Friday, May 3, 2019

Fr.Leonard Feeney's interpretation of EENS is supported by Vatican Council II( Feeneyite), a frightful spectre for the liberals.This is something that has come from out of the blues. No one planned it or even conceived it.The Council is Feeneyite

Feeney, remember, clung to the proposition "Extra ecclesiam nulla salus" — there is no salvation outside the church. He admitted only his narrow interpretation of this claim. For this, he was excommunicated, that is, he found himself outside the church. Thanks be to God, he was reconciled to the church before he died. I hope that the signatories of this dreadful letter will also come to think better of their tactics and their assertions.- Michael Sean Winters, Heresy accusation letter, deconstructed

Lionel: Feeney, remember, clung to the proposition "Extra ecclesiam nulla salus" — there is no salvation outside the church. He admitted only his narrow interpretation of this claim.
Yes. Fr.Leonard Feeney's interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) is supported by Vatican Council II, Feeneyite, a frightful spectre for the liberals.This is something that has come from out of the blues. No one planned it or even conceived it.The Council is Feeneyite.
But the signatories do not yet know about this. May be in the text petition they will focus on this issue. Then the liberals
cannot cite Vatican Council II(Cushingite) to justify heresy, schism and sacrilege.-Lionel Andrades

, MAY 3, 2019

Michael Sean Winters is probably aware of Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) and is afraid and and so mentions it often

Michael Sean Winters is probably aware of Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) and is afraid and and so mentions it often.

It is also clear that this line of argument really finds its roots not in the theology of John Paul II, still less the Second Vatican Council. These are neo-Feeneyites, adhering to the most extreme theological positions held before the Vatican II. (Fr. Leonard Feeney was an arch-conservative, whose views were so extreme he was excommunicated in 1953.) So, for example, they write that "[t]hese heresies are interconnected. The basis of Catholic sexual morality consists in the claim that sexual activity exists for the sake of procreation within marriage and is morally wrong if knowingly engaged outside of this sphere." Except that the Second Vatican Council and every pope since clearly taught that there are two ends of sexual intimacy, procreation and the unity of the spouses. This latter doesn't make the cut for the neo-Feeneyites.- Michael Sean Winters, Heresy accusation letter, deconstructed

Lionel: 'the most extreme theological positions held before the Vatican II' was the official teaching on no salvation outside the Church.Hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire(BOD), baptism of blood(BOB) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) were interpreted by the popes and saint as only being hypothetical. There were interpreted as objective exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).Hypothetical cases are just hypothetical, this is Feeneyism. When the liberals at the NCR interpret hypothetical cases as being objective exceptions to EENS we have Cushingism. Cardinal Cushing was there are Vatican Council II and we can see his influence in the text of the Council. Cushingism is irrational. Since there are no hypothetical cases of BOD, BOB and I.I visible or known in 1965-2019 for them to be relevant or objective exceptions to EENS.
So we can re-interpret Vatican Council II. Here comes the uncomfortable part for Winters and the others at NCR.
I repeat , Vatican Council II can be interpreted with Feeneyism( BOD etc are only hypothetical and not literal cases).
So the Council with Feeneyism supports the 'most extreme theological position held before Vatican II ' The Council is Feeneyite.😊
This is unfortunately the point missed by the signatories of the Open Letter. For then they would be neo-Feeneyites since the Council is Feeneyite.They don't have to cite the dogma EENS and the old catechisms. It is all there in Vatican Council II (Feeneyite).
Winters is probably aware of Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) and is afraid and and so mentions it often. Even when there is no connection with the subject he is writing on, as above.
A theolgical winter seems looming ahead for him.
-Lionel Andrades


Sri Lankan Catholics return to Mass after bombings, archbishop refuses protection

