Tuesday, January 15, 2019

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) and the Left are enforcing ' a new Church' in which reciting the Athanasius Creed is 'invalid'

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) and the Left are enforcing ' a new Church' in which reciting the Athanasius Creed is 'invalid'.1

Also it is enough to recite the Nicene or Apostles Creed as a Profession of Faith as in the case of the community Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, who are not sedevacantists.Neither do they  reject the Novus Ordo Mass or Vatican Council II.
However to be Catholic, for  the leftist CDF, it is necessary to re-interpret the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Vatican Council II with hypothetical cases being non hypothetical.So them a rupture is created with extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), the past exclusivist ecclesiology and an ecumenism of return(invisible cases of the baptism of desire must be considered visible).It is only then that a Catholic as in the case of the communtiy at the St. Benedict Center, New Hampshire,will be legally recognised as being Catholic, by the diocese , the CDF and the Left.
So important is the dogma EENS for the Left that it is not enough to recite the Nicene and Apostles Creed as a Profession of Faith.
It is also of no value to quote Vatican Council II, when the reference is to Ad Gentes 7.Since it says all need faith and baptism for salvation.Vatican Council II (AG 7) supports the old ecclesiology, an ecumenism of return and the traditional interpretation of EENS, as it was known to the popes and saints.The past popes and saints who affirmed exclusive salvation in the Church and so said that there are only Catholics in Heaven are now non-Catholic, for the CDF.This includes St. Thomas Aquinas.
To be considered a Catholic in good standing with the present Church, it is also necessary to say that unknown cases of non Catholics saved  with 'elements of sanctification and truth'(LG 8) in other religions are known examples of salvation outside the Church.So LG 8 would contradict the dogma EENS and Ad Gentes 7, Vatican Council II.This error was repeated by Cardinal Luiz Ladaria sj, the Prefect of the CDF at the Placquet Deo Press Conference. He was asked by a reporter, if the Church still affirmed that it had an exclusiveness and supereriority in salvation.He denied it and cited LG 8.
-Lionel Andrades

Given the official written statement of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith dated April 15,2016,October 20,2016 and October 21,2016, the documents signed by the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary on April 15,2009 and on July 20,2009,are null and void.The Athanasian Creed was never approved by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for one making a formal Profession of Faith according to CIC 1983 canon 833.Therefore,the affirmations of faith using the Athanasius Creed signed by the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary are invalid.-Decree-Precepts-St.Benedict Center, issued by Episcopal Vicar of Canonical Affairs, Diocese of Manchester, USA.

CDF, Diocesan of Manchester decree on the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is full of deception

Given the official written statement of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith dated April 15,2016,October 20,2016 and October 21,2016, the documents signed by the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary on April 15,2009 and on July 20,2009,are null and void.The Athanasian Creed was never approved by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for one making a formal Profession of Faith according to CIC 1983 canon 833.Therefore,the affirmations of faith using the Athanasius Creed signed by the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary are invalid.-Decree-Precepts-St.Benedict Center, issued by Episcopal Vicar of Canonical Affairs, Diocese of Manchester, USA.

The official written statement of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith mentioned above takes it for granted that unknown cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and invincible ignorance(I.I) are known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus as held by the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
The written statement also assumes that physically invisible and personally unknown cases of LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc in Vatican Council II are physically visible and personally known non Catholics saved outside the Church and so are exceptions to the dogma EENS as it is interpreted by the St. Benedict Center.
The written statements also assume that hypothetical and theoretical cases, which can only be known to God in personal cases, are objective and personally known exceptions to EENS as it is interpreted by the St. Benedict Center.
So  with all this official irrationality, the CDF interprets Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church as a rupture with traditional EENS and call it 'a development' or 'a nuanced version' of EENS.
So the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary have to interpret Vatican Council II, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and other Magisterial documents with this irrationality otherwise they cannot be called Catholic according to the CDF and the Curia in the Diocese of Manchester.
So affirming the Athanasius Creed which says outside the Church there is no salvation is not enough to be considered a Catholic,for the Left.A Catholic also has to interpret Magisterial documents by mixing up what is  invisible as being visible.
Also the Athanasius Creed is made obsolete with personally known exceptions to EENS allegedly mentioned in Vatican Council II and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
So now there is a Decree issued which says that there is an :
Obligation to submit to the teachings of the authentic Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church as interpreted by the Roman Catholic Church,especially as regards to the principle "Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus"(CIC 1983,canon 209)
It may be mentioned that the 1983 Code of Canon Law also assumes unknown cases of the BOD, BOB and I.I are known exceptions to EENS as it was interpreted over the centuries.
So since for the SBC literally there are no known cases of the BOD, BOB and I.I in 2019 and they refuse to say that there are personally known cases for them in the present times, they legally cannot call themselves Catholic.
-Lionel Andrades

