite EENS.
This is not Catholic. It is also not ethical or honest by secular standards.
A judge in a secular court of law would admit that there are no known cases of salvation outside the Church for us human beings. He would state that  BOD, BOB and I.I do not refer to visible and known people in the present times. So the diocese cannot postulate these cases as being objective exceptions to EENS and then penalise the St. Benedict Center for not supporting this deception.
-Lionel Andrades

JANUARY 11, 2019

The CDF wants Catholic religious communities and lay movements to accept heresy and sacrilege otherwise canonical probibitions will be placed upon them

 JANUARY 11, 2019

Theological Teaching of the St.Benedict Center unacceptable to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

JANUARY 11, 2019

Traditionalist cites Vatican Council II in support of Tradition - the Restoration has begun

 JANUARY 10, 2019

Bro.Andre Marie affirms extra ecclesiam nulla salus based on Vatican Council II : query from the CDF

The CDF wants Catholic religious communities and lay movements to accept heresy and sacrilege otherwise canonical prohibitions will be placed upon them.

Letter of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to Brother Andre Marie,

 October 20,2016

Dear Brother Andre Marie

 Thank you for your letter of May 26, 2016, with which you  respond to the April 15, 2016 letter of this Congregation. With the letter, you submit for the review of this Dicastery a series of observations regarding the principle "Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus." Furthermore, you request to meet in person with officials from this Dicastery in order to explain your position more clearly. In point eight of your observations you state that the articles from the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Dominus Jesus, which are constitutive of Catholic teaching on this subject, "have been given different readings that are contrary to one another." You also indicate that it is permissible to hold the position that these articles "contradict what was previously taught."
Lionel : Yes. If hypothetical cases in the Catechism of the Catholic Church refer to objective people in the present times then there would be a contradiction. This is how the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF) interprets Magisterial documents to create a rupture with the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus as it was known to the Magisterium in the 16th century.
If hypothetical cases are interpreted as just being hypothetical and so not objective exceptions to the teaching on all needing to be members of the Catholic Church for salvation, then the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Dominus Iesus do not contradict the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS.

 In conclusion, you suggest that these articles do not need to be accepted, under the principle "Obsucura Per Clara Interpr§tandq Sunt" and the h_erm__eneutic ,-~ continuity. This position that you retain, even after the reception of our April 15 letter, is unacceptable and your request to meet with the officials of this Congregation cannot be granted. As the Congregation stated in our April 15 letter to you, which the Congregation also shared with Bishop Libasci, the principle "Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus" must be interpreted according to the official doctrine of the Church, as it is summarized with clarity in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (#846-#848)
Lionel: The Catechism of the Catholic Church (846-848) refer to hypothetical cases and so do not contradict the strict and traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.For there to be an exception to the dogma EENS there must be an objective person in the present times.Someone who does not exist in 2019 for example, cannot be an exception to EENS.

 and, more in detail, in the Declaration Dominus Jesus (#20-#22). 
Lionel: Dominus Iesus says that the Church is needed for salvation, membership in the Church is necessary. This is also stated in Vatican Council II (Ad Gentes 7) which is cited in the Catechism of the Catholic Church(846). So the Catechism affirms the strict interpetation of EENS in CCC 846 and there are no objective exceptions to EENS mentioned in CCC 846-848.
So the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Dominus Iesus support the St. Benedict Center's traditional interpretation of the dogma EENS.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church emphasizes that all salvation comes from Christ through the Church, which is the Body of Christ, the Sacrament of Salvation (cf. CCC #846).
Lionel: Yes all salvation comes from Christ through the Church which is the Body of Christ and the Sacrament of Salvation and this is not an objective exception to the dogma EENS as it was interpreted for example by the Magisterium and missionaries in the 16th century.
Since if all salvation comes from the Church even through the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and invincible ignorance, these being hypothetical and invisible cases for us, would not contradict the strict interpretation of EENS.
CCC 846 cannot be posited against CCC 1257 which says the Church knows of no means to eternal beatitude other than the baptism of water. Neither can it be placed as a practical exception to the teaching in Vatican Council II (AG 7) which says all need faith and baptism for salvation.
So there are no objective exceptions mentioned in CCC 846 to the St. Benedict Center's teaching on  there being exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.Defacto all need to be members of the Church to avoid Hell is the teaching of Magisterial documents (Vatican Council II, Catechism of the Catholic Church) interpreted rationally.

 The paragraph that follows, however, is equally binding, as it considers those who, through no fault of their own, do not know Christ and his Church and states that those too have the possibility of obtaining eternal salvation (cf. CCC #847).
Lionel: Once again, CCC 847 refers to a hypothetical case. Those saved in invincible ignorance are known only to God and unknown to us in personal cases. This is explained by Brother Andre Marie MIICM,on the Doctrinal Position of the St. Benedict Center.It can be read on their website.
 So they are not negating CCC 847 or LG 16 since invincible ignorance cannot be an objective exception to EENS. Literally there are no known cases saved in invincible ignorance. We personally cannot meet any one saved in invincible ignorance outside the Church. 
So why has the CDF mentioned  CCC 847 with reference to EENS ? It is because the CDF wrongly assumes hypothetical cases are objective exceptions to the traditional interpretaion of EENS.This is irrational. For someone to be an exception to EENS he exist. We must known his name. He must be physically visible. There are no known cases of non Catholics saved in invincible ignorance.