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COLOMBO, May 1, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith of Sri Lanka affirmed that Masses will be publicly celebrated throughout the country on Sunday but called for additional military response in the aftermath of the deadly Muslim terror attacks on Easter Sunday.
On Tuesday, Cardinal Ranjith, who is archbishop of Colombo, said Masses will resume on Sunday. "But we will start with a smaller number of masses and see if we can slowly increase it depending on how the situation develops," he said. The Catholic Church continues to monitor the Sri Lankan government’s probe of the attacks that took the lives of as many as 320 people at three Catholic churches, an evangelical Christian church, and hotels in the island nation.
While soldiers and armoured vehicles have bolstered security at his residence in the capital city in a show of increased security, Cardinal Ranjith is eschewing the bulletproof limousine provided by the government. Saying he will travel in an ordinary automobile, he said, “I am not afraid. I don’t need bulletproof vehicles to go about. The Lord is my protector.” He added, “But I want security for my people, and for the country.” Soldiers will guard churches on Sunday, where metal detectors and other measures will be in place.

LifeSite News like the traditionalists and conservatives accept Vatican Council II ( Cushingite ) which is irrational and heretical : they are not aware of Vatican Council II (Feeneyite)

Dorothy Cummings McLean

Reuters dismisses ‘extremists’ who accused Pope Francis of heresy

By Dorothy Cummings McLean

ROME, Italy, May 2, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – International news service Reuters has dismissed the “Open Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church” in which prominent clergymen and scholars accuse Pope Francis of committing heresy as the work of “extremists.”  
Lionel: The popular norm in the Church is Vatican Council II( Cushingite) and not the orthodox Vatican Council II( Feeneyite) If the norm was Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) then the conservatives would be mainstream in the Catholic Church. They ecclesiastics at the Vatican would be conservative. But now with Cushingism there is a rupture with Tradition. The ecclesiastics at the Vatican officially support a rupture with the orthodox and conservative teachings of the Catholic Church.Even the traditionalists and conservatives accept Vatican Council II, Cushingite which is irrational and heretical.
Reuters otherwise calls Vatican Council (Cushingite) 'a revolution' and a break with the past. So those who do not follow this heretical line, are called extremists and conservatives.
On May 1, Reuters produced a news article about the “Open Letter” which appeared, among other places, in The New York Times. Reuters and its clients titled the piece “Conservatives Want Catholic Bishops to Denounce Pope as Heretic.” Labeling the signers of the open letter as "conservatives" instead of faithful Catholics was the first in a number of labels used to undermine the signers' initiative, thus suggesting Reuters' bias. 
Lionel: The signers of the Open Letter needed to first address the issue of Vatican Council II, Cushingite and Feeneyite. The Council can be interpreted with hypothetical cases being hypothetical or non hypothetical.The conclusion will be different. 
Now there is an official repture with Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus, the past exclusive ecclesiology of the Church, the Syllabus of Errors etc.