Decree-Precepts-St.Benedict Center issued by the Diocese of Manchester

 JANUARY 15, 2019

The Diocese of Manchester's Decree-Precepts-St.Benedict Center, issued by the Episcopal Vicar for Canonical Affairs is based on false reasoning

The Diocese of Manchester's Decree-Precepts-St.Benedict Center, issued by the Episcopal Vicar for Canonical Affairs is based on false reasoning

The Diocese of Manchester's Decree-Precepts-St.Benedict Center, issued by the Episcopal Vicar for Canonical Affairs says:

For the Following Reasons :

  • That for the decisions of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith of April 15,2016 (Prot.N.1732/66-55029,) and of October 20,2016 (Prot.N.1732/66-57466,) have not been observed.
  • That those so corrected by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Fait have been corrected by their obstinacy(Cf.CIC 1983 canons,750,751),
  • That scandal in the Church continues (CCC 1997,nos.2284-2287),...

The above reasons are based on the theological communication between the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and Brother Andre Marie MICM 1 .
The two secretaries of the CDF, Archbishop Giacomo Morandi and Joseph Augustine di Noia assumed there were practical and objective exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).
They also assumed that there were references in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Vatican Council II and Dominus Iesus, to these objective exceptions to EENS.
So they assumed hypothetical and theoretical cases in these Magisterial documents were objective examples of salvation outside the Church.
So for them the traditional teaching on there being only Catholics in Heaven expressed in Ad Gentes 7 and the dogma EENS, was contradicted by the Catechism(846.848) etc.
This is an objective mistake of the Secretaries of the CDF.
They mixed up what is implicit as being explicit, invisible as being invisible, hypothetical as being practical.
They violated the  Principle of Non Contradiction.Irrationality is at the basis of their new theology.
So they have used false reasoning upon which the Diocese of Manchester is enforcing prohibitions on the St. Benedict Center with legal consequences.
The  action of the CDF Secretaries is ultra vires .They do not have the authority to use false reasoning, which results in lies and deception and then upon this subterfuge claim  that the St. Benedict Center does not affirm the orthodox and traditional teaching of the Catholic Church on salvation. Since for them there is a developed understanding of the dogma EENS based on false reasoning and clear lies.
-Lionel Andrades


The man to ‘make the British establishment’s head blow off’

Tommy Robinson now commands an online prominence to rival Britain’s best-known politicians.


Italy: Archbishop breaks ranks, condemns fellow prelates who advocate breaking immigration laws

Italy: Archbishop breaks ranks, condemns fellow prelates who advocate breaking immigration laws