 This being stated, the Church certainly has a perennial obligation and sacred right to evangelize all men (cf. CCC #848). 
Lionel: With this false reasoning which is not Catholic philosophy, how can it be said that the Church has a right to evangelize? Pope Benedict XVI questioned the need for mission(Avvenire,March 2016) since he too interpreted Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church as saying there is known salvation outside the Church. So if there is salvation outside the Church then why evangelize ?
For the CDF to imply that CCC 847 and LG 16(invincible ignorance) are exceptions to Feeneyite EENS means the Catechisms contradict themselves and so do the Creeds.This is first class heresy in the hierarchy of truths of Pope John Paul II.
The Catechism of Pope Pius X mentions invincible ignorance and it also says that all need to be members of the Church for salvation . So this Catechism would contradict itself for the CDF.
The Nicene Creed would mean, "I believe in three or more known baptisms and not one. They are desire, blood and invincible ignorance. They exclude faith and the baptism of water in the Catholic Church"
The Apostles Creed would mean, "I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church which teaches the Church today that there is known salvation outside the Church thus contradicting the past teaching of the Holy Spirit over the centuries. 
It teaches the Church today that invisible cases of the baptism of desire are visible exceptions to EENS as it is mentioned in the past Catechisms.
It teaches unknown cases of the baptism of desire are known exceptions to EENS as it was known to the Magisterium in the 16th century.
It teaches...

To attend/offer Holy Mass with this heresy is a sacrilege.
The CDF wants Catholic religious communities and lay movements to accept heresy and sacrilege otherwise canonical probibitions will be placed upon them.
-Lionel Andrades

 JANUARY 11, 2019

Theological Teaching of the St.Benedict Center unacceptable to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

Theological Teaching of the St.Benedict Center unacceptable to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

JANUARY 8, 2019

Change in status of the Saint Benedict Center

and the “Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary”

and the Immaculate Heart of Mary School

(MANCHESTER) – The theological teachings of the Saint Benedict Center, and the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Richmond, NH, have been declared “unacceptable” by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Lionel: What is the theological teaching which is unacceptable ?
1.It is that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF)interprets invisible cases of the baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance as known exceptions to the traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).The  St. Benedict Center does not use this irrational interpretation.
2.The CDF interprets hypothetical cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II as being objective exceptions to the dogma EENS in the present times(2019). The St.Benedict Center website indicates that they are only hypothetical possibilities and so cannot be objective exceptions to the teaching on all needing faith and baptism for salvation(Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II). So there are no exceptions in Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church to Feeneyite EENS.
So this is the theological teaching which is not acceptable to the CDF.
At the Placuet Deo Conference (March 1,2018) Cardinal Luiz Ladaria sj, Prefect of the CDF interpreted hypothetical and personally unknown cases referenced in Lumen Gentium 8 as being objective exceptions to the Catholic Church's traditional teaching on it having an exclusiveness in salvation.-Lionel Andrades

Repost : Happy and Holy New Year - proclaiming the Faith ! ( Graphics )

 JANUARY 1, 2019

Happy and Holy New Year - proclaiming the Faith ! ( Graphics )

-Lionel Andrades

DECEMBER 31, 2018

Repost : The Council Fathers at Vatican Council II, according to the text of the Council, wrongly assumed hypothetical cases were not hypothetical

 DECEMBER 31, 2018

Cushingite passages do not contradict Feeneyite passages. The liberals did not know ( Graphics)

 DECEMBER 17, 2018

The Church is Necessary

DECEMBER 20, 2018

Image result for Photo Sant'andrea della Fratte

La Chiesa รจ Necessaria


Repost : The Badge

NOVEMBER 6, 2018

The Badge

Image result for photo extra ecclesiam nulla salus badge

The badge. What does it say ?
It says Jesus and the Church are needed for salvation.

14. This Sacred Council wishes to turn its attention firstly to the Catholic faithful. Basing itself upon Sacred Scripture and Tradition, it teaches that the Church, now sojourning on earth as an exile, is necessary for salvation. Christ, present to us in His Body, which is the Church, is the one Mediator and the unique way of salvation. In explicit terms He Himself affirmed the necessity of faith and baptism and thereby affirmed also the necessity of the Church, for through baptism as through a door men enter the Church. -Lumen Gentium 14, Vatican Council II.

It says all need to believe in Jesus and enter the Catholic Church for salvation.
 Therefore, all must be converted to Him, made known by the Church's preaching, and all must be incorporated into Him by baptism and into the Church which is His body. For Christ Himself "by stressing in express language the necessity of faith and baptism (cf. Mark 16:16; John 3:5), at the same time confirmed the necessity of the Church, into which men enter by baptism, as by a door.-Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II.
-Lionel Andrades