They have not made the distinction between visible and invisible baptism of desire, baptism of blood and being saved in invincible ignorance. 
For Reuters BOD, BOB and I.I are visible and so contradict Feeneyite EENS. Similarly LG 14, LG 16 etc contradict EENS and the past ecclesiology.This is the new norm. There are new doctrines on salvation, ecumenism, mission etc based upon the irrational premise ( BOD etc refers to visible persons in the present times).Those who are orthodox reject the new doctrines.They are considered to be in a minority. Since the popes and the CDF affirm Magisterial documents interpreted with the irrationality; with Cushingite reasoning.
This error was not corrected by the signatories nor is it addressed by LifeSites News.
In their article, author Philip Pullella and his editor William Maclean mischaracterize the original signers of the “Open Letter” accusing Pope Francis of heresy as “ultra-conservatives.” They called the document “the latest ultra-conservative broadside against the pontiff over a range of topics from communion for the divorced to religious diversity.”
The Reuters article does not address the central issue – whether or not Pope Francis has broken with at least seven teachings of the Church – instead painting the letter as an “attack” on the pontiff for “allegedly softening the Church’s stance on a range of subjects.”
Lionel: With Vatican Council II (Cushingite) there is a break with Tradition. This is acknowledged by the popes. When his attention was called to his statement at Abu Dhabi he referred to Vatican Council II ( Cushingite of course!).
Cardinal Walter Kasper said that if ecclesiology( salvation, mission, ecumenism etc) can be changed ( with Cushingism of course ) then why cannot the Eucharist be given to the divorced and re-married. That was his answer to the dubbia cardinals : Vatican Council II, interpreted with Cushingism,makes every thing possible.
Speaking of the Open Letter’s authors, the article erroneously claimed that “they say he has not been outspoken enough against abortion and has been too welcoming to homosexuals and too accommodating to Protestants and Muslims...”
Lionel : They were vague here. They were referring to the effects of a theology without identifying the theology which created the effects. They could not do so.Since they do not fully understand the difference between Cushingism and Feeneyism and how the Council can be interpreted in two ways.
In fact, the Open Letter accused Pope Francis of having, through his words and actions, advanced the following seven heretical positions
God not only permits, but positively wills, the pluralism and diversity of religions, both Christian and non-Christian.
Lionel: Again this can be justified with Vatican Council II ( Cushingite).
“Rather than being a 'conservative Catholic website', LifeSite is an international news service focusing on issues of life, family and related cultural issues.
Lionel : LifeSite encourages the Catholic family to interpret mission, salvation and evangelisation with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism. They also interpret Vatican Council II with Cushingism. 
He added that most of the LifeSiteNews staff are “exceptionally well-informed and faithful, rather than ‘conservative,’ Catholics. Several have Catholicism-related Masters degrees and at least one has a PhD and another is working on his PhD.” 
Lionel: Their academic degrees are based upon Cushingism which is the norm at the pontifical and secular universities , for example, in Italy.-Lionel Andrades