“An archbishop has broken ranks from fellow Italian prelates, saying that mayors have no right to appeal to conscientious objection to disobey the nation’s immigration laws.” Luigi Negri didn’t just oppose fellow Italian prelates with his comments. He also has indirectly opposed the Pope, who recently hijacked the religious feast day Epiphany, celebrated by millions of Christians around the world on January 6. Pope Francis gave a mass to around 60,000 people in St Peter’s Basilica, but he decided to deliver his shameless sales pitch to advance open-door immigration before the worshipers.
Negri further stated:
The right to object is to be defended when fundamental principles are undermined….Those mayors who use conscientious objection deliberately as a political tool against legitimate actions of superior or equal authorities, abuse the concept.
An abuse that the Pope has committed in his role repeatedly. Also important was Negri’s recognition of the importance of Judeo-Christian culture and the threats posed to its institutions:
The archbishop said moreover that not everyone is in a position to integrate into Italian society, which is based on a Judeo-Christian understanding of the person, family, and society
He was clearly referring to Islamic supremacists, who have wreaked havoc throughout Europe and elsewhere.
“Italian Archbishop Says No ‘Conscientious Objection’ on Immigration Law,” by Thomas D. Williams, Breitbart, January 8, 2019:
An archbishop has broken ranks from fellow Italian prelates, saying that mayors have no right to appeal to conscientious objection to disobey the nation’s immigration laws — an Italian parallel to American sanctuary cities.
Luigi Negri, the former archbishop of Ferrara, suggested Sunday that bishops who have supported or called for recourse to conscientious objection have overstepped their competence, failing to respect the legitimate autonomy of the political sphere in questions that require prudential judgment. Similarly, mayors who appeal to the principle to disobey immigration laws misuse it.
“The right to object is to be defended when fundamental principles are undermined,” Negri said. “Those mayors who use conscientious objection deliberately as a political tool against legitimate actions of superior or equal authorities, abuse the concept.”
According to Catholic theology, one must refrain from obeying laws that mandate immoral behavior, such as a law requiring people to participate in abortions.
The “security decree” of interior minister Matteo Salvini, which among other things facilitates the deportation of illegal immigrants, has raised the ire of certain members of the Italian Catholic hierarchy.
On the same day, the archbishop of Chieti, Bruno Forte, protested the Salvini decree in an interview with the press, claiming that rescuing migrants is not something optional but a “moral imperative.”
Ethically speaking, Forte said, “if something contrary to my conscience is imposed on me, such as refusing help to whole families at the mercy of the sea for days, conscientious objection is justified.”
“Alarmism and talk of an invasion are propagandistic lies that are harmful to everyone, except to those who use them for electoral advantages,” the archbishop said in reference to the interior minister’s allusions to Italy’s migrant crisis.
Archbishop Negri took issue with this line of reasoning, saying that prelates have no right to meddle in secular affairs where moral absolutes do not come into play.
“The issue of security is a matter for dialogue among the secular forces participating in social life,” he said.
“In general, those who exploit the gospel are mistaken,” Negri said, while also defending the Salvini decree, arguing that “a recovery of cultural, human and religious identity is absolutely positive: the famous Christian roots of Europe.”
The archbishop said moreover that not everyone is in a position to integrate into Italian society, which is based on a Judeo-Christian understanding of the person, family, and society…..