Rome March for Life head: Abortion is the ‘blood sacrifice’ the devil now demands

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ROME, May 3, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) —The Trump administration’s pro-life policies are a shining example for Europe, while US Democrat politicians appear to be serving at Satan’s altar by supporting legalized infanticide, the president of the annual Rome March for Life has said ahead of this year’s event.

In an interview with LifeSite, in the lead up to the May 18 march through the heart of the Eternal City, Virginia Coda Nunziante praised the Trump administration’s concrete action to protect the most vulnerable among us. Pointing to his cutting of funding for abortion and his live addresses to participants in the annual March for Life in Washington, she said the European pro-life world “would like our politicians to have his courage in this specific respect.” 
Yet the “decisive factor,” she said, will be the appointment of another pro-life judge to the Supreme Court. “If in the next few years the highest judiciary in the United States takes a pro-life stance, it will be a turning point in the United States and this will have a strong impact in Europe.” 
“What happened in New York and in other American states, in my opinion, is a response that  Democrats wanted to give to President Trump’s prolife policy,” she said. “They wanted to show that abortion is their war-horse and that, if the President were to go ahead with his pro-life policies (for example by appointing a new member of the Supreme Court), they would not be unprepared."
Speaking of the particular challenges facing Italy, which has one of the lowest birthrates, Coda Nunziante said changing laws can seem “impossible” from a human point of view. But, she added, “with God all things are possible.” 
What is essential is to “raise the banner of Truth, without compromise, in defense of life and the family,” she said. “Truth, like Good, has an intrinsic power to spread and conquer souls, the final victory will be ours because 'God has overcome the world' (cf. Jn. 16:33).”
Here is our interview with Virginia Coda Nunziante head of this year’s Rome March for Life.
LifeSite: Virginia, you have spoken of the annual March for Life in Washington, DC as the “mother” of all marches. How significant for Europe and Italy in particular is the US’s role as a beacon of life? 
Coda Nunziante: The example coming to us from the United States is truly enlightening. What the March for Life has achieved in the more than 40 years is there for all to see: an entire generation of young people is becoming more and more pro-life and with their enthusiasm and determination the destiny of the country will change. Europe, but principally Italy — which is the country with one of the lowest birth rates — must take what happens overseas as an example, to put the theme of life back at the center of politics and public policy, both in its action against abortion and in its action to promote the birth rate.
What is your impression of the Trump Administration’s policies on life? Is he seen as a pro-life president in Europe?
Quite aside from any judgment about the man, there is no doubt that the Trump administration has given great attention to the issue of life. I cannot imagine a President in any European country who, as soon as he is elected, cuts public funding for abortion. Not only that: his live addresses from the Oval Office, to all the participants in the annual March for Life, also shows his particular attention to this theme. Let’s not forget that he also sent Vice-President Pence to the square for two years in a row to speak on stage at the March for Life. In the European pro-life world, President Trump is considered pro-life, and we would like our politicians to have his courage in this specific respect. However, the decisive factor will be what happens within the Supreme Court, especially if President Trump is re-elected. If, as I hope, in the next few years the highest judiciary in the United States takes a pro-life stance, it will be a turning point in the United States and this will have a strong impact in Europe.  
The New York legislature recently passed a bill legalizing infanticide (abortion up to nine months with the fate of a child who survives being left up to the woman and her doctor), to the cheers of Democrats. Similar bills have been introduced by Democrats in other states? How do you explain the acceleration of evil? And how would the “average Italian” think of this sort of law?
What happened in New York and in other American states, in my opinion, is a response that the Democrats wanted to give to President Trump’s pr-life policy. They wanted to show that abortion is their war-horse and that if the President were to go ahead with his pro-life policies (for example by appointing a new member of the Supreme Court), they would not be unprepared. Abortion is the blood sacrifice that the devil asks of today’s societies, and when you try to hinder, reduce or fight it, the devil unleashes even more violent campaigns in order not to lose ground.
During my travels in Italy, every time any reference is made to what was legalized in New York, a shiver of horror runs through the room: people are incredulous that such atrocities are committed. But unfortunately, it is only a matter of time: if we do not react immediately we too will accept abortion in the ninth month and infanticide

The approach which should have been used by the 19 signatories of the Open Letter to the Bishops on Pope Francis' heresies would be to identify Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite). Then interpret the Council in harmony with all Magisterial documents, also interpreted with Feeneyism. Once this orthodoxy is established they would then present what they have written

The approach which should have been used by the 19 signatories of the Open Letter to the Bishops on Pope Francis' heresies would be to identify Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite). Then interpret the Council in harmony with all Magisterial documents, also interpreted with Feeneyism.
 Image result for Photo Massimo Faggioli
Once this orthodoxy is established they would then present what they have written.They could show that Pope Francis  generally accepts and promotes heresy. They would point out precise theology which creates new doctrines.
They would not say that he 'seems' to be promoting heresy. 
This has not been done in the present Open Letter and even Cushingite Massimo Faggioli noted it. The signatories have pointed out the heretical doctrines but not the particular theology (Cushingism) which is responsible for it and which can be avoided in future.
Pope Francis cites Vatican Council II (Cushingite) in his defence. He does not disagree with those who criticize him. On the plane from Abu Dhabi, when asked, he said that he had not shifted a millimetre or two from Vatican Council II. He meant Vatican Council II ( Cushingite) in which Lumen Gentium 16, for example, refers to known non Catholics saved outside the Church in ignorance or a good conscience.
But there is no such person in 2019 he had to be told. LG 16 refers to only a hypothetical case. So it does not contradict Feeneyite EENS which suggests that the person with whom he signed the document in Abu Dhabi was on the way to Hell. Vatican Council II (AG 7) says he does not have faith and baptism for salvation. This is interpreting Vatican Council II without the false premise. It is Feeneyism.
His critics  do not point out the difference between Vatican Council II Cushingite and Feeneyite.The conclusions of the two interpertations are different. One is traditional and rational and the other is heretical and non traditional.It is black and white and like the binary system of the computers.
Once it is clear that Pope Francis is using Cushingite theology, which is different from my Feeneyite theology, his doctrinal errors can be identified.
 Then when Pope Francis is asked about it he cannot cite Vatican Council II ( Cushingism).There would be no citation in the Council, which would support him.If he uses the irrational premise he would be checked.
If he says that Nostra Aetate contradicts Ad Gentes 7 which says all need faith and baptism for salvation, he would be corrected.No where does Nostra Aetate say that there are physically known non Catholics saved outside the Church. It does not say that we know any one who is an exception to Feeneyite extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).
If he says Protestants do not need to enter the
Church since they are saved in imperfect communion with the Church(UR 3) it would be pointed out that UR 3 refers to a hypothetical case.It does not refer to  someone we know in 2019. So it is not an exception to Ad Gentes 7 which says all need Catholic faith and the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.So he cannot cite Vatican Council II any more.
If he says the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) is obsolete with Vatican Council II it would be pointed out to him that LG 8, LG 14, LG 16, UR 3, NA 2, GS 22 etc can refer to only hypothetical people and so are not literal cases of non Catholics saved outside the Church.They are not objective exceptions to EENS in 1965-2019.The Council, Feeneyite, supports 'triumphalism' and exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
So he has no argument any more from Vatican Council II to support his heresies.
Presently Pope Francis and Pope Benedict reject EENS with the irrational Cushingite premise and inference.
This is heresy.
He changes the meaning of the Athanasius Creed with allegedly visible cases of LG 8, LG 16 etc.This is irrational. It is also heresy.
He changes our understanding of the Nicene Creed and Apostles Creed with alleged seen in the flesh cases of non Catholics saved outside the Catholic Church, when Vatican Council II does not mention any.This is first class heresy in the hierarchy of truths of Pope John Paul. Doctrine is being changed here.The Creeds have a new meaning. This is serious stuff.
He reinterprets all the Catechisms to create a rupture with the Catechism of Pope Pius X which says all need to be members of the Catholic Church for salvation.He can choose to interpret the Catechisms rationally if he wants to.
The Catechisms now contradict themselves and the dogma EENS and the Syllabus of Errors. This is a doctrinal mess.
All this is possible for the two popes and the CDF since they interpret BOD, BOB and I.I as exceptions to Feeneyite EENS. So they assume that the Holy Office 1949 was correct and Fr. Leonard Feeney was wrong.
They also reinterpret Vatican Council II with hypothetical cases being non hypothetical in the present times and so the Council emerges as a rupture with the past ecclesiology, an ecumenism of return and traditional EENS. So there is a rupture, a schism with the past popes on EENS.
This is all heresy and schism. Offering Mass in Italian is a sacrilege.Heresy is an impediment. Schism with the past popes based on bad reasoning, is also an impediment to offering Holy Mass for a priest.
This has been the teaching of the Catholic Church for centuries and it is not a personal opinion. I am only calling attention to what the Church has taught inspired by the Holy Spirit and which was accepted as Magisterium by Catholics.
These points are not covered in the Open Letter to the Bishops since the signatories also interpret Vatican Council II with the irrational premise and inference. For them there are objective exceptions to Feeneyite EENS. This is also the mistake made in general by the cardinals and bishops in ignorance.
Pope Francis is still the pope for me even though he is in heresy like most of the cardinals and bishops and the signatories of the Open Letter to the Bishops. They are Cushingites and not Feeneyites. I am a Feeneyite and not a Cushingite. Cushingism is like the past- Aryan heresy. It has spread throughout the Church. It is the precise cause of the hermeneutic of rupture in the interpretation of Vatican Council II and other Magisterial documents.It creates heresy.
-Lionel Andrades

May 2, 2019

 Image result for Photos same mistake

Cushingite signatories unaware of Vatican Council II (Cushingite) ploy : repeat same mistake