Italy declares support for Yellow Vests, sparking row between Salvini and Macron

Italy declares support for Yellow Vests, sparking row between Salvini and Macron

Some media coverage continues to underplay the Yellow Vest protests, which quickly evolved beyond economics.
The row over the yellow vests has exacerbated the bad blood between the French and Italian governments, with the coalition in Rome repeatedly accusing Mr Macron of failing to shoulder responsibility for the migrant crisis and of ordering asylum seekers to be rounded up in France and pushed back to Italy.
The controversy between Italy and France demonstrates that the Yellow Vest revolt is not limited to French protests over lower fuel taxes, higher tax on the wealthy, and demands for minimum wage hikes. The Yellow Vests are now being dubbed part of a “worldwide pattern of populist revolt.”
For some time, the so-called “populist” movement has been the voice of advocacy for the rule of law and the freedom of speech. It is opposed to open-door immigration and the welcome of economic migrants, to say nothing of jihadist migrants.
Along with the obvious upheavals, an inevitable result of the implementation of the globalist utopian vision is the ever-present threat of jihad terror. Following the Strasbourg Christmas market attack in Paris, Yellow Vests began planning protests in Paris and in other locations in France.
Matteo Salvini has now stoked the Yellow Vest movement in his declaration: “I support honest citizens who protest against a president who governs against his own people.” Salvini is describing not just Macron, but globalist leaders everywhere. The Yellow Vests are a movement of defense.
Macron’s rebuttal was to reference the “populist movement” as the rise of “leprosy.”
“Keep out of yellow vest revolt, France warns Italy, after populist ministers offer support to movement”, The Telegraph, January 8, 2019:
France has accused Italy of interfering in its affairs after the populist government in Rome, which rode to power last year on a wave of anti-establishment sentiment, offered to help the “yellow vest” movement.
Matteo Salvini and Luigi Di Maio, who are both deputy prime ministers, gave enthusiastic encouragement to the gilets jaunes, whose protests have turned increasingly violent in Paris and other cities.
While condemning violent acts, Mr Salvini, who is also interior minister, said he supported “honest citizens who protest against a president who governs against his people.”
Mr Di Maio, who is the head of the Five Star Movement, offered the protesters the use of his party’s Rousseau system, an internet platform that allows supporters to vote for candidates and propose legislation, eyeing the prospect of the gilets jaunes becoming a nascent political party.
That earned him a sharp rebuke from Nathalie Loiseau, France’s minister for European affairs, who tweeted: “France refrains from giving lessons to Italy. Monsieurs Salvini and Di Maio should first put their own house in order.”
Speaking in Brussels on Tuesday, she added: “The priority for the Italian government is to look after the well-being of the Italian people. I’m not sure what being interested in the yellow vests has to do with the well-being of the Italians.”
The row intensified when Mr Di Maio accused the French of hypocrisy by calling for Italy to butt out of their business.
“Maybe (Ms Loiseau) forgets that her president compared us to leprosy when talking about our government,” he said.
In June, Emmanuel Macron compared Eurosceptic, populist movements to a disease that needed to be resisted by moderates.
“You can see them rise a bit like leprosy all across Europe, in countries where we thought that it would be impossible to see them again,” he said….


CDF, Diocese of Manchester agree there are no personally known non Catholics saved outside the Church : in agreement with St.Benedict Center

Both the Secretaries of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF), Archbishop Giacomo Morandi and Joseph Augustine di Noia, agree that there are no personally known cases in 2019 of non Catholics saved in invincible ignorance, the baptism of desire or the baptism of blood.There were also none known over the last 100 years.
The bishop, chancellor and Episcopal Vicar in the Diocese of Manchester also agree that there are no personally known cases of non Catholics saved outside the Church.
None of them can meet or see someone saved as referenced in LG 8 (elements of sanctification and  truth), GS 22( with good will) or UR 3( imperfect communion with the Church).
So there are no people known who are exceptions to Vatican Council II saying all need faith and baptism for salvation.So all need to enter the Catholic Church for salvation. This would include those who have had the Gospel preached to them and those who have not.Ad Gentes 7 says all.
So there really are no exceptions to Vatican Council II(AG 7) indicating that in Heaven there are only Catholics.The Council is also saying that most people go to Hell since they die without faith and baptism in the Catholic Church.
Outside the Church there is no salvation.Practically we cannot know of any exception to Ad Gentes 7 and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).
So this is also the theological and doctrinal position of the St.Benedict Center.It can be read on their Letter on Doctrine posted on their website Catholicism.org.It was sent to the CDF.
They are affirming the orthodox and traditional teaching of the Catholic Church supported by Vatican Council II, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Dominus Iesus and other Magisterial documents.
-Lionel Andrades

Un bacio alla piccola Aurora, al piccolo Michele e a tutti i nuovi arrivati del 2019!- Lorenzo Fontana

Un bacio alla piccola Aurora, al piccolo Michele e a tutti i nuovi arrivati del 2019!
E' nata a Palermo e il referto segna le 00.00. Michele invece ha visto la…

La Regalità sociale di Cristo è giustizia sociale- Militia Christi

Martedì sera abbiamo portato alcuni beni di prima necessità, vestiario e bevande calde alle tante persone che abbiamo trovato a dormire per strada (persino in queste notti di basse temperature) nel Rione Esquilino a Roma.
Tutto ciò è inaccettabile e deve interrogarci sull’adeguatezza della strutture di assistenza per i più deboli nella Capitale.
Perché la Regalità sociale di Cristo è giustizia sociale.
